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CBC Radio One Information Morning

The Partyliners are the heart and soul of Information Morning. Every morning at 6:20, we speak with one of the partyliners to find out everything that's going on in their community.

From hot political issues to fundraisers to the stories of special people making a difference, our Partyliners keep us up-to-date.

They are key members of Information Morning's extended family.

Ray Toomey: Bridgewater. Ray was born in 1929 in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Graduate of K.C.A., St. F.X., and Acadia University. Spent 30 years of his life in education and loved every minute. Married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren who make  his world go round. Now in his 15th year of retirement. Very active in community volunteer work. Helping others is a very important ascpect of his life.


Peggy Atkinson: Liverpool.
I've been married 45 years to John. We have three children, Shane, Lisa and Melissa. Retired PR consultant;Municipal Councillor for Liverpool Town Council 1990-1996; presently a member of the Queens General Hospital Auxiliary, and a past board member of Queens General Hospital for 11 years. A present member of Liverpool Kiwanis Club; and an volunteer for numerous community events.


Dianne Powell
CBC is a great unifying force in Canada and "Information Morning" creates a sense of community and family every morning as Nova Scotians start their day.I teach high school French in Truro, and have four children, four dogs and two cats.


Dick Levy: Digby
Dick was born in 1932 and attended Digby Academy and Digby Regional High School. He married in 1957, has two daughters and three grandchildren. A certified pharmacist, Dick worked in his father's pharmacy before he opened his own in 1981. Dick was elected Mayor of Digby in 1988. He continues to be busy with many community services and festivals. He has been a partyliner since 1998.


Mary Willa Littler
As well as being a party-liner for Information Morning, my other interests include historical research about Springhill and its coal-mining history.


Aleah Palmer Lomas
My many volunteer activities include positions on school and hospital building committees, a stint in New York as a photojournalist, a Brownie leader, hospital auxiliary and theatre board member as well as historical and heritage-related activities.I am now retired after ten years in charge of the Sherbrooke Library and enjoy being surrounded by my grandchildren and dabbling in my other interests -- cooking, gardening and reading.


Claudia Tugwell: Wolfville
I am a retired school teacher who has lived in Wolfville since 1972. I am the local rep for Welcome Wagon and I do some tutoring. My hobbies include cycling, reading, hiking, and I have a passion for word games especially Scrabble. Over the years I have been on various committees in our community. I am married and have a son and a daughter. Recently I became a grandmother. What a thrill!


Chris Cook moved to Mulgarve in 2001 from Cook's Cove, where he was born in 1975. Employed as a social worker in the Strait Area, he and his wife Melissa have one son, Elliott. Chirs is the organist at two of the town's churches and directs the ecumenical choir. He is an avid gardner and is an amateur photographer. He has written two books of the history of his hometown, Guysborough.


Mary Leblanc: Canso
I have been a Partyliner from Canso for over seven years and have lived here since 1972. Edmund and I have 5 children, four currently in different Nova Scotia Universities and Community College and the youngest in Grade 10. This year I accepted the Principalship at Canso Academy and to date enjoy the challenge. My favorite pastimes are running, curling, reading, puzzles, TV, volunteering and staying out of the kitchen while my husband cooks!


Laurent D'Entremont: West Pubnico
Laurent is a freelance writer, does plenty of volunteer work at Acadian Museum and Acadian Historical Village...where you may find him giving rides to tourists at times in his 1915 Model T or 1931 Model A Woody Wagon. He also enjoys doing standup comedy at banquets, festivals etc.


Dean Taylor: Annapolis Royal Interlocking and/or adjoining careers, first being a news broadcaster, then a freelance writer, English teacher, sitcom writer for CBC-TV, and throughout a playwright, which he is currently, and has been since his 'retirement.'


John Verlinden: Musquodobit Harbour.
John moved to Nova Scotia from Ontario in 1986 for a five year posting. As you can probably tell, he fell in love with both the province and the Eastern Shore. Linda and John now call Musquodobit Harbour hoome. They have two children: Becky who lives in Dartmouth and Heidi who lives with her Bruce in Halifax. Both John and Linda work at Northwood and drive to work each day. John is active in his community, serving as President of the Musquodobit Harbour Heritage Society and as an active member of the local Lions Club. John is also a strong supporter of local business and the value of tourism as an economic driver for the area.



6:00 - 8:37 a.m.
on CBC Radio One
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