Human Resources, Labour and Employment
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With about 550 staff members, Human Resources, Labour and Employment is one of the largest departments in the Newfoundland and Labrador Government.

The department was formed in 2004 following government's decision to move Youth Services and Immigration into the former department of Human Resources and Employment. The department also became responsible for the newly created Labour Relations Agency.

Bringing together income support, employment support, youth services, labour market development and immigration provides greater opportunities to integrate an array of programs and services. These are all designed to help low-income people and families build greater social and economic independence.


Income Support

Career, Employment and Youth Services

    Career and Employment
    Youth Services
    SWASP 2008
    Graduate Employment Program
Child Benefit
Family Benefit
The Online Mail-back System (TOMS)

Special Initiatives

Poverty Reduction
Targeted Initiative for Older Workers

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