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House of Commons
37th Parliament, 2nd Session
(September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)
Hansard Index

The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The numbers following the subject entries refer to the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard. The Index is updated daily throughout the session.

To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within the brackets to see the relevant page in the Debates. Before clicking, the date of the entry will appear at the bottom of your screen. You may also search the Index using the Parliamentary Business and Publications Search Engine.

Hansard Index - Mergers.Mills
Hansard Index - Mergers.Mills

Mergers see Airlines; Banks and financial institutions; BioChem Pharma Inc.; Corporations; Great-West Lifeco Inc.; Transportation

Meritorious Service Medal

    >>Jellinek, Captain Michael, recipient, S.O. 31, 8773(144:1410)

Merrifield, Rob (CA--Yellowhead)

Merritt Mountain Music Fest

    >>Merritt, BC, Country must festival, S.O. 31, 5017(83:1410)

MERX system see Government contracts--Solicitor General Department, Treasury Board guidelines

Metalclad Corporation

    >>North American Free Trade Agreement Chapter 11 lawsuit, Mexico factor, 5134(84:1800-5), 5134(84:1810)

Metallurgical coal industry see Coal mining industry

Metals see Heavy metals


    >>Non-existence, French academy of science 18th century position, 2158(36:2045)

Meteorological Service of Canada

    >>Advisory board, Weather Network executive membership, conflict of interest possibility, o.q., 8038(131:1500)
    >>Centralization/rationalization of weather forecasting, impact, o.q., 3301(55:1135), 8038(131:1500)
    >>Changes, March 31, 2003, documents, M. for Production of Papers (Wasylycia-Leis), called, transferred for debate, 8906(146:1540)
    >>Fredericton, NB forecast centre, move to Halifax, NS
    >>>Petitions, 7755(126:1535)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4584(76:1405)
    >>Gander, NL weather station, downsizing
    >>>o.q., 6680(108:1455)
    >>>Petitions, 6859(111:1540)
    >>>qu., 7346(119:1540)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4361(72:1410), 5354(88:1410)
    >>Government funding
    >>>Cutbacks, 4797(79:1150)
    >>>o.q., 4252(71:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4243(71:1405)
    >>Mountain Weather Office, Kelowna, BC, closure possibility, avalanche forecasting role, o.q., 3183-4(53:1500)
    >>Quebec City, QC offices, status, Montreal, QC, relocation possibility
    >>>o.q., 797(13:1455)
    >>>qu., 7345-6(119:1540)
    >>Rimouski, QC office, closure possibility, o.q., 2332(39:1450)
    >>Weather stations, closing, 4005(67:1705), 4811(79:1345)
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department funding, requesting, o.q., 4042(68:1505)
    >>>o.q., 4865(80:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4243(71:1405)
    >>Winnipeg, MB, weather office, status, o.q., 4865(80:1155)
    >>See also Hurricanes--Hurricane Juan


    >>Energy role, carbon dioxide sequestration in coal beds, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 1893(32:1310), 1927(32:1715), 2399(40:1410)
    >>See also Municipal waste--Landfill sites, Greenhouse gas emissions factor; Sewage systems--Biogas systems

Methyl tertiary-butyl ether see MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether)

Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl see MMT (methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl)

Métis see Regional development--Saskatchewan; Riel, Louis David

Metis veterans see Veterans' benefits/pensions--Aboriginal and Metis veterans

Métivier, Paul

    >>World War I veteran, Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 4911(81:1400)

Metric system


    >>Sorin, Corinne, chief editor, appointment, Sébastien St-Hilaire, sales and marketing director, S.O. 31, 7525(122:1410)

MetroStar awards

    >>Quebec television awards, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4243(71:1405), 4360(72:1410)


