Accessibility Policy

Broad Objectives
Our objective is to make all information on this site accessible, regardless of whether graphic or layout elements are displayed. We have therefore ensured that no matter the version or type of browser used, the logical structure of each page is clear and all graphic elements include a text equivalent. A number of elements have been added (see below) to further improve the site's usability.

If you find any errors or omissions, or if you would like to suggest ways to improve this site, please contact us by email at <>.

Standards Compliance
This site is generated from information in a database. It currently has technical limitations that could generate errors when testing standards compliance with modern validation tools. In most cases, these errors can be considered minor and should not diminish the quality of the user experience.

The site was designed with CSS2 style sheets. All browsers will be able to display its content in an understandable form, however some very old browsers will be unable to interpret its functions. For an optimum experience, we strongly recommend the use of a recent browser.

Main Accessibility Features

Logical Content Organization
Wherever possible, content has been organized so that it remains understandable even without the benefit of style sheets or graphic elements. This allows text browsers and mobile computers to display the pages in a useable form.

Character Font Size
This site is designed to allow the user to increase or reduce font size with a command near the top of each of the site's page or with a function specific to their browser.

Jump Links
To assist those visitors who use a screen reader or who navigate using keyboard commands only, every page includes jump links to the main navigation controls or to the page's primary content.

Site Map
A complete site map is accessible from every page on the site.

All of the site's navigation elements have been structured to be displayed according to priority and in a logical order so that they remain understandable even without the benefit of style sheets or graphic elements. Except in rare cases, all navigation elements are displayed in text form to allow the user to increase or reduce their font size.

Alternative Content
Wherever possible, each graphic element on the site includes a text description that will be displayed for visitors who disable the display of images or whose browsers are unable to display graphic elements.

Printer-Friendly Version
Every page (except the home page) includes a link to display it in a printer-friendly version.

Captioning and Described Video
Some films include closed captioning for the hearing-impaired or described video for the vision-impaired.

© 2006 National Film Board of Canada | Copyright | Accessibility | Credits
This web site is partly funded by Canadian Culture Online