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About The Knowledge Exchange Service

About The Knowledge Exchange Service

The Organization

We are an integral part of the Knowledge Centre Directorate (KCD) in Government Telecommunications & Informatics Services (GTIS), PWGSC. KCD offers end-to-end information and communications technologies (ICT) knowledge sharing programs and services designed to assist public-sector organizations, in Canada and abroad, in the implementation of e-government initiatives. These programs and services include:

  • Technology solutions and ICT knowledge brokerage services (KES);
  • Learning and professional development for ICT professionals (The Knowledge Institute);
  • A network for ICT innovations and cutting-edge technologies (Innovatec Demo Centre);
  • National and international partnerships for the sharing of ICT expertise and best practices.
  • Our Mandate

    To gather, exchange and give access to ICT knowledge and solutions and establish a trusted services-broker relationship with national public sector clients and partners. We want to bring you, our clients, into a connected, virtual community to create, share and build on existing solutions, expertise and knowledge.

    Our Products and Services

    We seek out, promote and broker non-proprietary, Crown-owned intellectual property (customized products), including applications software source code and documentation, utilities, templates, guidelines, methodologies, studies and other documents, computer-based training and e-learning products; and provide access to transferable commercial software licences, open source solutions, and research and advisory services. A Government On-line (GOL) assistance centre section will soon be added for direct access to GOL standards, studies, tools, templates, lessons learned, plug-in code and relevant links.

    We are constantly seeking common-use ICT systems, learning tools and knowledgeware that can be freely shared within the public sector to add to our expanding inventory, or links to other web sites where such solutions and knowledge can be found.

    There are more than 100 public sector organizations voluntarily participating in the Knowledge Exchange, as donors, recipients, or both. We encourage you to contact us about any government-owned information, best practices, software systems and documentation that may have the potential for common use. Our inventory is evolving and growing, but we are always looking for more.

    Our Marketing Team will arrange product demonstrations, participate in tradeshows and other exhibit opportunities and give presentations, as well as provide advice to groups who wish to share working tools among themselves or seek cooperative development partners.

    Who we are:

    Name Title Phone
    Robert Vézina Manager (819)956-4732
    Chris Dodsworth Senior Market Development Officer (819)956-0784
    Sandra Markey Senior Market Development Officer (819) 956-5062
    Gisèle Dorion-Lincez Marketing Services Officer (819)956-3151
    Andrée Fortin Chief Operations (819)956-4731
    Michel Landriault Technical Coordinator (819)956-5061
    Mélanie Richer Administration and Special Projects (819)956-0790
    General Enquiries and Product Requests:
    (819)956-0790  Fax:  (819)956-4988
    Technical Enquiries and Help Line:
    Mailing Address::
    1E, Place du Portage III, 11 rue Laurier, Hull K1A-0S5

    Terms and Conditions

    The following terms and conditions enter into effect upon receipt of software and/or documentation from the Knowledge Exchange Service (KES) for evaluation or use:


    KES provides software and/or documentation (hereinafter referred to as "material") , "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, but not limited to the suitability of the material for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the material rests with the receiving organization (the "recipient").

    In no event will the donating organization (the "donor") or KES be liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use transferred material.

    Responsibility of the Recipient

    The recipient assumes responsibility for the selection of software and/or documentation to achieve its intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from said material.

    The recipient may retain the transferred material until such time as its appropriateness, has been determined, whereupon the transfer shall be formally acknowledged or, it shall be returned to the KES office.

    Acknowledgement of the transfer will be in the form of a statement prepared by the KES office for the signature of a representative of the receiving organization.

    The recipient is requested not to make copies of the transferred material until such time as an evaluation has been completed and an Acknowledgement of Transfer signed and submitted to KES.

    The recipient may not, at any time:

    The recipient will deal directly in all matters with KES regarding the transferred material unless otherwise agreed between the donor, KES and the recipient.

    Donor Page

    Donor organizations are defined as those organizations which contribute software and/or documentation to the Knowledge Exchange Service (KES), for potential transfer to other interested participant organizations. In order that potential "donors" clearly understand our expectations regarding their participation, we have prepared the following guidelines:

    Donations Must Be Government-Owned

    Software and/or documentation donated to KES must be government-owned so that it may be copied freely for the use of other government organizations. (KES will determine the eligibility of an organization to receive this material.) If a commercial software product is required to develop and/or run the application, only the government-owned programs will be donated and copied on the understanding that the receiving organization will be wholly responsible for acquiring the necessary commercial software to use the material.

    KES provides material, "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Unless specifically agreed in writing, among all parties involved, the donor will not receive any compensation for the donation of material to KES, its transfer to other organizations, or for any assistance KES may require with the material in order that it may to provide good service to its clients.


    In no event will the donor or KES be liable for any damages arising out of a recipient's use, or inability to use, transferred material. The donation of material is made in a spirit of cooperation and sharing. It is entirely voluntary on the part of the donor.

    What's Involved In Donating Software

    In order that donors experience a minimum of disruption to their normal operations, while allowing KES to provide maximum service to clients, KES suggests the following:

    Where appropriate and feasible, KES can expect the donor to provide demonstrations of software on an occasional basis to prospective users.

    The Knowledge Exchange Service Commitment to Donors

    In turn, the donor has the right to expect the following from KES:

    KES will inform recipients that they may not, at any time: use or permit others to use the transferred material for commercial or profit-making purposes; sublicense, assign, transfer, sell, lease or grant any right on the transferred material to other parties. KES will inform donors where a recipient has made modifications or enhancements to donated material, of potential interest to the donor. Where appropriate and desired, KES will facilitate the joint development of software between donors and recipients. The donor can refer requests for copies of the donated material to KES from any third party, and KES will ensure that appropriate action is taken. KES will endeavour to minimize disruption to the donor by ensuring that recipients deal directly in all matters with KES regarding the donated material, unless otherwise agreed. KES will undertake to distribute to registered copy holders any major updates to donated material provided by the donor.


    Table of Content - Knowledge Exchange Service

    Click on product name to view its description

    Product: Version: Acronym:
    A Manager's Guide To Operating Budgets v. 1.0 (MGOB)
    Access to Information and Privacy v. 3.0.5 (ATIP)
    Actual Reported Time System v. 2.1 (ARTS)
    AMS Canadian Government Financial System v. 1.0 (CGFS)
    Appeals Support and Tracking System v. 1.0 (ASPTS)
    Audit Evaluation Follow-up Tracking System v. 2.0 (AEFTS)
    Audit Tools v. 4.0 (ATLOTUS)
    Automated Materiel Management Information System v. 3.0 (AMMIS)
    Bank Record System v. 2.0 (BANKREC)
    Business Case Template v. 2.0 (BIZCASE )
    Cabinet Document Control System v. 2.5 (CDCS)
    Capitalization of Software Developed In-House Guidelines v. 1.0 (CSDIHG)
    Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator, for Lotus 1-2-3 v. 1.0 (VLC-LOTUS)
    Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator, for MS Excel v. 2.0 (VLC-EXCEL)
    Case Plus tm - Case Management System v. 1.0 (CMS)
    Catalogue v.1.0 (Cat)
    Certificate Printer Utility v. 1.0 (CPU)
    Certification & Accreditation of Information Systems - Security Guidelines v. 1.0 (C&A;)
    Cheque Distribution Application v. 2.1 (CDA)
    Classification Grievance Tracking System v. 1.0 (GTS)
    Common Departmental Financial System v.1.0 (CDFS)
    Computer Centre - Security Checklist v. 1.0 (CC-SC)
    Contingency Plan For EDP Disaster Recovery v. 1.0 (DISASTER)
    Corporate Licensing & Software Management System v. 3.1 (CLSM)
    Corporate Management System v. 1.0 (CMS)
    Crisis Management System v. 2.0 (CMS)
    Desktop Internet Access - Technology, Costs & Support Overview v. 1.0 (FIREWALL - Study)
    Developing Dynamic Electronic Forms - Support Centre v. 1.1 (DDEF)
    Development Procedure for Small Independent System v. 1.0 (DPSIS)
    Discussion Database v. 1.0 (DD)
    Dispute Resolution v. 1.1 (DRCBT)
    Document Management Control System v. 3.1 (DMCS)
    EcoNet Management System v. 2.0 (EMS)
    EDP Contingency Plan v. 1.0 (EDPCP)
    Electronic Acquisition Card Initiative v. 1.0 (EDIDOCS)
    Electronic Forms v. 1.0 (JetForm)
    Electronic Forms Application upgrade v. 4.51 (ELF)
    Electronic Job Aid for Environmental Assessment v. 0.7 (CBT/CEAA)
    Electronic Telephone Directory v. 1.0 (ETD)
    ELF updated forms d. 42 (Forms)
    ELF updated Master forms d. 42 (Master Forms)
    Federal Identity Program Symbols v.2.0 (FIPS)
    Financial Information Strategy : Orientation Module v. 1.0 (FIS-OM)
    Forms Information Control System v. 1.0 (FICS)
    FreeBalance Client/Server Financial Management System v. 3.0.b3 (FBC/S-FMS)
    Freight Rate Information Shipper's Base and E-form Entry v. 2.0 (FRISBEE)
    Government on-Line Implementation Kit v.1.0 (GoL Implementation Kit)
    Government On-Line Story v. 1.0 (GOL)
    Government X.400 Directory Search v. 2.1 (GOVX400DS)
    GX Solutions, - an Overview Document v. 8.0 (GX)
    Halocarbon Management System v. 1.6.5 (HMS)
    Hardware IT Inventory System v. 1.7 (HIS)
    Help Desk - request management software v. 5.25 (HD)
    Hi-Q Hazardous Material Information & Query System v. 3.2 (HMIQS)
    How to prepare a business case v. 1.01 (HPBC)
    Human Resources Information System v. 4.0 (HRIS)
    Human Resources Management Information System v. 3.0 (HRMIS)
    Industry Canada's Applications in Notes v. 1.0 (ICAN)
    Informatics Training Database v. 1.0 (ITD)
    Information Management Planning Methodology v. 1.0 (IMP)
    Information Repository and Management Framework v. 1.13 (IW2000)
    Information Warehouse Assessment Report v. 1.0 (IWAR)
    Integrated Departmental Financial & Materiel Management System/Oracle v. 2.0 (IDFS)
    Integrated Training System v. 1.0 (ITS)
    Interactive Employee Orientation CD-ROM - Welcome to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada v. 1.0 (INACCD)
    Internet (IP) Addresses Database v. 1.3 (IAD)
    IT Job Competency Profiles v. 1.0 (ITJCP)
    IT-Best government practices v. 1.0 (IT-PRAC)
    Joint Distributed Learning Symposium (June 26-28, 2000) v. 1.0 (JDLS)
    Learning Through Self-Study v. 1.0 (LTSS)
    Leave Balance System v. 2.3 (LBS)
    Lowest Pay Increment Calculator Lotus 123 v. 1.0 (LPI-L)
    Lowest Pay Increment Calculator MS Excel v. 1.0 (LPI-E)
    Management of Executive Information v. 2.4 (MEI)
    Manager's Guide to Procurement and Materiel Management v. 1.0 (PMM GUIDE)
    Materiel Acquisition and Support Desktop : Reference Tool for Project Managers, Beta Version v. 1.1 (MASD)
    Member of Parliament Log File System v. 3.0 (MPLOG)
    Menu System Utilities v. 1.0 ()
    Multi-Project Management and Project Rollup System (Reference Guide) v. 1.0 (MS-PRR)
    ORTHO+ v. 1.2 (O+)
    Parking Control System v. 2.0d (PCS 2000)
    PeopleSoft Human Resources Application v. 1.0 (PS-HRS)
    Performance Pay System v. 3.2 (PPS)
    Personal Leave Tracker for Variable Part-Time Employees v. 5.0 (PLT/PW-MSE)
    Personal Leave Tracker, Lotus 1-2-3 v. 5.0 (PLT-L)
    Personal Leave Tracker, MS Excel v. 5.0 (PLT-E)
    Phone Directory Application v.1.a (PDA)
    Practical French at the Office - Tutorial v. 1.0 (PFO)
    Project Management Framework v. 2.0 (PMF)
    Public Contact System - Request/Point of Sale Module v. 7.3 (PCS-RPSM)
    Public Contact System - Tours & Itineraries Module v. 7.3 (PCS-TIM)
    Requisition Renewal Reminder System v. 7.0 (RRRS)
    Risk and Issue Tracking Database v. 1.0 (RITD)
    Room Reservation System v. 3.0 (RRS)
    Salary Forecasting System v. 3.5.d.2 (SFS)
    Salary Management Requirements Definition Document v. 1.0 (SMRDD)
    Salary Management System v. 4.1 (SMS(tm))
    SAP Integrated Financial/Materiel Management System v. 1.0 (SAP-IFMS)
    Second Language Evaluation Practice Tests v. 2.0 (SLE)
    Security Incident Tracking System v. 1.0 (SITS)
    Skills & Assets for Emergencies v. 1.0 (SAFE)
    SpillNet v. 2.6 (SN)
    Statement of Qualifications Web Application v. 1.1 (SOQ)
    Study - Broad User Requirements for the Human Resource Management Function v. 1.0 (S-BURHRM)
    Study - Employee Profile System v. 1.0 (EPS)
    System Life Cycle Process v. 1.0 (SLCP)
    TAPS, TIMS, AMAX - System Profiles v. 1.0 (TAPS)
    Training Requirements Management System v. 1.0 (TRMS)
    Transfer Payment Management System v. 3.0 (TPMS)
    Virtual Charity Auction Application v. 1.0 (VCA)
    Visual Identification Processor v. 2.02 (VIP)
    Working Capital Program v. 2.0 (WCP)
    Writing Training Objectives v. 2.0 (WTO)
    X.400 Address Directory (for MS-Mail) v. 3.4 (FINDX400-MSM)
    X3D Software Development Kit v. 1.0 (SDK)




    A Manager's Guide To Operating Budgets

    Acronym: MGOB
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Treasury Board Secretariat developed this guide for federal operational managers to explain the basic framework of the Operating Budget regime. The guide contains a generic model departments and agencies may wish to adapt when implementing operating budgets for their programs. The introductory overview links PS2000 to the Operating Budget regime and explains why it was introduced. The budget framework section provides generic information to use in implementation planning. The section on management context outlines the philosophical and cultural environment that managers must foster to derive the most benefit from operating budgets, while a section on the people side emphasizes the importance of reflecting on people issues in planning options or making decisions. Appendices with questions and answers, checklists, definitions and information on costing, procedures and systems complete the document along with a feedback section. This guide was originally distributed by TBS to federal managers in 1992 but is still valid today and considered to be a valuable management tool.
    Business Functions: This guide is intended to help managers understand Operating Budgets and use them effectively. Departments and their managers will get the maximum benefits from Operating Budgets if the management cultural change set out in the PS2000 White Paper takes place. Empowering managers and their employees and encouraging them to use their creative energies to get the job done in the most cost-effective way is essential. This document is organized to place the budget regime in the larger context of change while making managers more sensitive to people issues and increased accountability.
    Category: Office Administration & Management - Project Management & Scheduling
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    Development Software: developed in WordPerfect version 5.0, but any word processing software can be used (Word, WordPro etc.)
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: English and French versions provided.

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    Access to Information and Privacy

    Acronym: ATIP
    Version: v. 3.0.5
    Overview: Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) is a bilingual application designed by GTIS' Application Management Services to assist in the administration of Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) ATIP function. It is currently in use by PWGSC, the Immigration and Refugee Board and the Canada Information Office. The application tracks departmental ATIP requests by type, status, requestor, and by officer responsible. It generates due dates, fees, and turnaround time as well as tracking actions and responses.The application is e-mail enabled to allow ATIP officers to contact departmental divisions that are required to be consulted in the response preparation process. Other features of the system include complaints and results tracking, court case tracking, a stop clock to allow for deferral of time limits, and the ability to prepare form letters, weekly reports to the Minister's office and the required extracts to the Coordination of Access to Information Requests (CAIR) system. The application was developed in Visual Basic 5.0 using an MS Access 97 database and Crystal Reports 6.0. You are being provided with two documents (one hardcopy document in French with English screens and reports and a diskette containing the English on-line help for ATIP) to help you to evaluate your interest in the application. If upon reviewing these documents, you wish to arrange a demonstration of the application by a GTIS representative, please call Sandra Markey of the Software Exchange Service at (819) 956-5062. Please note: this product is maintained by PWGSC and an annual maintenance fee will apply to any new users of this product. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: Administration; Records and Information Management Solutions
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DEMO COPY

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    Actual Reported Time System

    Acronym: ARTS
    Version: v. 2.1
    Overview: A Windows-based time reporting and resource management tool developed in MS Access by PWGSCs Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services (GTIS), the Actual Reported Time System (ARTS) tracks human resources utilization against projects and streamlines the time sheet process by providing resources with direct access for recording time commitments. It provides a common screen layout which includes separate sets of functions depending on the type of resource: employees can choose the appropriate reporting frequency and maintain various blocks of project information; RC managers and supervisors can monitor and control time committed by their associated resources, create new projects and create and maintain resource lists; coordinators can monitor monthly time commitments of resources on projects; and system administrators can ensure that resource commitments are being reported in a timely manner, maintain Lookup Tables, control the System Reporting Period, etc. A demonstration copy is provided. See note below re planned enhancements and cooperative development opportunity.
    Business Functions: Provides management reports to enable optimum resource utilization tracking and contributes to effective project and financial management. ARTS is not a project management or activity-based cost accounting tool, but could supplement one. Although not documented, it is a stable, proven package that is quick and easy to implement and use, offering cost-effective operation and maintenance. The product is adaptable to medium and large size organizations.
    Category: Administrative and Management Support
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 14
    Required Software: demo version requires Access 2.0 or 97 to run
    Development Software: developed in MS Access 2.0, Visual Basic 3.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: multi-user, networked application
    Comments: ARTS is still being used within GTIS as is, but a new web-enabled version is planned for development this year. Federal clients interested in the possibility of a cooperative or joint development project to accelerate these plans can contact Mr. Val Trudeau at (819) 956-6404, or email
    Official Language: Fully bilingual; user selects language of preference.

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    AMS Canadian Government Financial System

    Acronym: CGFS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - This system is not Crown-owned, but has been endorsed for use in Canadian federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). An overview document is available from SES. This proprietary suite of integrated products is owned and supplied by AMS Management Systems Canada Inc for a licensing fee. CGFS, and the latest version of the system, Advantage 2000, were developed expressly for the public sector and address the unique needs of government for revenue and expenditure management, asset management, inventory management and purchasing. The system is in use by over 300 government agencies throughout North America, including seven Canadian federal departments. In the Canadian federal government context, the application is managed by a Cluster Group chaired by John Klimczak, Natural Resources Canada, 613-996-6593. For more information contact the Cluster Chair or AMS Canada directly (in Ottawa, 613-232-7400).
    Business Functions: The government-specific suite, such as Advantage 2000, provides extraordinary benefits to all governmental organizations. Complex appropriation processes; layered accounting calendars for varying purposes (e.g., grants, projects, budgets, GAAP); different measurement focuses and bases of accounting; complex employee compensation and benefit plans; and special government HR regulations place heavy functional burdens on administrative applications. Advantage 2000 is a software suite designed from its foundation to address simultaneously both the centralized and the individual business needs of governments.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: ONT PRI-ONT
    Development Software: Advantage 2000 incorporates a modern, multi-tiered application architecture that separates the user presentation, business logic, and data management processes into distinct logical software layers. This system architecture allows for a variety of system implementation options depending on the particular needs of the organization.
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Environment: Supports two and three tier client/server hardware implementations, plus backward support for 3270 devices until such time as a full complement of workstations to support the GUI interface is available.
    Other Technical Details: Advantage 2000 is available for both mainframe and client-server versions.
    Official Language: Overview document is available in English

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    Appeals Support and Tracking System

    Acronym: ASPTS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The ASPTS is a micro-computer based application designed to track cases for the Pension Appeals Board. It provides day-to-day operational support to personnel engaged in case processing and scheduling, and to management for planning and tracking activities. Using this application, one can store, manipulate, and retrieve information, generate management and operational reports, and create WordPerfect secondary mail merge files. This system is derived from the Immigration and Refugee Board's System to Track Appeals and Refugees (STAR), product A-259, obtained by the PAB through Software Exchange.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Clipper

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    Audit Evaluation Follow-up Tracking System

    Acronym: AEFTS
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: AEFTS is designed to capture relevant management information at the project level and detailed information on the activities related to any recommendation originating from projects in order to follow up on their implementation and report their implementation status to senior management.
    Business Functions: The system is used to facilitate data collection, storage, presentation, reporting and archiving of all recommendations regarding internal audits, evaluations, reviews, special studies and also those issued by any external central agencies such as the Auditor General. It also ensures easy and secure access to information for all parties involved in the follow-up process. AEFTS produces relevant reports that will be useful in the course of follow-up activities that have to be undertaken by Internal Audit an Evaluation Branch in the federal government or by agencies. It is also adding value in decision-making for the achievement of program, operating objectives and in rendering accountability. The system operates in a Windows environment.
    Category: Finance - Audit
    Donor: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada INAC
    Required Software: AEFTS is a small client-server (Windows 95) application with a PowerBuilder 5.0.04 front-end and an Oracle 7.3 back-end.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Client-server.
    Other Technical Details: AEFTS is a small client-server (Windows 95) application with a PowerBuilder 5.0.04 front-end and an Oracle 7.3 back-end.
    Official Language: The application is bilingual. User specifies choice of official language in the welcome screen.

