CBC.ca New Brunswick
CBC Radio One Information Morning Fredericton
Just Wondering

Monday, Dec. 10:
Do you have to dim your lights on a double lane highway?
Listen to find out why Click to listen to RealAudio file (runs 2:58)


Tuesday, Jan 8:
Who made the first snowblowers for home use?
Listen to find out why Click to listen to RealAudio file (runs 3:55)


Wednesday, Dec 12:
Why is there no choclate in mocha cakes?
Listen to find out why Click to listen to RealAudio file (runs 3:20)


Thursday, Jan 3:
Why has the price of locally grown mushrooms been so high?
Listen to find out why Click to listen to RealAudio file (runs 6:03)


Friday, Dec. 14:
What does the phrase "When children are present" mean?
Listen to find out why Click to listen to RealAudio file (runs 5:13)


Just Wondering
6:00 - 8:37 a.m.
on 99.5 FM CBC Radio One.

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