Environment Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Baird and Eminent Advisors to Chart Canada's Course at UN Climate Change Conference

OTTAWA, December 3, 2007 -Canada 's Environment Minister, John Baird, today announced the appointment of an advisory panel of eminent Canadians to provide advice and assistance at the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Indonesia. 

"The team of eminent Canadians announced today will be a tremendous asset to the Government of Canada as we map out our path forward at home and abroad," said Minister Baird.  "Greenhouse gases and air pollution know no borders and affect everyone on the planet.  That's why our Government is committed to tackling climate change and working with the international community to develop a post-2012 agreement that involves all major emitters adopting ambitious targets."

The panel of advisors is led by the former Premier of Quebec, the Hon. Pierre-Marc Johnson.  Mr. Johnson is recognized for his expertise in international trade, negotiations and international partnerships as well as environmental and health law.  He will be joined by the following eminent Canadians:

  • Elizabeth Dowdeswell, former head of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP);
  • Ian Morton, founder of the Clean Air Foundation and Chief Executive Officer of Summerhill Group;
  • Mary Simon, president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK).

"We look forward to accompanying Minister Baird in Indonesia where we can engage in discussions with our international partners and provide meaningful advice to the Minister," said Mr. Johnson.  "These exchanges will help Canada move closer to a long term and flexible agreement and we are also confident they can contribute to addressing the issue of climate change in a straightforward and responsible way."

These advisors will attend many of the conference sessions and advise the Minister on a wide range of issues, including the most appropriate framework for negotiating a post-2012 agreement; the implementation and promotion of green technology and how Canada can contribute; the role of developed and developing nations in any post-2012 agreement; the impact of climate change on the north; and the role of adaptation in responding to climate change.

Related Document:

Biographies of the eminent advisors [Backgrounder, 2007-12-03]

For more information, please contact:

Eric Richer
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment
819) 997-1441

Environment Canada Media Relations
(819) 934-8008