    >>Canales, Fernando, Economics Secretary see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Future
    >>Union representation votes, requiring secret ballot, Canadian complaint under North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), relationship, o.q., 3180(53:1445)
    >>See also Canada-Mexico relations; Export Development Canada (EDC)--Union Pacific Railroad; Federalism; Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack; Metalclad Corporation

Meyer, Joanne see Ethics--Cabinet Ministers--Hiring; Health Department--JM Enterprises

Mi, Tao see Immigration--Lai immigration hearing

Michelin, Steve

    >>Labrador constituent, community leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3640(61:1400)

Microbreweries see Breweries

Middle class

Middle East

    >>Secretary of State for Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East Knutson visit, o.q., 137(3:1455)
    >>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack

Middle East conflict

    >>Canadian position, 188(3:2130-5)
    >>>Graham, Foreign Affairs Minister, February 11, 2003, speech to National Council on Canadian Arab Relations dinner, S.O. 31, 3461(58:1410)
    >>Corrie, Rachel, killed by Israeli army bulldozer, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1410), 4409(73:1405)
    >>Gaza area, peace activists, Israeli government injury or death waiver demand, o.q., 6968-9(113:1145)
    >>Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack, impact, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1410)
    >>Israeli occupied territories
    >>>Human rights violations, S.O. 31, 467(7:1405), 5285(87:1400)
    >>>Petitions, 4923(81:1505)
    >>Palestinian refugee camps, Khan Younis refugee camp, October 7, 2002 Israeli raid, S.O. 31, 507(8:1415)
    >>Palestinians, relocation from West Bank and Gaza, Israel Knesset member, Benny Elon, proposal, S.O. 31, 4655-6(77:1410)
    >>Peace process
    >>>Canadian government position, o.q., 6967(113:1135)
    >>>United States President George W. Bush, contribution, S.O. 31, 6911-2(112:1400)
    >>Road map for peace, monitors, Canada role, S.O. 31, 7284(118:1110)
    >>Suicide bombers, Hezbollah terrorist group, political wing leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah remarks, S.O. 31, 2423(41:1405)
    >>West Bank fence, security wall, S.O. 31, 8965(147:1405)
    >>See also Arafat, Yasser; Said, Edward W.

Middle income Canadians see Tax reductions--Low and middle income Canadians

Middle Powers Initiative (MPI) see Nuclear weapons--Eliminating

Migratory birds see Highways and roads--Ontario, Hamilton, ON; Simon Fraser University--Centre for Wildlife Ecology

Migué, Laurent

    >>Association de Repentigny pour l'avancement de la musique, founder, Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, recipient, S.O. 31, 5352(88:1405)

MIL Davie Inc. see Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.

Miles for Mental Health see Mental illness--Casey

Milit-Air Inc. see Government grants and contributions--Bombardier Inc.

Military judges

Military justice system

    >>Judge Advocate General (JAG) Office, role, 5819(95:1615)
    >>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)(1st. Sess., 36th Parl.), independent review and government response, tabled, 9195(151:1525)
    >>See also DNA evidence--Samples

Military memorial sites

    >>Overseas, high school student visits, financial assistance, 8355-6(137:1010)
    >>>See also Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Act (Bill C-455)

Milk producers see Dairy industry

Mill Cove, NS see Citizenship--Ceremonies

Millennium Excellence Award see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Millennium scholarship fund

    >>Accountability of funds, lack, 3895(66:1240)
    >>Establishment, role, etc., 37(2:1300), 3732(62:1630), 3763(63:1640), 3926(66:1625), 4004(67:1650)
    >>Grants, means based, replacing, proposed, 4275(71:1705)
    >>Ontario government $3000 clawback, 3772(63:1745)
    >>Payments made/funds available, 2602(44:1115)
    >>Provincial jurisdiction, federal intrusion, 62(2:1535)

Miller, Bob see New Brunswick Multimedia Award of Excellence

Miller, Marliese see Curling--World Junior Curling Championships

Milliken, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Kingston and the Islands; Speaker)

