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CBC Radio One Information Morning Moncton
On the Job
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Human Resources expert Pierre BattahIt's a reality. Most of us have to work for a living. So why not make that time as productive, rewarding and fun--yes, fun!-- as possible?

Every Monday on Information Morning, Human Resources expert Pierre Battah helps you maximize your time at work.

Pierre isn't afraid to go where others fear to tread. When is a good time to retire? How do you delegate? Is it a good idea to date the boss? What's the best way to change careers?

In your car, at your desk, on the treadmill...listen to Pierre's advice at 7:50 a.m. every Monday morning on CBC Radio One. 1070 AM Your Morning Cup of Moncton!

Find out about Pierre Battah

Link opens in a new windowE-mail your suggestions or feedback to Pierre

The office Luddite - whether you are one, or you have to deal with one.
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When children gets sick, Mom or Dad stays home - which means they can't be at work.
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Office Talker - that person who jokes, laughs, gossip and plain annoy. Get back to work, already !
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'I gave at the office' : Many companies put special emphasis on charities during the holidays.
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The dreaded C word. What to do, and say, when a colleague has CANCER.
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When your colleagues become your friends ... where do you draw the line on how much you tell a co-worker.
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Take a break ! Why sabbaticals are catching on as a way to recharge batteries and explore work-life balance.
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"Where's that BEEP-ing report? " - Why profanity and swearing can boost morale on the job.
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It's a ... job dilemma - How to tell your boss you're pregnant .
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When does 'work stress' become " DISTRESS ", and what can an employer do about it ?
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Company Secrets, customer lists, pricing formulas. What are the rights of the employer -and employees -when someone leaves?
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How do Employers perceive workers who are heading into the workforce and find themselves overqualified ?
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FOUR ! Look out , if you don't golf, you may be missing out on important business networking opportunities.
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An independent commission has called for the creation of three polytechnic schools in the province.
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The Glass ceilling...women make up half the workforce....but holding half top drawer jobs is still a big dream.
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Tips on helping your teens finding a "Summer Jobs for High School students".
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When the big guns pull out ...how employees and communities cope with major shutdowns at the community's main employer.
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How do you deal with the changes in your worplace when your company has been taken over by another company ?
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Give me more ... What to do if you feel underchallenged at work.
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So many Websites ... so little time ...Some employers are limiting staff internet access.
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Giving out references - Stretching the truth can be disastrous...
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How to cope with a " Workaholic " - whether you are one, or you work with one.
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Should I stay ? ... or should I go ? ...
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1 page. 2 pages. 3 pages. Or more ? Some employers are looking for longer resume.
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Substance abuse in the workplace... how to deal with a growing problem.
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Easing the " Labour " in labour relations - how unions can affect the workplace climate ...and how you can work effectively in an organized shop.
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Being flexible in the workplace - the latest trend in work schedules.
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Welcoming your new boss - tips on making your work-life smoother.
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Dress codes - What's appropriate in your workplace ? From business suits to business casual and all the way back again.
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Mom's the boss ... in more ways than one. The UPS and DOWNS of working in the "Family Business".
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Monday ...again ! Why is it hard for most of us to get back in the groove on the first day of the working week ?
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Juggling things at work ... Multi-tasking today takes on a whole new meaning
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Performance Reviews - How should you prepare ? How do you cope with criticism - especially if it's unfair ?
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" BALANCING " Home and Work - Somethin's got to give
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The Meeting ... a much-used - but much maligned - workplace tool
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" Fun " on the job ... is it possible and what are some of the advantage ?
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Shifting gears ...What happens to shift workers during the holidays season.
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When does " office gossip " cross the line ... and tips on how to put an end to it .
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Cellphones. Wireless internet. Handheld e-mail. How much is too much - the ups and down of " perpetual connection ".
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What can employers learn from "exit interviews" and how much details should you give if you are heading out the door.
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Trial by fire ... The importance of training - not just when you start a new job, but all the way through.
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Stay east,young folks ... The "moving out west" and the impact on the job market in the east
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Stressed out at work ... how mental health issues impact the office
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ROOKIES and VETERANS ... how to adapt your workplace to the changing demographics
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What happens when married couples work together ... and how does it goes over with the colleagues ?
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The office can make you fat, but some Moncton companies are battling the bulge.
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The more things change, the more they stay the same --- so goes the saying. But, changes in the workplace can be unsettling.
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Everything will be ok...How to find the right words in times of crisis on the job.
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Hot fun in the summer time ... How to get through those lazy hazy days when you have to go to WORK
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Worplace coaches - How to find one and Why you might need one ?
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So long, bye bye ! RETIREMENT - what are the latest trends ?
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Balancing work with life - Vacations - Making the most of your time away from the job this summer.
Listen to the audio Click to listen to RealAudio file. (runs 4:48)


Balancing work with life - Find out what is at the root of what drives WORKAHOLICS.
Listen to the audio Click to listen to RealAudio file. (runs 6:35)


Summer internship or job placement - How to make the best of your " summer job ".
Listen to the audio Click to listen to RealAudio file. (runs 4:54)


Wow. Look at those credentials ! If you have padded your resume...beware.
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The wired world of interviews. Part two of a three-part series on changing careers.
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Seaching beyond the classified. Part one of a three-part series on changing careers.
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Smoking on the job - take it outside.
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Bullies, Liars and Cheats on the Job
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Wasting Time At Work
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The Art of Delegating
Listen to the audio Click to listen to RealAudio file. (runs 6:29)

Human Resources expert Pierre BattahAbout Pierre Battah, Partner (CHRP)

Pierre Battah has extensive experience in human resources in both the public and private sector. His commitment to continually improving his skills and taking on new challenges has led to his being recognized as one of New Brunswick's leaders in human resource management.

Pierre has held various senior positions in the human resources departments of some of Moncton's largest companies and has been involved in all facets of the profession. His consulting practice expertise has been gained in the areas of career management and executive recruitment with Robertson Surrette.

Fluently bilingual, Pierre earned his Masters of Business Administration from l'Universit de Moncton and his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of New Brunswick. He is also a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP). He has remained active in the academic community as an award winning instructor in the Management Development Program for the University of New Brunswick and as an assistant professor in the commerce department of Mount Allison University.

Pierre has always been involved in the community with a number of organizations, most recently as a minor soccer and basketball coach. He is also a musician and band leader of Trio Carte Blanche, a light jazz ensemble.

Link opens in a new windowwww.robertsonsurrette.com

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On the Job

6:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
1070 AM - Moncton
90.5 FM - Campbellton
97.9 FM - Bathurst / Miramichi
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