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    Audit Tools

    Acronym: ATLOTUS
    Version: v. 4.0
    Overview: This bilingual suite of Lotus Notes applications, developed for PWGSC's Audit and Ethics Branch, is an effective tool for managing milestones and tasks, centralizing and organizing related information, and for resourcing and tracking various projects for organizations involved in providing management information and advice on business performance and management control systems. While developed as a comprehensive, integrated toolkit for auditors, many of the individual components noted below may be of interest to Notes users and developers in other fields or disciplines, e.g. project or program management. This product has already been adopted by several federal and provincial organizations and was upgraded in 2001. Source code is provided.
    Business Functions: The suite comprises several Lotus Notes 4.5.2 and a few Lotus Notes 5.0.7 databases: The Program Planning database allows an organization to identify potential projects for the upcoming fiscal year; the Project Initiation database contains current information about audit universe elements, clients, and individuals (Points of Contact) in the client areas; the Project Tracking database automates the processes of assigning and managing milestones and tasks; the Project Working Papers database is the electronic file containing all the deliverable documents and detailed working papers for a particular project; and the Organization and Management database centralizes all information related to that area's organization, the management standards and practices, and the status of various ongoing activities. Other handy databases include Corporate and Planning Keywords, Time Sheets, Time Reporting, Training, Business Intelligence, and Feedback/Change Requests.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 1
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Client server (Notes) / networked / multi-user or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: To install, evaluate and/or implement, requires Lotus Notes V4.5.2 or above for most components, and Lotus Notes V5.0.3 or above for the rest (source code is provided)
    Comments: An Application Help database contains the user guide that describes the features of each application and how to enter data into the system. Help is available in both English and French. A Customization Guide database describes how to customize each application so that it will run in a user's particular environment and better reflect the user's business requirements.
    Official Language: Fully bilingual.

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    Automated Materiel Management Information System

    Acronym: AMMIS
    Version: v. 3.0
    Overview: Endorsed as a Shared System for use in federal departments by the CIO of the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), the Automated Materiel Management Information System (known as AMMIS or WinAMMIS) is a Crown owned, fully integrated software tool for the complete materiel management lifecycle. This Windows-based system is designed to automate centralized or decentralized processes. It allows departmental Responsibility Centre staff to electronically initiate procurement orders, commit funds, make payments, receive goods and services, and control assets and inventory. Only an authorware demonstration copy, including overview information about the product and the Cluster Group, is available directly from the Exchange for your initial evaluation (see below for other options).
    Business Functions: AMMIS includes optional interfaces to Federal Government central agency systems, such as the Common Departmental Finance System (CDFS) and the Automated Buyer Environment (ABE). The user interface relies heavily upon point and click features, embedded table lookups and the use of data default, while flexible design gives departments the option of implementing selected modules as needed. Data driven decision tables also offer users greater flexibility. Comprehensive user and group security privileges within the financial delegation authority level can be controlled at user, screen and field levels. Since its beginning, the fine tuning of this product has been incremental and is backed by a committed, proactive Cluster Group, respecting the client requirements while supporting the Shared System concept of eliminating user specific customizations so as not to compromise the value for money benefit. It supports the best business practices for procurement and contracting at minimal cost and with maximum benefit to user departments. Significant savings are realized through shared development and support costs. Other benefits include the elimination of duplication of effort and the need for legacy systems within the departments, a reduction in the use and consequently the cost of forms, and support for strategic procurement sourcing decisions. There are at least seventeen client departments and several non-federal organizations now using AMMIS. The system offers a full range of transaction processing and reporting capabilities. It provides tools that can be used in all six of the materiel management business functions defined within a life-cycle model, including: procurement of goods, professional and other services contracting; budget tracking, maintenance of ledgers and depreciation of assets; inventory and assets management; stock item control; shipping and receiving; and reporting. The system offers maintenance support functionality and a report generation feature, and allows users to initiate orders, approve expenditures and commit funds electronically. It provides an electronic method of managing orders, receiving goods, paying invoices, replacing and disposing of assets, contracting for services, and maintaining consumable inventories.
    Category: Financial and Materiel Management; Purchasing and Contracting
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 568
    Format: DEMO COPY
    Environment: Operates on a stand-alone microcomputer or in a client/server based environment (multi-user). A stand-alone version of the system is distributed by the Product Director for evaluation purposes.
    Other Technical Details: This open system has been developed with leading edge technologies such as PowerBuilder and supports both Sybase SQL and Oracle products as its database.
    Comments: Plans for a web-based version are under development. For further information about AMMIS or to request a full demonstration, contact the Product Director, Mr. Jean-Marie Godard, at (819) 997-6413, or via e-mail at, or check out the AMMIS website at Some restrictions may apply.
    Official Language: Operates in both official languages.

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    Bank Record System

    Acronym: BANKREC
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: BANKREC is a basic database program written in Clipper, which allows users to look up tombstone information on commercial banks located within a specific region, e.g. bank name, location (city, postal code), and identifier number. It is used as a regional office collections tool for delinquent client accounts.
    Category: Finance, Human Resources, Management Support
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    File Size: 400
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Clipper

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    Business Case Template

    Acronym: BIZCASE
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: The Business Case Template (BizCase) provides a consistent framework in which to develop business cases. This computer based template guides the user through a comprehensive series of questions and instructions, prompting the user to complete a business case "in process", from Project Identification through Purpose, Background, Research and Options to Recommendations and Next Steps, leading to a draft or finished product at the end of the exercise. It is targeted to employees (managers, project leaders, professional and technical staff, administrative support staff) who may be required to either develop or assist with the development of a business case.
    Business Functions: The use of BizCase ensures that all relevant qualitative and quantitative elements are addressed in the development and preparation of a typical business case document. It maximizes the user's time and provides an efficient and effective process within which to develop a business case. BizCase may be useful for any type of public sector organization. It is an excellent electronic learning and performance support tool.
    Category: Administrative, Informatics and Management Support
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 1
    Required Software: Developed with Multi Media Tool Book 3.0 (not required to install and implement as is, but is required to modify)
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: single user; may be installed on a network or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: Developed with Multi Media Tool Book 3.0 (not required to install and implement as is, but is required to modify)
    Official Language: Available in French or English.

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    Cabinet Document Control System

    Acronym: CDCS
    Version: v. 2.5
    Overview: A simple tracking system developed in MS Access 97 to track who has a Cabinet document and when the document is due back. CDCS also stores the history of the document to see who has had it in the past. Produces three (3) basic reports to summarize the f
    Business Functions: It is an extremely easy to use system with minimal technical requirements and requires very little documentation or training. The system provides the ability to search on all document properties (such as title or bar code). No executable copy or documentation available; only programme source code is provided so will require a licensed copy of MS Access 97 to install, evaluate, modify or use "as is". Password protected. A very basic, functional database application that was designed to keep track of Cabinet documents but can be easily modified for the management of other types of documents or records or to add more functionality. As stated above, reports will quickly convey the overdue status and the history/status of a document or documents.
    Category: Administration; Records and Information Management Solutions
    Donor: Solicitor General Canada SGC
    File Size: 2248
    Required Software: MS-Access 97
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: single user/stand alone system
    Other Technical Details: 32 MB of RAM needed
    Official Language: English only

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    Capitalization of Software Developed In-House Guidelines

    Acronym: CSDIHG
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: A bilingual Word document with MS Excel spreadsheets, developed by the federal Small Agencies Finance Action Group (SAFAG), to provide guidelines for the capitalization of software that has been developed in-house. It includes an overview of the purpose, scope, acronyms and abbreviations, and references. The guideline will also cover software capitalization rules; software development and cost elements definitions; and supporting documents including templates for simple and large projects. These guidelines conform to Treasury Board's Financial Information Strategy (FIS), standards and Generally-Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). The purpose of this document is to provide simple and practical generic guidelines and ensure common understanding amongst IT project managers and financial officers.
    Business Functions: The guideline focuses on identifying and defining the various cost elements to consider when capitalizing software assets developed in-house. It also identifies potential issues and pitfalls, where applicable. The guideline will explain the expensed and capitalized costs steps and stages for each software development projects. The templates accompanying the guidelines document have been provided to help compile software costs eligible for capitalization. The templates are spreadsheets containing formulas and links that should be reviewed and tested regularly to ensure accurate data processing.
    Category: Administrative, Informatics and Management Support
    Donor: Transportation Safety Board of Canada TSB
    File Size: 14
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Other Technical Details: A Word document with MS Excel spreadsheets included.
    Official Language: The English and French versions are provided.

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    Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator, for Lotus 1-2-3

    Acronym: VLC-LOTUS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator (CLVLC-L) is a Lotus spreadsheet designed primarily for the use of Compensation Advisors. Its purpose is to facilitate the administration of the new article 34.11(b) of the PSAC Program and Administration Services Agreement signed on December 29, 1998. The CLVLC-L has been upgraded to Version 2.0 for fiscal year 2001-2002. NOTE: see also SES product #811 for the MS Excel version.
    Business Functions: The leave balance and usage data can be obtained either from a copy of the employee's Statement of Leave Credits or the department's Human Resource Leave System. The use of this tool will save precious time for Compensation Advisors so they can concentrate their efforts on more complex issues. This is an easy-to-use spreadsheet which requires only three entries by the Compensation Advisor. It will determine what the separate bank will be for an employee who has a carry-over of more than 262.5 hours (35 days) of vacation leave on March 31, and will also calculate the amount of the current entitlements and the applicable amount (in hours) from the separate bank that must be paid in cash for this fiscal year.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave and Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    Required Software: a licensed copy of Lotus 1-2-3 Version 97 is needed to install, run and/or modify
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Networked or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: Windows and Lotus 1-2-3 are required to run the program on either a networked or stand-alone computer.
    Official Language: Both English and French versions provided; user selects language of preference.

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    Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator, for MS Excel

    Acronym: VLC-EXCEL
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: The Carry-over and/or Liquidation of Vacation Leave Calculator (CLVLC-E) is an MS Excel spreadsheet designed primarily for the use of Compensation Advisors. Its purpose is to facilitate the administration of the new article 34.11(b) of the PSAC Program and Administration Services Agreement signed on December 29, 1998. The CLVLC-E has been upgraded to Version 2.0 for fiscal year 2001-2002. NOTE: see also SES product #810 for the Lotus 1-2-3 version.
    Business Functions: The leave balance and usage data can be obtained either from a copy of the employee's Statement of Leave Credits or the department's Human Resource Leave System. The use of this tool will save precious time for Compensation Advisors so they can concentrate their efforts on more complex issues. This is an easy-to-use spreadsheet which requires only three entries by the Compensation Advisor. It will determine what the separate bank will be for an employee who has a carry-over of more than 262.5 hours (35 days) of vacation leave on March 31, and will also calculate the amount of the current entitlements and the applicable amount (in hours) from the separate bank that must be paid in cash for this fiscal year.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave and Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    File Size: 208
    Required Software: a licensed copy of MS Excel Version 5.0 is needed to install, run and/or modify
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Networked or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: Windows and MS Excel are required to run the program on either a networked or stand-alone computer.
    Official Language: Both English and French versions provided; user selects language of preference.

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    Case Plus tm - Case Management System

    Acronym: CMS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Case Plus/CMS is an intuitive tool for a large, multiple jurisdiction appellate court which could also be used by courts of limited, general or special jurisdiction (including provincial courts of appeal) or tribunal boards, or could be modified to track and manage other types of cases, events, documents and activities, e.g. in hospitals or other non-judicial organizations. Developed in Powerbuilder for a Windows client/server environment and consisting of 12 main modules (see below), CMS integrates business rules and includes powerful search capabilities. A PowerPoint demo presentation and HTML overview documents are provided for your initial evaluation.
    Business Functions: The main modules are: Docket (all case activities, decisions, documents filed); Proceedings Management (filing of formal court documents, recording of correspondence with the parties or of administrative case management events); Parties and Counsel (tombstone data); Extensive Search Capabilities; Rules Management (readily modified to reflect regularly modified court rules); Bring Forward (four types, to remind staff of actions to perform in relation to specific cases); Extensive Reporting (60 predefined management reports can be viewed, saved in various formats such as Excel, HTML tables, etc., and generated immediately or scheduled for later); Letters and Other Outputs (generates notices, orders, labels, etc.); Case Notes (users can attach administrative "sticky" notes to a file); Code Table Administration (to add, modify or delete the contents of lists of values that appear on the user screens); Lower Courts (for each lower court judgment, the file number, disposition, date of disposition and names of all participating judges are recorded); and Security (assigns access rights to users). Case Plus/CMS offers user flexibility and increased access to information to assist in the management of case flow and making decisions; and facilitates data entry, validation of the data and navigation for all types of users. Once a case is opened, users effortlessly access all of the screens related to that case according to pre-established access rights. The ease of use and consistent intuitive screen design help reduce user training time required.
    Category: Records and Information Management Solutions
    Donor: Supreme Court of Canada SCC
    Environment: Will require Powerbuilder v5.0 to modify the code. Minimum standard configuration requirements: a) Client: Pentium 133+, Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0 service pack 3+, 32 megs+ memory (preferably 64 megs+, especially if running Windows NT), 15 megs of free disk space, MS SQL Server client 6.5, and WordPerfect 8.0*; b) Server: Pentium 200+, Windows NT Server 4.0 service pack 3+, 128+ megs of memory, approximately 100 megs of disk space depending on size of Court, MS SQL Server 6.5, and WordPerfect 8.0* (* standard configuration; other products can be integrated.)
    Other Technical Details: PowerPoint and a web browser are required to run the demo material provided for initial evaluation. : NOTE: This application was developed for the Supreme Court by PWGSC's Internet Application Development Group, whose services are available to other federal clients on a negotiated fee basis for installation, training, gap analysis and report, plus any future re-customization, maintenance and support services required. Non-federal clients interested in any of these services will be referred to a private sector firm also involved in the development of this product. There is no charge for "as is" provision of the programming source code itself.
    Comments: New functionality could be added as required (e.g. scheduling, electronic filing)
    Official Language: Bilingual application, in English and French versions; users select language of choice at log-in. Demo copy and overview documents are available in English only.

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    Acronym: Cat
    Version: v.1.0
    Overview: Catalogue of products
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Certificate Printer Utility

    Acronym: CPU
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: This bilingual utility is designed to help simplify the generation of employee award certificates. It consists of a database for storing information such as employee names, years of services, termination dates, and language preferences; and includes table templates, queries, data entry forms, and reports that can be generated in English or French. The departmental pay office notifies the Award Coordinator of impending retirements, Deputy Minister commendations, merit and suggestion awards, etc; the coordinator then reproduces the required certificates on standard or special stock paper(which can be imprinted in advance with departmental seals or emblems) using standard formats, spacing and fonts. In-house production of these certificated eliminated the need for professional services such as a calligrapher or printer, thereby reducing time and costs, especially since spelling and placement can be quickly checked on a PC before anything is actually reproduced. This product comes without documentation but is easy to use as is and basically self-explanatory, and is years 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO
    Required Software: MS Access 2.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Network

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    Certification & Accreditation of Information Systems - Security Guidelines

    Acronym: C&A;
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Departments are increasingly dependant upon information systems (IS) as tools for conducting operational and support activities, introducing increased security risks which must be effectively managed such that missions and objectives are not at risk of being compromised. Certification and Accreditation (C&A;) are designed to provide assurance that the selected safeguards are implemented. This document serves as an amplification of the government security policy and provides guidance to IS Security and certification personnel on standards required to adequately safeguard the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information and sensitive assets. It provides an introduction to concepts and procedures pertaining to the C&A; process within DND; guidance on system profile selection and a number of generic system profiles; a general discussion of Threat and Risk assessments; certification checklists; and generic supporting documentation. It should be used in conjunction with guidelines on security risk management. Available in English only, in hard copy or on disk (please specify your preference when ordering).
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 1243
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: English only

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    Cheque Distribution Application

    Acronym: CDA
    Version: v. 2.1
    Overview: This is a database application designed to produce a cheque distribution list for a regional office, recording all employee names, addresses, and preferred method of payment details (i.e. where cheques should be sent). It produces mailing labels for home delivery cheques, audit forms for receipt verification and signature, and a variety of reports.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    File Size: 414
    Required Software: DBASE IV
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: DBASe IV

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    Classification Grievance Tracking System

    Acronym: GTS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Donated by Treasury Board Secretariat and Public Works and Government Services Canada. GTS records and reports on position classification grievances from all federal departments and agencies. It was designed for TBS by PWGSC's Internet Application Development Group as a secure, self-explanatory tool for persons already knowledgeable with the grievance tracking process (ie. Classification Officers and Treasury Board Officers). Most of the application administration involves defining the user base (ie. user maintenance); this information is used by Classification Officers to track current, proposed and approved grievances filed within their organization. Various pre-defined, bilingual reports are available to allow both detail and summary data to be extracted from the system by users for their own department, and by TBS for any department. Unions are e-mailed via a built-in union notification system. A Demo Presentation prepared in Freelance Graphics, On-line help and full User Guide documentation are included.
    Business Functions: The initial data capture of the Classification Grievance screen is kept to a minimum: the system determines the Classification Officer's department upon log-in, and generates a unique case number within the database. The user then inputs employee names to the grievance file. At any time, names can be added and/or removed from a grievance using the employee screen and employee information can be changed. Other related information can then be added, e.g. involved TBS Officers, committee members, unions, positions, grievance performance and results indicators, various dates, hearings, number of active, withdrawn and rejected employees, comments, classification elements and ratings, and work descriptions. Security measures are built-in (password, encryption, etc.). GTS provides a central repository of grievance data within a large organization. It allows for easy distribution to end-users departments to easily enter and track their own grievances and allows. Although the application code "as is" would be of little benefit to most federal organizations other than TBS, it can be modified (customized) to incorporate functionality that is specific to HR groups within other organizations, or analyzed as a model for the development of other types of web-enabled tracking systems. Being Web-based, GTS requires minimal administration.
    Category: Human Resources - Staffing & Classification
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Required Software: Netscape Communicator 4.06+
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Web-enabled/Multi-user (from anywhere within GENet (the federal Intranet))
    Other Technical Details: Web browser-based technology (thin-client application)
    Official Language: The system is fully bilingual; users select either English or French version to work in.

