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Abbeyfield Houses Society of Canada A non-profit organization whose aim is to provide accommodation and companionship for lonely older people within their own local community.
Aboriginal Canada Portal Your single window to Canadian Aboriginal on-line resources, contacts, information, and government programs and services. Accessibility Professionals offers free online information and accessibility products, assisting seniors, people with disabilities and organizations to arrange their homes (facilities) to maximize people's independence.
Active Living (Canada) - The mandate of Active Living is to encourage, promote and develop active living in Canada, thereby improving the overall fitness, health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians.
Agence du revenu du Canada - Aînés 55 et plus la page web de l'Agence du revenu du Canada pour les aînés.
Age of Reason (Canada) - serves as a main Internet resource center for users seeking information of interest to the over 50 age group.
Alberta Association on Gerontology The Alberta Association on Gerontology is a province-wide interdisciplinary organization that supports persons involved in and concerned with gerontology in their efforts to enhance the lives of the aging population.
Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research (Canada) - Look to this site for timely information on injury control in the areas of injury prevention, emergency medical services, acute care management, and rehabilitation.
Alberta Senior Citizens Sport and Recreation Association (Canada) - is as a volunteer action group that promotes sport and recreation development for seniors (55+) across the province; acts as the provincial voice to ensure input by and age categories for seniors in the Alberta Seniors Games; and promotes future Alberta Seniors Games.
Alternative Health Alternative health directory
Alzheimer Association Alberta (Canada) - Its mandate is to provide education and service programs, and to promote advocacy and research.
Alzheimer Association Saskatchewan (Canada) - Posts information on Alzheimer disease, local support group information, Association newsletters and workshops.
Alzheimer Society of Canada provides information and support to caregivers, and funds caregiving research to help those living with the disease. We help by promoting a better understanding and awareness of Alzheimer Disease.
Alzheimer Society of Ontario The Alzheimer Society of Ontario supports local Societies to deliver services by providing financial support, workshops and conferences as well as providing consultation and coordination in fundraising, public policy, education, program development, administration and management.
Année internationale des personnes âgées - Le Canada, une société pour tous les âges (Canada) - Ce site Web offre aux collectivités de tout le pays l'occasion de reconnaître les aînés et de célébrer leurs réalisations et leur apport.
AQRP (Association québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic L'Association se veut le porte-parole des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic. Elle voit â la défense de leurs droits et de leur bien-être individuel et collectif ainsi qu'a leurs interets sociaux et économiques.
Arthritis Society (Canada) The mission of The Arthritis Society is to search for the underlying causes and subsequent cures for arthritis, and to promote the best possible care and treatment for people with arthritis.
Association canadienne de soins et services à domicile L'ACSSD est vouée à l'accessibilité, la qualité et l'amélioration des soins et services à domicile et des services de soutien communautaires qui permettent aux gens de demeurer chez eux et dans leur collectivité en toute dignité et sécurité.
Association Pulmonaire Canadienne L'Association pulmonaire essaie de changer la réalité de la maladie pulmonaire au Canada et ses effets sur des milliers de Canadiens à chaque année. Notre travail primaire implique la recherche, l'éducation et la promotion d'une vie saine
Association québécoise des soins palliatifs (Canada) - Fondée à Québec en 1989, l'Association québécoise des soins palliatifs regroupe maintenant plusieurs centaines de soignants et bénévoles de toutes les régions du Québec.
Associaton canadienne de gérontologie Acg a pour mission de favoriser la compréhension théorique et pratique du vieillissement de la personne et de la population par la recherche multidisciplinaire, la pratique, l'éducation et l'analyse des politiques en gétontologie.
Aînés Hébergement Aînés hébergement cherche à informer, à questionner et à critiquer les événements, les enjeux et les débats liés au domaine de l’hébergement et des soins pour personnes âgées au Québec. La revue s’adresse aux propriétaires et aux gestionnaires d’établissements voués à l’hébergement des aînés, au personnel œuvrant dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux ainsi qu’aux organismes, aux associations et aux entreprises s’intéressant de près à ce secteur d’activité. Aînés hébergement est publiée six fois par année par Gescen.


