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No Cancellations



No cancellations







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To report a P.E.I. cancellation:
between 6:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

the rest of the day.

Related Links

P.E.I. Road Conditions

Current conditions on Prince Edward Island's major roads as updated by the highways section of Transportation and Public Works.

( CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites. External links will open in a new window.)

Stormwatch Phone Numbers:

Air Canada Flight Information:
(800) 422-7533

Confederation Bridge:
(888) 437-6565

Island Tel: (800) 529-7371

Maritime Electric: (800) 670-1012

P.E.I. Road Conditions:

Charlottetown: (902) 368-4750

Georgetown: (902) 652-8960

Summerside: (902) 888-8275

New Brunswick Road Report:
(800) 561-4063

Nova Scotia Road Report:
(800) 307-7669