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 Parliament of Canada
CARDIFF, Lewis Elston
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1889.01.22
Place of Birth: Brussels, Ontario, Canada
Deceased Date (yyyy.mm.dd): 1969.04.16 (80 years old)
Occupation: Farmer
Political Affiliation:
Federal Political Experience
Years of Service: 9358 Days (25 years, 7 months, 14 days)
^ House of Commons
ConstituencyDate of Election (yyyy.mm.dd)Result
Huron, Ontario 1963.04.08 Elected
Huron, Ontario 1962.06.18 Elected
Huron, Ontario 1958.03.31 Elected
Huron, Ontario 1957.06.10 Elected
Huron, Ontario 1953.08.10 Elected
Huron North, Ontario 1949.06.27 Elected
Huron North, Ontario 1945.06.11 Elected
Huron North, Ontario 1940.03.26 Elected
^ Caucus
PartyTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Progressive Conservative Party 1945.09.06 - 1965.09.08
National Government 1940.05.16 - 1945.04.16
^ Parliamentary Functions

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Chief Government Whip 1957 - 1959

Parliamentary Secretary

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Health and Welfare 1962.01.18 - 1962.04.19
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture 1959.11.18 - 1961.11.17

Municipal Political Experience
MunicipalityLocal GovernmentFunctionMandate
Morris Township,
Regional Government Reeve 1932 - 1940
Morris Township,
Regional Government Councillor During 4 years -

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