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    Common Departmental Financial System

    Acronym: CDFS
    Version: v.1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - The Common Departmental Financial System (CDFS) is endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). This is a Crown-owned, comprehensive departmental financial management and reporting system developed and provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) as an optional service. CDFS meets all the requirements specified in the Financial Administration Act, TB directives, guidelines and policies and the Financial Information Strategy. CDFS features full expenditure and revenue management capabilities, complete general ledger functionality, a budgeting and forecasting facility, and on-line inquiries and reports. It also features a Windows-based Management Reporting Module to satisfy the information requirements of Responsibility Centre managers. CDFS offers departments a wide variety of setup options to accommodate their unique financial coding and control requirements. It runs on the PWGSC mainframe, allows users direct access through PCs and communication facilities and provides electronic interfaces with PWGSC central systems. Twelve government departments are currently using it. A Cluster Group composed of senior representatives from all the user departments establishes system priorities and provides advice to PWGSC concerning the continuing evolution of CDFS. A copy of the System Profile and a brochure about CDFS are available from Software Exchange. For additional information please contact Bruce Taylor, Director, Financial and Reporting Products Directorate, Government Operational Services Branch, PWGSC, 11A2, Place du Portage 3, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S5. This application is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Computer Centre - Security Checklist

    Acronym: CC-SC
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Computer Centre Security Checklist is a booklet listing security checkpoints used for environmental controls, personnel, hardware, software, audit controls and contingency planning. It is designed to assist personnel in the annual threat assessment exercise. The checklist allows personnel to investigate the premises and easily record observations. Findings are used to determine subsequent action: further investigation, evaluation and proposed corrective action.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Contingency Plan For EDP Disaster Recovery

    Acronym: DISASTER
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The purpose of a Contingency Plan for EDP Disaster Recovery is to enable an organization to continue to perform its operations through an extended loss of its electronic data processing (EDP) service. The aim is to have timely restoration of the level of data processing services required to support initial operations, until full capabilities of the EDP facility have been restored. The Plan outlines the appropriate safeguards identified by the Competition Tribunal against various threats, risks and disasters that may occur, in order to avoid the permanent loss of their computerized DP capabilities and to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, systems and services. This document can be used as a guide by other small-sized organizations in the development of their own Contingency Plans. Available in hard copy or on diskette in WordPerfect format, in both English and French.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Competition Tribunal CT
    File Size: 373
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Corporate Licensing & Software Management System

    Acronym: CLSM
    Version: v. 3.1
    Overview: The CLSM tracks the distribution of licensed software within an organization and monitors "Bring Forwards" on outstanding contracts or purchases. Data is captured on suppliers, internal and external contacts, contract expenditures, products and product lines, number of licenses, and client purchases. The system monitors maintenance start and end dates; triggers agreement re-negotiation; associates purchases with projects and tracks status and costs; analyzes product usage and renewals required; and produces reports in various formats.
    Business Functions: CLSM incorporates drop-down menus; users can query on any field, data can be exported and manipulated into reports in other formats (i.e. Excel). Database updates will automatically update a corporate software catalogue on the departmental Intranet through hypertext links. Allows an organization to track the numbers and types of software licenses owned as well as their dollar value on as ongoing basis, to ensure that the organization is not over-buying licenses. Also ensures that the organization is always prepared for software audits by enabling easy tracking of procured licenses. CLSM aids in budget forecasting for upgrades of software products.
    Category: IM/IT Software Management
    Donor: Transport Canada TC
    File Size: 48
    Required Software: N/A - executable copy provided
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: stand-alone or LAN
    Other Technical Details: FOR THE FULL PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION AND MODIFICATIONS IF A TRANSFER IS ACCEPTED: A. Hardware: at least a 486 processor with 8MB Ram; Microsoft NT Server and IIS on server for Catalogue portion. B. Software: Access 97 and any internet browser; Powerbuilder and MS Jet for the database. C. Environment: stand-alone or LAN D. Operating system: same as above
    Comments: Web application is in process
    Official Language: Source code for the database and interface, including on-line documentation, is available in English only; however, there are fields for both French and English product descriptions, etc., for the purposes of viewing in the Corporate Software Catalogue.

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    Corporate Management System

    Acronym: CMS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - CMS is endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada and will be available in the fall of 1998. It will be a fully integrated on-line system that allows users to process financial, procurement, inventory, human resources, and unit of business transactions, with seamless, 'single window' access to the corporate databases. CMS is being designed to provide full management information reporting and will support flexible organization structures and office autonomy. Key features will include: a graphical user interface; on-line security transactions for access; decision support, including predefined and ad-hoc reports; electronic authorization and authentication; performance measurement; access to human resources and finance activities and transactions; and paperless personnel security. The CMS resides on both the Unisys A-18 mainframe and Unix/Oracle platforms. From a PC workstation (with minimum 486 processor, 8Mb of RAM, SVGA video monitor, 350 Mb hard disk, 1.44 Mb floppy disk, and Microsoft Windows operating system), CMS users shall access the mainframe and Decision Support System applications with a LAN connection via TCP/IP. Minimal PC workstation distributed software requirements are PCE, Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, Delrina FormFlow, Microsoft ODBC, Attachmate Infoconnect and Open/A. A product overview is available from Software Exchange. Those interested in more detailed information will be referred to the CMS Project Manager.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Crisis Management System

    Acronym: CMS
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: CMS is a national, web-based system used by the Transport Canada Situation Centres. It is designed to manage information related to major transportation emergencies. It allows the user to navigate through various options and execute all the necessary emergency functions for any one of 35 anticipated emergency transportation scenarios that could affect Canadians.
    Business Functions: CMS is a user friendly, multimedia system that provides a means for quickly recording events relating to an emergency and producing reports for senior management, other departments or agencies and other countries.
    Category: Information Management, Emergency Preparedness
    Donor: Transport Canada TC
    File Size: 29
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: This enterprise software is designed to run on a Windows NT 4.0 server as an Intranet or Internet application and is accessed through later versions of Internet Explorer, 4.x or better, or Netscape 4.x or better. It could be easily modified to run on Windows 2000. CMS interfaces with an Oracle database (the database schema can be adjusted for similar powerful database engines). Requires Microsoft IIS, Active Server Pages, Visual Basic scripts and Java scripts to modify. License for Oracle or similar database also required for modifications. N.B - Most of the programming can be modified using a find-and-replace program similar to "FunDuck".
    Comments: Transport Canada is willing to answer questions and provide minimal assistance during the evaluation of this product; however, any assistance provided during the set-up and operation phases of CMS in another organization may involve costs subject to negotiation. This application has been modified and implemented by the Office of Critical Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP) in National Defence. Plans for a possible government-wide version are under development. Contact us for further information.
    Official Language: The system is bilingual. A draft user manual in English is being edited and will then translated into French.

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    Desktop Internet Access - Technology, Costs & Support Overview

    Acronym: FIREWALL - Study
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Agriculture and Agri-food Canada's initial forays onto the Internet were via a restrictive 'firewall' that was established to prevent unauthorized access to their facilities. As the Internet evolved, departmental users wanted to have the access and tools moved down to the individual desktop, enabling them to easily retrieve needed data and have access to the most up-to-date technologies, while still protecting the security of departmental information assets. This document outlines the tools, support infrastructure and costs associated with various alternatives explored by this department, and could be a valuable guide to other organizations going through a similar exercise. It was produced in WordPerfect 5.1 and is available in print or electronic format (specify when ordering).
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AAFC
    File Size: 263
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Developing Dynamic Electronic Forms - Support Centre

    Acronym: DDEF
    Version: v. 1.1
    Overview: The Support Centre is a French, web-enabled self-teaching application, developed according to the knowledge management concept to aid multidisciplinary teams responsible for developing dynamic electronic forms. It includes a documented and illustrated presentation of the forms development process; standards for graphic and electronic creation of forms; and reusable objects such as standardized French and English messages, programs in JavaScript and graphic elements. The Support Centre also includes a demonstration on developing parts of forms in Portable Document Format (PDF) and sample forms.
    Business Functions: The Support Centre combines a variety of standardized elements for creating dynamic electronic forms. PDF technology is being used more and more to create electronic forms that can be completed on screen, for posting on the Web. A number of Canadian government services have used it for quick service delivery to the public. The Support Centre gives users the opportunity to benefit from over three years of research and experimentation in the field. New users can then avoid the stumbling blocks usually encountered by beginners, resulting in reduced costs and increased productivity. All the phases of work are properly documented. The programs in JavaScript make it possible to use certain functions that are not available in Acrobat.
    Category: Graphics Design
    Donor: Quebec Government QC
    File Size: 30
    Required Software: Explorer 5.0 + web browser should be used. The site does not run well on Netscape / Explorer 5.0 et un navigateur Web doivent être utilisés. Le site ne fonctionne pas bien sous Netscape.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Web based
    Other Technical Details: This is a complete turnkey product that requires no training. The site is in HTML. It includes standard templates for creating dynamic electronic forms in PDF. Because the programming in JavaScript was developed for Acrobat 4.05, some programs will have to be upgraded to version 5.05.
    Comments: Version 1.1 is currently being translated into English and the English version should be available in the fall of 2002. The donor organization is located in Ste-Foy, Que. On-site demonstrations can be arranged there on request through KES.
    Official Language: The Support Centre is available in French only. However, messages, data editing functions and graphic elements have been developed for use in English.

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    Development Procedure for Small Independent System

    Acronym: DPSIS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: An abbreviated Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) document for use in developing 'small independent systems', defined as personal applications implemented on a microcomputer. The system does not provide corporate data; does not interface electronically with another system; and the output is not distributed beyond the client immediate organization.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Discussion Database

    Acronym: DD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Discussion Database (DD) is a bilingual corporate application within the Industry Canada Applications in Notes system (ICAN - see product A-790). This database is used for agendas and minutes. Users can enter a response to an agenda or action items, comments to the discussion topic, or a response to comments. Documents from members can be submitted into the database and can be viewed by date, author or topic; in this way, the agenda can be linked to documents submitted as part of the agenda. Users can add documents by either composing the text directly into the database, by copying text from an existing word processing file, or by attaching an existing document (useful for slide decks and graphics); however, attachments have to be launched into existing software on the individual reader's computer to be read or printed. The DD has full-text search capability and on-line help. Requires Lotus Notes 4.1 to evaluate and run the application. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 261
    Required Software: Lotus Notes 4.0
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Dispute Resolution

    Acronym: DRCBT
    Version: v. 1.1
    Overview: This multi-media CBT offers participants a step by step program for learning how to resolve conflicts in the workplace. The program leads from an explanation of the kinds of disputes and mechanisms for resolution and provides the learner with case studies in video format that models how disputes can be successfully resolved. Exercises and quizzes permit learners to gauge their progress.
    Business Functions: Used and promoted department- wide, the product could help to significantly reduce the incidence of disputes. This course will permit learners to understand the reasons for disputes and give them practical techniques to resolve misunderstandings.
    Category: HR Planning and Management, Training and Development
    Donor: Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP
    File Size: 2766903
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Stand Alone version 1.1 , 2000
    Official Language: Bilingual: French and English.

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    Document Management Control System

    Acronym: DMCS
    Version: v. 3.1
    Overview: This application was built using Microsoft (MS) desktop tools and "rides" on top of the departmental IT infrastructure. Using DMCS, an organization can: Create and/or save documents, files and repositories; profile, file, search and retrieve documents, emails and attachments; maintain an electronic filing system; import legacy records management system data and attachments; access resources from dial-up or from another network connection; manage document retention and disposition; create and customize reports; search and retrieve documents using the existing web interface; manage and maintain document retention and disposition schedules; change defaulted designations to support document disposition exceptions; identify essential records required to operate from emergency facilities and re-establish government operations; and customize for the users desktop.
    Business Functions: The business functionality is based on a centralized concept of operations: A clerk receives the incoming mail (hardcopy and softcopy), profiles it, assigns it to a file, scans the document if it is paper based, sends a preformatted email to all action and info addressees, and publishes the profile (complete with a hyperlink to the document(s) and all captured emails) to the departmental Intranet. Document movement is tracked through the DMCS system link to the MS Outlook email system and automatically reported to the database. In turn, all email replies are captured by DMCS and published to the web. Users can search on key words, file numbers, subjects, etc. using any index server search engine such as AltaVista. DMCS creates a secure document repository so originals can be preserved with restricted access. Security is maintained through the normal process of record level security at the network level, ie. anyone can search and find profiled information but only those people you choose can actually view the document. Developed as a highly cost-effective and robust localized information management solution, DMCS utilizes existing desktop tools, architecture and standards of practice to create a virtual central registry for records, correspondence and other types of documents. As a result, limited handling of documents eliminates loss; and users only have to know how to manage their email and can find documents from any workstation, enabling them to concentrate on their core activities, while Central Registry Offices and Client Support Centres are re-empowered to manage and track documents for the organization.
    Category: Records / Documents / Information Management
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 3310
    Required Software: MS Access
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: MAPI compliant; operates on Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000 baselines augmented by the appropriate MS Office version.
    Comments: Access2000 v3.2 is under development to include an easier scanning routine. An Access / SQL Web Based Version 4.0 is tentatively planned for development later in 2001. DND may be interested in partnering with other organizations to accelerate making this a web-enabled application. Scaleable and upgradeable, with excellent growth potential to meet future needs and/or for possible implementation as a corporate-wide records management solution; can be deployed easily and immediately with minimal investment by leveraging the existing infrastructure. Corporate search and retrieval is through the Intranet search engine and correspondence management is through the email system. Documents are hyperlinked to emails instead of attached, to minimize stress on the IT infrastructure. The product is based on MS Access versions 97 or 2000, which is more than adequate as a DBMS; MS Office 97 Professional or MS Office 2000 Professional or other*; MS Exchange Outlook messaging system or other*; IIS Web Server or other*; NT File Server or other*; and IIS Search Engine or other*. (*Other technology would have to be tested. The same system could be implemented at very low cost on other office suites or, as this system typically installs on a dedicated machine, one machine could deviate from the organizations standard office suite yet work by virtue of the MAPI interface or, as an example, internet email gateway or another gateway in use within the organization.) DMCS is fully documented and includes a PowerPoint overview presentation.
    Official Language: Fully bilingual. There is one input screen to be used by clerical staff which can be customized in minutes to be one language only, but with bilingual output to meet official language requirements.

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    EcoNet Management System

    Acronym: EMS
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: ECONET is DND's consolidated database of Contaminated Sites and Solid Waste Landfills, as required by Treasury Board policy, as well as DND's regulatory inventory of Petroleum and Allied Petroleum Product Storage Tanks, as required under CEPA. ECONET is an internet-based application intended to replace the environment portion of Aladdin for managing fuel storage tanks, contaminated sites, and solid waste landfills. ECONET was designed with a new database and is hosted by the Director Infrastructure Environment Corporate Services (DIECS). It is used at the base level by Environmental Officers, Property Managers and Construction Engineers, and at the National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) level by the Director General of the Environment (DGE).
    Business Functions: The implementation plan and guide is designed to facilitate the migration of Econet V2 application into new environments. The objective is to ensure that installation of the database and web pages are completed in a standardized exe format. With ECONET, DGE meets its regulatory obligations for establishing a consolidated Storage Tank Registry, as legislated by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and for maintaining a Contaminated Sites and Solid Waste Landfills Registry in accordance with new Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) policies. ECONET also produces, on an ad hoc basis, the information to feed the TBS Directory of Federal Real Property (DFRP) by ensuring that fuel storage tanks comply with guideline amending the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) codes of practice.
    Category: Management of fuel storage tanks, contaminated sites, solid waste land
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 500
    Required Ram: 32
    Development Software: Internet Explorer 5.0 +.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: ECONET has been designed to operate in a Windows 95/98 environment. Small variations in the application may occur for users using Windows 2000. The application will run using the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or a higher web browser. Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Operating System, this is required to run Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 web server. It is also required to run the database on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack. The Option Pack is a significant add-on to NT Server 4.0. Its major components and features basically turn NT Server 4.0 into a complete web/mail/ftp server. Internet Information Server IIS 4.0. (IIS is Microsoft's web server). IIS supports Microsoft's Active Server Pages and traditional web technologies, such as CGI and Perl scripting. Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. HTML & JavaScript (Client Scripting).
    Other Technical Details: Econet was developed to operate over the Defence Information Network (DIN) as an Intranet application. Various applications may be accessed through Econet, except, that some application links may be non-functional if the user does not have access to them. If they are available, the links may have to be changed in the global.asa file. The uploading of Financial Liability and Expenditure information will not be available. A computer with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is required. Execution of both Jscript and VBScript requires Microsoft Script Engine 5.0. Econet uses a Java component as part of its "upload" functionality. This allows users to attach relevant files to a tank, contaminated site, or solid waste landfill. This java component resides on the application server and is called through ASP. Execution of the Java methods requires the Microsoft Win32 Java Virtual Machine 5.0.
    Comments: How to navigate within the application: Orange and blue Menu tabs are located on the top portion of the screen. A sub-menu is located on the left hand side of the screen. The sub-menu will change based on the selection of each individual orange tab on the top portion of the screen. Language selection and Help are located on the blue Menu tabs. The Help tab provides a User Guide, which includes descriptions and functionalities as well as screen shots for every page of the application.
    Official Language: Fully bilingual; user selects language of preference

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    EDP Contingency Plan

    Acronym: EDPCP
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Departmental EDP Disaster Recovery Plan would be of interest to anyone involved with having to restore computing power to a micro or mini (IBM 9370) environment. The plan provides an orderly and controlled process which goes into effect the moment that a Disaster has been declared and ends when full operational capability has been restored. There are four sections covering: Management Overview; Required Contingency Preparations and EDP Resource Configuration; Action Plan; Maintenance and Testing. The Appendices contain charts, checklists, and forms to be used in bringing the systems back up. An electronic version of the EDP Contingency Plan is available in the following format: 3.5 inch; high density; WordPerfect.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Service Staff Relations Board PSSRB
    File Size: 256
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Electronic Acquisition Card Initiative

    Acronym: EDIDOCS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: To reduce paperwork and streamline the processes involved in the acquisition and settlement of low dollar value purchases for goods and services, NRCan uses acquisition cards for purchases and has incorporated the electronic receipt and settlement of transactions into their departmental financial system. The process involves the electronic receipt of monthly EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) files from the credit card companies, immediate settlement through single payment requisitions and, using an automated log (commitment), the distribution of charges to appropriate budgets. PWGSC provides both the EDI services for the receipt of files from Mastercard and Visa, and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) services to deposit the funds to suppliers' bank accounts. As a result, quicker turnaround time enables NRCan to take advantage of a .50 cent rebate per transaction offered by Mastercard for payments within 7 days. In the first year of implementation (1995-96), over 25,000 credit card transactions were processed through EDI, resulting in a process cost savings of just over $1 million. NRCan's transaction volume and resultant savings are expected to double in 1996-97, and savings are projected to be in the range of $4 million per annum over the next few years for NRCan. Documents describing this initiative, including the policy, the post- implementation report and some training documents, are available in WordPerfect 5.2 and 6.1 format (with some appendices in Freelance Graphics) in both English and French, in hard copy or on diskette. Please specify language preference if ordering hard copy.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Natural Resources Canada NRCAN
    File Size: 573
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Electronic Forms

    Acronym: JetForm
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: DFAIT designed over 30 standard PSC forms that include Human Resources, Security and Administration. This product is targeted to employees who wish to manage their form requirements electronically. These forms have been developed using JetForm, which will be required to open each file.
    Business Functions: The forms are saved separately and easily retrievable. Users can open each file, fill in the required information and print. A relatively simple product that was developed to help employees have electronically commonly used forms at their fingertips such as Call-up Against a Standing Offer, Competition etc. All of the forms are bilingual.
    Category: Forms Management
    Donor: Foreign Affairs & International Trade FAIT
    File Size: 15
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: JetForm 4.2 130 Design and JetForm 4.3 417 Filler
    Other Technical Details: May be installed on a network or stand alone. Easy to install.
    Comments: Easy to Install
    Official Language: The forms are bilingual

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    Electronic Forms Application upgrade

    Acronym: ELF
    Version: v. 4.51
    Overview: This new version of the Electronic Forms Application (ELF) is a front-end to FormFlow (version 2.24) application, off-the-shelf software package. Combined, the software is targeted towards departmental forms managers who are involved in the management and distribution of electronic forms as well as employees who wish to manage their forms requirements on-line. PWGSC has developed over 1,000 forms including financial, administrative, HR, compensation, pension and insurance forms, as well as common Government of Canada forms. New and revised forms are released monthly and are now obtained on-line (see 1-ELF updated Master forms; and 2-ELF updated forms)or by contacting our office. Interested parties should consult their departmental forms manager before ordering ELF. Also, please note that ELF 4.51 is designed as a front end to FormFlow 2.24. It will not function with previous versions of Formflow.
    Business Functions: Elf v.4.51 is Windows 2000 compliant. ELF allows users to easily retrieve, fill, print and transmit forms by e-mail, establish a personal directory of forms and share forms data among work groups. This new version of the application (4.51) as the ability to search the forms' Master List by form number or title, and to sort the list by form number, title or category. Users will no longer have to maintain two forms lists since the Optional Path screen has been removed. However, its functionality has been included in the Personal List by means of the new Path Maintenance feature which allows users to view all data paths for a particular form and to quickly add, change, or delete a data path. The application includes an English and a French speller. A Self-Learning Guide for users who may require more in-depth training, is also included.
    Category: Forms Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 65
    Required Software: FormFlow 2.24
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Stand alone or server application.
    Other Technical Details: Users should plan for approximately 10 MB for forms data (this will vary depending on forms usage). A network server installation is recommended for backup/maintenance purposes.
    Comments: Installation notes for both Client-Server and Stand-alone configurations are provided. A self Learning Guide is included. The Guide may be used for additional in-depth training.
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Electronic Job Aid for Environmental Assessment

    Acronym: CBT/CEAA
    Version: v. 0.7
    Overview: The Job Aid is a bilingual computer program designed to assist CIDA project and program officers in complying with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), however, most of the information contained therein is applicable to other departments and agencies affected by the Act. The Job Aid is not a tool to instruct on the technical aspects of environmental assessment, but rather serves as a 'roadmap' through the legal complexities of the CEAA. It is geared to providing the minimum an officer needs to know to apply the Act within the confines of Canadian federal law and good environmental practice. It comprises three sections: an overview of the CEAA process; the process to be followed for the Public Registry; and, a series of case studies to see how the Act is applied to a database of CIDA projects. The Job Aid is structured around five questions: 1) Is the Act triggered? 2) Is there a 'project' as defined by the Act? 3). If there is a project, is it excluded from assessment under the Act? 4) What type of assessment is required? and 5) Is a follow-up program required? A Windows Help file provides the officer with the actual legal aspects of the Act that are pertinent for compliance requirements e.g., the Exclusion List, Inclusion List, and Comprehensive Study List. There is also a Regulations Guide to assist in determining which regulations pertain to the proposal being evaluated under the CEAA. The Job Aid is based on Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook 3.0.The program can be loaded onto 3 disks. Runtime requirements are a personal computer capable of running a Microsoft Windows application, at least an 80386 processor, 4MB RAM, and 6-8MB of hard disk space. The runtime includes the Toolbook runtime executable, several system files, the application file, an ASCII data file, and the Windows Help file. The Job Aid was created under CIDA's CEAA Training Project which was awarded a silver medal at the 1996 Federal Awards Program of the annual Government Technology Exhibition. Year 2000 concerns are not applicable to this product.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Canadian International Development Agency CIDA
    File Size: 3216
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Electronic Telephone Directory

