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Broadcast time:
Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. (1:30 NT) on CBC Radio One

On the street, on stage or behind the scenes, DNTO takes listeners on a fast paced trip through the cultural landscape of Canada and around the world. Definitely Not the Opera is the ideal audio guide to the fast-changing world of popular culture. It's your tip sheet to what's hot, what to watch, who to listen to and what's going on.

This Week on DNTO!

December 22, 2007
Ah, the holidays.... a fine time to stop and reflect on the year that was. So this week, we're looking back at some of our favourite stories from 2007.

From 1-2
First, we'll go back to your stories of the biggest risks you've taken.

Jayson Haywood of Halifax band the Divorcees tells us why, with the van packed and tour dates set, he had a sudden change of heart.

Jane Christmas brings us the story of her personal pilgrimage... that wound up being not so personal.

Rob and Amber Mariano are reality TV royalty – but is there anything they won’t do to win? We’ll find out.

Hasan Elahi created a website where you can track his movements – any time, anywhere. Why? We’ll hear his story of mistaken identity and terrorism.

And throughout the show, a special holiday treat… seasonal songs (of the traditional and not-so-traditional variety) performed live in the DNTO studio for your listening pleasure. We’ll hear from Molly Johnson, Jenny Whiteley, James Keelaghan with Oscar Lopez, Neverending White Lights, and Measha Brueggergosman.

From 2-3
It’s time to laugh again, with some of the funniest stories we’ve heard this year. We’ll start by learning to chuckle with laughter coach Billy Strean.

Trish Cooper will share her tragic tales of laughter in inappropriate places.

Little Mosque on the Prairie’s Sheila McCarthy will tell us why actors do their best work when they’re tired.

DNTO’s resident couch potato, Mike Bell, looks at why TV shows about awkwardness strike such a chord with us.

And speaking of awkward, we’ll hear from DNTO listener Dawn, who tells us why it’s important to not always say the first thing that comes to mind…

Graphic novelist Cecil Castellucci shares her story of the highs and lows of crushes.

Comedian Alix Sobler is on the lookout for a hero. And she tells us the search isn’t going so well.

Having your home made-over on a reality show may sound like a great idea… but Albert Howell brings us a look at the reality of reality TV.

Plus more festive tunes from American Flamewhip, Carolyn Mark, Basia Bulat, Royal Wood, Justin Rutledge, and Nathan Wiley.

December 29, 2007
This is the end… my only friend, the end… of 2007, that is. So no better time to ask the question – why are endings so hard to get right?

From 1-2
DNTO’s Joff Schmidt looks at our habit of turning downer endings into happy endings, including the romantic comedy of King Lear.

Sook-Yin will talk to Jen Whelan, head writer on This Hour Has 22 Minutes, about why endings are so hard to nail in comedy.

Film lady Kim Linekin looks at the worst ways to end a movie. We’re lookin’ at you, Peter Jackson!

And still at the cinema, film critic Brendan Kelly shares his thoughts on spoilers and movie endings.

Comedian Dawn Dumont tells us how to move on from the cruelest of endings… tragic heartbreak.

Plus tunes from Japanese folk-rockers Happy End, Panic! At the Disco, Corky and the Juice Pigs, Rascalz and Emm Gryner.

From 2-3
Sook-Yin goes to the streets to ask you – what’s been the most difficult thing for you to end? You’ve probably been there – at a live performance, the lights go down, you start applauding wildly… and then find out there’s another 40 minutes to the performance. DNTO’s Lisha Hassanali looks at the “ambiguous ending.”

A lot of bands break up in a nasty implosion… some end with a whimper. But some get their break-ups just right. Music man Mark Rheaume will look at the best band bust-ups of all time.

Noah Mintz has said goodbye to his band, hHead… and hello to a career as one of Canada’s top recording engineers. Now he gets to tell other bands how to end their songs. We’ll talk to him about endings, and hear a live-in-studio tune from Noah.

Death, it seems, is no ending to a successful musician’s career. DNTO music producer Anna Lazowski tells us why.

It’s hard to end a book well, as Halifax comedian Cheryl Hann finds out when she has to choose her own conclusion.

And speaking of books, we’ll hear from Regina author Gail Bowen about one of the hardest things a writer has to do… crafting an ending for a favourite character.

All that, and music from K-OS, Beck, Death From Above 1979, and Wild Strawberries.

DNTO airs Saturday afternoons across Canada at 1:00 p.m. (1:30 in Newfoundland) on CBC Radio One.

You can also catch the show on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 137 - Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

And if you're in Chicago or Seattle, you can catch us on public radio... we're on WBEZ in Chicago Sunday at midnight, and on KXOT in Seattle Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

Plus, if you can't catch us on the air, download our weekly podcast of highlights from DNTO!

DNTO's theme music is "Bentley's Gonna Sort You Out" by Bentley Rhythm Ace.

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