Employment Standards Branch

Good Friday, Friday, March 21, is the next statutory holiday in B.C. More Information>>
  • Effective July 2, 2007, the Employment Standards Regulation requires all farm labour contractor vehicles transporting employees to post a safety notice provided by the Director of Employment Standards. The notice indicates requirements for driver licensing, seating and seat belt use and must be posted where all occupants can see it.
  • Schools' Corner - a resource for teachers delivering the Planning 10 module specific to the Employment Standards Act. Designed to allow students to access information on their rights and responsibilities as today's employees and tomorrow's potential employers. Parents may also find the site useful.
  • Domestic Registry - Registration of domestic workers is now available on line and by e-mail. Further information>>
  • Find out if Provincial Employment Standards Apply to you>>
  • Get questions about workplace safety, workers compensation or a WCB appeal answered here>>

The Employment Standards Branch administers the Employment Standards Act and Regulation, which set minimum standards of wages and working conditions in most workplaces.


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