    Acronym: ETD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Electronic Telephone Directory (ETD) is a corporate application within the Industry Canada Applications in Notes product (ICAN - see product A-790). The ETD is a Lotus Notes database which contains: basic facts on individuals who work in Industry Canada, e.g. telephone numbers, titles, locations, etc.; the organization structure of the department and who works where, reporting to whom; and direct access to PWGSC's Internet site of the federal government telephone directory. Users of ETD are all individuals who work in the department with access to Lotus Notes 4.1. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    File Size: 1912
    Required Software: Lotus Notes 4.0
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    ELF updated forms

    Acronym: Forms
    Version: d. 42
    Overview: These are the monthtly updates developed for the ELF 4.51 application. PWGSC has developed over 1,000 forms including financial, administrative, HR, compensation, pension and insurance forms, as well as common Government of Canada forms. New and revised forms are released monthly and are available by downloading this product now. Users of ELF must remember to visit our site at the end of each month to download a complete installation of this application in order to have the forms updated. Please note that you will also need to download the "Updated Master ELF Forms" available through a separate product.
    Category: Forms Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 16
    Required Disk Space: 60
    Required Software: Elf, Formflow
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: You also need to find and download the "Updated Master ELF Forms" to finalize the installation. Available under product name "Master ELF Forms".
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    ELF updated Master forms

    Acronym: Master Forms
    Version: d. 42
    Overview: These are the monthtly updates developed for the ELF 4.51 application. PWGSC has developed over 1,000 forms including financial, administrative, HR, compensation, pension and insurance forms, as well as common Government of Canada forms. New and revised forms are released monthly and are available by downloading this product now. Users of ELF must remember to visit our site at the end of each month to download a complete installation of this application in order to have the forms updated. Please note that you will also need to download the "Updated ELF Forms" available through a separate product.
    Category: Forms Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 1
    Required Disk Space: 1
    Required Software: Elf, Formflow
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: You also need to find and download the "Updated ELF Forms" to finalize the installation. Available under product name "Updated ELF Forms".
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Federal Identity Program Symbols

    Acronym: FIPS
    Version: v.2.0
    Overview: This is a package of Treasury Board's Federal Identity Program (FIP) graphic files, in a variety of formats. These trademark- protected symbols of the Government of Canada are in use for corporate identity applications under the Federal Identity Program (FIP). It includes the Coat of Arms, the flag symbol and the 'Canada' Wordmark - each of which is used in conjunction with an institution's applied title. The 'Canada' Wordmark, which is the global identifier of the Government of Canada, is used in association with the appropriate departmental signature. The graphic files are also provided for Government of Canada and Gouvernement du Canada signatures. Institutions are responsible for creating their own corporate signatures, in accordance with FIP policy and standards.
    Business Functions: These symbols are components of the Federal Identity Program (FIP) and must be used in accordance with FIP policy, guidelines and design standards. The policy document and the official titles of federal organizations may be found at Questions regarding the use of these symbols and signatures should be directed to the FIP coordinator of the federal institution concerned; or to the Federal Identity Program in TBS at (613) 957-2544. For general information, send an email to The consistent application of corporate symbols is essential to project the Government of Canada as a coherent, unified administration. This enables the public to clearly recognize federal activities by means of consistent identification and improves service to the public by facilitating access to federal programs and services.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    File Size: 1
    Required Software: Most graphics are provided in .eps, .pcx, Corel Draw and Freelance formats; users must have the appropriate graphics software license(s) installed to open the selected files.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: May be installed on a stand-alone or on a network.
    Other Technical Details: Graphics are available in Black and White only. Color is applied at departmental level.
    Comments: IMPORTANT NOTICE: No colour versions of these symbols are distributed electronically because the colour specification for FIP red is not equally supported by the range of electronic file formats the symbols are provided in. This would reduce the general utility of these files, since departments and institutions use them both for applications requiring only full black (one colour), as well as for both black & red colouring. Since colour selection is made at the point of preparing camera-ready artwork for print, the current form of these files remains the most broadly useful to departments. No distribution of colour versions of FIP identifiers is planned by Treasury Board (TBS). Enquiries regarding the use of colour should be directed to a departmental Communications branch or division.
    Official Language: French and English versions of text graphics are provided.

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    Financial Information Strategy : Orientation Module

    Acronym: FIS-OM
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The FIS Orientation Module is a computer-based training product which includes sections containing valuable information on a number of topic: What FIS covers, Why is a Financial Information Strategy needed. Each section is subdivided into units and contains a short quiz at the end in order to test your knowledge of the section. The quiz allows you to select responses with immediate feedback to help you discover where you went wrong (or right).
    Business Functions: The FIS Orientation does not provide in-depth training; the other FIS training modules will provide more advanced training. Why is FIS needed and what does it cover? Whats in it for Parliament and the public? Whats in it for managers? Whats in it for accountants? What will materiel managers and real property managers need to know? What will human resource managers need to know? Typical participants: The FIS Orientation module is intended for use by a wide range of public servants, from the executive level to the clerical level, including responsibility centre managers with financial responsibilities (such as contracting, spending, cost control, etc.), financial officers, real property managers, materiel management staff, audit and evaluation staff and administrative staff. The purpose of the FIS Orientation module is to provide an overview of the Financial Information Strategy. It provides information on the basic FIS philosophy and an appreciation of what FIS is and what impact it will have. The module focuses primarily on awareness building and communication.
    Category: Financial Management, Training and Development
    Donor: Public Service Commission of Canada PSC
    File Size: 1
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Network set up available
    Official Language: Bilingual (French or English).

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    Forms Information Control System

    Acronym: FICS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Forms Information Control System (FICS) is a bilingual system used to record all information relating to forms processed by Forms Management and to maintain a complete inventory of PWGSC forms by Office of Primary Interest (OPI) and media(ex. paper, electronic). Requests for new forms, revised forms and reprint requests are entered into the system. FICS tracks all job actions including but not limited to the OPI and the Forms Analyst who is responsible for the job. Active forms can be updated and maintained, created or deleted by authorized users within the section. The system provides management inquiries/reports, and features a search capability on all fields.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: The application was developed in Visual Basic 4.0 using an MS Access database and Crystal Reports. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    FreeBalance Client/Server Financial Management System

    Acronym: FBC/S-FMS
    Version: v. 3.0.b3
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - This system is not Crown-owned, but has been endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). FreeBalance is a proprietary suite of integrated financial systems supplied by FreeBalance Inc. for a licensing fee. It consists of eight functional modules, all of which are off-the-shelf and fully integrated to provide a complete set of public sector accounting functions that are totally compliant with TBS standards. FreeBalance Inc. offers the fully-functional FreeBalance Foundation for free to public sector organizations (formerly a $52K license). Foundation comprises the System control, General Ledger and Appropriations Management modules, while Expenditure Management, Purchasing, Revenue Management, Asset Management and FreeBalance PowerPlay can be added as required. A flexible and bilingual system, FreeBalance can operate on most IT standards and can be configured to work as a fully centralized or highly decentralized enterprise solution. It also features seamless integration with existing departmental reporting systems and mainframes, as well as with peripheral desktop applications. Nineteen government departments are currently using this product under the TB 'Shared Systems' initiative. Mr. Guy Latraverse (CRTC, 819-994-0280) chairs the Cluster Group. A copy of the system description and a demo version of the product is available from Software Exchange; for additional information call the Cluster Chair, or contact FreeBalance Inc. directly (613-236-5150, or This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Privy Council Office PCO
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Freight Rate Information Shipper's Base and E-form Entry

    Acronym: FRISBEE
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: FRISBEE is a Windows-based government shipping software, distributed and supported by the Central Freight Service of PWGSC's Traffic Management Directorate. FRISBEE is an essential tool for government departments and agencies who use freight or courier services; it automates and simplifies the selection of carriers, the preparation of the Government Bills of Lading and departmental reporting tasks. Shipment details are entered on a single screen, then FRISBEE selects the lowest-cost carrier from its database and prints a Government Bill of Lading. The FRISBEE database contains government-wide shipping rates, individual carrier discount rates and department-negotiated rates to destinations in Canada and around the world. FRISBEE's reporting module can produce reports showing shipping volume by carrier and consignee, by week, month and year. For users with compatible electronic mail systems (Microsoft Mail, or Common Mail Call-compatible software), copies of shipment information can be sent automatically to the Central Freight database, eliminating duplicate data entry. For large or multiple sites, FRISBEE offers multi-access and password protection. The application requires 6Mb RAM and 10Mb free disk space. For information on acquiring FRISBEE, please contact Linda Letang, Head, Central Freight Service at (819) 956-3885. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: TBD

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    Government on-Line Implementation Kit

    Acronym: GoL Implementation Kit
    Version: v.1.0
    Overview: The Government On-line (GOL) Implementation Kit is a set of on-line tools and references intended to provide the local line manager with a step-by-step method for determining which programs currently being delivered through their organization are candidates for GOL exposure. It is also intended to help determine exactly what should be exposed, to assess the suitability of existing applications for such exposure, and to plan, justify and launch the resulting project. The GoL Implementation Kit components are organized using a generic GoL project flow that references each step in the project development process.
    Business Functions: The GoL Implementation Kit has three components: A Planning Guide - to ensure each proposed project has a solid business justification and offers the opportunity to assemble project launch information in a manner that is consistent with the Treasury Board Enhanced Management Framework (EMF) and fosters consideration of business transformation issues consistent with current Treasury Board guidelines; A GoL Readiness Checklist - to prepare the local line manager for a formal readiness assessment by employing readiness criteria useful in determining whether a proposed GoL migration project has taken sufficient account of all relevant factors proceeding to implementation; and a GTIS GoL Catalogue of Services - provides a comprehensive catalogue of Government Telecommunications Informatics Services (GTIS) services that support the implementation process to place a Government of Canada program on-line under the auspices of the GoL program. These services are made available by GTIS to federal government departments and agencies, typically on a cost-recovery basis. The Planning Guide and the Readiness Checklist can both be used as a reference or a workbook to document and analyze the state of readiness of current and proposed GoL applications. They also identify situations where the services offered in the GTIS GoL Services Catalogue will be most appropriately applied.
    Category: Administration; Records and Information Management Solutions
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Required Software: Acrobat
    Development Software: Minimum Pentium II PC
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Single user, stand alone and network
    Other Technical Details: CD will start automatically with HTML version in any web browser. The source code for each individual document can be viewed by using any HTML editor.
    Official Language: Bilingual, English and French provided

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    Government On-Line Story

    Acronym: GOL
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: A web-based compilation of presentations from Treasury Board and other departments, created to provide senior executives with a summary of each phase in the Government of Canada's undertaking to provide Canadians with enhanced, secure access to citizen-centric information and integrated services on the Internet. Better known as the GoL (Government On-Line) initiative, this massive and innovative government-wide transformation project involves the re-engineering, consolidation and integration of services using proven, best-of-breed technologies and private sector partnerships. PWGSCs E-Government Services Sector conducted extensive research into past presentations and information about the GoL initiative in order to compile this comprehensive but concise briefing package for their Assistant Deputy Minister. It includes 55 PowerPoint slides, reduced from hundreds, to capture the story of GoL: why it started, what it involves, where we are going, and how it will fundamentally change the way we do business.
    Business Functions: The GoL Story has been presented in numerous national forums to outline the achievements to date in advancing the governments on-line initiative and highlights of future work plans. To focus activities within the business, technology, and people streams of work, the GoL Story explains the three steps or tiers of target goals and summarizes the key initiatives undertaken by PWGSC and other major federal departments as of 2001. (It is important to recognize that current plans are evolving and this is a static view that has not been updated since its creation.) In addition to providing an excellent executive briefing, this would be useful as a good orientation or learning tool for new employees or anyone working in or for the federal government, particularly those involved in GoL implementation. The content could be easily customized and updated by organizations for GoL-related presentations, or the product can serve as a helpful guideline for creating a similar web-enabled knowledge tool.
    Category: Administrative, Informatics and Management Support
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 3
    Required Software: Web browser
    Development Software: PowerPoint, , HTML
    Environment: Single user; stand-alone or networked
    Other Technical Details: CD will start automatically with HTML version in any Web Browser (has AutoRun feature). PowerPoint slides also provided.
    Comments: An upgrade is expected in Fall 2002. Departments with similar compilations and/or more recent content that may be of common interest are encouraged to contact us re sharing your version.
    Official Language: Fully bilingual.

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    Government X.400 Directory Search

    Acronym: GOVX400DS
    Version: v. 2.1
    Overview: The GOVX400 utility, designed for federal E-mail and LAN managers, makes searching for X.400 addresses quick and easy for departmental users, and helps LAN managers keep productive systems up and response time reasonable. Until DFO incorporates the X.500 directory and EDI into the department's daily business, GOVX400 is a temporary way of presenting these addresses to a vast majority of users without having to go through extensive directory synchronization exercises. Features: over 130,000 addresses in the database (which sits in a separate directory accessible through the network); multiple address search; search in one or throughout all participant departments; users can view what's in the clipboard before pasting into an e-mail message, and convert any Internet address to an X.400 address going through the GC+Internet PRMD. This is a fully bilingual network product with an on-line user guide (will run on a stand-alone PC with a mail system). Syntax available with this version: WordPerfect Office v4.0a, TeamLinks v2.5 and up, Banyan Intelligent Message II and III, and Beyond Mail for Windows v2.0 and up. (MS-Mail users should refer to product A- 761 herein; a version for cc:Mail is under development in CIDA). SES will provide an executable copy and technical documentation for evaluation purposes; source code available on request.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO
    File Size: 8470
    Required Software: MS Access 2.0
    Development Software: MS Access 2.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Visual Basic 3.0, Moderate I.T. skills required.

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    GX Solutions, - an Overview Document

    Acronym: GX
    Version: v. 8.0
    Overview: Documents providing an overview of a commercial solution and the federal Cluster Group of users, made available because the Treasury Board Secretariat has endorsed this product suite as a Shared System for use in federal departments and agencies. This proprietary suite of integrated solutions is owned and supplied by Anthony Macauley Associates (AMA) for a licensing fee. Several versions of GX Solutions have been installed in a number of federal and provincial organizations in Canada, as well as organizations abroad. Backed by AMA, with over 20 years experience in government and GOL Standing Arrangements in place, GX Solutions provide comprehensive financials, salaries, and programs [especially Grants and Contributions] functionality, on both an integrated and stand-alone basis.
    Business Functions: The suite includes: GX-Financials - a full financial management system solution, certified for public sector use. FIS-compliant, its features include: central agency interfaces, General Ledger, Expenditure Management and Accounts Payable, Revenue Management and Accounts Receivable, Procurement, Assets Management, Forecasting, comprehensive audit history, connectivity to other systems, etc.; GX-Salaries - a FIS-compliant salaries and leave management/ forecasting tool with interactive planning, monitoring, and control. It features secondments, overtime, bilingual bonuses, temporary positions, salary increments, employee cost multi-coding, multi-month forecast/splitting, PY forecasts, variances reporting, additional costs by employee and/or organization, multiple occurrences of employees and positions, bilingual operations, flexible displays and reports, multi-level security, etc.; and GX-Programs, a Programs and Grants and Contributions solution, available for both browser and conventional desktop use. Chosen by the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada for its Infrastructure Program, launched in 2001, it has been used in many Program areas, including economic and infrastructure development, medical services, employment, training, and social development. Features include: Program set-up, full project life-cycle, multiple contract types, flexible user controlled criteria setting, baseline management, due diligence features, performance management, multi-jurisdiction funding tracking, multi-year commitments, forecasts, revenue/recoveries management and claims handling, financial compatibility with other systems, integrated work-flow and documents management, full audit history and audit access, etc. All GX solutions comply with various industry Treasury Board Information Technology Standards (TBITS); the solutions work in all Windows platforms.
    Category: Financial and Materiel Management; Purchasing and Contracting
    Donor: Western Econ. Diversification Canada WD
    File Size: 1
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Other Technical Details: Minimum technical operating requirements and options for the GX Solutions series are outlined in the document provided.
    Comments: An overview document only is available from the Knowledge Exchange, on request (file too large for downloading). The GX Cluster Group is chaired by Mr. Roger Henry (Western Economic Diversification Canada, tel. 613-952-9774, email The Product Manager is Mr. Dave Kelso (a consultant with Western Economic Diversification, tel. 613-954-1858, email For additional information or demonstrations of the GX Solutions suite of licensed software, contact either of these individuals, or AMA directly at tel. 613-230-3833, or visit the AMA website at
    Official Language: Bilingual Documents provided; the GX series is available in both languages.

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    Halocarbon Management System

    Acronym: HMS
    Version: v. 1.6.5
    Overview: The Halocarbon Management System (HMS) is an Intranet application designed as a management tool to capture, track and monitor halocarbon usage within the Department of National Defence (DND). HMS can be used as an inventory tool for equipment and systems containing halocarbons, as well as a release reporting and a compliance tool. On-line help and user guide V.1.6.4 documentation are provided within the application. HMS has several capabilities including: Creates and manages "Service Logs" for equipment and systems containing halocarbons; Generates "Leak Test" reminders for those systems requiring annual tests; Generates "Release Reports"(For releases over a specific amount, a link is available to the departmental spill reporting database SpillNet); and Maintains an "up-to-date" inventory of halocarbons and tracks the disposal of halocarbons and obsolete halocarbon systems and equipment. It creates up to 10 dynamic reports and tracks the qualifications of service technicians.
    Business Functions: As a user-friendly on-line application targeted to all MS managers, all potential users can readily access it. HMS is being used within DND to assist DND in complying with the requirements of the Federal Halocarbon Regulation, manage and track the movement of halocarbons used in refrigeration, air-conditioning, and fire extinguishing systems, monitor and report halocarbon leaks from systems and equipment and manage environmental aspects of halocarbon usage and prepare reports.
    Category: Management of fuel storage tanks, contaminated sites, solid waste land
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 58
    Required Software: Internet Explorer version 5.5 SP2; Windows 2000; VirusScan
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Network
    Other Technical Details: Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 is required. How to navigate within the application: In the menu located on the left side of the screen, select a black header option to see sub-menu links. At the bottom of the menu options, there is a link to the User documentation. Help is also available from the navigational bar. Hardware: Processor : Pentium II or greater; Memory/RAM : 128 or greater; Video : Standard 2D video card; Disk Controller : LD; NIC : Ethernet 10/100 Base T; CD ROM. DND/CF templated security.msi, VirusScan
    Official Language: This application is fully bilingual.

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    Hardware IT Inventory System

    Acronym: HIS
    Version: v. 1.7
    Overview: This is a Windows-based support system using a Visual Basic 6 interface with data saved in MS Access database. The application manages data concerning computer equipment and peripherals. Each item is designated by a bar code number. The form offers the option of entering several types of information about the equipment, such as serial number, asset number, financial coding, cost, brand name, model, date of purchase, memory (RAM), location, operating system, employee name, etc. Various reports can be generated from the data. No system or support documentation is available, but the system is self-explanatory.
    Business Functions: HIS is a user-friendly, complete turnkey solution that requires little or no training and/or support. It has proven to be stable with integrated, flexible report generation function, and has full search capability. Security levels can be different for system administrators or users. This Inventory system can be linked to the Help Desk (Dépannage) and IP Address ("Ip adresse") systems if they are present and in the same directory. There is a link with the INCONVPRO. EXE program for conversion of data from a Palm Pilot. The application can be used to automate the import of data (bar codes) scanned with the Palm Pilot. HIS can interface with the AMMIS assets management system via data export into Excel spreadsheets.
    Category: IM/IT Software Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 42
    Required Ram: 256
    Development Software: The source code was developed in Visual Basic 6 and the graphical view in Active Report.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Multi-user (networked) or single-user.
    Other Technical Details: Integrates standard templates for dynamic, customized creation of forms, plans and reports. Very easily maintained; requires minimal support; upgradeable or readily adapted, modified or enhanced.
    Official Language: Available in French only.

