First Nations Gazette

Published semi-annually, the First Nations Gazette provides widespread notice of Aboriginal law. While the main focus is on property tax laws, pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act and to section 83 of the Indian Act, other laws will ultimately be published.

A Record of First Nation Legislation

The Gazette is an indispensable tool for Aboriginal peoples, federal, provincial, territorial, municipal and First Nation governments, lawyers, businesses, or anyone involved with or affected by First Nation taxation initiatives.

Toward Self-Government

Publishing these laws is an important step toward Aboriginal self-government. The Gazette furthers both public and First Nation acceptance of on-reserve taxation initiatives, and assists First Nations with enforcement of tax laws by ensuring regular notice is provided and that a register of all current by-laws is widely available.

Making First Nation Legislation Accessible

The Gazette also meets the significant growth in demand for notice of and access to First Nation laws. This information is important to First Nation citizens, non-First Nation residents living on reserve lands, electors, legal practitioners, and those with commercial and other interests in reserve land.

The First Nations Gazette is published as a joint partnership between the Indian Taxation Advisory Board (ITAB) and the Native Law Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.

How to Order

  • Annual subscriptions are $72 (Canadian funds) plus GST, where applicable.
  • Payment can be made by cheque, money order (made payable to the “First Nations Gazette) or VISA.
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