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BC Council for Families the mission on the Council is to strenghten, encourage, and support families through information, education, research, and advocacy
BC Psychogeriatric Association The BC Psychogeriatric Association is a professional, multidisciplinary, non-profit interest group for individuals providing mental health services to older adults.
Bell Home Monitoring Safe at Home solutions from Bell help loved ones stay confident about living on their own, while alleviating your worry. It's an unobtrusive way of staying informed about their welfare so you can respond if they need you. Set up the equipment in your loved one's home and monitor from a simple, secure, personalized website. Monitor safety and security as well as regular, daily activities such as meal times, medication schedules, sleeping patterns and arrival/departure of care givers. Receive real time alerts about unexpected events or irregular activity where you're most accessible (phone, email or text) so you can react quickly and provide help immediately. or
Bibliothèque - Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal L'Institut est un centre d'évaluation, de réadaptation, de recherche et de soins de longue durée. Sa bibliothèque dispose d'un fonds documentaire exceptionnel et ses services sont offerts à tous les intervenants, quel que soit leur lieu d'appartenance. features exclusive articles by experts and interactive forums. It provides the latest news on brain related areas in memory, learning, cognitive disorders, and depression.
Bureau du procureur général Ce site web offre de l'information sur ce qui suit
Bénévoles Canada (Canada) - Bon nombre de personnes qui se sont intéressées à l'AIPA s'intéressent aussi au bénévolat. Saviez-vous que l'an 2001 sera l'Année internationale des volontaires?