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    Help Desk - request management software

    Acronym: HD
    Version: v. 5.25
    Overview: This application for managing troubleshooting requests and ticket tracking is a Windows-based support system using a Visual Basic 6 interface with data saved in MS Access database. All troubleshooting calls are entered into the database with a description of the problem. The system features automatic assignment of a record number. A level of priority and the person or group responsible to resolve the problem can be assigned manually, this generates callers tombstone data and tracks problem history for each employee. Requests are then printed and processed. No documentation is available but the system is self-explanatory.
    Business Functions: The Help Desk is a user-friendly, complete turnkey solution that requires very little training and/or support. It has proven to be stable with an integrated, flexible report generation function. It has a capacity to cover more than 1,500 employees, with a full search capability. Security levels can be different for system administrators or users. This troubleshooting system can be linked to the Hardware Inventory (Inventaire) and IP Address ("Ip adresse") systems if they are present and in the same directory.
    Category: IM/IT Software Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 37
    Required Ram: 256
    Development Software: The source code was developed in Visual Basic 6 and the graphical view in Active Report.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Multi-user (networked) or single-user.
    Other Technical Details: Integrates standard templates for dynamic, customized creation of forms, plans and reports. Easily maintained; requires minimal support; upgradeable or readily adapted, modified or enhanced.
    Official Language: Available in French only.

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    Hi-Q Hazardous Material Information & Query System

    Acronym: HMIQS
    Version: v. 3.2
    Overview: Canadian Occupational Safety and Health legislation (WHMIS) requires that workers are provided with up-to-date information on the hazardous materials (hazmat) which they use in the workplace. Hi-Q is DND's electronic library of hazmat information arranged in 10 interconnected searchable modules. Electronic Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), Chemical Dictionary including legislative details on ingredients, Storage requirements in accordance with the National Fire Codes of Canada (NFCC), the North American Emergency Response Guide, and a comprehensive Hazmat Glossary are some of the modules found within Hi-Q.
    Business Functions: The power of Hi-Q is that it links a well-indexed product (MSDS) to easy-to-understand instructions on safe Storage, Handling, Transportation and Disposal. Hi-Q can be integrated with an Inventory System to manage the details of hazardous material stock. This product is endorsed by HRDC.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Defence ND
    Required Ram: 16
    Required Disk Space: 10
    Required Software: Visual FoxPro
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Minimum requirements for running this application are a Pentium or equivalent processor with 16 MB RAM (32 MB preferred); 10 MB hard disk space; Windows 95; 4 x CD Player or connection via LAN.

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    How to prepare a business case

    Acronym: HPBC
    Version: v. 1.01
    Overview: This electronic guide designed by the Entrepreneurship Program Office at NRC is aimed at providing management and staff with a better understanding of business issues and practices relating to the development of promising new technologies. It is a management tool that could be used by any organization for a spin-off or start-up. The business case is a preliminary business plan suited for defining an entrepreneurship technology project at an early stage of its development. This is a basic methodology for presenting the entrepreneurship project in terms of commercial objectives, the technology involved, intended strategies, and resources and support required for development. It is a vital tool in the project screening and evaluation process, as well as the determining factor for participating internal and/or external investors. This guide will help the initiator of an entrepreneurship project through the first steps in bringing a technology to the marketplace: the identification of the business opportunities and the planning strategy for commercialization. This product available in both English and French comprises a run time version of Multimedia Toolbook by Asymetrix and an MS Word document. It requires only Windows and approximately 5 MG of disk space for installation. The software includes one-way links to MS Excel and MS Project, but will run without them if unavailable to the user.This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Research Council Canada NRC
    File Size: 3
    Required Software: Exel/MS-Project
    Development Software: Multimedia Toolbook
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Human Resources Information System

    Acronym: HRIS
    Version: v. 4.0
    Overview: CIO-Endorsed Shared System. HRIS is Crown-owned system originally developed by Western Economic Diversification (WED) and endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). It is an integrated system designed to meet the needs of smaller government organizations. Basic HR functionality includes security, official languages, conflict of interest, appraisals, education and career management; recent enhancements include automated ROST, flexible ad hoc reporting facility to support managers and HR specialists, facility for managers to access information pertaining to their staff and an organization chart interface. HRIS is easy to install, user friendly, fully bilingual, meets central agency requirements and supports electronic data transfer to PCIS. Training, installation and hotline support available. Developed in Visual FoxPro to run under Windows 3.1/95/NT; operates on a stand-alone PC or on various LANs. 27 departments and agencies currently participate in the HRIS Cluster Group under the TBS 'Shared Systems' initiative, to share the benefits and costs on a partnership basis and to direct the system development. Mr. Conrad Leger (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 506-851-2135) and Ms. Sylvie Charron (Canadian Centre for Management Development, 613-992-8171) are the Cluster Group Co-Chairs. Mr. Pierre Chevrier (CAC, 613-992-8925) is the HRIS Product Manager. An overview document is available from Software Exchange; for further information, demonstrations or source code, contact the Product Manager directly. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Tresury Board Endorsed Shared System TBESS
    File Size: 915
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Human Resources Management Information System

    Acronym: HRMIS
    Version: v. 3.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - This is a Crown-owned system developed by Environment Canada and endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). HRMIS is an integrated HR package directed at the clerical level for efficient data capture, storage and retrieval of HR information. It is an operating system independent application developed with Oracle. The latest version (HRMIS 3.0) is a client-server application with GUI front-end. This is a fully bilingual system with on-line user help, documentation and several layers of security. Features include: direct user participation in the design and development of the system; flexibility of operation on a multitude of hardware platforms (mainframe, client/server, PCs) and operating systems (DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix, VAX/VMS); direct system access by HR officers for daily operations and by managers as a planning tool; development methodology taking into account the evolution of technology; and established standards that produce a system requiring a minimum of maintenance and user support. Modules include Position, Staffing, Official Languages, Employee, Leave, and Training. Four federal departments use HRMIS under the TBS 'Shared Systems' initiative. The Cluster Group is chaired by Mr. Ronald Duval (Environment Canada, 819-997-8710). An Application Profile is available from the Software Exchange; for further information or a copy of the system, contact the Cluster Chair directly.This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Environment Canada EC
    File Size: 253
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Industry Canada's Applications in Notes

    Acronym: ICAN
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: ICAN is a single umbrella within Lotus Notes which provides Industry Canada (IC) employees ready access to a number of critical corporate applications and databases. This enables all users to share common information, carry out work activities and work together as a department. Its various corporate applications enable users to: know the organization structure of the department and who works in each area; find employee telephone numbers and other basic information; search for people in other federal departments and agencies; fill and print electronic forms used in the department; get detailed information on a variety of business and organizational issues or areas in internal/external databases of different media; look up current and recent newspaper articles from Canadian newspapers on any topic or subject; access any internal corporate information messages in the department; and find out what Notes applications and databases exist in the department, and open/browse them if accessible. (See also products A-788 and A-789, two of these Notes applications available separately from Software Exchange.). Special features and functionality include: NewsFlash; What's New; All Titles (lists all applications in ICAN); Personal Files (to keep most-used applications for individual users); French/English (to select alternate language); About ICAN; Feedback; Search; Exit; and Strategis (to access Industry Canada's Strategis web site). ICAN is fully bilingual and requires Lotus Notes 4.1 to evaluate and use.This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    File Size: 2839
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Informatics Training Database

    Acronym: ITD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Informatics Training Database (ITD) is a stand-alone, multi-user application developed by Canadian Heritage to manage and track information specifically related to informatics training, but would be of interest to managers of training facilities, human resources offices or client service groups that manage or provide training to employees. ITD is an English-only relational database that tracks the training history of employees and manages information on courses, suppliers, etc. Tables created include employees, courses (including characteristics), locations, vendors and the courses they provide, instructors and classes. It is easy to use and readily customizable, and will plug in to any ODBC-compliant database. There is no documentation or on-line help available but the application is considered to be self-explanatory. Source code is provided, which requires MS Access 97, a Windows 95 or NT operating system, and a minimum 100MHz Pentium PC. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Canadian Heritage CH
    File Size: 367
    Required Software: MS Access 97
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Information Management Planning Methodology

    Acronym: IMP
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: This document was developed for line/operational managers to help improve the management of information holdings and information technology (IT). It defines the approaches necessary for the future development, utilization and retirement of information-based resources, and is predicated on management's responsibility for, and active involvement in, the planning initiative. Transport's Information Management Planning (IMP) process provides comprehensive perspectives on information requirements, issues and solutions, focuses on achieving business objectives, and provides for the participation of all stakeholders. The end product of the process is a Long Range IMP which records all decisions taken on the future management of information-based resources, and the rationale behind them. This document will give readers a better understanding of the rationale, the key steps in the planning process and the benefits associated with IMP.
    Business Functions: This methodology provides an objective framework for the analysis of complex issues regarding an organization’s information holdings and IT. It includes proven techniques for collecting and presenting the information necessary for decision-making (i.e. strategies, priorities, objectives, investments), and is based on a business-case approach, where initiatives are justified by achievement of goals. The process is product-oriented, so activities culminate in concrete, practical planning products which offer a valuable perspective of the the organization’s business, and the credibility of the process used to make decisions contributes to a successful implementation. Although this methodology was developed in 1993, Transport Canada has verified that it is still in use today and can be a useful learning tool or benchmark for others. It includes practical definitions of IM/IT terms and the information life cycle, as well as project planning guidelines.
    Category: Informatics Management and Support
    Donor: Transport Canada TC
    File Size: 1555080
    Required Software: developed in WordPerfect 5.1, with some graphics in DrawPerfect.
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Environment: standalone or networked
    Official Language: English and French versions provided.

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    Information Repository and Management Framework

    Acronym: IW2000
    Version: v. 1.13
    Overview: The IW2000 Management Framework was implemented in DND as their Year 2000 (Y2K) Operational Readiness Program to ensure that business and mission critical systems remained fully operational up to, during and after the Y2K threshold. The Framework uses a toolkit to produce reports and an information warehouse or repository called IW2000 (an ORACLE database with a PowerBuilder front-end). Included is a complete example from DND's Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations preparations for Y2K. The Impact Analysis Report provides detailed SAR examples of system level architectural diagrams, logical models and time domain simulations. The Options Analysis Report describes the best option for maintaining SAR operational readiness throughout the Y2K Transition period. The Impact Analysis Report is one of a series of report cards on the progress towards achieving the target option. Also available is a PowerPoint presentation about the product and its potential for reuse, and a complete set of reference materials for the Information Repository, including a Getting Started Guide, Backup and Recovery Procedures, User Guide, Training Guide, Data Model and Data Dictionary.
    Business Functions: The methodology developed to ensure that DND's operational readiness would not be severely affected by the Y2K "bug" became the Management Framework that served to successfully track progress towards their goal using a "top-down" approach, resulting in a smooth transition to the Year 2000. Although the Y2K problem has passed, and the IW2000 repository application that was developed, maintained and enhanced within their Y2K Program Management Office is no longer supported in DND due to the closing of that office, this invaluable Framework and the tools developed for it may be applicable to other issues facing government departments and large organizations, particularly in addressing business risk management at the enterprise level. The IW2000 stores metadata and detailed information about systems and the relationships between them, including interfaces, dependencies and descendants; and links missions or functions to systems. It is a powerful, robust, multi-user tool that can be adapted to support the on-going management of IM/IT assets at strategic, tactical and operational process levels, e.g. to analyse an organization's current applications portfolio and infrastructure resource use; to manage system planning (service level, recovery, security, development, project, resource, audit, etc.); and to record, monitor and control various processes. Features multi-level security; SQL search capability; and shows dependencies between and milestones for missions, objects and inventory items. Readily customizable, it has potential for use in licensing tracking, systems consolidation, contingency planning, project management, as an aid to a help desk, or as a learning tool.
    Category: Enterprise Level Business Risk Management; Assets Management
    Donor: National Defence ND
    Required Software: Client: Oracle client software
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: - Overview presentation requires MS PowerPoint to open. To install the repository, a Read-Me file and the IW2000 v1.13 Backup & Recovery Procedures, Data Dictionary, Data Model, User and Training Guides are provided in MS Word 97 (*.doc) and MS Rich Text Format (*.rtf); an Oracle DBA is required for installation. The application uses an Oracle v7.3.4 database; the GUI front-end was built using PowerBuilder v6.5 (licenses not required to evaluate the compiled copy but needed for modifications to the source code); and its network operating system uses Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3.
    Comments: As stated above, the product is no longer supported in the donor department and no further upgrades will be available. The company hired for the initial development can be contracted for assistance with gap analysis, installation, recustomization, training, maintenance and support services. A PowerPoint overview presentation is DOWNLOADABLE (by authorized federal clients registered with SES only), or can be mailed out in CD-ROM format on request; - Following this initial evaluation stage, interested clients can contact SES to request a compiled copy of the application for further assessment, including the documentation and example SAR database referenced above; - Clients interested in modifying the application for their own use, in whole or in part, can then request a copy of the source code from SES, which will be provided "as is" along with details re the developer contacts if desired (PowerBuilder and Oracle expertise required to modify code).
    Official Language: The entire package is in English only.

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    Information Warehouse Assessment Report

    Acronym: IWAR
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: In June 1994, Heritage Canada initiated a project to evaluate the innovative use of technology in a government environment. The objective of this project was to develop a 'proof of concept' information (data) warehouse that would allow for an assessment of the possibilities, risks and best practices involved therein. It covered developing the warehouse model and architecture, mapping source data to the model, transforming and migrating data to the warehouse, providing user access, and maintaining, refreshing and enhancing the warehouse. This report provides an overview of the department's experience to date with information (data) warehousing, the current status (as of Feb. 1996) of the project, the lessons learned, the benefits realized including outputs from the project that could be shared with other federal departments and, finally, the recommendations arising from the project and its assessment. The document is in English only and was prepared in WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 format.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Canadian Heritage CH
    File Size: 250
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: English only.

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    Integrated Departmental Financial & Materiel Management System/Oracle

    Acronym: IDFS
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - Endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB), this Oracle Financials-based product is also referred to as the Financial and Materiel Reporting System (FMRS) or the Integrated Departmental Financial & Materiel Mangement System (IDFS). It is an integrated financial, materiel management (inventory), procurement and contracting, fixed asset and real property system that interfaces electronically with central agencies and other departments (e.g. the PWGSC central accounting system), customers and suppliers. It is a bottom-up, one-time, on-line data entry system, incorporating accepted edit/control/validation mechanisms within a total auditable protocol. This client/server solution complies with various industry standards and TB Information Technology Standards (TBITS), and utilizes existing networks and workstations, where possible. The nationally-distributed architecture is both modular and scalable within three broad categories: LANs and WANs; multi-tiered computer systems; and layered software architecture. It incorporates shareable customizations and integrates licensed commercial products from multiple vendors, including: Oracle Financials application software, Microsoft Windows desktop applications, UNIX and VAX/VMS servers and operating system. With the upgrade to Oracle Financials version 10.7, this application is Year 2000 compliant. Mr. Bob McMullen (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 613-993-2702) chairs the Cluster Group. There are several federal organizations currently involved in the Cluster. An overview document is available from the Software Exchange Service. For further information, demonstrations, etc., contact the Cluster Chair directly.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO
    File Size: 265
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Integrated Training System

    Acronym: ITS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: ITS is a bilingual, nationally-implemented training management system designed to efficiently track, deliver and manage employee training activities. Developed in PowerBuilder with a centralized Oracle database, it is comprised of two distinct but integrated application components: ITS Operations (ITSO) and ITS Reports (ITSR). Both offer an intuitive and easy to use interface to access and find information. ITSO provides the tools to create and update employees' learning plans (an overview of past, present and future training requirements at a glance); training applications (provides an accurate status of all training requests and offers additional options to keep track of associated costs); and course sessions to manage class listings. It boasts an impressive search engine to query the database for available courses and related information such as description, sources, prerequisites, competencies and existing sessions. ITSR generates both standard reports, according to various predetermined criteria, and ad hoc reports, which can be tailored to meet specific needs using a business intelligence (BI) tool, Cognos Impromptu. This is a robust, secure system managed within HR Support; users are assigned roles which determine access and permissions and define the tasks a particular user can perform. Source code, user guide and executables are provided.
    Business Functions: The ITS allows an organization to seamlessly integrate training activities into one program, simplifying record keeping and reporting. Employee tombstone data is imported daily from the departmental HR system; financial data is tracked and linked to financial codes. Course data from ITS is exported to web-enabled course browsers for employee access. Although each training activity is performed in its respective program section, each section comes with special functions which allows the exchange of information effortlessly and streamlines tasks. Because of an ownership implementation, information is automatically filtered to present relevant data at a regional level. ITS makes it easy for users (HR staff and training coordinators) to access complete training history by course, course session, or participant, including any associated costs (PWGSC has over 11,000 courses registered). The common look and feel of both component interfaces allows users to become proficient with the program almost immediately without the burden of a steep learning curve. The reporting component, ITSR, was separated from the operational component to increase production speed. It offers several categorized standard reports which have been developed according to users' specifications. The BI tool is accessible directly from ITSR and provides a great addition for users who wish to create their own reports.
    Category: Knowledge Management
    Donor: Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada OIPC
    File Size: 3
    Development Software: Oracle V7.3
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Multi-user (networked)
    Other Technical Details: Scaleable and upgradeable, with excellent growth potential to meet future needs and/or for implementation as a corporate-wide training management solution. Can be deployed easily and immediately “as is” with minimal investment. Consideration is currently being given to moving the Learning Plan functionality to the departmental Intranet using Cold Fusion with possible connectivity to MS Outlook for mail notification. Impromptu training is beneficial before using the BI tool and a familiarity of the database structure is an asset when preparing reports.
    Comments: Latest available version, ITS 6.1 dated November 19, 2000, will be mailed out in CD format upon request. Contact us to order, or for further details. All components are provided “as is”.
    Official Language: Bilingual application (user selects default preference).

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    Interactive Employee Orientation CD-ROM - Welcome to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

    Acronym: INACCD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Designed as an interactive learning program, the CD-ROM offers new employees a dynamic form of self-instruction. The CD-ROM provides an overview of the department’s mission, goals, objectives and structure; the history and culture of First Nations peoples and Inuit; and ways that each new employee can contribute to the organization. The CD-ROM is also a valuable reference tool featuring: a searchable, bilingual acronym guide, a glossary, a bibliography, and a time line tool which highlights significant historical events. The CD is a stand-alone application that includes audio and video. It interfaces with both the Internet and INAC Intranet web sites. For ease of navigation and to support the learning process, five specific tools are included on the CD. The bookmark allows the placing and retrieving of bookmarks. The notepad allows note taking, copying and pasting of text from the CD and the ability to save the notepad text in a word processing format. The Learning Map indicates the sections of the entire learning program and allows the user to jump from section to section. The user is able to exit the program at any time and there is a user-controlled page feature to advance or go back to the previous page.
    Business Functions: This learning tool was created to provide a timely and comprehensive overview of the department in order to orient new employees. The four key goals were to create a tool that was based upon a learner-centered approach, provided a consistent message to employees regardless of location, allowed flexibility for the addition of regional or occupational orientations, and included a mechanism to update non static information. The CD-ROM is intended as a first step in the orientation process that will enhance face-to-face orientation sessions and orientation web sites provided in each regional office. Initially, it was thought that an Intranet-based solution would be appropriate, however, given the amount and media-rich nature of information gathered, content maintenance, current technical limitations of the Intranet and a lack of internal technical support led to the decision to use CD-ROM technology. All non static information has been place on the INAC Intranet web site in order that it may updated on a regular basis.
    Category: Knowledge Management
    Donor: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada INAC
    File Size: 99
    Required Software: Developed with Flash 5
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Environment: Stand-alone with links to Internet, works with any browser
    Official Language: Bilingual: French and English.

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    Internet (IP) Addresses Database

    Acronym: IAD
    Version: v. 1.3
    Overview: This application for the management and control of IP addresses is an advanced Windows-based support system using a Visual Basic 6 interface with data saved in MS Access database. It tracks who has what addresses, what they are used for (e.g. Internet, other applications), and records employee names and locations. No system or support documentation is available. The on-line help screens are unavailable, but the application is self-explanatory.
    Business Functions: The IP Address Database is a user-friendly, complete turnkey solution that requires very little training and/or support. It has proven to be stable with an integrated, flexible report generation function, and has full search capability. Security levels can be different for system administrators or users. This IP Address system can be linked to the IT Hardware Inventory ("Inventaire") and Help Desk ("Dépannage") systems if they are present and in the same directory.
    Category: IM/IT Software Management
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 37
    Required Ram: 256
    Development Software: The source code was developed in Visual Basic 6 and the graphical view in Active Report.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Multiple platforms in a single-user or multi-user (networked) environment.
    Other Technical Details: Integrates standard templates for dynamic, customized creation of forms and reports. Easily maintained; requires minimal support; upgradeable or can be adapted or modified.
    Official Language: Available in French only.