    >>Auditor General's reports, 433(7:1000), 2200(37:1400), 5241(86:1405)
    >>Bills, Senate, 9194(151:1515)
    >>Board of Internal Economy, 1082(18:1530), 2689(46:1100)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, 4921(81:1500)
    >>Chairman/Acting Chairman, rulings and statements, question and comment period, 1410(23:2200), 1413(23:2220)
    >>Chief Electoral Officer, 4921(81:1500)
    >>Christmas season, 2686(45:1200)
    >>Cloutier, Major-General Maurice Gaston, 1080(18:1515)
    >>Commissioner of Official Languages, 207(4:1000)
    >>Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J., 48(2:1415)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, 713(12:1000), 8246(135:1025)
    >>Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions, 2723(46:1520), 3471(58:1510), 3915(66:1500), 4105(69:1005), 4253(71:1505), 4718(78:1500), 7297(118:1220)
    >>House of Commons, 1494(25:1115)
    >>House of Commons calendar, 8007(130:1635)
    >>House of Commons Pages, 7299(118:1225)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 48(2:1415), 1503(25:1200), 4783(79:1005), 5443(90:1410), 8090(132:1210), 8638(142:1045)
    >>House of Commons vacancies, 4217(71:1105), 4370(72:1505), 7305(119:1105)
    >>House of Commons visitors, 57(2:1500), 317(5:1200), 365(6:1500), 755(12:1500), 798(13:1500), 869(14:1500), 1035(17:1500), 1078(18:1500), 1146-7(19:1500), 1307-8(22:1500), 1353(23:1505), 1503(25:1200), 1551(26:1500), 1658(28:1500-5), 1841(31:1500), 1910(32:1500), 1949(33:1500), 2212(37:1505), 2635(44:1500), 2713(46:1415), 2721(46:1505), 2846(48:1500), 3141(52:1500), 3184(53:1500), 3254(54:1500), 3353(56:1415), 3470(58:1500), 3651(61:1500), 3720(62:1500), 3747(63:1500), 4369(72:1500), 4420(73:1505), 4493(74:1500), 4664(77:1500), 4995(82:1500), 5250(86:1500), 5362-3(88:1500-5), 5452(90:1500), 5714(93:1505), 5813(95:1500), 5871(96:1500), 6089(100:1500), 6246(102:1505), 6539(106:1500), 6742(109:1500), 6855(111:1510), 6923(112:1500), 7030(114:1500), 7219(117:1500), 7339(119:1500), 7419(120:1500), 7460(121:1505), 7535(122:1500), 7631(124:1500), 7920(129:1500), 8039(131:1505), 8214(134:1500), 8490(139:1500), 8781(144:1500), 8976(147:1500), 9079(149:1500), 9149(150:1500), 9192(151:1505), 9271(152:1500), 9276(152:1540), 9319(153:1200)
    >>Members of Parliament, 2713(46:1415-20), 6430(105:1415), 7330-1(119:1415), 9111(150:1005)
    >>Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee, 4217(71:1105)
    >>Parliament, 37th Parl., 2nd Sess., opening, 1(1:1400)
    >>Parliamentary delegations, reports, 1791(30:1210), 6881(112:1005), 8041(131:1520), 8604(141:1505)
    >>Privacy Commissioner
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, 2839(48:1415)
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, 7460(121:1505)
    >>>Auditor General special report, 7952(130:1005)
    >>>Provincial legislation, substantially similar, 2003 report, 7143(116:1510)
    >>Private Members' Business, 4217(71:1105)
    >>>Ablonczy (contempt of Parliament), Coderre, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and departmental officials deliberately misleading Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee on number of backlog of refugee claimant cases, court confirming misleading information provided, Minister/department failure to correct, taking under advisement, 6546(106:1545), Member did not identify specific misleading statements in allegations, Chair not willing to consider Minister deliberately misleading Committee, matter of debate, not question of privilege, 7296-7(118:1210-5)
    >>>Augustine (language, inappropriate/improper), Pallister remarks "Finally a Sheila that makes sense", displaying disrespect for women, taking under advisement, 2261(38:1535)
    >>>Boudria (rights of Members breached), British Columbia Court of Appeal, Ontario Superior Court rulings, denial of 40 day rule under Member's right to refuse to answer a subpoena to attend as witness before a court of law, taking under advisement, 6093(100:1530), privilege of House and Members well established as matter of parliamentary law and privilege in Canada today and must be respected by the courts, prima facie breach of privilege of House and Members, Member invited to move motion, 6411-3(105:1205-20)
