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 Parliament of Canada
ROCHE, Douglas James, O.C., K.C.S.G., LL.D.
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1929.06.14
Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Occupation: Author, diplomat, editor, journalist, lecturer
Political Affiliation:
Selected Publications Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the following information. However, we recognise that certain details may not be complete. Should you find any errors or omissions, please contact us at the following e-mail address: parlinfo@parl.gc.ca

^ Sole Author Books

  • A bargain for humanity: global security by 2000; foreword by Vladimir Petrovsky.
    Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, c1993. xvii, 189 p.

  • An unacceptable risk: nuclear weapons in a volatile world .
    Santa Barbara, CA : Nuclear Age Peace Foundation , Waterloo, On : Project Ploughshares, c1995. xv, 123 p.

  • An unequivocal landmark: the 2000 review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, April 24-May 20, 2000 .
    Waterloo, Ont. : Project Ploughshares, 2000. 25 p.

  • Beyond Hiroshima .
    Ottawa : Novalis, 2005. 249 p.

  • Beyond nuclear deterrence : a global challenge to politics, law and religion.
    [s.l.] : s.n.], 1984. 19 p.

  • Bread not bombs: a political agenda for social justice .
    Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 1999. xiv, 162 p.

  • Building global security: agenda for the 1990's; foreword by Maurice Strong.
    Toronto : NC Press, 1989. 159 p.

  • Le Canada à la poursuite de la paix .
    Ottawa : Affaires extérieures Canada, 1985. 63 p.

  • Canada and the pursuit of peace .
    [Ottawa] : External Affairs, [1985]. 61 p,

  • Canada, NATO and nuclear weapons .
    [Ottawa?] : Canadian Pugwash, [2001]. 14 leaves.

  • The Catholic revolution.
    New York : D. McKay Co, Toronto : Musson, [1968]. xxiii, 325 p.

  • The human right to peace .
    Ottawa : Novalis, 2003. 271 p.

  • The human side of politics .
    Toronto : Clarke, Irwin, 1976. xii, 209 p

  • Justice not charity: a new global ethic for Canada .
    Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, c1976. 123 p

  • Peace with our planet .
    [Saskatoon, Sask.] : St. Thomas More College, c1990. 9 p.

  • Politicians for peace: a new global network of legislators working for human survival.
    Toronto : NC Press, 1983. 175 p.

  • The ultimate evil: the fight to ban nuclear weapons; with a foreword by Judge Mohammed Bedjaoui.
    Toronto : James Lorimer, 1997. xiv, 126 p.

  • United Nations: divided world .
    Toronto : NC Press, 1984. 152 p.

  • War and peace in the 1990's.
    [Edmonton?] : s.n. , 1991. 110 p.

  • What development is all about: China, Indonesia, Bangladesh.
    Toronto : NC Press, 1979. 169 p

  • World development; a new global ethic.
    1978. 32 leaves.

Chapters in Books

  • The case for a United Nations parliamentary assembly.
    In: A reader on second assembly & parliamentary proposals é edited by Saul H. Mendlovitz and Barbara Walker. Wayne, N.J. : Center for UN Reform Education, 2003. viii, 150 p.

  • Good economics and good ethics: Canada and the peace dividend in the 1990s.
    In: Ethics and Canadian defence policy: proceedings of a conference held 22-23 March, 1990 at Acadia University, Wolfville N.S. / edited by David R. Jones, Fred W. Crickard, Todd R. Yates. Halifax, N.S. : Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, June 1992. pp. 75-88.

  • Opening remarks.
    In: The True north strong & free?: proceedings of a public inquiry into Canadian defence policy and nuclear arms / sponsored by the True North Strong and Free Inquiry Society; introduction by Mel Hurtig. West Vancouver, B.C. : G. Soules Book Publishers, c1987. pp. 19-22

  • The U.S. or the UN: a choice for Canada.
    In: Canada and the new American empire: war and anti-war / edited by George Melnyk. Calgary, Alta : University of Calgary Press, 2004. pp. 13-31.


  • A deafening silence (in Canada about the bombing in Afghanistan).
    Catholic New Times. 25(18):6 Nov. 18, 2001.

  • A Distant Environmental Warning: Lesson learned from Canada's clean-up of the Distant Early Warning Line in the North.
    EnCompass - Alberta's Magazine on the Environment. 4( 3) Feb./Mar. 2000.

  • A passion for the planet.
    ATA Magazine. 69 (4):16 May/June 1989.

  • A political agenda for social justice.
    Catholic New Times. 23:10 Nov. 14, 1999.

