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Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

Comments (22)

Former U.S. presidents don't usually take shots at the White House, but for Jimmy Carter, enough is enough. We find out why he's speaking out against the Bush administration like never before.

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Read the complete interview:


Why every time an institute getting funding from an " Arabic Source" becomes biased and any criticism to Israel is called apartheid, how about all those institutions in the USA determining the foreign policy controlled by the Jewish lobby .As a "Palestinian Israeli Citizen" Apartheid is the best word to describe Israel.

Kiky, Oakville, Ontario

Posted by: Kiky | Dec 2, 07 09:37 AM

This is addressed to Carole MacNeil.

Carole, why did you so blatantly say on the air that the Iranians have stated they are building Atomic Bombs and have said they are going to use it. This has never happened and I challenge you to show one reference where this has happened. It seems you are brazenly spreading propaganda on this topic. The question is WHY? Could you please answer this?


Posted by: Allan Cherri | Dec 2, 07 10:41 AM

whatever happened to when you are in Rome you do as the romans do .That means when you join a new society you respect that society's traditions . Being from Scotland some 51 years ago ,except for pipebands do see sny Scots walking around with a sword in hand . It seems to me the basic problem today is total lack of skill on the part of prsent day immigrants. This transplanting of beleifs is quite rightly being opposed .My compliments your program is worth watching.
John Hook

Posted by: John Hook | Dec 2, 07 10:50 AM

Jimmy Carter being a former President of the USA, knows the evil influence that fill the White House and Washington. Now that he is (some what)free, from the "Mob", he can do and say things he could not have during his Presidency.
Never before has the world been hi-jacked, by a more ruthless gang of criminals, who answer to no one!
They pretty well control the news media who attempt to confuse, even those of us who pay attention and see through their slight of hand trickery.
If truth and justice ever get the upper hand, the USA and their "Lap-Dog" followers, will be known as the most horrundous "Terrorist" that ever walked the face of the earth.

Posted by: Bobby Burke | Dec 2, 07 11:02 AM

What many people seem to forget, but my mother's generation remember, is that once upon a time the Israel movement were the aggressors using "terrorist" actions to achieve their goals. They seem to forget that all most Palestinines want is a safe and secure future. Unfortunately, I think Mr. Carter is correct and hopefully his statements will spark a meaningful debate about how to provide both sides with what they really want - a roof over their heads, food on their table, and a means of supporting their families. Only then will there being lasting peace in the area.

Posted by: Valerie | Dec 2, 07 11:16 AM

I read somewhere that immigrants have group loyality plus nationalism for the country they are living in.I do enjoy your program try not to miss it.
regards to you both,by the way.It would be interesting to note what group was instrumental in the formation of each province.


Posted by: Joan Helps | Dec 2, 07 11:31 AM

Yes I had watched your CBC morning show regarding Jimmy Carter and I have say I wish he would go home to fight his own battles and views back in USA not in Canada.

I feel that CBC does enough bashing of USA and do you realize that if USA were to pull away from Canada we would be back in the dark ages.

I am proud to have US as my neighbour.

Kathleen Brethour

Posted by: Kathleen Brethour | Dec 2, 07 12:05 PM

When the USA has had it's way with Canada and the water, oil, gas, forests, minerals, etc. are but mremories,..some people who have cozied up, will be left a couple of juggs of water to see thm through their remaing years. These people will write of how smart they were, not to contest the actions of the oppressors.

Posted by: Bobby Burke | Dec 2, 07 01:19 PM

I am happy to see that the Jimmy Carter has as always taken a position that extricates him from the terrorist ways of the current and majority of US governments.

Forcing the American doctrine on people is oppresive and more recently criminal. Those that huddle beneath the flag and subscribe to the American way are far more oppresive than the so called problem.

The US currency will soon become #2 and the flag waving will end. We in Canada have no fear of the economic outcome as we have and will continue to develop strong economic partnerships world wide as long as we remember who we are!

Posted by: Alex M.Ponomarew | Dec 2, 07 02:30 PM

Jimmy Carter has it right!For too long we have seen the Jewish side and neglected the Palestinian. Not until they can experience some justice will their violence cease. I strongly believe that the answer in the Middle East is for 2 autonomous states.

Posted by: Malcolm Rust | Dec 2, 07 07:15 PM

If you read the book, he clearly says that the apartheid label refers to the occupied territories and not Israel proper (as defined by 1967 borders).

This distinction could save a lot of useless debate over nothing.

Posted by: Elias Tabello | Dec 2, 07 09:49 PM

Dear Carol,

I have to second an earlier comment. Almost everything you said about Iran was grossly misinformed and reflected propoganda that has been uncritically reported in our press. Let me put this simply: Iran, most probably, is not developing a nuclear bomb; it is developing the knowledge to build one, in order to deter American and Israeli aggression. If Iran did develop a nuclear bomb, it would alienate its two most reliable protectors, China and Russia. Ahmadinedjad has not called for the physical destruction of Israel- this was a misquote. He has hoped for the political end of Israel. Indeed, Ahmadinejad has said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be settled with a referendum. And no one has yet explained why Iran, if it had a nuclear bomb, would commit national suicide by attacking Israel (and along the way kill millions of Palestinians). Carol, please be careful about what you say on this increasingly important matter. If the US ends up attacking Iran, it will be because of the spread of the kind of half-truths or outright untruths that you are - unwittingly, I am sure - spouting.

