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Focus on Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
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Keys to Success – Best Practices
Lessons to be learned? International approaches to policy and funding for youth arts
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Community Arts in Rural Settings
Nourishing the Arts in Rural Communities
The Nature of Rural Arts
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Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
The Implications of "Rural Art"
The Power of a Participatory "Rural Art"
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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
Sustaining Butterflies: Methodology and Approach
From Cocoon to Flight: Transformations and Challenges
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The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
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Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
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The Changing Nature of Book Production
The Book (and the Universe of Books) Transforming
Marketplace Organization
For Future Consideration
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
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The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
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Growing Support for the Arts in Healthcare
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Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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Examples of Use of the Arts in Medical
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Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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UPDATED: February 5, 2008


The Observatory updates its NEWS page Monday through Friday with the most relevant cultural policy news, statistics and reports. Information is gathered from Canadian local and national news sources as well as major international publications.

News are listed by chronological date of publication, and articles are regularly removed from the site in order to insure the integrity of the links. Every month, the Observatory’s free bilingual newsletter profiles the most significant Canadian and international cultural-policy news

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Saskatchewan Government to Look at Artist Bill
– Regina Leader-Post

"The Saskatchewan Party government plans to propose that written contracts be required between professional artists and those that enlist their services, a move also proposed, but not finalized, under the previous NDP government."
Creator(s): Regina Leader-Post | Date Published: 2008-01-09


La MRC de Drummond réaffirme clairement son engagement dans le développement de la culture
– Fournisseur municipal (available in French only)

« L’année 2008 marque l’entrée en vigueur du nouveau plan d’action triennal en culture de la MRC de Drummond. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2008-01-09


U.S. strike may deliver Canadian TV homeruns
– The Globe and Mail

"The bill for the U.S. TV writers' strike finally arrived. In this country, we'll barely feel the pinch. Viewers will experience some changes in the weeks ahead, but any reduction in service will seem less pronounced on Canadian screens."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-01-05


Arts study a culture shock
– Toronto Star

"Oxford University reports idea of upper class forming cultural elite no longer valid."
Creator(s): Toronto Star | Date Published: 2008-01-05


Le patrimoine mondial en danger - Le tourisme comme arme de destruction massive
– Le Devoir (available in French only)

« Le tourisme est très paradoxal: c'est à la fois un prédateur et un sauveur du patrimoine »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2008-01-04


Baisse du nombre de DVD québécois lancés en 2007
– (available in French only)

« Le nombre de DVD québécois lancés en 2007 a chuté de 20 %, passant de 305 parutions à 244. »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2008-01-04


France tries free museums
– The Globe and Mail

"French national museums – including the Louvre in Paris – will let in many visitors free in the coming months, in an experiment intended to open up high culture to a wider public."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-01-04


Opinion: Election fever infects the arts
– Edmonton Journal

"As usual, there is plenty of actual art happening this year."
Creator(s): Edmonton Journal | Date Published: 2008-01-03


The Government of Canada Supports National Michif Language Conference
– Canadian Heritage

"Funding of $60,000 will allow the organization to host the 7th National Michif Language Conference."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2008-01-03


The Year in Canadian Technology Law, by the Letters

The past 12 months marked another remarkable year in law and technology -- from business developments to lawsuits to court rulings to new legislation that will have a profound impact on the Internet in Canada.
Creator(s): The Ottawa Citizen (Michael Geist) | Date Published: 2008-01-02


Canadians closing the book on reading for pleasure: survey
– Ottawa Citizen

"According to a new Ipsos Reid survey, nearly a third of adults (31 per cent) across the country didn't read a single book for pleasure in all of 2007."
Creator(s): The Ottawa Citizen | Date Published: 2008-01-02


Facebook mania hits 1 million in Toronto
– Toronto Star

"More than a million Torontonians made friends with Facebook in 2007, contributing to the "phenomenal growth" in Canadian users last year."
Creator(s): Toronto Star | Date Published: 2008-01-02


A plan to end Vancouver's theatrical brain drain

"University of British Columbia theatre-design prof Robert Gardiner says his city urgently needs a permanent multipurpose arts incubator - and he's not the only one feeling the crunch."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-01-01


Vonage, Nortel settle patent disputes

"Nortel Networks Corp. and Vonage Holdings Corp. ended the year with a truce, announcing yesterday that they have settled lawsuits between them in the United States."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-01-01


Privacy rights in Canada eroding, report warns

"Individual privacy is best protected in Canada but is under threat in the United States and the European Union as governments introduce surveillance and information-gathering measures in the name of security and border control."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2007-12-31


A true knowledge-based society requires skilled trades

According to young Canadians, "Some of us are more oriented to ... hands-on and practical learning options ... But the education system, our parents and peers seem to devalue vocational trades and technology training."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2007-12-31


Young adults heavy library users

NEW YORK — Young adults are the heaviest users of public libraries despite the ease with which they can access a wealth of information over the Internet from the comforts of their homes, according to a new study.
Creator(s): Associated Press | Date Published: 2007-12-31


Un défilé de solidarité pour le port du voile
- (available in French only)

"Lors d'un dîner informel précédant un congrès organisé par des universitaires féministes à l'université Wilfrid-Laurier, les participants ont exprimé leur frustration devant l'obsession actuelle autour du port du voile l'islamophobie grandissante."
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2007-12-31


Le Musée canadien des droits de la personne jongle avec les sujets délicats

« Les gens qui préparent le nouveau Musée canadien des droits de la personne (…) espèrent présenter des questions sensibles telles que le conflit israélo-palestinien sans déclencher une tempête de controverses »
Creator(s): La Presse canadienne | Date Published: 2007-12-24