  • All nations must renounce use of nuclear power.
    Catholic New Times. 22(10):5 May 31, 1998 .

  • An agenda for the 'People's Millennium Assembly'.
    Medicine, Conflict and Survival. 14:88-96 April/June 1998.

  • An MP's conscience.
    Canadian Forum. 56:14-15 May 1976.

  • Being priest while `the scales of value' change.
    Catholic New Times. 14(19):3 Oct. 21, 1990.

  • Canada and a culture of peace.
    Peace Research. 32(3)1-6 Aug. 2000.

  • Canada and Israel: Progressive Conservative Party position.
    Middle East Focus. 2:6-9 May 1979.

  • Canada and the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review.
    The Peace and Environment News. 12(1):2pgs. Feb. 2000.

  • Canada's UN voting record: Canada's continued weak voting record on nuclear disarmament resolutions ... is robbing this country of credibility ... .
    Ploughshares Monitor. 20(4):9-11 Dec. 1999.

  • Canada's voting record at the UN First Committee.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 22(1):6 Mar. 2001.

  • Canadian security for a new era: Pragmatics and principles.
    McGill International Review. 3(1):9-15 Spring 2002.

  • The capital: can Canada help achieve a new world order?.
    Saturday Night. 90:11-15 May 1975.

  • Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Atomic bombing .
    Peace Research. 37(2):29 (3 pgs.) Nov. 2005.

  • Demanding government action for the homeless.
    Law Now. 27(6): 9-10 June/July 2003 .

  • Développement internationale: une vision humaniste de l'ordre économique internationale.
    Perspectives internationales. pp. 21-4 juil.août 1977.

  • Educating for world citizenship .
    The Manitoba Social Science Teacher. 22 (1):5 Sept. 1995.

  • Educating for world citizenship: a global responsibility.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 15(3):10-12 Sept. 1994.

  • Education: foundation for global awareness.
    The B.C. Teacher. 66 (1):32 Jan./Feb. 1987.

  • Finishing the job: Canada and nuclear abolition.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 17(3):9-14 Sept. 1996.

  • Foreign aid that really works.
    Reader's Digest (Canadian). 112:51-5 Feb. 1978.

  • Free at last at 50.
    Maclean's. 93:6 July 14, 1980.

  • UN General Assembly resolutions on nuclear weapons: reviewing Canada's voting record.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 18 (1): 8-9 Mar. 1997.

  • Global priorities for peace and justice.
    Social Development Review. 5(1) Mar. 2001.

  • Good economics and good ethics: Canada and the peace dividend in the 1990s.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 11:1-4 June 1990.

  • Health care vs. war: you choose.
    Catholic New Times. 26(16):6(1) Oct. 20, 2002.

  • The Holy See and nuclear disarmament.
    America. 178 (8):9(3p) 03/14/98.

  • The International Dimension of Disarmament.
    Diplomat & International Canada. p. 7 May/June 2000.

  • The Machinery of Peace.
    International Perspectives. p. 15 Nov./Dec. 1983.

  • The middle powers initiative.
    Peace Magazine. 14 (4): 8-12 1998.

  • NATO summit agrees to review nuclear policy.
    Peace Magazine. 15(3):29 May/June 1999.

  • Non-Proliferation Treaty PrepComm agrees to disagree.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 20 (2):19-22 June 1999.

  • NPT: crisis and challenge.
    Peace Magazine. 18:25 July/Sept. 2002.

  • Nuclear treaty extended indefinitely (Non-Proliferation Treaty Extension Conference).
    Ploughshares Monitor. 16(2):9 June 1995.

  • Nuclear weapons an affront to God.
    Catholic New Times. 23 (19):5 Dec. 12, 1999.

  • Nuclear weapons and the right to peace: the right to life and bodily security are at the heart of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Peace Magazine. 15 (2):6 Mar./Apr. 1999.

  • Our greatest threat: the coming nuclear crisis.
    Commonweal. 132(5):2-26 Mar. 11, 2005.

  • Overcoming ambiguity in Canadian foreign policy.
    Literary Review of Canada: Canadian Books on Culture, Politics and Society. 2 (7):11-14 July 1993.

  • Political agenda for social justice.
    Catholic New Times. 20(2)19-22 Nov. 14, 1999.

  • Politician applies human terms to international economic order.
    International Perspectives. pp. 15-18 July/Aug. 1977.

  • La politique étrangère du Canada dans les années 80.
    Perspectives internationales. pp. 3-8 mai/juin, juil./août 1979.

