About Us

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The Canadian Cultural Observatory is an information service for all who are interested in Canada’s cultural development.

The Observatory is funded in part by the Canadian Culture Online Strategy and is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Founded in 2003, the Canadian Cultural Observatory is supported by a staff of 6 and various partnerships with strategic direction and content guidance provided by an Advisory Council and an Editorial Working Group.

The Observatory supports cultural development in Canada by:

  • Informing the cultural policy and research community;
  • Encouraging evidence-based policy analysis and planning;
  • Stimulating community debate and improved knowledge exchange

    The Observatory disseminates cultural policy and research information in Canada and abroad through Culturescope.ca, its interactive hub, and the Observatory’s subscription-based eNewsletter.

    The Observatory encourages development of collaborative initiatives that focus on the synthesis of key cultural policy issues.

    The Observatory serves as a catalyst by improving connections between experts within the cultural policy and research communities within Canada and abroad to advance knowledge and understanding of cultural development.
  • ID: 1009 | Date Added: 2003-10-20 | Date Modified: 2007-11-09