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Calgary Seniors Health information and resources for seniors in the Calgary area.
Canada Revenue Agency - Seniors 55 and up Canada Revenue Agency's web page for Seniors.
Canada Safety Council (CSC) - the mission of the CSC is to lead in the national effort to reduce preventable deaths, injuries and economic loss in public and private places throughout Canada.
Canadian Abilities Foundation Their mission is to provide information, inspiration and opportunity to Canadians with disabilities.
Canadian Association of Retired Persons CARP is Canada's national, non-profit organization representing individuals over the age of 50, retired or not. Autonomous and independent, CARP does not accept funding from any government body.
Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) the mission of the Canadian Association on Gerontology is the development of theoretical and practical understanding of individual and population aging through multidisciplinary research, practice, education and policy analysis in gerontology.
Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging To develop, encourage and promote an active, healthy lifestyle for Canadian adults that will enhance the dignity of the aging process.
Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies ("CCELS") is a non-profit organization committed to enriching and informing the lives of older adults in their relationship with the law; to meet the increasing need for education and research in relation to legal issues of particular significance for older adults and to serve as a national focal point for this emerging field.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety The mandate of CCOHS is to promote improvements in occupational health and safety by providing practical information to answer workplace concerns. OSH Answers covers many topic areas in occupational health and safety. The information is presented in a Question-and-Answer format. This particular OSH Answers document deals with the issue of aging workers.
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (Ontario) - An arms-length, national agency, established in 1988 by an Act of Parliament.
Canadian Continence Foundation is the only national non-profit organization serving the interest of people experiencing incontinence. The organization is led by people with incontinence and by professionals from all health disciplines. The Canadian Continence Foundation is supported by donations from the public, healthcare professionals and private industry.
Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition (Canada) - The Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition is a multi-sectoral, science-based organization on food and nutrition policy and information. We are a catalyst in advancing nutritional health and well-being of Canadians.
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association CHHA is the national voice of all hard of hearing Canadians. It is a non-profit, self-help, bilingual consumer organization run by and for persons who are hard of hearing. The philosophy of CHHA is to produce knowledgeable hard of hearing consumers who understand how to have their needs met. Its mission is to raise public awareness concerning issues that are important for persons who are hard of hearing, to promote their integration in Canadian society, to remove any barriers to their participation and to generally make every community in Canada a better place for persons who are hard of hearing.
Canadian Hearing Society Provides services that enhance the independence of deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people, and encourage prevention of hearing loss.
Canadian Home Care Association Is dedicated to the accessibility, quality and development of home care and community support services which enable people to stay in their homes and communities with safety and dignity.
Canadian Institute for Health Information CIHI plays a critical role in the development of Canada's health information system. CIHI is a federally chartered but independent, not-for-profit organization.
Canadian Legal Information Centre (Canada) - is the info-centre for Canadian legal information on the web.
Canadian Lung Association The Lung Association strives to change the reality of lung disease in Canada, and the toll it takes on thousands of Canadians every year.
Canadian National Institute for the Blind Is a national voluntary agency providing services to individuals across Canada to whom loss of vision is a central problem in personal and social adjustment.
Canadian Snowbird Association The Canadian Snowbird Association is a national not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated to actively defending and improving the rights and privileges of travelling Canadians.
Canadian Transportation Agency their mission is to administer transportation legislation and government policies to help achieve an efficient and accessible transportation system by education, consultation and essential regulation.
Canadian Virtual Hospice Created for patients, their family and friends, health care professionals, and health care volunteers, the Canadian Virtual Hospice is an interactive network for people dealing with life-threatening illness and loss. The Canadian Virtual Hospice provides detailed information about physical symptoms of illness and deals with some of the emotional reactions and spiritual questions often experienced by palliative care patients and their families. The website includes chat rooms, bulletin board discussion areas, and a place for people to email questions to, and receive answers from, a health care professional with expertise in palliative care.
CANGRANDS NATIONAL KINSHIP SUPPORT CANGRANDS is an organization focused on promoting support of the 79,000 Canadian KINSHIP families. According to Stats Canada, there are 20,000 kinship children in Ontario. 58% of Kinship families consist of a single grandmother raising one or two special needs grandchildren.
Caregiver Network Inc. [CNI] (Canada) - is based in Toronto, the goal of CNI is to be a national single information source to make your life as a caregiver easier; Caregiver Bulletin Board enables you to talk to other caregivers to find help and answers to questions.
Care Guide - Source for Seniors Canada's only comprehensive seniors' housing and care guide
CASLPA Resource Centre Presentation exploring the types and causes of speech, language and hearing disorders often experienced by adults as they grow older, as well as what can be done about the problems and how audiologists and speech-language pathologists can help.
Catalogue GERMAIN de l'IUGM Catalogue virtuel de la bibliothèque de gériatrie et de gérontologie de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Center for Activity and Aging, The (London, Ontario) - The Centre combines research investigation of the interrelationship of physical activity and aging, and the translation of research findings into strategies in order to maintain the aging population in independent lifestyles, or to maintain or improve the functional levels of those living a more dependent environment.
Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale (Canada) - se servira pour s'attaquer aux problèmes de toxicomanie et de santé mentale en Ontario.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Canada) - addresses the problems of substance abuse and mental illness in Ontario.
Centre for Healthy Aging at Providence Based in Providence Health Care in Vancouver, BC, the Centre employs research, advocacy and partnership programs to promote healthy aging for B.C. seniors.
Centre on Aging University of Victoria (Canada) - is a multidisciplinary research centre established to advance knowledge through excellence in research in the field of lifespan with an emphasis on aging. Our mandate also includes distribution of information and dialogue with community partners.
Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba (Canada) - was established on July 1, 1982, with a mandate to serve as a focal point for the conduct of research on aging. The Centre has developed a national and international reputation for research excellence.
Christie Gardens Apartments, Rescare & Long Term Care Christie Gardens is a three level "continuum of care" for seniors operated by a volunteer Board of Directors. It is a charitable and non-profit organization.
Commission du droit du canada Si nous étendons nos activités de manière à nous concentrer sur les rapports personnels des aîné-e-s, ce n'est pas pour faire une « distinction » entre leurs rapports et ceux des autres adultes, mais pour mieux faire la lumière sur la façon dont le droit les touche plus particulièrement.
Conseil canadian de la sécurité (CCS) - CCS a pour mission de jouer un rôle de chef de file à l'échelle nationale afin de réduire les décès, les blessures et les pertes économiques qu'on peut prévenir dans les secteurs privé et public à l'échelle canadienne.
Conseil Canadien des aliments et de la nutrition (Canada) - Le Conseil Canadien des aliments et de la nutrition est un organisme multisectoriel sur les politiques et l'information en matière de nutrition et d'alimentation, basées sur des preuves scientifiques. Le CCAN joue un rôle de catalyseur au niveau de l'amélioration de la santé nutritionnelle et du mieux-être des Canadiens et des Canadiennes.
Conseil des aînés Le Conseil des ainés veille à propager une image positive du vieillissement en analysant les visages variés des aînés.
Consumer Health Information Service The Consumer Health Information Service supports people in gaining greater control over their own health through access to health information. The Service is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and serves the people of Ontario
Cottle Creek Retreat Seniors centre (Nanamio, British Columbia). Daily/nightly relief.
Council on Aging The Council on Aging - Ottawa-Carleton was established as a coordinating body to deal with the concerns of senior citizens, particularly in the health and education fields.


