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Why Magic Matters

Why Magic Matters

Comments (5)

It looks like fun and frivolity when magicians perform on the Vegas strip, but is there a deeper meaning to the ancient art of magic? We show you why Las Vegas is the natural place for a school of magic and take you inside a subculture where things aren't quite what they seem.


Sunday people.

Loved this show about Magic - thanks for taking us behind the scenes to a fascinating world that is much deeper than I imagined.
Keep up the great viewing with pieces like this.


Posted by: Marcella | Dec 23, 07 12:05 PM

There is this claptrap that if magic secrets are revealed then there would be no more magic and that a good magician never reveals his secrets. These are obviously totally false and bogus claims that are disproven time and again. The reason is that the average person usually isn't going to go around and tell the world the secrets and wouldn't be able to and there are too many magic tricks, many variations on most of them, and new ones are always being invented. As well, even if the average person can tell the world as is now sometimes the case with the Internet and which does happen, magic still goes on unabated. Also, most or all magicians do reveal their secrets, in books, videos, dvds, and on telecasts, but still magic goes on unaffected. And I am of the school of thought that says "a magic trick is no fun unless you know how it's done."

Posted by: Bernard P. | Dec 23, 07 11:12 PM

Good tv and great magic. I wondered where magicians learn their trade. I;m grateful for the deeper view on something that seems like just entertainment. I will look at magic differently an art form...


Posted by: Roddy McNeil | Dec 24, 07 12:59 AM

Watched your film on magic last night. These guys are my son's favorite magicians. Thanks for teaching him that there is so much more to the magic than just tricks. It was a perfect intro to the christmas gift we got him - his first magic kit.

Merry Christmas Evan & Carol and the gang at Sunday.


Posted by: Doug Crawford | Dec 24, 07 12:26 PM

Bernard: Magicians don't reveal their actual secrets. Take Penna and Teller for example. They made a career out of doing the cups and balls with clear cups, doing the saw a person in half with clear boxes and such. Those are the things everyone can figure out. You will never see them release a book with how they do the bullet catch. Magicians spend hundreds of hours figuring out how to make these grand illusions, only to perform it and amaze a crowd for 5 minutes.

Another great facet of magic, perhaps started by Houdini, is the skeptical aspect. I think that's a great movement that needs more support.

Posted by: Garet | Jan 7, 08 11:17 AM

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Dec 23, 2007 Segments

Man of Peace
Putting Christ's message into action
PTSD: The War at Home
The effects of PTSD on a former US marine
Why Magic Matters
In a high-tech world, do we need magic more than ever?
TV at a Loss for Words?
What's in store for your favourite shows?
Political Zeitgeist
Biggest political stories and blunders of 2007
'Tis The Season To Be... Feuding?
Keeping the family peace during the holidays
Hangover Headache
Surviving the morning after
Sunday Spotlight
Juno-award-winning clarinetist Bob DeAngelis