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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Politics and Economy > Elections in Canada > P.E.I. Elections: Liberal landslides and Tory tides

P.E.I. Elections: Liberal landslides and Tory tides

If the province of P.E.I. had a campaign slogan it would be of the "go big or go home" genre. From Liberal landslides to Tory sweeps, P.E.I. elections have been showy and dramatic changings of the guard. But despite the spectacular overthrows, campaigns have been conducted as a sport of etiquette. CBC has covered the continuing electoral spectacle as Islanders waffled between the Liberal and Tory tides, confronted issues of party patronage, and elected the first woman and non-European premiers in Canada.

Educational activities about
P.E.I. Elections: Liberal landslides and Tory tides

Stunning upheaval: Alex Campbell's victory

The million-acre farm

A gentleman's sport

 Stunning upheaval: Alex Campbell's victory

Young Liberal Alex Campbell woos voters with his visionary politics. (TV; runs 14:30)

 The million-acre farm

Tory leader Angus MacLean seeks a rural renaissance. (TV; runs 1:20)

 A gentleman's sport

A history of P.E.I. politics. (Radio; runs 12:06)

Family politics

P.E.I. patronage

Chief chef Joe Ghiz

 Family politics

Generation after generation has maintained party loyalty but now that system is starting to crack. (TV; runs 12:19)

 P.E.I. patronage

Party loyalty, rewards and punishment run deep and damaging. (TV; runs 3:45)

 Chief chef Joe Ghiz

P.E.I. premier Joe Ghiz shares his family Caesar salad recipe with Peter Gzowski. (Radio; runs 14:20)

Campaigning to become Canada's first woman premier

Painting the province blue and redrawing the map

Dr. Dickieson and the NDP

 Campaigning to become Canada's first woman premier

Catherine Callbeck makes her bid for the leadership. (Radio; runs 3:07)

 Painting the province blue and redrawing the map

Pat Binns leads the Conservatives to power and the electoral map is redrawn. (TV; runs 3:09)

 Dr. Dickieson and the NDP

Herb Dickieson wins the first seat for the NDP on the Island. (Radio; runs 7:12)

The lone Liberal

Ghiz kid takes over

 The lone Liberal

Islanders contemplate a new system of voting to balance party representation. (TV; runs 7:19)

 Ghiz kid takes over

A Liberal tide sweeps Pat Binn's Tories from power, bringing in a new Premier Ghiz. (TV; runs 2:13)


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