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CBC Radio One Maritime Magazine

Christina Harnett comes to Maritime Magazine after nearly a decade producing the Halifax afternoon show, Mainstreet. Originally from Newfoundland, Christina came to Halifax in 1995 to attend the journalism program at the University of King's College. Aside from a brief stint at CBC Corner Brook, she never left. (Although like all true Newfoundlanders, she's frequently homesick.) She is the proud mother of Gillian and Duncan, and her husband Tim Currie, teaches On-line Journalism at King's. Her all-time CBC Radio hero is Eleanor Wachtel, for her wonderful interviews and wealth of knowledge. And if she wasn't so thrilled to be producing Maritime Magazine, Christina would happily follow in her own mother's footsteps, a woman who went back to school at 60+ to become a chef!

You can reach the program by emailing us at marmag@cbc.ca.
Sunday Mornings,
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
on CBC Radio One
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