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Swim the Strait

CBC Radio and Televison | July 28, 2005

When Kristin Roe started her pool training last winter for a crossing of the Northumberland Strait the event must have seemed a long way off. Now, it's behind her: a swim of seven hours and forty five minutes, more than two hours faster than her best hopes.

Kristen Roe
Kristin Roe
Roe undertook the swim in the hopes of raising $20,000 in support of people with HIV/AIDS. Half of that will go to people on the Island, and the other half to the Stephen Lewis Foundation for support of people in Africa.

The first successful crossing of the Strait was by Evelyn Henry in 1951, a feat repeated by her daughter Andrea Brown in 1989. Roe has been receiving advice on the swim from Barb McNeill, who swam the Strait in 1987. McNeill went on to swim the English Channel in 1989.

Roe swam competitively at university, specializing in long distances - up to five kilometres - and she never felt the races were long enough. But she is more excited by what her efforts could achieve in the fight against HIV. She has been passionate about the issue since hearing Stephen Lewis speak at the University of Guelph in 2001.

Kristen Roe at Eliot River School as part of the fundraising launch
Kristin spoke at an event
at Eliot River School as part
of the fundraising launch.
"People are going to take a look at our history books of this generation and they're going to see a few major items that come up in our history," says Roe, "and one of them is going to be HIV and AIDS."

Roe has now raised close to $15,000, and her fundraising efforts continue.

CBC News coverage from the day of the swim:

Intended path across the Northumberland Strait
From Cape Tormentine, N.B. to Borden-Carleton, P.E.I.

Intended path across the Northumberland Strait


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From CBC P.E.I.
July 28, 2005:
CBC News at Six's Sara Fraser talks to Kristen Roe following her swim. (runs 3:38) Click to watch RealVideo file

July 28, 2005: CBC News at Six's Brian Higgins reports on Kristen Roe's swim. (runs 2:48) Click to watch RealVideo file

July 28, 2005: A large crowd gathered to greet Kristen Roe as she made a ceremonial swim into Borden Harbour. (runs 5:52) Click to listen to RealAudio file

July 28, 2005: The CBC's Nancy Russell talks to Kristen Roe just after she sets foot on the P.E.I. shore. (runs 5:51) Click to listen to RealAudio file

July 28, 2005: The CBC's Nancy Russell reports from one of the support boats at 8:15 a.m. Thursday. (runs 6:46) Click to listen to RealAudio file

July 28, 2005: The CBC's Nancy Russell reports from one of the support boats at 7:15 a.m. Thursday. (runs 5:34) Click to listen to RealAudio file

July 27, 2005: The CBC's Nancy Russell visits with Kristin Roe in her final days of preparation.
(runs 7:32) Click to listen to RealAudio file

July 26, 2005: Memories of the Strait - Barb McNeill reminisces about her swim across the Northumberland Strait in 1987. (runs 7:10) Click to listen to RealAudio file

Jun. 16, 2005: Kristin Roe launches her fundraising campaign with a dive into Charlottetown Harbour.
(runs 1:47) Click to watch RealVideo file

Feb. 16, 2005: CBC News at Six's Laura Meader talks to Kristin Roe as she begins planning, and training
(runs 2:06) Click to watch RealVideo file

Related Links

Swim the Strait

The Stephen Lewis Foundation


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