Last updated February 4, 2008

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The Canadian Cultural Observatory provides a listing of current and upcoming cultural-policy-related events that is updated on an ongoing basis. Our emphasis is on promoting forums, workshops, conferences and roundtables hosted in Canada but international events are included if they are internationally inclusive and relevant.

Events are listed below chronologically. You can also search events scheduled in the near future by clicking on the current month on the Events calendar on the right. Having clicked on the current month, you can then search for events for any other month by choosing a month from the drop-down menu at the top left of the monthly event-calendar.

Culturescope also provides information on over 500 archived events.

A selected list of significant upcoming events is included in the Observatory’s free bilingual monthly newsletter.
ID: 6057 | Date Added: 2004-12-06 | Date Modified: 2008-02-04