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Diabète Québec Fondé en 1954. Au service des personnes diabétiques depuis 50 ans; Plus de 45 associations affiliées à travers le Québec; Près de 2400 bénévoles, pour un total de près de 70 000 heures de bénévolat par année.
Dietitians of Canada (Canada) - Dietitians of Canada is an association of food and nutrition professionals committed to the health and well-being of Canadians.
Douglas Care Community Our purpose is to provide a caring environment for our seniors, to develop and maintain a team approach to care and treatment, and to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health.


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Extenso, Centre de référence sur la nutrition humaine Site d'information nutritionnelle scientifiquement fondée. Comprenant des dossiers d'actualité, des quiz sur la nutrition et des mythes alimentaires, ce site aide les consommateurs à faire de meilleurs choix alimentaires.


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FADOQ - Fédération de l'âge d'or du Québec Depuis sa fondation en 1970, la FADOQ est devenue le plus important regroupement volontaire d'aînés au Québec.
FADOQ - Fédération de l'âge d'or du Québec - Région Île de Montréal lieu d’échanges et de Renseignements pour les plus de 50 ans.
FADOQ - Québec et Chaudière Appalaches Partenaire des objectifs du mouvement FADOQ, le Regroupement régional réuni des moyens pour aider les administrateurs des Clubs de l'Âge d'Or dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions d'animation et d'administration. This site has been created to help anyone in the Fredericton area who has vulnerable family members and for all others who are concerned care givers. Those of us who are responsible for the care of sons and daughters, or brothers and sisters with special challenges, or seniors needing help dealing with the problems of aging, know that life can be pretty complicated. Aside from the stress, frustration, exhaustion and sometimes elation it can also be emotionally lonely. While this site will not be a cure-all, we hope it will offer a 24/7 support group sitters needed, no icy roads to drive.
Familis - Organisation mondiale pour les familles Un lieu et un lien au service des familles du monde
Familis - World Organisation for Families A place and a link at the service of the families of the world
Famille, Aînés et Conditions féminine - Québec Le ministère de la Famille, des Aînés et Condition féminine contribue au développement du Québec en favorisant le mieux-être et l'épanouissement des familles et le développement des enfants; la contribution sociale, civique, économique et professionnelle des aînés au développement du Québec; et l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes.
Family Caregiver Connection To put caregivers in touch with other caregivers
Federal Superannuates National Association (FSNA) (Canada) - FSNA is a National non-profit organization. Its members are Pensioners from the Federal Public Service (including Government agencies/Crown corporations), Canadian Forces and the RCMP.
Fédération des aînés franco-albertains Réunis tous les aînés francophones de l'Alberta en vue d'un appui mutuel dans les secteurs liés à la santé, aux droits civils, au logement, à l'aide juridique, aux loisirs et au bien-être spirituel et tout autres domaines qui pourraient avoir effet sur la vie des aînés francophones.
Fédération internationale du vieillissement (FIV) (Canada) - Organisation privée, sans but lucratif, reliée avec approximativement 100 associations qui, à la base, représentent ou servent les personnes âgées dans quelque 50 nations autour du monde.