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    IT Job Competency Profiles

    Acronym: ITJCP
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The IT (Information Technology) Job Competency Profiles consists of a set of 25 generic job profiles designed to describe the “ideal” attributes of an incumbent in the identified jobs, a job skill profile template, a competency glossary and a diagram illustrating common federal IT positions/functions corresponding to the profiles. Developed in various Microsoft Office Suite products, they work together as a tool primarily for the purposes of professional development and career planning. IT professionals and managers can use this tool to identify requisite skill sets and areas for growth and as a foundation for job profiling endeavours. The profiles were developed by an interdepartmental working group made up of IT managers, facilitated through the IT Learning and Professional Development Project of the Organizational Readiness Office (formerly the IM/IT Community Renewal Division) of the CIO Branch, TBS.
    Business Functions: For IT professionals, competencies can be used to: investigate competency requirements for different IT jobs; conduct self-assessments against job competency profiles; identify learning and professional development needs; and support career planning. For IT managers, a competency-based approach will: support the management of training, learning and development; aid in coaching and mentoring staff; support succession planning, recruitment and retention efforts; and allow for other management tools such as skills inventories. This product may also be useful as a guide to the creation of job skills profiles for those in other functional communities (the template can be used to customize existing profiles or to develop new ones).
    Category: HR & Management Support, Information Technology Community
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    File Size: 371
    Required Software: the profiles were developed in MS Word; the spreadsheet is in MS Excel; the diagram chart is in MS PowerPoint; the glossary is provided in Rich Text Format (RTF)
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: single user; may be installed on a network or standalone
    Official Language: The profiles are fully bilingual; parts of the glossary provided to SES are in English only (check with TBS for fully translated version).

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    IT-Best government practices

    Acronym: IT-PRAC
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Members of the Association for Canadian Informatics in Governments (ACIG) participated in a project to create a compendium of selected initiatives by the federal and provincial governments, with Information Technology (IT) as the key enabler of savings, during August 1993 and August 1994. The initiatives were collected from the literature supporting them, from discussions with ACIG members' selected contact persons, as well as from material supplied by the latter. The document is meant for IT managers working in the public sector. It will help them to learn from each other's experiences and to re-use the ideas and applications from the different levels of government.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 769
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Joint Distributed Learning Symposium (June 26-28, 2000)

    Acronym: JDLS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Joint Distributed Learning Symposium evolved from a series of meetings originally established by the National Guard Bureau to establish a grassroots platform for sharing ideas on distance learning initiatives and for encouraging joint service collaboration on distance learning development and delivery. This product consists of 12 PowerPoint presentations from various American Defence Institutions and covers a wide variety of subject areas, among them the Advanced Distributed Learning program and its Co-Laboratory initiative, the Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model (SCORM), the Mobile Code Controversy and Internet Security, Joint Professional Military Education, and collaborative programs. Additionally, there are service- and organization-specific presentations by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Joint Forces Command-Joint Warfighting Center, USAR, and NGB concerning programs and initiatives involving distributed learning and potential aareas for collaboration among the services.
    Business Functions: It informs users of which branches of the Department of Defence are carrying our significant work so that these contacts may be sought out for reference. The Joint Distributed Learning Symposium informs those interested in distributed or distance learning about the advances being made by the American military in a number of areas where Canadian government organizations could learn and benchmark.
    Category: Training and Development
    Donor: Public Service Commission of Canada PSC
    File Size: 3390
    Required Software: Microsoft PowerPoint
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Official Language: English only.

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    Learning Through Self-Study

    Acronym: LTSS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The aim of this product is to help you get the most out of prepared self-study packages. It contains some handy tips, tricks, tools and activities to help you: prepare for self-study, learn effectively, reinforce what you have learned. This product is designed so that you can pick and choose whatever topics address your specific needs. If you do decide to work through all of the topics, it should take you approximately 2 hours.
    Business Functions: Learning through self-study can be a rewarding and satisfying experience. It also has a number of benefits to offer you as a learner. This product teaches you how self-study can contribute to your learning. With self-study, you can: take the course where it is convenient, schedule it around your workload and your body's natural time clock, learn the material at your own pace, take the course when you need it, focus on what you need to know, and skip what you do not need, repeat difficult lessons/exercises until you are comfortable with the material, feel more at ease not having to deal with the pressure to perform "on the spot" as is often the case in a classroom. Self-study gives you the opportunity to take charge of your learning by offering you flexibility in when and how you learn. You may also find that self-study will become, more and more, the learning method of choice.
    Category: Training
    Donor: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency CCRA
    File Size: 61
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Runs in a web browser on a server or standalone. operates on multiple platforms in a single or multi-user environment).
    Other Technical Details: a web-enabled application written in straight HTML, optimized for ie4 +
    Official Language: completely bilingual

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    Leave Balance System

    Acronym: LBS
    Version: v. 2.3
    Overview: This single user Windows application allows the user to keep an up-to-date record of his/her (and/or subordinates') leave balances and leave forms. This application rounds off carry-over into the new fiscal year and allows for a negative sick leave carry-over and balance. A leave calendar and on-line help features are also available. The program will run on any PC that is capable of running Windows.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave and Compensation Products
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 456
    Development Software: Visual Basic 3.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Official Language: English only

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    Lowest Pay Increment Calculator Lotus 123

    Acronym: LPI-L
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Lowest Pay Increment Calculator (LPI-L) is a very simple Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet application designed to help federal Compensation Advisors determine the lowest increment between pay rate steps to establish employee rates of pay on promotion or transfer. No documentation provided (not required). MS Excel version also available.
    Business Functions: Each time a new set of Rates of Pay is issued due to a revision or restructuring of pay rates, the Compensation Advisor enters all the pay rates for a specific group and level into this spreadsheet, which then automatically calculates the lowest increment for employee promotions and transfers. This easy-to-use work tool saves time and ensures accuracy in the determination of the smallest rate of increase for a set of different pay rates. Since some groups have as many as 7 or 8 increment levels, requiring 6 or 7 separate calculations, and each step can take as much as 4 minutes to calculate manually, this can be a fairly time consuming manual process. Using the LPI-L reduces it to only 1 minute. Multiply this by several different sets of rates and the overall time saving potential becomes obvious. Also, when calculating a promotion or transfer, it is vital that the correct lowest pay increment in the new position be applied. If an error occurs, the employee will be paid at the wrong rate which would then result in having to either collect overpayments or issue retroactive pay adjustments. This can cause a wide range of problems for the employee and is costly for the department to correct. Using this tool could help reduce the potential error rate because the calculation process is more automated.
    Category: Human Resources - Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    Required Software: : Lotus 123 (developed with ‘97 version) is needed to install, use and/or modify.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: May be installed on a network or stand-alone; single-user application.
    Other Technical Details: No training or support required; easily modified*; requires minimal space. Version 1.0 was created in June 2001.
    Official Language: The spreadsheet is fully bilingual.

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    Lowest Pay Increment Calculator MS Excel

    Acronym: LPI-E
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Lowest Pay Increment Calculator (LPI-E) is a very simple MS Excel spreadsheet application designed to help federal Compensation Advisors determine the lowest increment between pay rate steps to establish employee rates of pay on promotion or transfer. No documentation provided (not required). Lotus 123 version also available under product #832.
    Business Functions: Each time a new set of Rates of Pay is issued due to a revision or restructuring of pay rates, the Compensation Advisor enters all the pay rates for a specific group and level into this spreadsheet, which then automatically calculates the lowest increment for employee promotions and transfers. This easy-to-use work tool saves time and ensures accuracy in the determination of the smallest rate of increase for a set of different pay rates. Since some groups have as many as 7 or 8 increment levels, requiring 6 or 7 separate calculations, and each step can take as much as 4 minutes to calculate manually, this can be a fairly time consuming manual process. Using the LPI-E reduces it to only 1 minute. Multiply this by several different sets of rates and the overall time saving potential becomes obvious. Also, when calculating a promotion or transfer, it is vital that the correct lowest pay increment in the new position be applied. If an error occurs, the employee will be paid at the wrong rate which would then result in having to either collect overpayments or issue retroactive pay adjustments. This can cause a wide range of problems for the employee and is costly for the department to correct. Using this tool could help reduce the potential error rate because the calculation process is more automated.
    Category: Human Resources - Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    Required Software: : MS Excel (developed with ‘97 version) is needed to install, use and/or modify.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: May be installed on a network or stand-alone; single-user application.
    Other Technical Details: No training or support required; easily modified*; requires minimal space. Version 1.0 was created in June 2001.
    Official Language: The spreadsheet is fully bilingual.

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    Management of Executive Information

    Acronym: MEI
    Version: v. 2.4
    Overview: Overview documents re a CIO-Endorsed Shared System: The Management of Executive Information (MEI) application is not Crown-owned, but has been endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (license fees apply for the software). MEI's core system is the Correspondence and Issues Management System (CIMS) which was selected to meet the Canadian Government's need for a bilingual shared system for the management of executive information, including Ministerial and departmental correspondence, press releases, briefing notes and questions and answers. MEI supports the information and communication needs of ministers and departmental officials by aiding in the management of various types of executive information including minister's correspondence, thereby improving service levels - particularly turn-around times for responses to the public. It is a workflow and document management tool that includes such technology as imaging, optical character recognition, text retrieval and reporting. Key features include document management, workflow, full-text retrieval, OCR, and integration with other packages (word processing, email, spreadsheets, fax). The focus in the coming years will be to create integration modules with other systems in support of Government On Line.
    Business Functions: Twelve federal departments have purchased licenses, services, training, support and maintenance under the MEI contract. The majority of original members used MEI for correspondence tracking but the growth of the initiative has centred on the use of MEI for case management and issues management. This growth has been facilitated by the launch of WebCIMS, the web-based version of the product. Electronic folders and workflow allow users to assign and route documents throughout an organization. With WebCIMS, all notes, response documents, e-mail messages and related history are incorporated into a single folder for easy and efficient retrieval. The vision for the MEI initiative is to position MEI as a fundamental component, a building block, of the government's IM strategy. Aimed at government knowledge workers, the MEI initiative provides an effective way to manage the large volumes of unstructured data that they receive and generate. As such, it plays a critical role in modernizing service delivery and contributing to the development of electronic government.
    Category: Administration; Records and Information Management Solutions
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Other Technical Details: The overview document is DOWNLOADABLE by authorized, registered federal clients only OR will be mailed out upon request. Contact us to order a copy of the document only; for further information or demonstrations, contact the Application Manager, Valerie Converse (CAC (613) 943-8205; The Board of Directors is chaired by Carmen Gélinas (OCOL - (613) 995-9734;, and the Working Group is chaired by Sheila McKenna (HRDC - (819) 953-8398;
    Comments: The format for this document is in .rtf
    Official Language: Bilingual

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    Manager's Guide to Procurement and Materiel Management

    Acronym: PMM GUIDE
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Originally created in MS Word, this is an HTML web-based document that includes hyper links internal to the document, to TC policies and regulations on their departmental Intranet and to the federal Intranet. The Guide summarizes key central agency policies and procedures for contracting and materiel, including dispute resolution and employer/employee relationships, and the managers responsibilities in these areas. Through a series of checklists, the guide takes you through the entire procurement process, from planning the requirements to tendering, project management, paying invoices and closing out contracts. It also covers the life cycle management of acquired goods, including custody, tracking, write-off and disposal. It is meant to help managers and staff to understand and meet mandatory federal requirements.
    Business Functions: In addition to providing hyper links to relevant government sites (i.e. TBS, PWGSC) for quick access to complete federal policies and regulations, this bilingual, process-driven guide is easy to use, requires no user training, and summarizes all key policies in one document. It is targeted for the use of all departmental managers and their staff (cross functional). Other organizations may be interested in re-customizing the content and style sheets to meet their own internal procurement and materiel management requirements, or in using this as a model or template for other types of on-line reference documents.
    Category: Administrative, Materiel, Project and Responsibility Centre Management
    Donor: Transport Canada TC
    Required Software: developed in HTML, with Active Server pages, Visual basic scripts and Java scripts
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: multi-user, web-server based
    Other Technical Details: Requires a Web server with Microsoft IIS capability. Requires an IT specialist to install and an HTML specialist to implement departmental and/or governmental ‘Common Look and Feel’.
    Official Language: Separate French and English versions/options available (user selects language of preference).

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    Materiel Acquisition and Support Desktop : Reference Tool for Project Managers, Beta Version

    Acronym: MASD
    Version: v. 1.1
    Overview: The Materiel Acquisition and Support (MA&S;) Desktop is one of the major components of the Acquisition Reform Initiative in the Materiel Group of DND. Provided is a demo copy of their web-based electronic reference tool designed as an information repository for MA&S; policy, process and practice. The initial DND Intranet release focused on the major acquisition processes where the identified reforms have the greatest impact; it now addresses software engineering, test & evaluation, and integrated logistics support (ILS) and will continue to be expanded to include greater levels of detail, as well as details of processes related to the in-service phase of the equipment life-cycle. The Desktop contains: process details to allow users to interpret and implement the reform concepts contained in DND’s MA&S; Policy and Acquisition Reform Guide; electronic links to source documents (e.g. Contract Clause library at PWGSC, TB Contracting Policy); work aids, such as decision tools, techniques and templates; best practices and lessons learned; and contact numbers (at National Defence Headquarters) for the various subject matter experts.
    Business Functions: The Desktop is a knowledge management repository which uses information mapping and process breakdown trees to describe the processes, the outputs of the work and provides tools, techniques and templates to support MA&S; practitioners. Desktop Goals: to become the single point of access for policy, guidance and support of MA&S; processes; to provide access (or links) to source documents; to promote cultural change through enhanced knowledge sharing and insight across the acquisition community; and to be the driving force for re-examination of current regulations and other guidance documents. The processes and the guidance in the Desktop are written in generic terms. They are neither equipment nor environment specific, neither do they distinguish between small and large acquisition projects. This enables users to "tailor" the processes and guidance to meet their needs. Process descriptions provide decision aids to assist users when tailoring to their project's specific context. Components include a Reference Library (planning guides, workflow diagrams, glossary, project and risk management methodologies, etc.), various search tools, training, FAQs and on-line help. Project managers, materiel managers, procurement staff and technical staff are able to draw on a single reference for an integrated process view of materiel acquisition and support. Standardized document templates and guidance documents enable the efficient creation of project documents such as Statements of Requirement, Project Charters, Project Management Plans, Synopsis Sheets and Project Profile Risk Assessments for Treasury Board Submissions, Statements of Work, procurement instruments, etc. Organizational performance is improved by maintaining a single source of up-to-date reference material on policy, process and practice. Ideas, lessons learned and best practices are communicated and shared. This prototype product would be a very useful learning tool or guide for other organizations interested in creating comprehensive web-based repositories.
    Category: Project Management, Risk Management, Procurement & Materiel Management, Sys
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 22
    Required Software: Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, WinZip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word Viewer (all software is included on the CD-ROM)
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Intranet (CD-ROM is also usable in a stand-alone environment)
    Official Language: English only.

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    Member of Parliament Log File System

    Acronym: MPLOG
    Version: v. 3.0
    Overview: The Member of Parliament Log File System (MPLog Version 3.0.0) is a bilingual client database accessible by designated Minister's staff to track incoming correspondence from constituents with requests for information. It would appeal to other ministers' offices, both federal and provincial (for the latter, as a guide to develop a comparable MPP database). The application includes the following tables, menus, and functions: a table of all Members of Parliament with addresses (with corresponding information in menu or table); a menu or table of departmental names, acronyms and descriptions (includes crown corporations); input data on constituent requests; BF (bring forward) dates and option to accept or change the date of BF; search based on constituent, BF date, etc.; and generate reports based on MP, constituent, BF date, status, etc. MPLog is a 32-bit application designed for a Windows 95 or NT 4.0 platform, developed in Visual Basic Version 5.0, MS Access 97 (for the database), and Crystal Reports 6.0 (only required to create new types of reports), and includes on-line help and installation/user guides. It can be installed on a standalone workstation or on a network server for access by multiple users. Source code will be provided on request after evaluation of an executable copy; requires a PC Pentium 100MHz or compatible, 16 MB RAM and 10 MB free hard disk space. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Required Software: MS Access 97
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    Menu System Utilities

    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: These are tools for system developers to facilitate building screen menus for a mainframe application. The Menu System is a series of programs that allow a developer to create a file containing menus, add or modify the menus, define each item on the menu as a program or as another Menu or as a Macro, run the user menu program with its security on program initialization and the menus with the associated item security access, unload the data from the file into flat files, load a menu file from the unloaded flat files, and print the menu and items in aid of menu documentation. The menu process program also includes the UPC security module and the print/display module (reports can be downloaded from the mainframe to a PC printer. The system uses INFOS II for indexed file handling and can be printed and/or faxed directly to the client. Some printed documentation is available immediately from SES for evaluation. On request to the originating PWGSC regional office in Halifax, a copy of the software (executable and source code) can be released to interested clients.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Multi-Project Management and Project Rollup System (Reference Guide)

    Acronym: MS-PRR
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Using mostly built-in Microsoft Project commands, with a few customized macros and tools, a system was developed for one of the department's Training and Development groups to allow the roll up of hundreds of MS Project plans from across a network. The roll up can be used to produce summarized management reports on project progress, financial performance and time spent, as well as flagging any issues that need management intervention. Heirarchical roll ups for groups enable managers to quickly view status, staff workload, red flags, etc. in order to assess total resource usage across a group and to simplify the planning of future resource needs. If several projects impact one another, the project interdependencies can automatically be input and an overall critical path can be established. The system can also do automatic time sheet reporting and project updating using the mail system. Implemented by a consultant, information is available on how to build such a system and to get help. A User Guide with sample reports and templates, prepared using Lotus AmiPro for Windows (in English only), is available for evaluation purposes; application code can later be provided by the donor on request to SES.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 304
    Development Software: Lotus AmiPro
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Acronym: O+
    Version: v. 1.2
    Overview: ORTHO+ courseware, teamed with the Hugo Plus* spellchecker, is an effective and flexible self-learning tool that can be adjusted to users' needs and available time. ORTHO+ is intended to help Francophone, Anglophone or Allophone adults who wish to acquire or improve French spelling and grammar skills. The courseware has three components: a diagnostic test to determine spelling weaknesses; text-correction exercises relating to these weaknesses; and, a post-test to evaluate progress. ORTHO+ runs on PC-compatible computers, using either a Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 operating system, and requires 1.5 MB of disk space for installation. NOTE: ORTHO+ for Windows requires the installation of the spellchecker software Hugo Plus for Windows version 8, which is not included with the courseware product. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Foreign Affairs & International Trade FAIT
    File Size: 435
    Required Software: Visual Basic 3.0
    Development Software: Visual Basic 3.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Windows, requires the installation of the software HUGO.

