CBC.ca New Brunswick
CBC Radio One Information Morning Moncton
 Our Team - Host

Rhonda Whittaker

Host Rhonda WhittakerRhonda Whittaker wasn't always a morning person.

Before she joined the Information Morning team, she spent her daylight hours as a newspaper reporter for eight years, and punched the clock on various shifts in commercial radio for two years. She also kept regular hours as a freelance writer and editor.

Now, as host of Information Morning, she relishes starting her day before sunrise, albeit with the help of three alarm clocks.

Rhonda was born in Fredericton, grew up in Moncton, and graduated from Harrison Trimble High School. At age 18, she moved into a convent at St. Francis Xavier Univeristy in Antigonish where later she recieved her bachelor of arts degree.

If you know Rhonda, you also know that she:

  • loves community theatre, and was a founding member of the Hairy Tease Productions comedy troupe;
  • dotes on her husband, Troy, and her retired racing Greyhound, Dewey;
  • reads anything written by New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell (a fellow Canadian);
  • enjoys practising French, but hates memorizing verbs;
  • loves karaoke (though, sadly, it doesn't agree with her);
  • and cannot abide iceberg lettuce.


 Our Team - Morning News Guy
Dave MacDonald

Morning News Guy Dave MacDonaldDave MacDonald joined CBC Radio in 2001. Prior to that, he was co-owner of a film and television production company in Toronto.

Apart from his regular work on Information Morning, he has contributed reports and documentaries to network programs including The House, The World at Six, World Report, Maritime Magazine, Inside Track, and The World This Weekend.

He is an occasional guest host on the regional program Maritime Noon. Career highlights at CBC include reporting from the 2004 and 2006 Olympic Games, and hosting radio coverage of the New Brunswick provincial election. He won an RTNDA award for his documentary "Everybody's Miracle."

6:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
1070 AM - Moncton
90.5 FM - Campbellton
97.9 FM - Bathurst / Miramichi
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