CBC.ca Prince Edward Island
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Bullying was pretty much restricted to the schoolyard a few years ago. A child might have dreaded going to school, but at least home was a safe haven.

Many high school spend hours a day on MSN
Many teenagers spend
hours a day on MSN

No longer. The internet has brought a new kind of bullying, and it has brought it right into our homes, sometimes without parents even being aware that it's happening.

Cyber-bullying takes many forms: abusive e-mails, hate websites, rumour-mongering in chat rooms, distribution of embarrassing photographs. The results can be even more devastating than old-style bullying, and longer lasting. What happens in the schoolyard usually stays in the schoolyard, but activity on the internet is available for the whole world to see, and potentially never goes away.

In the faceless and seemingly anonymous world of the internet, innocent chat can easily degenerate, moving quickly from angry words, to the spreading of vicious rumours, to the creation of hate sites.

The RCMP have prepared a presentation for high school students on the dangers of the internet
The RCMP have prepared a
presentation for high school
students on the dangers
of the internet

Recently in New Brunswick, cyber-bullying led to a violent incident in the real world. Police linked a stabbing at a school cafeteria in the Richibucto area to it. Police in Nova Scotia are reporting an increase in cyber-bullying complaints, and Regina has created a bylaw dealing with cyber-bullying.

On Prince Edward Island, schools and police are working together to try to prevent cyber-bullying. Sally Pitt has prepared a special two-part report for CBC-TV.

CBC.ca has gathered together this material to help parents and young people deal with this growing problem.

Related Links
From CBC News:

CBC Saskatchewan, April 25, 2006:
Regina bylaw to target cyber-bullies

CBC New Brunswick, March 14, 2006:
School launches fight against cyber-bullies

CBC Health and Science, Feb. 20, 2006:
Schools tackle cyber-bullying

CBC New Brunswick, Feb. 16, 2006:
Cyber-bullying likely linked to stabbing: RCMP

CBC Nova Scotia, May 16, 2005:
Cyber-bullying complaints on the rise

In Depth: Cyber-bullying

External links:

Media Awareness Network

Dealing with bullies


Bully B'ware Productions

Stop Bullying Me

Alfred University study of hazing on college sports teams, 1999


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