Documentary Lens is the result of a vast collaboration of people:

NFB project management:
Vicki Lainesse, project manager, Canadian Memory Fund
Stéphanie Barker, head, Outreach Development

Web site design, integration and programming:
7th Floor Media, a non-profit multimedia research and development centre at Simon Fraser University

7th Floor Media project team:
Dennis Smith, creative director, content writer
Mary Watt, project manager

NFB Web advising, Web site integration:
Jean-François Poulin, Web master
Jean-François Côté, programmer
Pierre Métras, supervisor, applications development

NFB Statistical work:
Pierre Métras, supervisor, applications development

NFB content editing:
Kristine Collins, supervisor, Mediatheque, Toronto
Sophie Thouin, team leader, customer service, CinéRobothèque, Montreal
Carol Faucher, conservation analyst (French collection)

NFB selection of documentaries:
Albert Ohayon, English collection analyst
Carol Faucher, conservation analyst (French collection)

NFB selection of documentary excerpts and stock shots:
Sébastien Simard-Elliott, customer service agent, CinéRobothèque, Montreal
Sophie Thouin, team leader, customer service, CinéRobothèque, Montreal

NFB identification of complementary resources:
Pierre Sioui, archives clerk
Claude Lord, senior photo library technician
Sylvie Ménard, manager, stock shots

NFB verification of rights:
Dominique Aubry, senior legal counsel
Saskia Latendresse, senior rights clerk
Hélène Dubé, administrator, copyrights & contracts

NFB translation:
Sylvie Prieur
Janet Chapman

NFB copy editing:
Nancy Barr
Louise Malette

NFB digitizing, encoding and online transfer of excerpts and films:
Julie Dutrisac, head, innovation & development
Éric Deschênes, digitizing coordinator
Nathalie Hamel, digitizing technician
Mathieu Sheehy, computer engineer

Technical revision of NFB website:
Reisa Levine, editor and coordinator of the intranet

Contribution of educators:
The NFB wishes to acknowledge the special collaboration of RÉCIT (seau pour le Développement des Compétences par l'Intégration des Technologies), Quebec’s educational network dedicated to developing student skills through technology. A group of teachers from the Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM) took part in the conception, development, production and validation of the site, up until the launch.
Claude Elmoznino, educational advisor
Lynda O'Connell, educational advisor
Pascale D. Chaillez, educational advisor
Robert Archambault, educational advisor

Educational evaluators of the beta version of the site:
Sarah Hainsworth, high school media librarian, Nova Scotia Department of Education
Aline Léveillé, computer science educational advisor, Quebec
Russ L. Mellerup, high school teacher, Ontario
Jean-Louis Robichaud, director of the Centre provincial de ressources pédagogiques for Acadian and immersion schools in Nova Scotia
Maude Vézina, high school teacher, Quebec

The site was developed with input gathered from a large number of teachers by means of a Canada-wide electronic survey in November 2004 (through the NFB Film Club) and from groups such as the Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l’ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS), the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) in spring 2004. The NFB also benefited from feedback from a consultative launch of the site held in the spring of 2005. The NFB wishes to thank the hundreds of educational professionals for their interest and helpful comments.

People interviewed for the capsules in the Behind the Camera section:
Denys Desjardins, documentary film director
Magnus Isacsson, documentary film director

NFB staff:
Albert Ohayon, English collection analyst
Carol Faucher, conservation analyst (French collection)
Paul Cowan, documentary film director
Germaine Wong, producer
Werner Nold, retired film editor
Patricia Dillon, publicist
Élise Labbé, head of marketing, French Program
Joanne Leduc, head of business development, Distribution

Team responsible for the interviews for the capsules in the Behind the Camera section:
Yannick B. Gélinas et Sandro Forte, directors
Yannick B. Gélinas, cinematographer
Geneviève Albert, sound recordist
Sandro Forte, Amélie Labrèche, Yannick B. Gélinas, editors
Sandro Forte, interviewer

Support for this project was provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage through Canadian Culture Online. This co-operation enables the NFB to pursue its mandate to extend access to its films to all Canadians.

© 2006 National Film Board of Canada | Copyright | Accessibility | Credits
This web site is partly funded by Canadian Culture Online