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Generations CanConnect Generations CanConnect is a new Government of Canada initiative under the Connecting Canadians agenda and in response to the UN's 1999 IYOP. Generations CanConnect links seniors and youth in communities across Canada in a dialogue which explores, records and celebrates seniors' contributions to their country and their communities.
Gerontology Association of New Brunswick Inc. Saint John Chapter Serves as a consulting body to the elderly and persons interested in the field of Gerontology.
Government of the Northwest Territories Information, programs and services for Seniors living in the Northwest Territories
Greater Hamilton Area Seniors Internet resources for seniors
Griefworks BC Information for both service providers and grievers on loss and grief. A provincial database of over 600 bereavement support agencies. On-line articles discussing loss geared for children, teens & adults. On-line bereavement support training.


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Health in Action in Alberta (Canada) - Health in Action is the Alberta Information Clearinghouse on Prevention and Promotion. The purpose of which is to develop and maintain a centralized information system that will consolidate descriptive information about prevention and health promotion programs, research and evaluation initiatives being undertaken throughout Alberta. Ontario's leading web destination for trusted health information, services and advice for healthier living.
Hearing Aids 101 An online guide to hearing aids for people looking for information or thinking of getting one.
Heart and Stroke Foundation (Canada) - the foundation works to further the study, prevention and reduction of disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research, education and the promotion of health lifestyles.
Help the Aged Canada Help the Aged (Canada) (HTAC) is a non-denominational, non-sectarian agency and is the only registered charity in Canada dedicated exclusively to assisting destitute and poor elderly people in developing countries and in Canada.


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IESOP Independence and Economic Security of the Older Population
Info-Aînés Canada Ce site comprend des liens vers de l'information qui touche les aînés et qui provient du gouvernement du Canada
InfoParkinson Information sur la maladie de Parkinson, les solutions aux défis quotidiens pour la personne atteinte et pour les proches aidants, les traitements, la recherche... Site officiel de la Société Parkinson du Québec
Inglewood Care Centre (Canada) - provides a supportive caring environment in order to preserve the dignity and enhance the quality of life for people who require long term care from a team of qualified care givers.
Initiative nationale pour le soin des personnes âgées L'Initiative nationale pour le soin des personnes âgées est un réseau de praticiens et de chercheurs en médecine gériatrique, en soins infirmiers et en travail social, dont le but premier est la diffusion de la recherche et des meilleures pratiques touchant le soin des personnes âgées.
insidermedicine we develop evidence based health video news stories in multiple languages 5 days per week. also have a searchable database of over 500 videos. the site is free for all users. it has been created and maintained by a group of physicians. was hightlighted recently in the medical post, cbc's canada now and the national. it covers over 120 diseases. it is now being carried through rss feed in some medical schools. would be happy to talk about getting our information on your site 613 544 3400 x2227.
Institut canadien d'information sur la santé ICIS joue un rôle primordial dans l'élaboration d'un système d'information sur la santé au Canada. L'ICIS est un organisme autonome, sans but lucratif et à charte fédérale.
Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal Décrit la mission et les programmes (hôpital de jour, centre de jour, clinique de la mémoire, clinique de dysphagie)l; donne accès à la documentation ; présente des offres d'emploi et de bénévolat ainsi que l'information relative à l'hébergement.
International Federation on Aging (IFA) (Canada) - is a private, non-profit organization linking approximately 100 associations that represent or serve older persons at the grassroots level in some 50 nations around the world.
International Year of Older Persons - Canada, a society for all ages (Canada) - This Web site offers communities across Canada an opportunity to recognize seniors and celebrate their achievements and contributions.