Posted by: Shaun Narine | Dec 2, 07 10:47 PM

I can only say that the interview by "jr"-journalist Evan Solomon with former US President Jimmy Carter was difficult and embarrassing to watch. Mr. Solomon needs to learn to allow his guests to finish speaking without interruption. Furthermore, Mr. Solomon should not "directly quote" a guest falsely and then, after being corrected, attempt to justify his mistake with cheap humour and bad math. Was it the intention of the CBC or just the interviewer to attack President Carter's character. I am not suggesting that the Carter administration did not make mistakes, nor am I praising the work of the Carter Foundation, I am simply saying that an organization such as the CBC, which has an obligation to the citizens of Canada to remain an objective , unbiased voice of Canadians to the world, should be a little more careful when it allows young journalists to shoot their mouths off as if they were another unnamed-less reputable-ratings based-sensationalist Network reporter. I don't watch the CBC for sensationalism, I don't watch the CBC to be given my opinion, I don't watch the CBC to see abbreviated interviews or words put in the mouths of respected figures, I don't watch the CBC to have someone's opinion cut off by a non-opinion or a biased one, and I certainly NEVER watch the CBC and expect to be embarrassed by my fellow countrymen. Today i did.

Posted by: Greg | Dec 3, 07 12:16 AM

Just watched Evan Solomon's inteview of President Carter. I think a stopwatch would show that Evan spoke as much as Mr. Carter. Really wished Solomon would have let Mr. Carter finish his thoughts. He is an elderly statesman who has something to say but I didn't get a lot of what could have been some pretty interesting commentary from the guy who spent days (not a half day like Bush)mediating the Sadat/Begin Camp David accord. Lousy ending. Not even polite enough to say thanks at the end..

Posted by: John Moreau | Dec 3, 07 12:57 AM

Too bad Avi could not have been more even handed in his negatively-slanted, pro-Israel questions directed to Nobel-Laureate Jimmy Carter. Time to go back to journalism school regarding the asking of questions so as to tell both sides of the story, Avi

Posted by: David M. | Dec 3, 07 02:02 AM

Evan Solomon;
When I listen to an interview I do so to find out what the interviewee thinks and in this interview I felt that I was being forced to hear what you thought. Thirty percent of the airtime was devoted to your opinionated presentations. On several occasions I felt that you had edited President Carter’s answers in preference to your long winded and biased questions. This is the second time I have had to turn off your program on someone I really wanted to listen to. And Carol, I must agree with Al above and add that it is the Americans that are trying to convince the world that the Iranians are building a nuclear weapon and not the Iranians and how would you feel if spreading this dangerous disinformation were to lead to an invasion of Iran and all the death and destruction that would mean. Journalists have become the society’s watchdog on the world and irresponsible journalism is, as a result, inexcusable.

Posted by: John A Hill | Dec 3, 07 02:30 AM

Previous posters who are bashing Evan are disregarding the editing of the broadcast piece for time contraints. So skilfully done that it is easy to get the wrong impression due to the illusion of continuity.
Regarding Carol's comments, you have hit the nail on the head. Parrotting what Fox or CNN says isn't what my tax dollars are intended for.
In either case, it's the bias of the higher-ups at CBC that we should be watchful of, not the on-camera underlings who doubtless must manage a balancing act between journalism and keeping their jobs.

Posted by: Dan James | Dec 3, 07 11:19 AM

I would hope that the CBC would at least refer to the former President as a more than a "one time peanut farmer". He was a Nuclear Submarine Skipper at one point. Former President Carter has articulated himself with grace and intelligent. I think it is important that especially considering that the US has turned, they have a fiduciary responsiblity to now speak up. I ask myself what has happened to the integrity and honour of the United States. In this video, the President uses the word "precipitate" in a sentence. The current president could not even define the word.

Posted by: Joe Green | Dec 3, 07 11:21 AM

I truly enjoyed your Jimmy Carter interview and was proud to be a U.S. citizen. I believe (hopefully) that most Americans feel the same as Jimmy Carter.
Most Americans believe that the action taken in Afghanistan was necessary but not that for Iraq.
It's hard to believe the Bush Administration hasn't been impeached for all their lies and misinformation which led to the invasion of Iraq.
I enjoy your news and like getting different views of your neighbor to the South. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

Bob Archambeau
Michigan's U.P.

Posted by: bob Archambeau | Dec 3, 07 05:15 PM


Posted by: LARRY CHASTANG | Dec 3, 07 09:29 PM

I was ashamed of the CBC interview of former President Jimmy Carter! Evan Solomon presented a biased and slanted perspective of the Palestinian debate. He made erroneous statements that Mr. Carter debunked immediately. Mr. Carter has always championed a peaceful solution and resorted to violence as a last response. Evan Solomon did not adhere to basic interview practice by maintaining a prejudiced stance against a man who simply advocates a dissenting opinion against a far-right, conservative, pro-Isreal-anti-Palestinian regime. Mr. Carter has written about the decline of American values, the suffering of Palestinian peoples and a pragmatic evaluation of current government. Ultimately, Mr. Carter understands the relationships between peoples where Evan Solomon demonstrates how to engage in falsehoods.

Posted by: Ken Lees | Dec 4, 07 09:20 PM

evan asked "is it racism"?, it is fear & ignorance, c life thru the eyes of another man, will u change the way u live 4 the sake of the future generations?

Posted by: mathu | Dec 5, 07 08:29 PM

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Dec 2, 2007 Segments

Jimmy Carter
Speaking out against Bush administration like never before
Quebec Pluralism on Trial?
Accommodating religious and cultural minorities in Quebec
Deliberating Pickton
What jurors now have to weigh as they decide on a verdict
Recall Reality Check
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Does Dion Have What It Takes?
Wide-ranging one-on-one interview with Liberal chief
Political Panel
Dion's performance and the Schreiber saga
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Sunday Spotlight
Self-taught Metis Indian instrumentalist Donny Parenteau
Remembering the Urban Peasant
James Barber took snobbery out of gourmet cooking