Speedtest.net - The global Internet speed test for bandwidth throughput and VoIP performance


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Speedtest.net is an interactive view of the world linked to speed test servers in many different countries. When you select one of the servers, this speed test quickly checks the bandwidth and latency of your broadband Internet connection to that location.

The history of your test results are saved, and each one is given a unique linkable image. If you are having trouble with your connection, then share these images with Comcast, Vonage, Earthlink, Verizon, AT&T;, Qwest, Speakeasy or whoever your Internet or VoIP provider is. Or just post them in forums for fun!

What is Speedtest.net?

Speedtest.net is a free broadband speed test with servers located all over the world. Compare your results with others and easily share them.

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Global Stats

  • How does your ISP perform compared to others?
  • Analyze broadband speeds around the world.
  • Moving? See which ISPs rank best at your destination!