    >>>Breitkreuz (contempt of Parliament)
    >>>>Justice Department deliberately providing false information in reply to Order Paper question relating to firearms registry, taking under advisement, 2260(38:1530), no evidence of deliberate attempt to provide false or inaccurate information, no procedural grounds for breach of privilege, not question of privilege, 2637-8(44:1515-20)
    >>>>Justice Minister Cauchon failure to table documents as required by statute and decision of Chair on earlier question of privilege, taking under advisement, 6856(111:1520), statements of reasons for all regulations properly tabled, not question of privilege, 6924)112:1505)
    >>>>Government transferring responsibility for the Canadian Firearms Program from Minister of Justice to Solicitor General without amending enabling legislation, use of regulation/Order in Council, ignoring intent of Parliament, taking under advisement, 5719(93:1540), question of superior and subordinate acts one of legality, Chair does not have authority to rule on questions of law, unable to find breach of privilege, 6121-2(101:1010)
    >>>Breitkreuz (false/misleading statements)
    >>>>Justice Minister Cauchon deliberately misleading House and preventing Members from fulfilling duties by failure to table in House documents relating to Firearms Registry, taking under advisement, 3186(53:1520), House received one set of documents while a more complete set of material was available outside House but no procedural obligation existed for minister to table these documents in first place, regrettable but not question of privilege, 3506-7(59:1015-20)
    >>>>Justice Minister Cauchon misleading statements re information requested by Members of Parliament and Auditor General concerning Canadian Firearms Centre and the gun registry program, taking under advisement, 7342(119:1520), not question of privilege, 8040-1(131:1510-5)
    >>>>Solicitor General Easter misleading House concerning funding of Canadian Firearms Program, Chair will hear further submission from Government House Leader to clarify alleged conflicting items in estimates, 7752(126:1520), taking under advisement, no evidence Solicitor General incorrect, not question of privilege, 8243-5(135:1005-10)
    >>>Bryden (contempt of Parliament) judiciary usurping power of Parliament to legislate, taking under advisement, 7343(119:1530), not question of privilege, 7951(130:1000-5)
    >>>Byrne (false/misleading statements), allegations by several Members that Minister participated in fund raising efforts re Viking millennium celebrations while Minister of State, grievance, not question of privilege, 7296(118:1210)
    >>>Chatters (false/misleading statements), Natural Resources Minister Dhaliwal failure to answer question re constituents freedom to contact Members of Parliament on ethanol expansion program, Members of Parliament not government officials, allowing Minister opportunity to clarify answer, 9150(150:1505)
    >>>Clark (contempt of Parliament)
    >>>>Government advertising promoting Kyoto Protocol attempting to sway public opinion prior to Parliament making decision, advertising did not indicate decision fait accompli, not question of privilege, 1822-3(31:1310-5)
    >>>>Justice Department/Minister taking action exactly contrary to decision by Parliament to denying spending, reserving right to raise matter at later date, Chair acknowledging Member's right to raise question of privilege at later date if necessary, 2638-9(44:1525)
    >>>>Privacy Commissioner accusing several Members of House of violation of Privacy Act, reporting in media instead of reporting to House, Privacy Commissioner may report but is not required to report to Parliament exclusively, not question of privilege, 1820(31:1245)
    >>>Clark (false/misleading statements)
    >>>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) reply to order paper question relating to security expenditures at Kananaskis G-8 Summit inaccurate and incomplete, contempt of House of Commons, reserving right to raise at later date, 1790-1(30:1205)
    >>>>Hubbard comment re absence of Mark from Committee meetings, debate, not question of privilege, 6891(112:1115)
