Create Your Group - Step-by-step Instructions

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Thank you for your interest in creating a group.

To learn more about creating an effective group, please read our Create Your Group Guidelines page.

To create your group, please send us an email at with the following basic information:

First Name: e.g. John

Last Name: e.g. Doe

E-mail Address: e.g.

Telephone Number: 123-456-7890

Desired Outcomes: [This should contain a brief description of what you intend to accomplish with your group.]

Upon receipt, a member of the Canadian Cultural Observatory team will contact you within two (2) business days to complete the registration process.

To learn more about how a group can help your project or initiative, please read about the Benefits.
ID: 5827 | Date Added: 2004-10-15 | Date Modified: 2007-07-12