Rebondissements cyberculturels en 2007
- (available in French only)

"L'année 2007 a été riche en rebondissements cyberculturels. Embourbé à la lisière de l'environnement numérique, le droit d'auteur s'est fait bousculer au Canada, idem pour l'ensemble du cadre réglementaire ayant trait aux contenus numérisés. "
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2007-12-24


Ombudsman pour consommateurs dépendants des télécommunications
– Le Devoir (available in French only)

« Après presque cinq mois de rodage, le Commissaire aux plaintes relatives aux services de télécommunications (CPRST) obtient le feu vert du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes pour se mettre officiellement au travail. »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2007-12-24


CRTC approves CanWest’s purchase of Alliance Atlantis broadcasting companies

"The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today approved CanWest MediaWorks Inc.’s (CanWest) acquisition of the broadcasting channels owned by Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting Inc."
Creator(s): CRTC | Date Published: 2007-12-20


Un réseau de vendeurs de DVD contrefaits démantelé
– (available in French only)

« La Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) a effectué deux perquisitions menant à la saisie de milliers de DVD contrefaits et à l'arrestation de huit suspects qui feraient partie d'un réseau impliqué dans la reproduction illégale et la vente de disquettes »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2007-12-19


British Council to disband many specialist departments
– Telegraph

"The arts world is suddenly in turmoil. News that the British Council, which promotes the arts abroad, is to disband many of its specialist departments coincides with changes to the funding of projects in this country."
Creator(s): Telegraph | Date Published: 2007-12-19


Publisher scrubs U.S. prices from Canadian magazine covers

"Instead of dropping its Canadian prices, a U.S. magazine publisher has quietly removed the American price for its magazines — leaving only the Canadian price on the cover."
Creator(s): CBC | Date Published: 2007-12-14


Ipsos Reid Donates Significant National Polling Data To Wilfrid Laurier University
– Ipsos Reid

"Data Represents Opinions Of 98,000 Canadians Over Nearly Twenty Years."
Creator(s): Ipsos Reid | Date Published: 2007-12-14


Government retreats on copyright reform

"A controversial bill that seeks to reform Canadian copyright laws will not be introduced this week, federal officials confirmed on Thursday."
Creator(s): CBC | Date Published: 2007-12-13


Le gouvernement du Québec annonce une contribution de 100 000 $ au Fonds international pour la diversité culturelle de l'UNESCO
– Fournisseur municipal (available in French only)

« La ministre a annoncé une contribution de 100 000 $ du gouvernement du Québec au Fonds international pour la diversité culturelle. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2007-12-11


1 in 4 Canadians on Facebook
– Toronto Star

"Close to 8 million Canadians have signed up – 85% in the past year alone, unpublished study reveals."
Creator(s): Toronto Star | Date Published: 2007-12-10


The Government of Canada Announces Contribution to New International Fund for Cultural Diversity
– Canadian Heritage

"Minister Verner made the announcement of a $500,000 contribution for 2008-09 during the inaugural session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, taking place in Ottawa until Dec. 13."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2007-12-10


Quartier des spectacles: un projet branché pour Sainte-Catherine
– (available in French only)

« Le Quartier des spectacles (QdS) travaille à un plan d'identité visuelle qui changera le visage de la rue Sainte-Catherine, entre la place Émilie-Gamelin et l'église St. James. »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2007-12-10


Globe's Marina Jiménez on the future of multiculturalism
– The Globe and Mail

"For years, Canadians have successfully proselytized overseas the benefits of multiculturalism in our country," The Globe's Marina Jiménez wrote in Saturday's Globe Essay When multiculturalism morphs into pluralism."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2007-12-08


Renouvellement de l'entente de développement culturel avec la Ville de Lévis
– Fournisseur municipal (available in French only)

« Investissements conjoints de 673 500 $. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2007-12-07


Luminato 2008 thinks Canadian
– The Globe and Mail

"Regional arts groups, open-air events highlight second year of Toronto festival."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2007-12-06


CBC is Canada's most important cultural institution: new CEO

"CBC's CEO-designate, Montreal lawyer Hubert Lacroix, described the public broadcaster as Canada's largest and most important cultural institution in a statement to Parliament's heritage committee on Thursday."
Creator(s): CBC | Date Published: 2007-12-06


Canadians oppose foreign control of media: poll

"A majority of Canadians oppose foreign ownership of the media, telephone and cable firms, and believe the government should play a role in preserving Canada's cultural identity, according to a Harris/Decima poll released Wednesday."
Creator(s): CBC | Date Published: 2007-12-05


2006 Census: Immigration, citizenship, language, mobility and migration
– Statistics Canada

"These analyses are now available in two online documents: Immigration in Canada: A Portrait of the Foreign-born Population, 2006 Census and The Evolving Linguistic Portrait, 2006 Census."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-12-04


RCMP charge alleged 'world leader' in movie piracy

"Montreal RCMP have charged a man they allege is a world leader in pirating movies, an arrest they say could help counter Montreal's reputation as a major location for movie piracy."
Creator(s): CBC | Date Published: 2007-12-04


EU funds research into roles for older female performers
– The Stage

"Global union the International Federation of Actors has won EU backing for a Europe-wide investigation into television and theatre opportunities for female performers over 40."
Creator(s): The Stage | Date Published: 2007-12-04


Copyright Royalty Board Sets New Rates for Satellite Radio

"As a cloud of uncertainty continues to linger over the fate of webcasters, satellite radio services Sirius and XM Satellite Radio have been granted fixed percentage-of-revenue performance royalty rates by the US Copyright Royalty Board."
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2007-12-04

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