    >>>Cummins (contempt of Parliament), Canadian Coast Guard Commissioner directive to Coast Guard employees to report, within 24 hours, inquiries from or contact with Members of Parliament, Members not intimidated, cannot control how employees feel, other opportunities to discuss matters with Coast Guard employees, not question of privilege, 7996(130:1510)
    >>>Dalphond-Guiral (false/misleading statements), Prime Minister Chrétien misquoting/quoting out of context remarks re suitability of George Radwanksi to be Privacy Commissioner, matter of debate, not question of privilege, 7995(130:1505)
    >>>Davies (contempt of Parliament)
    >>>>Canadian Armed Forces members serving in military action in Iraq, violation of adopted motion of House and contrary to statements by Prime Minister, motion not direction to government, not question of privilege, 4825-6(79:1505)
    >>>>Justice Minister Cauchon discussion proposed marijuana legislation with United States officials prior to tabling bill in House of Commons, no evidence Minister to make available copies of bill to someone else, not question of privilege, 6173(101:1610)
    >>>Davies (rights of Members breached)
    >>>>Notice of time allocation motion improperly moved in Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee, cutting off study of bill, matter fully within jurisdiction of Committee, matter best settled in Committee, 5040-1(83:1540)
    >>>>Wayne remarks re gays and lesbians, offensive, denial of rights of Members to speak, Member may not agree with remarks but Member entitled to make remarks, Members not prevented from expressing disagreement with remarks, not question of privilege, 9036-7(99:1205-10)
    >>>Gallant (false/misleading statements), O'Reilly, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence deliberately misleading House re closure of Emergency Preparedness College, Arnprior, ON., taking under advisement, 965(16:1510), 1035(17:1505), no evidence to suggest breach of privilege, dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 1080(18:1520)
    >>>Gallaway (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister Cauchon continuing to fund/operate gun registry in spite of denial of additional funding under supplementary estimates, taking under advisement, 3475(58:1535), withdrawal or defeat of supplementary estimates request relating to Firearms Registry program does not cancel program, no procedural irregularities, not question of privilege, 3651-3(61:1500-10)
    >>>Godin (language, inappropriate/improper), Pankiw accusing Members of hiding behind white sheet and being the equivalent of modern day Klansmen, taking under advisement, 1622(27:1505), 1660(28:1525), language unparliamentary, withdrawal requested, 1949(33:1505-10)
    >>>Godin (rights of Members breached), Bonin, Chair, Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee, refusal to allow Comartin to complete remarks on motion to summon witness before Committee, taking under advisement, 1739-40(29:1505-10), 1842(31:1510), 1913(32:1520), committee to conduct business before it, matter remains within committee to deal with, not question of privilege, 1949-50(33:1510-5)
    >>>Hearn (false/misleading statements), Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Public Works giving conflicting statements on Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation of alleged Royal LePage contract scandal, statements may be confusing but no evidence of inadequate or wrong information provided, other opportunities for Member to seek clarification, not question of privilege, 7754(126:1525)
    >>>Lee (contempt of Parliament), George Radwanski, former Privacy Commissioner, deliberately misleading Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee relating to expenditures and conducting operations of Privacy Commissioner Office, taking under advisement, 9151(150:1520), 9193(151:1515)
    >>>Lill (language, inappropriate/improper), Finance Minister Manley remarks that Elley personalizing issue of disability tax credit, remarks insulting and offensive, withdrawal requested, matter of debate, not question of privilege, 517(8:1505)
