Government of Canada

Applicant Guide for Skills Link and Career Focus Programs

This Guide helps applicants develop proposals for federal funding offered by Service Canada under the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy. It also outlines the specific roles and responsibilities that must be met in projects approved for funding.

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Table of Contents

Skills Link and Career Focus Programs

Skills Link
      Program Description
      Eligible Participants
      Eligible Costs
      Capital Costs
      Project Activities
            A. Community-Based Planning
            B. Pre-Operational Assistance
            C. Employment Services for Youth
                  i) Level One Youth Outreach and Client Assessment Services
                        Youth Outreach
                        Client Assessment
                        Diagnostic Assessment
                  ii) Level Two Case Management and Employment Sessions
                        Case Management
                        Employment Sessions
            D. Employment Interventions for Youth
                        i) Group-Based Employability Skills
                        ii) Employability Skills through Community Service
                        iii) Employability Skills through Work Experience
                        iv) Employability Skills through Entrepreneurship
                        v) Work Experience
                        vi) Individual Skills Enhancement

Career Focus
      Eligible Participants
      Eligible Costs
      Capital Costs
      Project Activities
      Funding Parameters
      Expected Results

Youth Programs Delivered by Service Canada
      Guiding Principles
      Eligible Applicants
      Eligible Participants
      Applicants Roles and Responsibilities
      The Application Package
      Submitting an Application Package

Proposal Development
      Project Information
      Applicant Information
            Applicant's Background, Mandate and Expertise
            Past Projects and Achievements
      Participant Information
            Targeted Participant Profile (where applicable)
            Skills Assessment Process of Participants (where applicable)
      Partner Information
      Community Information
            Application for Funding (EMP5209) and Forecast of Cash Flow (EMP5216) Forms
      Cost Listing
            1. Project Costs
            2. Organizational Infrastructure Costs
            3. Ineligible Costs
      Assessment of Proposals
      Contribution Agreement
      Payment and Advances
      Monitoring and Follow-Up

Further Considerations
      Environmental Impact of Proposed Activities (if any)
      General Liability Insurance
      Workers' Compensation
      Occupational Health and Safety
      Official Languages
      Conflict of Interest
      Project Participation Fees

For More Information

Glossary of Terms 

More information for employers and youth

About the Youth Employment Strategy

Twelve Government of Canada departments and agencies work in partnership with business, labour, industry, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, rural and remote communities and all levels of government to help young people get the information and develop the skills and work experience they need to prepare for and participate in the world of work. Read more about this initiative or call the Youth Info Line at 1 800 935-5555.