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Lambton Senior's Association - Safe use of Medicines (Ontario, Canada) - An organization of retired individuals 50 years and over interested in issues which affect their quality of life in Lambton County. The organization is active in the areas of housing, transportation, loneliness, long-term care reform and medications.
Law Commission of Canada Branching out and looking exclusively at older adults' personal relationships does not mean distinguishing their relationships as "different" from those of other adults, but sheding more light on how the law particularly affects them.


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Manitoba Society of Seniors Inc. To represent Manitobans age 55 plus by advocating their needs and concerns and by promoting a positive image of older adults in the community.
Medipac Medipac is host to several Canadian and US based consumer lifestyle shows dedicated to preserving and enhancing the Canadian snowbird lifestyle. Shows are always free, support Canadian talented entertainers and musicians, and always offer valuable information for the travelling senior lifestyle.
Mood Disorders Society of Canada Consumer friendly, evidence based resource materials on mood and anxiety disorders


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National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) is a network of practitioners and academic researchers in geriatric medicine, nursing and social work, whose overarching goal is the dissemination of research and best practices for the care of older adults.
National Pensioners & Senior Citizens Federation
New Brunswick Senior Citizens' Federation Inc. The NBSCF was created in 1968 in order to contribute to an improved quality of life for all New Brunswickers over the age of 50.
Niagara Regional Police Service - Crimes and Abuse Against the Elderly Elder abuse occurs when a person in a position of authority or trust harms a senior citizen. Such a person may be a member of the victim's family, a neighbor, nurse, or some other caregiver.
Niagara Regional Police Service - Especially for Seniors The Niagara Regional Police Service provides this information on crimes focusing on senior citizens, and how you can protect yourself from falling victim to such crimes.
North West Territories Seniors' Society The NWT Seniors Society is a non profit group who provide information and act as a resource for seniors and elders across the NWT.
Nova Scotia Center on Aging (Mount Saint Vincent University - Canada) The Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University, was established in 1992 with a mandate of research, continuing education, and community outreach/consultation in age-related issues.
Nutrition et Âge (France) - Premier site médical francophone consacré spécifiquement à la nutrition des personnes âgées.


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Observatoire Vieillissement et Société L’Observatoire « Vieillissement et Société » a comme objectif de promouvoir la réflexion et la prise de décision individuelle et collective sur les problèmes engendrés par le vieillissement et ses conséquences sur la société.
Office des transports du Canada Notre mission est d'appliquer la législation touchant les transports ainsi que les politiques du gouvernement en vue de rendre les systèmes de transport efficaces et accessibles à l'aide d'éducation,de consultations et de la réglementation essentielle.
Office of the Attorney General This web site offers information or services regarding Ontario's Office of the Attorney General
Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizens' Organizations OCSCO's mission is to improve the quality of life for Ontario's seniors by encouraging seniors involvement in all aspects of society.
Ontario Community Support Association (Canada) - Is an organization of community-based not-for-profit health and social service agencies that supports, promotes and represents the common goals its members, so that they are better able to support seniors, people with disabilities and others with special needs to live at home in their own communities.
Ontario Gerontology Association - Ontarienne de gérontologie Ontario Gerontology Association ontarienne de gérontologie is an incorporated voluntary organization concerned with aging, thereby promoting quality of life for older adults.
Ontario Interdisciplinary Council for Aging and Health "Seeking to enhance through education the quality of life, self-determination and well-being of older persons"
Ontario Residential Care Association Information and advice about the full range of services and accomodation options in ORCA approved Ontario retirement homes.
Oral Health of Seniors Project The Oral Health of Seniors Project is a collaborative research project between the Faculty of Dentisty, Dalhousie University and the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre (AHPRC)
Oral Health Promotion Fact Sheets for Long-term Care A primary focus of the Health Promotion Unit’s activities has been providing in-services, workshops, and presentations focused on improving oral health in long-term care. These programs have been delivered to numerous health care aides, nurses, speech language pathologists, dietitians, physicians, administrators, and others.
Oral Health Promotion Sheets - University of Manitoba, Faculty of Dentistry, Centre for Community Oral Health, Health Promotion Unit The Health Promotion Unit's activities include providing in-services, workshops, and presentations focused on improving oral health in long-term care. It has also developed an educational resource focused on providing mouthcare for those who are dependent on others.
Osteoporosis Society of Canada (Canada) - The Osteoporosis Society of Canada's Web Site, Osteoporosis Online, provides up-to-dat information on the risks, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.
Ottawa Seniors (Canada) - this site is dedicated to providing Ottawa Seniors easy access to valuable information and services both in Ottawa and on the Internet.


