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 Parliament of Canada
FRITH, The Hon. Douglas Cockburn, P.C., B.Sc.Phm.
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1945.03.05
Place of Birth: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Pharmacist
Political Affiliation:
Federal Political Experience
Years of Service: 3199 Days (8 years, 9 months, 4 days)
^ House of Commons
ConstituencyDate of Election (yyyy.mm.dd)Result
Sudbury, Ontario 1984.09.04 Elected
Sudbury, Ontario 1980.02.18 Elected
^ Caucus
PartyTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Liberal Party of Canada 1980.04.14 - 1988.10.01
^ Parliamentary Functions

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16

Parliamentary Secretary

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Health and Welfare 1980.10.01 - 1982.09.30

^ Committees - House of Commons

Special Committee on Pension Reform 32nd Parl., 2nd Session
(1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)


Legislative Committee on Bill C-204 and Bill C-51 33rd Parl., 2nd Session
(1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-76 33rd Parl., 2nd Session
(1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-77 33rd Parl., 2nd Session
(1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
Standing Committee on National Defence 33rd Parl., 2nd Session
(1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
Standing Committee on National Health and Welfare 33rd Parl., 2nd Session
(1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-255 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-268 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-70 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Legislative Committee on Bill C-90 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Social Affairs 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Standing Committee on National Health and Welfare 33rd Parl., 1st Session
(1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
Standing Committee on Communications and Culture 32nd Parl., 2nd Session
(1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)
Standing Committee on Northern Pipelines 32nd Parl., 2nd Session
(1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)
Special Committee on North-South Relations 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Special Committee on Pension Reform 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on Communications and Culture 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on Northern Pipelines 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on Regional Development 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
^ Committees - Joint

Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada 34th Parl., 3rd Session
(1991.05.13 - 1993.09.08)
Municipal Political Experience
MunicipalityLocal GovernmentFunctionMandate
Regional Government Regional Chairman 1977 - 1980
Municipal Government Alderman 1972 - 1977
Selected Publications Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the following information. However, we recognise that certain details may not be complete. Should you find any errors or omissions, please contact us at the following e-mail address: parlinfo@parl.gc.ca

^ Sole Author Books

  • Gas chromatography of extracts of Bryonia dioica and Bryonia alba.
    Theses (B.Sc.Phm.) -- University of Toronto, 1968. [24 leaves]


  • The Liberal defence policy: Douglas Frith answers questions.
    Peace Magazine. 4(4):6 Aug./Sep. 1988.

^ Multiple Authors Articles

  • The Defence white paper: six comments. Frith, Douglas, Desmond Morton, Luis Sobrino, John Lamb, John Bassett, Derek Blackburn and Steve Shallhorn
    Peace Magazine. 3(4):24-8 Aug./Sept. 1987.

©Members photographs. The House of Commons holds the copyright on official photographs of Members, including those reproduced in composite photographs. Reproduction of the images is for non-commercial use only and images must be credited as House of Commons, following receipt of written permission. ^

© Library of Parliament