    >>>Loubier (rights of Members breached), Bonin, Chair, Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee interference in consultations with committee clerk, refusal to allow Committee to report to House, verbally abusive of witnesses and Committee members, displaying bias in decisions, committee business mismanaged, atmosphere of distrust fostered, no report received from Committee, matter must be dealt with by Committee, 7175-6(117:1005)
    >>>MacKay (contempt of House of Commons), Senate dividing Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), infringing on prerogatives of House, taking under advisement, 2302(39:1125), Senate seeking concurrence of House to divide, House to debate motion, not question of privilege, 2334-6(39:1500-10)
    >>>Mahoney (rights of Members breached), Rob Anders request that Members sign draft letter to Prime Minister on House of Commons letterhead relating to Falun Gong issue, taking under advisement, 3989(67:1515), no misrepresentation or attempt of interfere, not question of privilege, 4253(71:1505)
    >>>Ménard (rights of Members breached), Special Committee on Non-Medical Use of Drugs, minority report, unauthorized disclosure, 2639-40(44:1525-35), taking under advisement, 2640(44:1535), 2736(46:1535), 3256(54:1525), none of remarks quoted in media constitute direct disclosure of contents of report, not question of privilege, 3505-6(59:1010-5)
    >>>Pankiw (contempt of Parliament), Public Service managers/employees instructing other Public Service employees not to reply to Pankiw questionnaire/survey relating to bilingualism in the Public Service, taking under advisement, 2848(48:1510), survey not conducted in context of proceedings of House or Committee, parliamentary privilege does not apply, not question of privilege, 3470-1(58:1500-5)
    >>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament)
    >>>>Goods and Service Tax (GST), fraudulent refund claims, Minister of National Revenue, tabling report, legislative requirement, failure to comply, taking under advisement, 2412(41:1215), matter of debate, not question of privilege, 2600-1(44:1100-5)
    >>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, report re: Private Members' Business, votable items, referral to modernization committee, departure from Order of Reference, taking under advisement, 2564(43:1530), no procedural irregularity, not a question of privilege, 2636-7(44:1505-15)
    >>>>Treasury Board President Robillard attempting to mislead House in regards to funding of firearms registry program, taking under advisement, 4220(71:1120), designation as major crown project not formally made by Treasury Board, incorrect to apply to firearms program, President of Treasury Board did not mislead House, not question of privilege, 4594(76:1500-5)
    >>>Solberg (rights of Members breached), National Defence Minister McCallum stated policy not to answer questions posed by Canadian Alliance Members, Members not able to fulfill roles as MPs, Members may not like answers received or quality of answers but Members do get responses, not question of privilege, 5041(83:1545)
    >>>Strahl (contempt of Parliament), Public Service Commission report on former Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski, briefing and release of report to media prior to briefing of Members of Parliament and tabling of report in House, taking under advisement, 7921(129:1505), 7997(130:1515), no statutory provision compelling Public Service Commission to table report in House, report made available to Members, not question of privilege, 8245-6(135:1015-20)
    >>>Toews (breach of House conventions), Solicitor General Easter specifically referring to matter before courts, possibly prejudicing fair trial of accused, taking under advisement, 6855(111:1510), Solicitor General response did not breach sub judice convention in significant way, Chair cautioning all Members to exercise greater discretion in debate and Oral Question Period, not question of privilege, 7281(118:1045)
    >>>Williams (contempt of Parliament)
    >>>>Justice Minister Cauchon releasing cost estimates and details of supplementary funding request of firearms registry program to media instead of House, taking under advisement, 4148(69:1515), information classified as briefing note, disclosure of this information does not constitute breach of privilege, 4495-6(74:1515-20)
