CBC.ca New Brunswick
CBC News CBC News at Six
Your Town New Brunswick

During the past 30 years, we've visited every corner of the province, telling your stories from your home towns. Well, times have changed, and so have your towns.

Below you will find the web archive of your stories which you can search by date and location.


We want your suggestions!

Tell us why we should visit your home town, or your favorite town in the province.

Send in your suggestionsClick arrow to view page in a new window
Give us a good idea of why your town is important, and who we should profile. Maybe there's a hot news story, or a local hero who the rest of the province should meet.

(Link opens in a new window.)
The CBC News at Six newscast is not available for available Monday, Oct. 8, 2007 due to CFL coverage.
Latest newscast (runs 60:00)
Available approximately 15 minutes after broadcast.

Latest CBC News at Six newscast (runs 60:00)
Available approximately 15 minutes after broadcast in Real Media Format.

Latest newscast
Only available between 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. (AT), Monday to Friday.

Click to view pageLatest video from CBC Newsworld and CBC-TV

(External link opens in a new windowThe on-demand and live newscasts are available in Windows Media)


Weekday evenings,
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
on CBC Television and Bell ExpressVu 196
Peter's Pics
Send your photos to Peter Coade
By e-mail: peterspics@cbc.ca
By mail: P.O. Box 2200
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 5G4
Everything New Brunswick - Send us your PSA or community event

Everything New Brunswick:
Find or submit your community events or public service announcements.

Your Turn - Send us your suggestion
We want to hear from you
What issues are on your mind? Tell us the stories you want to see on CBC News at Six.
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