  • Poor have suffered enough, says Roche.
    Catholic New Times. 25 (6):5 Apr. 1, 2001.

  • Precious but fleeting: Report on the November 2001 Conference on Facilitating the Entry-Into-Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 22(4):18(6) Dec. 2001.

  • Prospects for arms control and disarmament: a Canadian view.
    Strategic Studies (Pakistan). 11(3):98-104 Spring 1988.

  • Recognizing moral bankruptcy.
    Catholic New Times. 24 (8):10 Apr. 30, 2000.

  • Réflexions sur la politique étrangère du Canada dans les années 80 .
    Perspectives internationales. pp. 3-8 mai-juin-juill.-août 1979,.

  • Report and assessment of the PrepComm meeting for the 2005 NPT review.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 23 (2):8ff Summer 2002 .

  • Reviewing Canada's voting record: UN General Assembly resolutions on nuclear weapons.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 18(1):8-9 Mar. 1997.

  • Right to life and the culture of peace.
    Catholic New Times. 24:13 June 25, 2000 .

  • Scrapping the bomb: the role of middle power countries.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 18(3)3-7 Sept. 1997.

  • Senator struggles with the dilemma of being both fair and just.
    The Catholic Register. Mar. 6, 2000.

  • Signals of hope: Canada and the International Year of Peace.
    Disarmament Bulletin. pp. 22-4 Summer/Autumn 1986.

  • Spotlighting the disarmarment-development link .
    Disarmarment. 9:64-9 Spring 1986.

  • Sr. Ardeth Platte: disarming weapons of mass destruction: Dominican nun does heavy time for non-violent action at a 'kairos moment in history..(witness).
    Catholic New Times. 29(1):3 (1) Jan. 16, 2005.

  • Stuck in the middle? Canada's record and role in promoting disarmament.
    Disarmament Diplomacy. (53):8-12 Dec. 2000/Jan. 2001.

  • UN summit bullied by Bolton.
    Catholic New Times. 29(15):8 Oct 9, 2005.

  • Third World Debt Relief: A Call to Action.
    The Catholic Dimension. Feb. 13, 2000.

  • Time to make a choice: The UN or NATO?.
    McGill International Review. 1 (1):39-40 Winter 2000.

  • Towards a foreign policy for Canada in the 1980's.
    International Perspectives. pp. 3-7 May/June-July/Aug. 1979.

  • Treaty Imperiled.
    Embassy. 1(52):2 May 4, 2005.

  • Unequivocal landmark: the 2000 Review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, April 24 - May 20, 2000.
    Ploughshares Monitor. 21(2): 6-10 June 2000 .

  • Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. United Nations, 4 November 1987.
    Disarmament Bulletin. pp. 12-13 Spring 1988.

  • Waging peace.
    Alberta Catholic School Trustee Association. Aug. 11, 1999.

  • The weaponization of space.
    Diplomat & International Canada. pp. 6-7 Sept./Oct. 2002.

  • When Leadership Falls: Causes And Consequences.
    Canadian Police College Journal. 16(4):233 Dec. 1992.

  • World Summit on Nobel Peace Laureates.
    UN Chronicle. 40(1):76-77 Mar./May 2003.

^ Sole Editor / Compiler / Translator Books

  • It's a new world / edited by Douglas J. Roche.
    Edmonton : Western Catholic Reporter, 1970. 222 p.

^ Multiple Authors Books

  • In the eye of the Catholic storm : the Church since Vatican II . Leddy, Mary Jo, Remi De Roo and Douglas Roche
    Toronto : Harper Collins, 1992. x, 195 p.

  • Man to man: a frank talk between a layman and a bishop . Roche, Douglas J. and Remi DeRoo
    Milwaukee : Bruce Pub. Co, [1969]. xiii, 240 p.

  • Safe passage into the twenty-first century: the United Nation's quest for peace, equality, justice, and development . Muller, Robert and Douglas Roche
    New York : Continuum , 1995. 139 p.

  • The vision to reconcile: process report on the Helpline Reconciliation Model Agreement . Roche, Douglas and Ben Hoffman
    [Toronto, Ont.] : Fund for Dispute Resolution, 1993. ii, 103 p.


  • A new course for Canada: working for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Roche, Douglas, Ernie Regehr, and Bill Robinson
    Ploughshares Monitor. 18(1):3-7 Mar. 1997.

  • The new nuclear arms race. Ramana, M.V. and Douglas Roche
    Peace Magazine. 14(4):19-20 July/Aug. 1998.

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