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    Parking Control System

    Acronym: PCS 2000
    Version: v. 2.0d
    Overview: The PCS 2000 program, a Windows/MS Access '97 database version of SES product no. S-692, tracks and reports on a government department's daily and long term parking space users, shield numbers, vehicles, space allocations, rates, methods of payment, etc. An excellent, user friendly tool to manage government parking assignments, with an integrated history recording ability to report on shield, employee and payment histories (including lost/voided/expired shields), and a built-in year-end procedure which prepares itself for new parking years while maintaining specific history files. The system authorizes, by way of hardcopy and/or electronic copy memos, pay deductions and adjustments and maintains a record of specific pay actions. Annual data updates and validation of vehicle registrations are automatically triggered. Reporting options allow for a variety of reports including paylist reports (to match up with departmental paylist reports for auditing purposes), license plate listings (for security enforcement), and employee info reports. PCS is operable on either a stand alone basis or in a network/multi-user environment, with a variety of profile authorizations that can be set by the system manager for multiple security levels. An executable copy will be provided by SES for evaluation purposes (currently available in English only, but a French version of the application and a User Guide are under development). Source code will be made available later on request. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Foreign Affairs & International Trade FAIT
    Required Software: MS Access
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    PeopleSoft Human Resources Application

    Acronym: PS-HRS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - This system is not Crown-owned, but has been endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (TB). This proprietary suite of integrated products is owned and supplied by PeopleSoft Canada, Inc. for a licensing fee. It has been modified to meet government-wide legislative requirements. PeopleSoft is a very flexible, customizable, comprehensive, Windows-based system that operates in a client/server environment. It is a table-driven application with a GUI front end, putting control in the hands of the user. The Human Resources component allows users to access and record information regarding employee records, base benefits, recruitment, education, position management, career planning, training and development, skills inventory and labour relations. The PeopleSoft applications not only offer the many benefits of client/server solutions, but also more hardware and database choices (applications are the same regardless of the database or hardware platform selected). Seventeen government departments under the TB 'Shared Systems' initiative are at varying stages of implementation and production. The Cluster Group is chaired by Ms. Jane Roszell (Agriculture Canada, 613-759-1196); and the CAC Project Director is Mr. Steve Gillett (Consulting and Audit Canada, 613-996-6697). For additional information about this product contact any of these individuals, or PeopleSoft Canada directly (613-782-3111). This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Consulting and Audit Canada CAC
    Format: TBD

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    Performance Pay System

    Acronym: PPS
    Version: v. 3.2
    Overview: The Performance Pay Plan System automates the calculation of performance pay and economic increases for the EX category and MD-MOF-4's and 5's at Health Canada. It automates the calculation of salary and awards for employees acting, appointed to, or within the Management Category. The system produces the necessary reports for Treasury Board and the regional pay units, and provides an automated method for issuing letters to employees on their salary increases. Also enclosed is a diskette containing the Performance Pay Plan for the Non- Management Category (senior levels of the Administrative and Foreign Service Category who are excluded from collective bargaining). Both of these programs have been updated to include the recent changes issued by Treasury Board in August 1996. This system is programmed in DBASE III and R & R Report Writer. Both are required to make full use of the system.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Health Canada Health
    File Size: 484
    Required Software: DBASE III+
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Relational Report writer

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    Personal Leave Tracker for Variable Part-Time Employees

    Acronym: PLT/PW-MSE
    Version: v. 5.0
    Overview: The Personal Leave Tracker for Variable Part-Time Employees (PLT/PE-MSE) is an MS Excel spreadsheet application designed to help individual employees or managers keep track of personal leave. It can be used by both full-time and part-time employees (37.5 and 40 hours/week), as well as those on a compressed work schedule. This version has also been modified to allow variable part-time to calculate their normal work week for each month. This information is required so that the variable part-time employees can determine their monthly vacation and sick leave credits. Sick leave credits are automatically credited on the 16th of each month, and totals are automatically adjusted when revised data is entered. A Leave Balance Summary field shows the remaining balances of the various leave types. (NOTE: See also products 123 and 124.)
    Business Functions: This is an easytouse spreadsheet divided into four sections to enable users to track vacation leave, certified and uncertified sick leave, compensatory leave earned and used, and familyrelated leave usage. Employees can keep a running tab on their leave credits and yearend balances to compare with departmental HR records, which can be helpful in the event of disputes. Where a parttime employee does not work the same number of hours each week, the normal work week shall be the weekly average of the hours worked at the straighttime rate calculated on a monthly basis. This worksheet will calculate the normal work week for the particular month based on the number of hours worked at the straight time rate of pay entered by the employee. A leave balances report can be printed at any time by the user. Password protected. Tombstone information and yearend leave balances can be obtained from the "Employee Statement of Leave Credits" which is issued yearly by the departmental pay unit.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave & Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    File Size: 405
    Required Software: MS Excel 97+
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: networked or stand-alone; single-user application
    Other Technical Details: Easy to install - 405 k. A password is provided (required for modifications but not for data entry or general access), but users should be aware that if the password is removed the formulas within the file can be deleted, which may cause errors. MS Excel 97 and up is needed to run and/or modify.
    Comments: A password is provided (required for modifications but not for data entry or general access), but users should be aware that if the password is removed the formulas within the file can be deleted, which may cause errors.
    Official Language: Both English and French versions provided - user selects language of preference.

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    Personal Leave Tracker, Lotus 1-2-3

    Acronym: PLT-L
    Version: v. 5.0
    Overview: The Personal Leave Tracker (PLT-L) is a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet application designed to help individual employees or managers keep track of personal leave. It can be used by both full-time and part-time employees (37.5 and 40 hours/week), as well as those on a compressed work schedule. Sick leave credits are automatically credited on the 16th of each month, and totals are automatically adjusted when revised data is entered. A Leave Balance Summary field shows the remaining balances of the various leave types. (The Excel version is also available through KES).
    Business Functions: This is an easy-to-use spreadsheet divided into four sections to enable users to track vacation leave, certified and uncertified sick leave, compensatory leave earned and used, and family-related leave usage. Employees can keep a running tab on their leave credits and year-end balances to compare with departmental HR records, which can be helpful in the event of disputes. The user can print a leave balances report at any time. Tombstone information and year-end leave balances are obtained from the "Employee Statement of Leave Credits" which is issued yearly by the departmental pay unit. Password protected.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave and Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    File Size: 259
    Required Software: Lotus 1-2-3 Version 95+.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Networked or stand-alone; single-user application
    Other Technical Details: The program runs on either a networked or stand-alone computer. Lotus 95 worksheet is needed to run and/or modify.
    Comments: A password is provided (required for modifications but not for data entry or general access), but users should be aware that if the password is removed the formulas within the file can be deleted, which may cause errors.
    Official Language: Both English and French versions provided; user selects language of preference.

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    Personal Leave Tracker, MS Excel

    Acronym: PLT-E
    Version: v. 5.0
    Overview: The Personal Leave Tracker (PLT-E) is an MS Excel spreadsheet application designed to help individual employees or managers keep track of personal leave. It can be used by both full-time and part-time employees (37.5 and 40 hours/week), as well as those on a compressed work schedule. Sick leave credits are automatically credited on the 16th of each month, and totals are automatically adjusted when revised data is entered. A Leave Balance Summary field shows the remaining balances of the various leave types. (The Lotus version is also available through KES)
    Business Functions: This is an easy-to-use spreadsheet divided into four sections to enable users to track vacation leave, certified and uncertified sick leave, compensatory leave earned and used, and family-related leave usage. Employees can keep a running tab on their leave credits and year-end balances to compare with departmental HR records, which can be helpful in the event of disputes. The user can print a leave balances report at any time. Tombstone information and year-end leave balances can be obtained from the "Employee Statement of Leave Credits" which is issued yearly by the departmental pay unit. Password protected.
    Category: Human Resources - Leave & Compensation Products
    Donor: Veterans Affairs Canada VAC
    File Size: 304
    Required Software: MS Excel version 5.0
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Networked or stand-alone; single-user application
    Other Technical Details: Created with Windows 95 and MS Excel Version 5.0; the program runs on either a networked or stand-alone computer. MS Excel 97-2002 is needed to run and/or modify
    Comments: A password is provided (required for modifications but not for data entry or general access), but users should be aware that if the password is removed the formulas within the file could be deleted, which may cause errors.
    Official Language: Both English and French versions provided - user selects language of preference.

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    Phone Directory Application

    Acronym: PDA
    Version: v.1.a
    Overview: This application is a Windows-based system that allows an individual, group or branch to set up and keep their own personal list of phone numbers and addresses. It allows up to 4 phone numbers per entry. This system will run on any PC that is capable of running Windows.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 406
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Windows

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    Practical French at the Office - Tutorial

    Acronym: PFO
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Practical French at the Office (PFO) is an interactive multimedia learning environment. It is a courseware adaptation of the official program used to teach French in the federal government, developed by Language Training Canada. PFO deals with a wide range of knowledge and skills commonly required in work situations representative of public administration. Each learning objective reflects typical workplace language tasks. PFO is intended for anyone wishing to learn or enhance their basic skills and knowledge of the French language through individual learning. This stand-alone version enables users to practice off-line while at home or away from the office. CD provided includes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and a complete copy of the source codes.
    Business Functions: This tutorial covers the contents of the first three units of "Français pour nous" in the Basic French at Work Program. PFO is installed using three separate icons for the training sessions. The learning activities in the sessions are organized according to performance goals expressed as training objectives. For each objective you can click and watch a video to view a work situation along with the choice of reading the transcript. PFO offers a wide range of pedagogical activities: matching, drag and drop, open questions, multiple choice, dictation, "Listen, Record and Compare", pronunciation practice, etc. Before or after each learning objective, a test measures your grammatical knowledge. Reference and thinking tools are integrated into the learning: charts, recording scripts, electronic conjugator and audio lexicon. The objectives include how to: identify yourself and other people; express relationships of belongings; identify objects; express ownership; use numbers; give directions; give times and dates; assign work; and explain how to go about an assignment.
    Category: Training and Development
    Donor: Public Service Commission of Canada PSC
    File Size: 400
    Required Ram: 32
    Required Disk Space: 10
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: This stand alone version can also be installed on a network without special permission.
    Other Technical Details: Technical requirements to run this program are: Pentium PC with Windows 98, ME, NT 4, 2000 or XP; SVGA graphics card; 800 X 600 display resolution - 65,000 colours; sound card; headphones or speakers; a microphone; and a CD-ROM drive. PFO was developed using the system IconAuthor. A specialization of IconAuthor and a good knowledge of the version PFO was created in is required to create something similar or to make modifications. Source code included.
    Official Language: The navigational tools and instructions are in English. The exercises are in French.

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    Project Management Framework

    Acronym: PMF
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: The Project Management Framework (PMF) is a web enabled tool to assist project managers in the planning, execution and closure of IM/IT projects by facilitating the processes required to achieve project objectives and manage risks. Took kit includes guidelines and templates for all sizes of e-Government Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects, customizable to user needs. Developed in HTML and JavaScript, the PMF features on-line help, guidelines for use and downloadable documents.
    Business Functions: A comprehensive package has been prepared to help project managers and their teams to plan and successfully manage IM/IT projects (also useful as a model for other types of projects). In the rush to implement a service or deliver a product, many projects have been undertaken without the detailed planning and execution processes required to set the stage for achieving the project objectives and managing the risks. This often leads to cost overruns, missed deadlines and/or outright failures. The aim of the PMF is to facilitate the preparation of all project management documentation expected from a project manager or designate during the course of an IM/IT project. Based on proven, well-known industry and public sector references and TBS Enhanced Management Framework; easy to navigate and designed with a practical approach focused on deliverables.
    Category: Project & Risk Management
    Donor: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AAFC
    File Size: 250
    Required Software: Requires WP6.0 and up, Microsoft and Excel. Developed in HTML and JavaScript
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Client-server or serverless application (multi-user or stand-alone)
    Other Technical Details: A web enabled application; practical approach focused on deliverables, with guidelines for use and bundling for typical project types; capability to tailor and customize deliverables.
    Comments: In the spirit of continuously improving project management practices, we would appreciate if you make future enhancements to the PMF to let us know and be willing to share these practices with us.
    Official Language: English only

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    Public Contact System - Request/Point of Sale Module

    Acronym: PCS-RPSM
    Version: v. 7.3
    Overview: The Point of Sale Module is a stand-alone component of a larger Public Contact System, which was derived from Industry Canada's Distribution System (see also products D-735, D-736, D-737, D-738 and D-740 for the complete Distribution System and other stand-alone modules). The application works in tandem with the Request Order Fulfillment, Inventory and Mailing List modules that were customized for the NCC as part of their Public Contact System. Products for sale can be priced for retail and wholesale, with discounts for larger orders. All major credit cards can be used by the system, and a receipt or invoice can be generated per sale. Marketing results are also kept on each order and there are numerous reports generated for market analysis based on monthly and yearly data. It has a Canada Postal code lookup feature, and on-line help. This is a relatively easy to use, GUI (graphical user interface), multi-user, client/server application that is LAN ready with SQL potential to front-end large database engines such as Oracle and Sybase. A User Manual is on-line; printed copy available from SES for evaluation. Demonstrations can then be arranged in Ottawa on request, following which a copy of the software can be released to interested clients.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Capital Commission CapCan
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Public Contact System - Tours & Itineraries Module

    Acronym: PCS-TIM
    Version: v. 7.3
    Overview: The Tours and Itineraries Module is a stand-alone component of a larger Public Contact System, which was derived from Industry Canada's Distribution System (see also products D-735, D-736, D-737, D-738 and D-739 for the complete Distribution System and other stand-alone modules). The application is connected to a mailing list of clients, where each client can be coded for an unlimited number of different tour bookings; each tour can be coded for an unlimited number of attractions and events. At the click of a button, a covering letter, itinerary and invoice can be printed and/or faxed directly to the client. There is a Member of Parliament feature that enables the user to send a letter to an MP informing them that a group of people from their riding will be in the National Capital Region on a particular day, with itinerary date, time and location specifics. It produces monthly and yearly reports on Attractions reservations and revenue generated. This is an easy to use, GUI (graphical user interface), multi-user, client/server application that is LAN ready with SQL potential to front-end large database engines such as Oracle and Sybase. A User Manual is on-line; printed copy available from SES for evaluation. Demonstrations can then be arranged in Ottawa on request, following which a copy of the software can be released to interested clients.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Capital Commission CapCan
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Requisition Renewal Reminder System

    Acronym: RRRS
    Version: v. 7.0
    Overview: A LOTUS Approach database application created to efficiently manage the renewal of standing offer and contractual documents. Triggered by the recorded expiration date of a document, the system generates a letter for advising the client of the most opportune time to send their requisition to begin the procurement process for renewal, if required, along with a reply form. RRRS is used by administrative staff in support of contractual services to ensure the uninterrupted supply of goods and services to clients. Includes some technical documentation and dummy data; a detailed user guide is unavailable but is not considered necessary.
    Business Functions: Tracks status details such as follow-up phone calls made, reminder and confirmation faxes and letters sent, contact data, etc. New reports can be created; the design mode is password protected. Easy to use, requiring minimal or no documentation or training. Significantly improves productivity, reduces processing errors, increases accuracy, eliminates untimely delays and streamlines the renewal process. Although not compatible with a Microsoft platform, evaluating RRRS may be useful as a learning tool to help speed up the development of a comparable solution in some other database language such as MS Access. Replaces a manual reminder service with an automated process. Tombstone information is imported from a Corporate database system, eliminating re-keying and manual input. Users can edit and review various types of contractual and client data. Searching for information and generating standard reports on suppliers, clients, contracts or standing offers has never been easier.
    Category: Financial and Materiel Management; Purchasing and Contracting
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 3454
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Standalone or Shared
    Other Technical Details: VGA Video,16MB RAM. Requires Lotus Approach 97 or Millennium for evaluation or use.
    Comments: This product is no longer supported by the donor organization, therefore no future upgrades will be available.
    Official Language: Only available in English

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    Risk and Issue Tracking Database

    Acronym: RITD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Risk and Issue Tracking Database is an effective management tool that provides support to program/project level risk management. With this tool, users will better organize risk and issue information, capture risk and issue related data, and generate informative reports. The database includes three forms for data input: a project form, a risk form and an issue form. Each risk and issue is associated to one project which is easily linked via a Graphical User Interface. Unique identifiers are assigned to each project, risk and issue which are set up through customizable drop-down lists.
    Business Functions: This tool allows for probabilities, impacts, statuses, action plans, management/resolution strategies and much more to be assigned to each record, which allows for risks and issues to be managed more effectively. It also possesses built-in search and filter capabilities, and is quite easy to navigate through. The database has been implemented successfully on the Y2K initiative as well as in various GoL projects within the Government of Canada. Documentation is not provided but anyone familiar with MS Access will find it easy to use. It includes approximately 20 standard reports that can be exported into MS Word or MS Excel. There is also unlimited ad hoc report creation capability, plus the ability to colour-code risk and issue status indicators and display them graphically in a report. In its existing form there are currently no security features assigned to it, but the database can be password protected. It must be noted that although MS Access 97 has the capacity to assign security permissions on a user by user basis for the database components, individual records cannot be secured. For more information regarding how to define user permissions, refer to the MS Access 97 user manual or help files.
    Category: Program/Project Management, Risk Management and Support
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Required Software: created in MS Access 97 (source code provided)
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: multi-user (networked) and/or single-user; may be installed on a network or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: To use the database it will need to reside on Windows 95 or better and MS Office 97, specifically MS Access 97, will need to be installed.
    Official Language: English only.

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    Room Reservation System

    Acronym: RRS
    Version: v. 3.0
    Overview: The Room Reservation System allows users to determine availability and reserve boardroom or meeting facilities within an organization. It can be installed on a stand-alone PC or on a network, so individual employees can make their own reservations directly without having to go through a central administrator. Users also enter other required facility details (e.g. LAN connections, Audio-visual equipment, flip charts, etc.) at time of booking; this data is then accessed by personnel responsible for ensuring the room is ready. Reservation information can be filtered several ways so clients can determine which rooms are already booked and which are available.
    Business Functions: Eliminates the need for a dedicated employee responsible for room bookings. System takes care of time conflicts and cross referencing; eliminates over-booking of facilities and time wasted tracking down available rooms by phone or other means. Quick, at-a-glance reservation information for a particular room, client, date. Easily installed and maintained. Easy to use; requires no documentation or training (screens are self-explanatory).Ensures room set-up and audio-visual requirements are booked at same time Could be readily adapted for booking labs, training classrooms or other types of facilities.
    Category: Office Administration & Management - Project Management & Scheduling
    Donor: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency CCRA
    File Size: 676
    Required Software: MS-DOS; will also run on WIN95, WIN_NT, WIN 3.x
    Development Software: Developed & compiled in Clipper 5.01; licenses not required for use as is but needed for modifications to source code.
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: LAN, WAN, Stand Alone; multi-user
    Other Technical Details: Little or no support required; 682K space zipped, 1.9 megs unzipped.
    Comments: Reports designed for an HP compatible printer or Epson FX1050 printer; requires R&R; Report Writer to modify or create new reports. Third party library software called Overlay was used & could be required to recompile the system.
    Official Language: English only

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    Salary Forecasting System

    Acronym: SFS
    Version: v. 3.5.d.2
    Overview: The Person-Year and Salary Forecasting System includes 'What If?' Scenario Analysis, allowing users to determine the effect of extending or cutting back term positions, changing classifications or levels, adding or reducing staff, changing the rate of overtime expenditures, re-organizing, etc. on budget requirements in the current or future year. This bilingual system is easy to use and includes a built-in User's Guide. A compiled copy will be provided for evaluation purposes; Clipper is only required for customization. Source code will be provided on request. Documentation available on-line (same diskette as application); data dictionary available on request from Environment. R&R; Report Writer software is required if existing reports are to be modified by a new user. Minimum 560KB free space recommended.
    Category: Financial Management, Training and Development
    Donor: Environment Canada EC
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Clipper 5.01

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    Salary Management Requirements Definition Document

    Acronym: SMRDD
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: This document was prepared on behalf of the federal Council for Administrative Renewal as a guide to be used by various government departments and agencies to assist in the development of a Salary Management System (SMS) which will satisfy their salary costing, forecasting and budgeting needs. It describes the information processing requirements of a full service SMS from a conceptual, not a technical design, perspective. It identifies 'what' criteria should be met by the system, not 'how' these requirements should be implemented. Many of the requirements identified may indeed be met by other systems with which the SMS will need to be integrated. This document will be useful to a broad range of parties with an interest in salary management: responsibility centre (RC)/line managers, financial officers, functional specialists (F Personnel), senior management, and central agencies. Available in English hard copy only.
    Category: Financial Management, Training and Development
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Official Language: Available in English hard copy only.

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    Salary Management System

    Acronym: SMS(tm)
    Version: v. 4.1
    Overview: The Windows-based version of the Salary anagement System (SMSTM) is not Crown-owned, but is endorsed as a Shared System for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada (the original DOS version was Crown-owned, but is no longer available). Only an overview document and information regarding the federal users Cluster Group is available from KES; software licenses must be purchased from the firm Influatec Inc. SMSTM automatically generates financial information related to wage and salary budgets, forecasts, reports and payroll accounting, etc. SMSTM achieves this by integrating data from financial, budget, human resources and payroll modules even if they are from different vendors. It forecasts salary requirements and reports Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) employees utilization by financial coding or by employee, using real salary expenditures from PWGSC or any other departmental system. SMSTM has been implemented in more than 47 federal organizations, as well as in the Ontario and Manitoba governments and in various municipalities and universities.
    Business Functions: It has a full, flexible standard report writer and an had-hoc one, as well as "What if" analysis scenarios mode with full accessibility. More details: Contact the Influatec Inc. Sales Director (819) 595-1794, ext. 244, or the Co-chair of the federal Cluster Group, Mr. David K. Hum at TBS. Managers find this software to be highly flexible and user-friendly, providing an effective means of managing labour costs more efficiently. SMStm is commonly recognized as a sub-ledger to the general ledger and facilitates pay distribution.
    Category: Finance, Human Resources, Management Support
    Donor: E MUN-QUE
    File Size: 16
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Runs as a multi-user system or as a stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: The architecture of version 4 of SMStm (n-tiers version) proposes a much easier deployment of the application, compatible with the Windows and Unix Systems.
    Official Language: Bilingual, allows users to switch to English or French in each screen.

