
CBC News: Sunday airs on CBC-TV at 10:00am, and on CBC Newsworld at 9:00am (ET)

CBC News: Sunday Night airs on CBC-TV at 10:00pm, and on CBC Newsworld on 9:00pm and 12:00am (ET)

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Comments (7)

We ask if the male striptease in popular culture reflects a decline in men's status. What's been happening to manhood?


I did NOT apprecitate the language used in this segment. I thought this was a family show. I was very offended, and disappointed that I was not warned ahead of time, to leave the channnel before this "offenseive" segment. More and More I am getting disappointed at HOW CBC chooses to inform the public. I will be watching less and less, since you can not be trusted.

Posted by: bwhite | Dec 16, 07 11:00 AM

I hope women enjoy all of this, I hope the popular media, including most advertising showing men eradicting dust from the house or ridiculous and stereotypical manwhores like Charlie Sheen, while tough women who can get to work no matter how bad their cold is becomes a mainstay. In fact I hope these women become like the men they hate so much who are like this. Come on girls, it's revenge time after a history of being objectified and treated badly, you can become just like they are.
By having the school system populated by 83% women who are mainly middle aged, many of them divorced and unable to deal with male students who populate the spec ed rooms or drop out, the male population continues to be emaciated. A woman from OISE recently stated on The Agenda that "students are better off experiencing the full range of womens' character without confusing them by having men in the schools" so this trend will continue. It's scary what goes on in the school system.
I hear that English women have developed junkets to third world countries to have sex with poor men, like the men who go on junkets to third world countries to have sex with young girls.
Maybe Transat could increase their business by developing these vacation getaways.
This will lead to a further polarization of the sexes in Canada, a further reduction in the population and hasten the end of this culture.
We have become a very creepy and violent race of people.
Show me the love.

Posted by: Rick James | Dec 16, 07 12:39 PM

Very superficial and adolescent segment, language such as "fallible" to describe a perfectly natural and required function of the penis in it's natural environment goes to show where these people live in their heads with regard to beauty versus genuine love and deeper meaning. A good draw for the hopelessly lost, perpetually adolescent "casual" crowd.

Posted by: Rob | Dec 16, 07 01:36 PM

I have to disagree with Rob...I found the segment to be entertaining, humorous and right on the mark. And to found THIS offensive and you didn't bother to comment about Mr. Mulroney's fiasco....tsk tsk! The whole show was great and I say good job and well done.

Posted by: Mary Helen | Dec 16, 07 05:01 PM

Fairly standard stuff, really. Though I do wish people would give up an the whole "skyscraper=penis" silliness. What other possible shape _could_ be for high density living?

As for cars, rocket ships and other aircraft, and pretty much everything else that moves, the most efficient shape is oblong. Really. A flying breast just isn't very aerodynamic, I'm afraid!

Posted by: Erin Butler | Dec 17, 07 12:24 AM

Though not really offensive I found this section ridiculous. In an era when fashion and advertising are in hot water for producing exagerated and for the most part unattainable body image I did find it rather amusing to see the female host almost drooling over the battle of the bulge.

Posted by: Gerald King | Dec 22, 07 01:32 PM

I think people who love each other usually find ways to enjoy each other's bodies, or just need imagination and/or outside advice. Women who take up "size matters" do well to recall how shallow it is to have their own bodies regarded like so many parts on a car. Men have done it forever, but two wrongs don't make a right; men-bashing does not feminism make. And since we are mainly talking about "the fit" (let's be frank) during sexual intercourse, remember there two bodies involved; it's perhaps as difficult (or impossible) for women to reduce the size of their vaginas as it is for a man to enlarge his penis. "The size of your respect matters" should be the attitude. And love and happiness are so much more than sex, aren't they? I feel sorry for men who spend money, suffer anguish and do very potentially damaging things to their bodies because they think their unchangeable parts are inadequate. It's a bit funny, but mostly sad because many people seem to actually be serious about their desires and concerns about penis size. So, I wish TV and movie writers and audiences would examine their thinking. Some men are probably ruining perfectly fine penises on the operating table somewhere, or taking some weird, dangerous pills. The old adage is probably true: "The only safe penis enlargement is with a magnifying glass." Love and respect yourself, and do this for others. Appreciate and chuckle at "what God gave you". From childhood to old age societal shallowness encourages us to connect our value to our genitals and the rest of our bodies. Sad. The physically disabled must suffer even more. When do we leave this childishness? A backlash is not the answer - grow up women. Things like rockets are usually "phallic shaped" due to engineering realities. Yet, some men do also play idiotic "mine is bigger than yours" games. Grow up men. Grow up world. I thought this segment could have received much more thought.

Posted by: Howard Boldt | Dec 23, 07 02:37 PM

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Dec 16, 2007 Segments

From Sandra to Salma
A Jewish woman adopts the Islamic faith
Richard Dawkins
Debating with one of the world's foremost atheists
Political Panel
Mulroney: his performance and his prospects
Why are we seeing more of a certain male organ?
A Question of Life and Death
Should doctors be making the final decision?
Reverend Neuhaus
Canadian-born priest now advising George Bush
Striking Out On Steroids?
Can pro baseball kick the steroid habit?
Sunday Spotlight
Serena Ryder gets into the holiday spirit