CBC.ca New Brunswick
CBC Radio One Information Morning Fredericton
Host of Information Morning Fredericton

Terry Seguin

Terry SeguinTerry began his career in journalism in Ontario in the late 1970s. He moved to New Brunswick in 1983 and never left! "I was born in Ontario but New Brunswick is my home."

Terry has loved radio ever since he was a child. "I was destined to work in radio. I remember lying in bed when I was a young kid listening to my first transistor radio, hearing CKLW from Windsor, Ontario and marvelling at being able to hear music being played hundreds of miles away." That early experience led to a keen interest in shortwave radio and a devotion to the BBC Worldservice.

Terry spent 23 years as a television journalist. During that time he won several awards for his investigative work and hosted a number of network news programs, including The National and Newsworld Morning.

As host of Information Morning, Terry finds he's able to use all the skills he's honed as an interviewer and television anchor and pick up some new ones!

6:00 - 8:30 a.m.
on 99.5 FM CBC Radio One.

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