What’s New

Got young budding film or animation talent in your household? They could find themselves walking down the red carpet and winning prizes at a special premiere at Empire Theatres during the 5th ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth, running April 18-22, 2006.

Two highly popular contests for amateur Nova Scotian filmmakers, the 2006 Movie and Animation Challenges seek under five-minute film or animation entries from those 18 years of age and under.

Find out more about our Animation and Movie Challenges (deadline March 31, 2006 and our Youth Jury (deadline January 27, 2006).

Call for Entry

5th Anniversary ViewFinders International Film Festival for Youth (VF5)April 18-22, 2006

The 5th annual ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth (VF5) features quality family-oriented films and videos from all over the world with a range appropriate for every member of the household. Film categories include a comprehensive school program for each key age group from primary to senior high. VF5 showcases animation, documentary and live-action short films. Film fans of all ages will gather in Halifax for good times, great movies, and a chance to get a fresh take on the world around them.

Program Highlights:

Stay tuned as details and entry forms for the Youth Jury and Movie and Animation Challenges will be here in January 2006!

Youth Jury – Are you a movie buff with something to say? Plan on watching some old favorites or new releases over the holidays? Then put pen to paper and start preparing your entry for the Youth Jury! Jury members receive film-critique training from the pros and participate in the award selection for the Movie and Animation Challenges. Jury members also receive a Family Pack to attend ViewFinders. Give us your best shot at a 250 word review of the film of your choice and tell us why you'd make a good jury member. Deadline for submissions is January 27th. More details to come!

Movie and Animation Challenges - Can't keep your hands off the camera? Is your head practically exploding with good scripts ideas? Been practicing your Academy Award speech since 2nd grade? Then don't sleep through the holidays: gather your crew and get filming! Keep it under 5 minutes and your crew under 18 years of age. And watch this space for the entry form in January! If selected as one of the top 10 entries, your film or video will be show on the big screen during ViewFinders and you'll have a chance to win cash prizes. Start practicing your acceptance speech now!

The Workshop Zone - We don't just show you films from around the world during ViewFinders: we provide you with the tools to make them! ViewFinders 5 will include hands-on workshops in film and animation techniques through to industry career exploration opportunities.

Director’s Corner – Find out from the hottest directors working in the field what’s really involved in creating and maintaining a vision through an entire project.

Festival in a Van – Throughout February and March 2006 a selection of ViewFinders short film highlights including 3 award-winners from the Challenges will be screened throughout Atlantic Canada as a 'Tour de Shorts'. Full details of the Tour Shorts coming in January!

Film Submission Requirements:

Download the full ViewFinders Call for Entry PDF form.

1. Deadline for entries is Friday, January 20, 2006. Entries must be sent prepaid and include completed entry form, preview tape, stills (digital images must be at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in tiff or jpeg format), full credit lists and any other relevant support material (director, producer and actor bios, media releases, etc.).

2. There is no entry fee.

3. Only 1/2” VHS (NTSC or PAL) videotapes and Region 1 DVDs will be accepted for preview. DO NOT send master tapes or film prints for preview screening.

4. Works submitted in languages other than English must be subtitled in English.

5. Please use separate entry forms for each individual entry.

6. Submissions may be fiction, documentary, animation or experimental of any length, but must be appropriate for an audience
under the age of 19.

7. ViewFinders also has a youth-produced competitive component of the Festival – ViewFinders Movie Challenge and Teletoon Animation
Challenge. For more information on entering this contest, please go to www.atlanticfilm.com/view.

8. If selected for VF5, exhibition prints may be presented in 16mm film, 35mm film, NTSC Betacam SP video or DVD Region 1. We cannot screen PAL or DV formats.

9. You will be notified of the selection committee’s final decision by Friday, March 10, 2006.

10. If you would like your preview tape sent back after the selection process, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope (for submissions from outside Canada, please use international postal

11. If you are sending work from outside Canada, please indicate on the outside of the package: FOR FESTIVAL PREVIEW ONLY, NO COMMERCIAL VALUE or you may be required to pay customs duties.

12. All shipping costs to Halifax for accepted exhibition prints must be paid by the participant. The Festival will pay shipping costs for their return back to the participant after the Festival.

13. The Festival will make every effort to ensure the safe keeping of all productions submitted for competition, which are in its care or control. However, the Applicant in applying to the Festival agrees to release the Festival, its Officers, Directors and other representatives, from any and all claims arising in any way from the submission of materials by or on behalf of the Applicant, whether on film, video or otherwise to the Festival.

14. The Festival retains the power to decide on all matters not specifically dealt with in these regulations. No application will be accepted unless signed.

15. Notice of participation implies recognition of these regulations. In any dispute, the decisions of the Festival will be final.

Download the full ViewFinders Call for Entry PDF form.

Contact the ViewFinders office at 902-422-3456 or email programming@atlanticfilm.com.

Stay Informed!

  • If you would like to receive Viewfinders updates, please contact us

  • Download the Call for Entry PDF for complete rules and regulations for submitting films

  • Give to the VF5

  • Email us with your questions and/or comments
