Legislation & Regulation, Funding & Training Programs, HR/Management Resources for Artists and Administrators, Organizations Directory, Government Programs Read more...

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Need information on cultural policies, funding, and management? Looking for a specific or specialized organization? Our five directories have over 1000 cross-linked listings to point you in the right direction. To begin your search, click on a directory link below.

Legislation & Regulation
The first place to look for information on landmark Canadian cultural-policy legislation, Commission reports and recommendations. Please also visit our Cultural Policy Timeline Series.

Funding & Training Programs
Over 100 funding organizations, programs and studies related to arts and cultural investment.

HR/Management Resources for Artists and Administrators
Over 100 resources including statistics, programs, organizations, studies, regulations and case studies for arts and culture managers.

Organizations Directory
A hyperlinked alphabetical directory of over 750 Canadian and international arts, culture and heritage organizations.

Government Programs
Links to Canadian government sponsored programs with cultural resources.
ID: 9732 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-10-24