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Parkinson Society Ottawa Parkinson Society Ottawa is a voluntary, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s and their families by providing information, client services and counselling, and by supporting ongoing research.
Partnership with the Voluntary Sector This web site describes the voluntary health sector, its contribution to the health and well-being of Canadians, and explores the Health Canada's partnership with the sector. It outlines Health Canada's specific involvement with national voluntary organizations working in health.
Peace of Mind Providing resources for seniors coping with long term care issues in BC's lower mainland. Vancouver - Canada.
Peel Health Our mission is to provide leadership and community support through emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention, to build healthy, dynamic communities in the Region of Peel.
PEI Seniors Citizen's Federation Inc. (Canada) - The purpose of the federation is to further the interests and promote the happiness and welfare of senior citizens and pensioners in Prince Edward Island in every way possible.
Portail des Autochtones au Canada Votre guichet unique pour accéder à des ressources en direct, à des personnes-ressources, à des renseignements ainsi qu'à des programmes et services gouvernementaux canadiens relatifs aux Autochtones.
Prevention Source B.C. (Canada) - is the provincial prevention resource centre which supports organizations and individuals in British Columbia involved in the prevention of substance misuse.
Programme régional d'évaluation gériatrique d'Ottawa-Carleton Le programme régional d'évaluation gériatrique est un réseau de services d'évaluation, de traitement et de réadaptation conçu pour les aînés dont le bien-être est menacé par de multiples problèmes.


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Queen's University Geriatrics and Gerontology (Kingston, Ontario) - from Health Sciences of Queen's University; these resource pages have been created to highlight activities in Geriatrics and Gerontology at Queen's University.


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Regional Geriatric Assessment Program of Ottawa-Carleton The Regional Geriatric Assessment Program is a network of specialised assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services for seniors whose well-being is threatened by complex health problems.
RIAQ - Réseau d'information des aînées et aînés du Québec Le RIAQ est une association sans but lucratif créée par et pour les aînés, c'est-à-dire qu'elle promeut l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des aînés.
RIAQ - Réseau d'information des aînées et aînés du Québec (Canada) - the RIAQ brings together all associations, groups or organizations, private or public, that are interested in providing information of interest to seniors.
Routes To Learning Canada Routes to Learning Canada (formerly Elderhostel Canada) is a non-profit organization committed to providing learning travel adventures to people 55 years and older. Explore Canada and the world through hands-on learning, in-depth lectures and cultural excursions.
Royal Canadian Legion The Royal Canadian Legion was formed in 1925 with a membership of 50,000. The Legion's commitment to the Remembrance of those who gave their lives for peace and freedom, is as valid today as it was then.
Réseau Internet francophone Vieillir en Liberté Site pour la promotion de la sécurité des aînés, la prévention des anus et mauvais traitements, des ressources documentaires et bottin d'aide et de recours juridique
Résidences pour retraités Réportoire photos des résidences pour retraités du Québec