    >>>>Pat Martin preparing to release minority report to Public Accounts Standing Committee draft report on government sponsorship program before committee meeting to discuss draft report, taking under advisement, 3363(56:1515), 3505(59:1005), no report from Committee, Chair cannot make judgement, reminding Members of obligation to respect confidentiality of committee proceedings, 3988-9(67:1505-10)
    >>>Adjournment of the House, June 13-Sept. 15, 2003, M. under S.O. 56.1 (Boudria), agreed to, 7299(118:1225)
    >>>Auditor General's Report, receiving when House adjourned, M. (Hearn), unanimous consent denied, 9195(151:1525)
    >>>Bills, Government
    >>>>Committee referral, Order Paper error, correction, 1201(21:1100)
    >>>>Committee referral, superceding motion, 72789118:1025)
    >>>>Report stage, proceeding with consideration of bill when Committee evidence not available in both official languages not in order, publication of Committee proceedings in both official languages not necessary for bills to be called, House to proceed with report stage of bill, 6811(110:1555), 6813(110:1615)
    >>>>Report stage, proceeding with consideration of bill when Committee evidence not available violation of fiduciary obligations of Parliament and Members to first nations, fiduciary obligations matter for debate, proceeding with bill at report stage, 6813-4(110:1615-25)
    >>>>Report stage motions
    >>>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, etc., 2667(44:1000), 2766(47:1020), 4220(71:1120), 6017(99:1005), 6063(100:1205)
    >>>>>Grouping too large, Members unable to speak to all motions in time limit, splitting, deferring consideration until matter reviewed by Chair, splitting into two groups, renumbering groupings, 2805-6(47:1515-25)
    >>>>>Member not present to move, 2767(47:1020-5)
    >>>>>Motion printed in Order Paper, wrong text used, deferring consideration until reviewed by Chair, printed text as submitted and signed by Member, putting to House as is, 2805(47:1515)
    >>>>>Not selected, 2766(47:1020), 3075(51:1540), 6017(99:1005), 6063(100:1205), 6888-9(112:1050-5), 6890-1(112:1115-20)
    >>>>>Selection criteria, 2766(47:1020), 6548-9(106:1600-5)
    >>>>>Withdrawal, 3990(67:1520), 4772(78:1515)
    >>>>Reprint, unanimous consent denied, 4922(81:1500)
    >>>>Same form as bills from previous session, reinstating at same stage as at prorogation, 517-9(8:1505-15)
    >>>>Second reading, amdt., in order, 3437(57:1625), 4524(75:1035)
    >>>>Senate dividing House of Commons bill into two different bills
    >>>>>Infringing on financial initiatives of the Crown and privileges of the House of Commons, taking under advisement, 2302(39:1125), in order, 2334-6(39:1500-10)
    >>>>>Message yet received, hypothetical, Chair will review at later date if necessary, 2267(38:11615)
    >>>>>Motion to concur in Senate message and waive House rights and privileges not in order, questions of legal or constitutional matters not dealt with by Chair, motion before House maintains rights and privileges but states House willing to waive in this case, motion properly before House, 5890-1(96:1720)
    >>>>>Motion to concur in Senate message regarding Bill C-10 not be considered a stage of a bill/Senate division of Bill C-10 not be considered an amendment, taking under advisement, 5186(85:1545), intrinsic part of legislative process, order, time allocation motion notice in order, 5363-4(88:1505)
    >>>Bills, Government, Senate, report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on divisions, by unanimous consent, 1910(32:1500)
    >>>Bills, Government, several stages at same sitting, 7278(118:1025), 7280(118:1040)
    >>>Bills, Government, Third reading, stage invalid, government reversing agreement reached in Committee to delete two clauses, not precedent for declaring stage invalid, opportunities to amend bill exist, 8280-1(135:1535-40)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public
    >>>>Deemed read second time, referred to committee, reported, report stage concurrence and read third time, 8525(140:1015)
    >>>>Introduction and first reading
    >>>>>Brief statement only, 4422(73:1520), 7661(125:1005), 7783(127:1020)
    >>>>>Microphone not functioning, 684(<A HREF="/HouseP