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    SAP Integrated Financial/Materiel Management System

    Acronym: SAP-IFMS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System - This system is not Crown-owned, but it has been endorsed for use in federal departments by the Treasury Board of Canada. This proprietary suite of integrated products is owned and supplied by SAP Canada Inc. for a licensing fee. Four departments implemented SAP in 1997, eight more are expected to complete implementation by April 1998, and four other departments in the Cluster Group are scheduled for completion by April 1999. The system is modularized and consists of FI - Financial and Accounting (General Ledger, Consolidation, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Asset Accounting and Special Purpose Ledger), TR - Treasury Management, CO - Financial Controlling, PS- Project System, BASIS provides business process technology, document management, classification and CAD integration, IS Industry Solution for the Public Sector when it becomes available, SD - Sales and Distribution, LO - Logistics General, MM - Materiel Management (Purchasing, Inventory, Warehousing, Invoice Verification, Information System and EDI capability), EC- Enterprise Controlling (Management Consolidation and Executive Information System) and the ABAP/4 Development Workbench. All of these modules and components are fully integrated with each other. Key features include: on-line, real-time processing; 3-tier client server architecture (presentation, application and database); a Graphical User Interface; and, the adoption of a relational database model enabling data storage and response times to be optimized. The product will run on a variety of operational environments. An overview document is available from Software Exchange Service. The Cluster Group is chaired by Mr. Peter Callahan (Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 613-996-3175) and Ms. Sue Roddick (Consulting and Audit Canada, 613-952-3377) is the Application Manager. For additional information or demonstrations, contact either of these individuals. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Second Language Evaluation Practice Tests

    Acronym: SLE
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: This product features online practice exercises that are designed to help employees prepare for the writing and reading portions of the Public Service Commissions Second Language Evaluation (SLE) test. Students can select any one of the 10 English or 10 French online tests available. Each test contains a series of 25 questions (multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank) and is timed. At the end of the test, there is a review page where a student can review their answers before submitting it to be graded as per the actual SLE tests. After grading, the student can then compare their answers against the correct answers.
    Business Functions: This web tool allows students to prepare for the Public Service Commissions Second Language Evaluation (SLE) writing or reading test at their desk. The online tests are based on the actual PSC tests except students can review their answers against the correct answers at the end of the test. There is no cost associated with taking these test and no pre-registration is required.
    Category: Administrative and Facilities Management, Training and Development
    Donor: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency CCRA
    File Size: 64
    Required Software: Internet Explorer 4+ , IIS 4.0 ASP
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Web-server-based
    Other Technical Details: A Web-server-based product Tested for Internet Explorer 4+ and IIS 4.0 with ASP Needs an ODBC connection to an Access database.
    Official Language: This product is available in both English and French.

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    Security Incident Tracking System

    Acronym: SITS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Security Incident Tracking System (SITS) allows the user(s) to keep track of all incidents reported to departmental Security, Investigations and Emergency Response. The focus is on the capture of data (such as location, description, type, agent logging the event, Bring Forward date and date closed) relating to security incidents or events, the tracking of actions taken (such as assignment of an investigation), and the generation of simple reports using pre-defined selection criteria. A click of the button will automatically import the data file into MS Excel where the user can do further sorting and filtering using the various Excel features. This bilingual* MS Access 97 application was developed in-house.
    Business Functions: SITS is a very basic, functional database application designed to keep track of reported security, investigation and emergency response incidents within an organization. It can be implemented to cover activity within one or many buildings, and within a specific region or throughout an organization. The data pertaining to each incident/event is captured in one screen and a unique tracking code is automatically generated by the system. The reporting has been made simple with the use of pre-defined report selection criteria. For example, a user can request a report of all closed incidents or a report of all incidents assigned to Investigation. Reports can be previewed before printing. The application is very easy to use and requires little documentation or training. It may be used entirely in an individual mode or several users may share the data. The application is password protected and uses the standard Find dialogue box in Access for search capability.
    Category: Security, Administrative & Management Support
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    File Size: 1
    Required Software: a licensed copy of MS Access 97 is required to install, evaluate or modify the application; documents (user and installation guides) are prepared in Word 97
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: multi-user and/or single-user (may be installed on a network or stand-alone)
    Other Technical Details: Source code and user documentation provided. The application is table driven and either the application administrator or the superuser can update the tables. Requires minimal support; and is readily adapted/modified/enhanced. Data can easily be imported into Excel.
    Official Language: *The user interface screens are bilingual. The Installation Guide and User Guide are only available in English and no translation of the documentation is planned.

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    Skills & Assets for Emergencies

    Acronym: SAFE
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Skills & Assets for Emergencies (SAFE) is used to keep track of people, skills and assets that could be useful in assisting the community in the event of a variety of possible emergency situations. The application allows the user to develop a list of contacts, including detailed information on how they can be reached, the skills they possess and the equipment they would be willing to share during times of crisis. SAFE is an MS Windows-based application written in Visual Basic 6.0 using MS Access 8.0, which can operate in a client-server or stand-alone environment.
    Business Functions: Searches can be performed on skills and assets information by municipality, area code, phone number and street, and contacts can be searched by name and municipality. The software would be useful to any organization that has a requirement to respond to emergency situations requiring specialized skills and equipment. Having this information readily retrievable could be instrumental in averting disaster or saving lives.
    Category: Human Resources Management - General Emergency Preparedness
    Donor: Correctional Service Canada CSC
    File Size: 4803
    Required Software: MDAC 2.1 (free from Microsoft); DCOM98 (free from Microsoft); Microsoft Access 8.0 is required to add additional LAN users
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: networked or stand-alone
    Other Technical Details: Il faut utiliser MDAC 2.1 et DCOM98 (tous les deux sont offerts gratuitement par Microsoft). Microsoft Access 8.0 est aussi nécessaire pour ajouter dautres utilisateurs au RL.
    Official Language: SAFE can be used in either French or English (choice is made during login). Training manual/help supplied in both English and French. System documentation supplied in English only.

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    Acronym: SN
    Version: v. 2.6
    Overview: SpillNet is an Intranet database web application developed to allow the input and updating of accidental spills information by selected individuals in a department, with database access provided to any corporate user requiring spill information through their desktop browser using Internet Explorer (IE) Automatic Active Desktop notification. SpillNet provides increased capability to Environmental Officers and other corporate users through this direct access to the spill database to prepare reports, establish trends, business planning, etc.
    Business Functions: This is a centrally managed electronic database and notification system, a tool to assist organizations with generating and viewing spill reports, including date and time of occurrence, TDG Class, spill type, quantity spilled, cost of lost product and clean-up costs, etc.. It provides an on-going inventory of reportable spills, and auto-notification to users when a new spill is entered into the database.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: National Defence ND
    File Size: 84
    Required Ram: 128
    Required Software: Internet Explorer v.5.5 SP2, MS Outlook; Windows 2000 Professionnel SP2, VirusScan, MS SQL server
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Network: requires IE v.4.0 web browser with Active Desktop Installation or IE v.5.01 as an upgrade. (IE v.5 will not work with this feature unless IE v.5.01 was installed over IE v.4.0 with Active Desktop. )
    Other Technical Details: Hardware: Pentium II or greater processor; Memory/RAM: 128 or greater; Video: standard 2D video card; Disk Controller: LD; NIC: Ethernet 10/100 Base T; and CD ROM drive. To navigate within the application: The Menu is located on the left side of the screen. Select a menu option to get that screen. The last menu option is a link to the User documentation. Help is also available from the navigation bar.
    Comments: The Installation Guide is included with this application.
    Official Language: This application is fully bilingual.

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    Statement of Qualifications Web Application

    Acronym: SOQ
    Version: v. 1.1
    Overview: A web-based, bilingual, interactive tool designed to give managers or anyone tasked with initiating a staffing process, in conjunction with their HR staffing officers, the ability to create customized Statements of Qualifications specific to positions within their organization as a first step in the staffing process. It provides users with a series of options for the selection of linguistic requirements, knowledge, abilities, education, and personal suitabilities for the desired position classification and level. This is a Cold Fusion application with on-line help, interfacing with an Oracle database; no other documentation is provided but it is easy to use and requires minimum support once installed.
    Business Functions: As an on-line application targeted to all managers and HR professionals, it can be readily accessed by all potential users and produces standardized, comprehensive SOQs quickly to help speed up the staffing process. The system is easy to use and ensures significant cost savings and consistency of information. Since NRCan employees belong to about 80 percent of the classifications and levels currently applicable within the Public Service, a copy of their database* (created after an extensive review of past, paper-based SOQs) will be usable by most federal government departments. The content can be updated, revised or customized by using the administrative component of the application. On completion of the selection of requirements, a bilingual Statement of Qualifications page is produced in standard Public Service Commission format. The user can choose to save the page in Rich Text Format (RTF, which is compatible with most word-processing packages) and can later edit the document to include position number, job title, etc. and make any final adjustments.
    Category: Human Resources - Staffing & Classification
    Donor: Natural Resources Canada NRCAN
    File Size: 3
    Required Disk Space: 10
    Required Software: Oracle 8.0 (database), Cold Fusion 4.5
    Development Software: Cold Fusion 4.5
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Web-enabled - MS/IIS 5.0 Web Server
    Other Technical Details: Designed to interface with an Oracle database, but the application could potentially be modified by other departments to interface with other types of databases. Requires an IT specialist to install; minimum to moderate support once installed. Requires approximately 10 Mb space unpacked. Oracle 8.0 Database; Cold Fusion 4.5 required to generate and maintain the SOQs and to modify the application.
    Comments: Due to size, a copy of this product will be mailed out to authorized clients in CD format upon request. Contact us to order, or for further details. All components are provided as is.
    Official Language: This application is fully bilingual.

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    Study - Broad User Requirements for the Human Resource Management Function

    Acronym: S-BURHRM
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Deloitte & Touche were commissioned to undertake a Broad User Requirements study to determine the computer system needed to support the CRTC Human Resource Management (HRM) function. The system had to be consistent with all the central agency initiatives. This study: defines the CRTC HR functions; describes the information used by the HR organization; defines the set of computer applications required to support the HR organization; and provides a preliminary 'make or buy' assessment of the suitability of other HRM computer systems in government to the CRTC environment.
    Category: Human Resources - Management & Support
    Donor: Cdn Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission CRTC
    File Size: 442
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Study - Employee Profile System

    Acronym: EPS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: This study defines the requirements and potential solution for a system which will maintain 'tombstone' personnel data. The business functions which comprise a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) administrative environment are presented. The EPS will implement the foundation for a long-term, comprehensive HRM automated system. See also product 17.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Cdn Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission CRTC
    File Size: 269
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    System Life Cycle Process

    Acronym: SLCP
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The System Life Cycle Process (SLCP) document describes the methodology and standards that were to be used in corporate system development activities within the department, according to Treasury Board of Canada ( directive. The objective is to provide a project manager with the ability to respond to client needs while ensuring that management constraints, accountability, and compliance with relevant legislation are adequately addressed. The SLCP is applicable to all phases of system development, enhancement and maintenance. Although developed in 1988, the content is still considered to be relevant and useful, particularly for small to mid-size government organizations. This product is currently available in print format only and is not affected by Year 2000 concerns.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    TAPS, TIMS, AMAX - System Profiles

    Acronym: TAPS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Endorsed Shared System. This system is endorsed by the CIO, Treasury Board of Canada. The Transaction-based Automated Purchasing System (TAPS) is a microcomputer, Local Area Network based purchasing system. The system facilitates functional and administrative approval being obtained, and goods received being verified against invoices prior to payment authorization. TAPS, initially developed by Advanced Systems Integrations (ASI), Nepean, Ontario, for the National Transportation Agency, interfaces with Public Works and Government Services' systems, as well as, several departmental specific financial, assets management and inventory control systems. Designed as a module of ASI's TAPS system, TIMS (Transaction-based Inventory Management System) provides consumables inventory control functions for single or multiple warehouse operations. Another module, AMAX (Assets Management System) manages fixed assets once they are received including tracking of the history of where the asset is and who is responsible for it, providing loan management and warranty tracking features and tracking repair set-up/cost history. These three products have been adopted by several government departments and agencies. A system profile is available from Software Exchange Service. A Cluster group, chaired by Mr. Robert Katz, of Solicitor General Canada (613-842-1237), collaborates on maintenance and future directions of the system. For more information or demonstrations and source code, contact the Cluster Chair directly. This application is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS
    Format: DOCUMENT

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    Training Requirements Management System

    Acronym: TRMS
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: TRMS is a bilingual, standalone, single-user Windows-based application, designed to facilitate the management of learning activities within offices and/or regions/branches. Developed for training coordinators or course administrators to keep track of their local training requirements and course sessions, and to help managers manage their employees' training needs. System features include: allows users to maintain information on the employees in their office, as well as on the suppliers and courses available; capability to create and administer course sessions at the local office level; individual needs identification, with rollups at the local, regional and national levels; and built-in security. Produces reports based on responsibility centre and work section or by individual employee, on specific courses, types of training, for specific time periods, etc., which will be useful in tracking course requirements from the time a course is requested until it is actually taken, as well as for planning, forecasting and making decisions re costs, resources, alternatives and strategies. A Learner's Guide in Word 6 format is included -- please specify if hard copy is required, in English and/or French, when ordering; both sources code (which requires PowerBuilder to modify) and an executable copy provided. Requires 16 MB of RAM and 20 MB of free hard disk space to run.. Revenue Canada will eventually be replacing TRMS with a module in the SAP Financial/Human Resources system. This product is Year 2000 compliant.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency CCRA
    File Size: 6698
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Needs Powerbuilder

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    Transfer Payment Management System

    Acronym: TPMS
    Version: v. 3.0
    Overview: TPMS is a system to manage grants and contributions. It was designed to allow over 150 Portfolio Managers to control transfer payments to several hundred Indian bands and organizations. There are 4 primary modules: an agreements database; a cash management calculation module; a cheque release module; and a reporting module. The system also has a tracking component for Terms and Conditions. TPMS resides on a minicomputer with access from either PCs or dumb terminals. Arrangements to transfer the system will be made with INAC. Departments with financial coding structures similar to INAC will find that little customization is needed.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada INAC
    Format: DOCUMENT
    Other Technical Details: Powerhouse

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    Virtual Charity Auction Application

    Acronym: VCA
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: The Virtual Charity Auction web application was developed during the 2001 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign as an employee-driven initiative to raise additional funds for a worthy cause while having fun doing it (all of the proceeds collected from the highest bidders were donated to the Campaign). Photos and descriptions of donated goods and services were posted on-line within the departmental Intranet site for an electronic silent auction. Employees could easily log in to the site to view the growing list of items available and highest bid-to-date for each, then submit their own bids on one or more items as and when desired at any time throughout a specified period. At a designated date and time the auction was closed and final results were tallied. Although very little time for development was allowed for this initiative and it required some voluntary manual work to maintain, the Virtual Charity Auction (VCA) surpassed expectations and was very popular with the users. The VCA consists of a standard federal Common Look and Feel splash page, a "What's New" page outlining the rules of the game, and pages for the main auction section content, item bid submission forms and bid confirmations. This basic, multi-user application was developed in both official languages using static HTML and one Perl script.
    Business Functions: The application runs on a server for the duration of the auction. From their workstations, bidders access the site's main page, click on a thumbnail image, bid button or item title link to get to an item's bid page to view details, and fill out a simple e-form to submit a bid if interested (using their real names or an alias if anonymity is preferred). The form is automatically transmitted to the auction administrator through a Perl script as an e-mail. At the end of each day, the auction administrator reviews and organizes all bids received, then manually updates the HTML in the main auction page and item bid pages to reflect the highest bid to date for each item, along with the bidder's name or alias. The software automatically time stamps each submission so only the earliest bid is accepted in the event identical bids are received. This then becomes the opening bid for the next day, and so on for the duration of the auction. Final winning bids and total funds raised are announced on the site but payments are collected manually.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Public Works and Government Services Canada PWGSC
    File Size: 5
    Development Software: see above
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Multi-user; must be installed on a network.
    Other Technical Details: Web-based application developed in HTML with one PERL script page on a Windows 2000 NT platform for use with a Netscape 4.61 browser. Easy to install, except all web paths need to be updated depending on file structure. It is a static web site that uses Apache coding for the header, footer and side navigation templates. Requires work to maintain during use, as it does not dynamically update bid information, but source code is provided so new users can modify as required (original developers ran out of time to develop this feature).
    Comments: A second version of this product will be made available soon and will include an interactive web based application with user registration and instanteneous bid updates.
    Official Language: Fully Bilingual

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    Visual Identification Processor

    Acronym: VIP
    Version: v. 2.02
    Overview: Visual Identification Processor (VIP) stores and uses tombstone employee data along with digital images for the production of employee picture ID badges. Developed in Visual Basic 5 using a Microsoft Access database, badges can be printed using any Windows compatible printer. The application can be operated in a network environment or stand-alone.
    Business Functions: The software would be useful to any organization that requires custom ID badges for its employees. Production is quick and low cost, since multiple ID cards can be printed per page. A digital camera is required to take the badge pictures.
    Category: Human Resources Management - General
    Donor: Correctional Service Canada CSC
    File Size: 20890
    Required Software: Microsoft Word 95 needed to read documentation; MDAC 2.1 or greater (included); DCOM98 (included)
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: If system is set up to run from a LAN then 5 megs of disk space will be required for initial installation. The database will grow by about 25k per record (with an image) added. Same as above, plus VIP uses one custom control called ImageKnife. This control must be purchased in order to open the source code.
    Comments: VIP version 3.2 was upgraded to Visual Basic 6 and uses a central Oracle database. Version 4.0 is currently in development and will store additional identification information.
    Official Language: VIP can be used in French or in English; users select their preferred language during login. Installation documents are available in English only.

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    Working Capital Program

    Acronym: WCP
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: This is a database application designed to track all Working Capital transactions, by custodians (employees who have responsibility for funds allocated to them), by date, or by type of transaction (petty cash, charge fund, free fund, standing travel fund). It produces an input form and monthly reports. Data captured includes outstanding variances, new year/old year allocations, where funds have been allocated to, and a history of all transactions. This system is targeted for regional office financial control.
    Category: Finance, Human Resources, Management Support
    Donor: Human Resources Development Canada HRDC
    File Size: 377
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Clipper

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    Writing Training Objectives

    Acronym: WTO
    Version: v. 2.0
    Overview: This computer based course leads the learner through the process of writing a training objective. It was designed for content experts or new course designers who will be developing courses. It explains the purpose of a training objective and how to prepare its three components: the performance statement, conditions and standards. It includes a checklist which course designers can use as an on- going, quick reference tool for developing and evaluating their objectives. The application requires an IBM compatible PC with 10 MB hard disk space (for both English and French versions; or 6 MB for just one language), Windows 3.1, and VGA graphics capability.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Training and Development Canada TDC
    File Size: 4212
    Format: SOFTWARE

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    X.400 Address Directory (for MS-Mail)

    Acronym: FINDX400-MSM
    Version: v. 3.4
    Overview: This utility was designed specifically for MS-Mail LAN Administrators, to simplify the search for X.400 addresses of people outside your own department. It also facilitates composing X.400 messages and adding X.400 addresses to a Personal Address Book on a user's desktop. The address information files are obtained from the Government X.400 Directory, maintained by the federal Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services (GTIS). This utility is faster to use and quicker to update than the proprietary MS-Mail Import mechanisms available, and will be especially appealing to organizations with many postoffices or Global Address Lists. It also uses less space, since the information is stored in a separate database (18Mb of space), developed in MS Access, instead of residing directly on each postoffice (which would require over 100Mb of space each). This is an easy-to-install, fully bilingual product and contains hotspot- enabled Help files. Requires MS-Mail for Windows running on Windows 3.x, Win95 or Windows NT. Both executable and source code available; demos arranged on request.
    Category: General/Miscellaneous
    Donor: Transport Canada TC
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Other Technical Details: Visual Basic 3.0

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    X3D Software Development Kit

    Acronym: SDK
    Version: v. 1.0
    Overview: Enter the Web's next dimension with the latest Web3D resources -- viewers, source code, tools, resources, servers, specifications and more from leading vendors. Then kick-start your Web-enabled development to the next level! This edition of the SDK is specially focused on Extensible 3D (X3D) graphics. The Web3D Consortium produces a semi-annual collection of software tools, specifications and resources whose primary purpose is to enable the further development of X3D-aware applications and content. There are over 80 individual Professional Members contributing their expertise to Consortium activities. Web3D Consortium members provide technical and marketing expertise for the continued evolution of open 3D standards while gaining early access to ongoing technology and commercial opportunities.
    Business Functions: The Software Development Kit (SDK) are distributed freely to members of the public, furthering the visibility and distribution of important standards-track technology. The SDK is packaged in two CDs and contains the latest developer builds of open and community sources maintained by the Web3D Consortium, X3D implementations and tools, and X3D conformance suite, as well as general Web3D media tools and content developed by Consortium members. For further details on the material contained in the Web3D SKD or to download on-line, visit (this site is limited to Intranet access). The Web3D Consortium website hosts and links to many more online resources including FAQs, Mailing lists, and Symposia.
    Category: Informatics Management and Support
    Donor: Communications Research Centre Canada CRCC
    File Size: 1220
    Format: SOFTWARE
    Environment: Can be installed on a network or stand alone.
    Other Technical Details: Linux, Irix, and Apple OS X is necessary to run the applications. You will also require an Internet access. X3D is always evolving and some of the material on these SDKs does not reflect the latest X3D specifications, however, to receive updated information you will need to consult with and
    Comments: Contains two CDs
    Official Language: This product is available in English only.

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