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Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism [SSM] (Canada) - provides information on programs and services available to seniors.
Seniors Canada Online Seniors Canada Online offers key links to seniors-related Government of Canada information.
Seniors Education Centre, University of Regina (Canada) - provides opportunity, within a supportive environment, for continuing learning in a university context for those 55 and over. Serving BC Seniors With Valuable Resource Information, this site features an online magazine for seniors and lists valuable resources for seniors (mailing and online) Information and resources for seniors in and around Victoria, British Columbia.
Senior Years A Canadian web site for those over 50. Featuring up-to-date news feeds on subjects of interest to seniors, hundreds of mostly Canadian site links, games, discussion boards, email pals section, a memorial listing, articles and much more.
Simon Fraser Gerontology Research Centre (Canada) - The Gerontology Research Centre carries out applied research in the areas of aging and the built environment, prevention of victimization of older adults, health promotion and aging, changing demography and lifestyles and older adult education. it also has an associated MA, Diploma and Minor Program.
Sleeping Pills Information A site dedicated to providing information on sleeping pills.
Société Alzheimer du Canada Ce site fournit de l'information, du support aux aidants et subventionne des recherches sur les aidants qui viennent en aide à ceux qui vivent avec la maladie. Il promouvait une meilleure compréhension et perception de l'alzheimer.
Société d'Arthrite La mission de la Société d'Arthrite est d'encourager la recherche sur les causes sous-jacentes de l'arthrite pour qu'il soit possible un jour d'élaborer de traitements qui guériront cette maladie, et de promouvoir les meilleurs traitements et les meilleurs services possibles aux personnes arthritiques.
St. Michael's Health Group St. Michael's Health Group, is a Christian voluntary organization with an entrepreneurial spirit, dedicated to the provision of wellness-focused holistic care and community services to all with love and dignity. We offer long term care and supportive housing for seniors with facilities in Edmonton, Spruce Grove and Vegreville Alberta. Please visit our website for more information.
StepSafe The purpose of this web site is to provide information and to increase public awareness regarding the prevention of falls in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington region.


Top / Haut - Seniors (South West Ontario Region) (Canada) - Through, older adults can connect with local programs and services that provide support, health care, and recreational and social opportunities for seniors.


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United Generations Ontario An association dedicated to co-operation among people of all ages and to supporting programs that benefit Youths and Seniors.
University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry, Centre for Community Oral Health, Health Promotion Unit A primary focus of the Health Promotion Unit's activities has been providing in-services, workshops, and presentations focused on improving oral health in long-term care. This website includes an educational resource focused on providing mouthcare for those who are dependent on others.


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Victorian Order of Nurses The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada (VON Canada) is a national health care organization and a federally registered charity that has been caring for the lives and well being of Canadians in their homes and local communities since 1897.
Vis@vie Centre de référence pour les aînés. Vous y trouverez des portraits de la majorité des ressources résidentielles du Québec. (only in French at this time)
VoicePrint Canada Because of VoicePrint Canada, newspapers and magazines can be "heard" allowing people who cannot independently access print due to, for example, blindness, physical impairment, low literacy skills or just getting older, to listen to in-depth articles from over 600 newspapers and magazines across Canada. VoicePrint Canada can be accessed on the Secondary Audio Program of CBC Newsworld, on Star Choice, Express Vu, Look TV, Roger digital stations and over the internet on our website. VoicePrint helps to keep individuals connected to their community and to stay active and engaged.
Volunteer Canada (Canada) - Many people interested in IYOP are also connected to volunteering. Did you know 2001 will be International Year of Volunteers?


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West Park Hospital (Canada) - is a 316-bed rehabilitation and complex continuing care hospital, located on 27-acres of parkland in northwestern Toronto.
Women's Health Matters This site provides the latest information, news and research findings on women's health, diseases and lifestyle. Canada's premiere website to connect Seniors and mature workers 50+ with those employers who value their unique skills.

Numbered sites - Site numérotés

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55NET (Quebec, Canada) - ce site touche sur les aînés et les ordinateurs, les aidant à comprendre l'Internet et leurs propre ordinateur. en français seulement

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