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39ème législature - 2ème session
(16 oct. 2007-)


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39ème législature - 2ème session
(16 oct. 2007-)

Accueil du projet de loi

Pour en savoir plus

Projet de loi C-27 Loi modifiant le Code criminel (délinquants dangereux et engagement de ne pas troubler l'ordre public)

| Lecture(s) recommandée(s) | Communiqués des partis politiques | Liens connexes |

Lecture(s) recommandée(s)

  • Are sex offenders dangerous?. Sample, Lisa L. Criminology and public policy. 3:59-82. Nov. 2003.
  • Lifetime sex offender recidivism: a 25-year follow-up study. Langevin, Ron et al. Canadian journal of criminology & criminal justice. 46:531-52. Oct. 2004.
  • Never going home: does it make us safer? Does it make sense?. Durling, Caleb. Journal of criminal law & criminology. 97:317-63. Fall 2006.
  • Public attitudes to sentencing in Canada: exploring recent findings. Roberts, Julian V., Nicole Crutcher and Paul Verbrugge. Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice. 49:75-107. Jan. 2007.
  • Reply to Webster, Gartner, and Doob. Langevin, Ron, Suzanne Curnoe and Paul Fedoroff. Canadian journal of criminology & criminal justice. 48:107-17. Jan. 2006.
  • Results by design: the artefactual construction of high recidivism rates for sex offenders. Webster, Cheryl Marie, Rosemary Gartner and Anthony N. Doob. Canadian journal of criminology & criminal justice. 48:79-93. Jan. 2006.
  • The dangerous offender provisions: are they targeting the right offenders?. Bonta, James L. et al. Canadian journal of criminology. 40:377-400. Oct. 1998.
  • The interplay between Christopher's Law and the Sex Offender Information Registration Act. Laine, Yeshe. Criminal law quarterly. 52:470-97. May 2007.
  • Tracking high-risk, violent offenders: an examination of the National Flagging System. Yessine, Annie K. Canadian journal of criminology & criminal justice. 48:573-607. July 2006.
  • What population and what question?. Rice, Marnie E. and Grant T. Harris. Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice. 48:95-101. Jan. 2006.

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