Active Aging in B.C.

The British Columbia Ministry of Health is taking a proactive approach to planning for the aging population so that older people can continue to contribute their skills, knowledge and experience to society. 

Many seniors age 65 and over in B.C. have more than one chronic health condition and today’s seniors account for a large proportion of health care costs.  However, illness, disability and loss of independence are not inevitable consequences of aging.  Encouraging healthy lifestyles can prevent, minimize, or even reverse frailty and poor health in older age resulting in better quality of life for seniors as well as savings to the health care system. 

The British Columbia Ministry of Health is committed to improved health and wellness for British Columbians and recognizes that facilitating healthy and active aging will result in healthier, more active and productive seniors. 

Five areas are identified as key to active aging:  physical activity, healthy eating, living tobacco free, falls prevention, and social connectedness.  Encouraging active seniors is a key focus of ActNow BC, a partnership-based, cross-ministry health and wellness initiative that works to motivate all British Columbians to make healthy living choices to improve quality of life.  ActNow BC’s partners promote the importance of physical activity, proper nutrition, elimination of tobacco use and healthy choices during pregnancy. The goal is to make British Columbia the healthiest jurisdiction ever to host an Olympic and Paralympic Games by 2010.    

Healthy Eating for Seniors Guide

Global Age-friendly Cities:  A Guide