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 Parliament of Canada
Progressive Conservative Party
This Party Currently Has Members Sitting In Parliament
Date Founded (yyyy.mm.dd): 1942
Last Official Leader: MacKay, Peter Gordon
Currently Sitting Senators: 3
Currently Sitting MPs: 0
^ Party Leader
NameTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
MacKay, Peter Gordon Last leader of the Progressive Conservative Party until the party fully merged with the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Party in February 2004. Grant Hill will serve as interim Leader of the Opposition until further notice. 2003.05.31 - 2004.02.01
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 1998.11.14 - 2003.05.30
Wayne, Elsie Eleanore (Acting) 1998.04.02 - 1998.11.13
Charest, Jean J. 1993.12.14 - 1998.04.02
Campbell, A. Kim First woman elected leader of the Progressive Conservative Party. 1993.06.13 - 1993.12.13
Mulroney, Martin Brian Erik Nielsen continued to serve as interim Leader of the Opposition until August 28, 1983, as well as Opposition House Leader from September 7, 1983 to April 5, 1984. 1983.06.11 - 1993.06.12
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) (Acting) Resigned as leader to force a leadership convention, but remained as interim Leader. Erik Nielsen was the interim Leader of the Opposition for this time. 1983.02.19 - 1983.06.10
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 1976.02.22 - 1983.02.18
Stanfield, Robert Lorne Michael Starr served as interim Leader of the Opposition until November 5, 1967, as well as Opposition House Leader until 1968. 1967.09.09 - 1976.02.21
Diefenbaker, John George 1956.12.14 - 1967.09.08
Drew, George Alexander While Drew was ill and later resigned, William Earl Rowe twice served as acting Leader of the Opposition, from November 1954 until February 1955, and from August 1956 until December 1956. 1948.10.02 - 1956.11.29
Bracken, John Elected party leader in 1942 to replace Meighen but could not get elected in a riding prior to June 11, 1945 so that Hanson (until January 1943, and then Gordon Graydon) still remained as temporary Leader of the Opposition. 1942.12.11 - 1948.07.20
^ Prime Minister
NameTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Campbell, A. Kim 132 days (4 months, 9 days) 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Mulroney, Martin Brian 3,203 days (8 years, 9 months, 8 days) 1984.09.17 - 1993.06.24
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 273 days (8 months, 27 days) 1979.06.04 - 1980.03.02
Diefenbaker, John George 2,131 days (5 years, 10 months) 1957.06.21 - 1963.04.21
^ Leader of The Official Opposition
NameTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Hill, Grant (Acting) 2004.01.09 - 2004.02.01
Mulroney, Martin Brian 1983.08.29 - 1984.09.16
Nielsen, Erik (Acting) 1983.02.02 - 1983.08.28
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 1980.03.03 - 1983.02.01
Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 1976.02.22 - 1979.06.03
Stanfield, Robert Lorne 1967.11.06 - 1976.02.21
Starr, Michael (Acting) 1967.09.09 - 1967.11.05
Diefenbaker, John George 1963.04.22 - 1967.09.08
Diefenbaker, John George 1956.12.14 - 1957.06.20
Rowe, William Earl (Acting) 1956.08.01 - 1956.12.13
Drew, George Alexander 1955.02.01 - 1956.08.01
Rowe, William Earl (Acting) 1954.11.01 - 1955.02.01
Drew, George Alexander 1948.10.02 - 1954.11.01
Bracken, John 1945.06.11 - 1948.07.20

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