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About Us

Outfront is radio stories about real life. It's all about your ideas, your experiences, your perspectives, your story. It's fifteen minutes of storytelling, experimental audio and new ways of making radio. Stories told from Canadian perspectives about the Canadian experience. You won't hear traditional storytelling, and you won't hear reporters or hosts. Outfront explores new ways of presenting stories which break the radio mold.

StereoscopeNeil Sandell
Senior Program Producer

Neil Sandell is a renaissance man behind whose quiet, even mysterious demeanour lies a bustling grab bag of former incarnations. Here we have a "Reach for the Top" whiz kid (now pitied by his old team mates with their corner offices and six figure salaries); a former teacher; a former professional photographer; a former playwright (and yes, in his dim and distant Winnipeg days Neil's script did beat out one penned by a lady called Carol Shields). All these past lives unified only by his abiding love for dogs. But we have questions. Why is his nickname The Hammer? Why does he eat the same lunch every day, out of the same bowl? And is it true that he yearns to be hired as an advisor by the Spanish government to organise a "running of the pugs" in Pamplona? No bull!

email: neil_sandell@cbc.ca

Steve WadhamsSteve Wadhams
Senior Producer

Steve is caught here in a "Christopher Robin" pose which may charitably be described as showing an engaging sense of inquiry and wonder, but really it's just the face of a kid who hasn't got a clue what's going on. Steve's ability to turn his naivete, curiosity and ignorance into a thirty year career in radio has been the envy of many. His past includes a stint as an on air soccer commentator and a failure to master the French Horn. He comforts himself by singing too loudly in various Toronto choirs. Steve was recently honoured with the "all due disrespect" award from CBC colleagues for "making wonderfully creative responses to the prospect of reaching old age." His motto (of course) is "the main thing is to keep on going".

email: steve_wadhams@cbc.ca

Laurence StevensonLaurence Stevenson

Laurence defends his youthful 'king of the beach' pose with the argument that it's attitudes like this that made Scotland great. He can't decide if his proudest achievement was to be born Scottish or to leave it and never go back. To his colleagues at Outfront, Laurence is known as 'king of the EAR', the experimental audio room where his main achievement is not spilling tea over expensive equipment. When he's not in the EAR Laurence can be found fiddling with any group of Toronto musicians who'll have him. Audiences are always amazed at his ability to restring the bow of his violin with the few remaining strands of his own hair, without missing a beat. Laurence is never happier than when he's making noises. Any noises. His motto is: "So what's wrong with ear candy anyway?"

email: stevensl@toronto.cbc.ca


Laurence StevensonKent Hoffman
Associate Producer/Technician

Kent Hoffman doesn't want you to know this, but back in the day, he was quite the head banger. This early pose demonstrates Kent's propensity to rock out. The zenith of his musical ambition turned out to be what all small-town Canadian garage bands dream of: opening for Doug and the Slugs at the town arena in Brussels, Ontario. And although, Kent claims his interests in "rocking all night long and partying every day" have waned, he proudly displays a plastic Paul Stanley figurine on his desk.

From his humble employment debut in a Milverton bakery, Kent has managed to wend his way into the corridors of power at the CBC by using his trademark "silent-but-deadly" tactics.

email: kent_hoffman@cbc.ca

Carma LivingstoneCarma Jolly

This little angel left Regina to seek her fortune in places where they have mountains. Vancouver. India. Anywhere but Regina. Carma is a published short story writer and an accomplished documentary maker but she can't quite shake her background in the 'new media'. And so it comes as no surprise that she is Outfront's website whiz. But, we ask, how can that possibly explain her personal site: "The Repository for Sad Things"? Maybe that's where she plans to put the little squishy mermaids she knits during story meetings. Now that Outfront's website can no longer offer comprehensive information and audio for our shows Carma has dedicated her life to knitting our history - names of contributors, key story lines - into a woolly shawl which will, in time, come to rival the Bayeaux tapestry for size and historical value.





Regional Producers

St. John's      
Heather Barrett Network Producer heather_barrett@cbc.ca 709-576-5276
Peter Anawati Network Producer peter_anawati@cbc.ca 506-451-4018
Stewart Young Network Producer stewart_young@cbc.ca 902-420-4127


Homebase Outfront HQ outfront@cbc.ca 416-205-6606


Susan McKenzie Network Producer susan_mckenzie@cbc.ca 514 597-4482
Suzanne Dufresne Network Producer suzanne_dufresne@cbc.ca 204-788-3094
Sean Prpick Network Producer sean_prpick@cbc.ca 306-347-9425


Gillian Rutherford Network Producer gillian_rutherford@cbc.ca 780-468-7440
Michael O'Halloran Network Producer michael_o'halloran@cbc.ca 403-521-6226
British Columbia
Yvonne Gall Network Producer yvonne_gall@cbc.ca 604-662-6982

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