

Weekly quiz

CBC News Online | December 26, 2007
Test your knowledge of weekly events in the world of news, business, sports and arts. 

1. The rise of the Canadian dollar was a good news/bad news story across the country. What was the Bank of Canada exchange rate for the U.S. dollar on Jan. 2, 2007?
A. About 86 cents US
B. About 79 cents US
C. About 92 cents US
D. About $1 US
2. As of Dec. 24, how many Canadian military personnel died in Afghanistan in 2007?
A. Four.
B. 12
C. 29
D. 37
3. 2007 was a big year in regional politics. There were six provincial elections and a territorial one. Which of the following did not hold an election this year?
A. Ontario.
B. P.E.I.
C. Northwest Territories.
D. New Brunswick.
4. Robert Pickton was convicted in December of murder in the deaths of six women. The first name to appear on a list of missing women was Rebecca Guno, who disappeared in 1983. When did police lay the first charges?
A. In 1989.
B. In 1993.
C. In 2002.
D. In 2005.
5. Thousands of monks and activists staged protests against the military junta in Burma this fall. What was the result?
A. The United Nations has sent a peacekeeping force.
B. The junta cracked down, and continues to govern.
C. The junta has been deposed, and the EU has created an interim governing committee.
D. The junta is talking to the opposition, and there are plans for an election next year.
6. Which of the following countries had emergency rule imposed in 2007?
A. Israel.
B. Pakistan.
C. Thailand.
D. Nepal.
7. Pet owners around North America had a scare this year, when pet food was found to be contaminated with the chemical melamine. Nearly 100 brands of pet food were recalled. In November, a U.S. study estimated how many dogs and cats may have died from the tainted food?
A. About a dozen.
B. Between 25 and 90.
C. Between 150 and 200.
D. More than 300.
8. In January, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommended that girls between the ages of nine and 26 be vaccinated for HPV. The recommendation, and the decision by some school boards to offer the vaccine in schools, caused controversy across the country. The virus can cause what type of cancer?
A. Cervical cancer.
B. Ovarian cancer.
C. Breast cancer.
D. Endometrial cancer.
9. The year 2007 was:
A. International Polar Year.
B. The year of the rat in the Chinese zodiac.
C. The United Nations year of cultural harmony.
D. All of the above.
10. Which of the following pop culture starlets was not arrested or convicted of anything in 2007?
A. Paris Hilton.
B. Amy Winehouse.
C. Lindsay Lohan.
D. Avril Lavigne.