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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
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Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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All(45)Studies & Reports(13)
Guides & Case Studies(2)Journal(s)(3)
General Reference(19) 

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International Journal of Arts Management

"The journal for art managers, consultants, educators and researchers."
Creator(s): International Journal of Arts Management | Date Published: 2005



"ArtsProfessional is mailed direct to more than 6,500 UK and overseas arts professionals and our e-newsletter, APe-mail, is sent to over 7,000 registered recipients."
Creator(s): ArtsProfessional | Date Published: 2004-05-27


Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management

"The Asia Pacific Journal of Arts & Cultural Management is an initiative of the University of South Australia’s Arts & Cultural Management Program. The journal aims to support the promotion of a research ethos within the arts and cultural sector in the Asia Pacific Region."
Creator(s): Arts & Cultural Management Program, University of South Australia | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Creative Management Project, A Passion for the Arts, A Mind for Organization: Careers in Cultural Management

"Contacts in Cultural Management"
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts & Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Artists’ International Mobility Programs

"International report on various initiatives for artistic mobility."
Creator(s): Judith Staines | Date Published: 2004-12

Studies & Reports

New Sources of Arts Support

"Workshop 2 (b) New Sources of Arts Support, Presented during the Second World Summit of Arts and Culture, November 2003 in Singapore."
Creator(s): Retha Hofmeyr | Date Published: 2003-11

Studies & Reports

National Arts Service Organization Designation

"This form enables arts organizations to apply to the Department of Canadian Heritage to be designated as a National Arts Service Organization (NASO), and subsequently to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for registration under the Income Tax Act."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-05-27

Studies & Reports

Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Sustaining and Renewing Professional Management For the 21st Century

"The purpose of this project was to identify the challenges facing professional management personnel in Canada’s not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations and develop practical recommendations to meet these challenges."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2003-05-21

Studies & Reports

Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Final Report on Phase 1

"This paper is the final report of the first phase of the Creative Management project, which deals with one of the most challenging resource dilemmas facing Canada's not-for-profit arts and heritage sector..."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2002-07

Studies & Reports

International Directory of Training Centers in Cultural Policy and Management

"The conception of developing a wider database on existing training programmes on cultural policy and management across different geographical areas was launched by the International Experts Meeting on “Cultural Policies: Training and International Co-operation."
Creator(s): European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers and UNESCO | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Canada Council Individual Artist Grants on Artist Careers

"In the fall of 1999 the Canada Council undertook a study of the impact of Canada Council individual artist grants on the creative lives and careers of artists. The major conclusion of this study is that Canada Council individual artist grants have a very profound and far-reaching impact on the creative lives and careers of artists."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

The Changing Context for Cultural Management in Canada

"This paper is a scan of the changing context for arts administration or cultural management in Canada, with implications for curriculum development for the field."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995-03-31

Studies & Reports

The Changing Context for Cultural Management Education in Canada

"The results of the research and discussions of the Advisory Group together, indicate that the field is moving into substantially different times in which the rate of change, along with its fundamental and pervasive character, will spin off vastly new conditions and educational needs, with new complexities and paradoxes to be carefully managed."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995-03-31

Studies & Reports

Developments in Cultural Management Education in Canada and Other Relevant Jurisdictions

"This paper is a scan of innovative work in arts administration or cultural management1 education now underway in Canada and other relevant jurisdictions. Time and resources have not allowed a detailed content review of individual programs in Canada or elsewhere. Secondary sources were used and have provided useful information on developments and trends in various jurisdictions."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995-03-31

Studies & Reports

Curriculum Methodology Relevant to Cultural Management Education

"This is a scan of key ideas, concepts, principles and related methodologies, drawn from the field of curriculum inquiry, of potential use in curriculum development for cultural management education in Canada. They are the methodological considerations within which the substantive issues identified in the other Background Papers study may best be considered in looking forward to Phase II of the work and beyond."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995-03-31

Studies & Reports

Strengthening Management Practice in Canada's Cultural Sector: A Learning Strategy

"This report summarizes key findings from a three-month study and outlines proposals for a learning strategy to strengthen management practice in Canada's cultural sector."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Bridging Arts & Business in Bulgaria

"The idea for the project emerged after meetings with the business community in Bulgaria incurred by SCA Foundation's work on the directory "Business Support for Culture and the Arts in Bulgaria". "
Lead Managing Organization: Arts and Business in Bulgaria | Start Date: 2000

General Reference

General Reference (available in French only)

« Un site pour s’informer sur les démarches et la réglementation applicables lorsque l’on accueille des professionnels étrangers. »
Creator(s): Centre d'Aide à la Gestion des Entreprises culturelles | Date Published: 2007

General Reference


"Mission: Providing the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service."
Creator(s): Eurostat | Date Published: 2006-02-14

General Reference

The Canada Council for the Arts Links

"Hot links for those interested in arts policy, research, international trade and advocacy."
Creator(s): The Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2006-02-14

General Reference

Australia Council: Arts Resources

"The Australia Council is a service organisation enriching the life of the nation by supporting and promoting the practice and enjoyment of the arts."
Creator(s): Australia Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Master's Theses & Management Projects

"Database of academic projects, completed 1999-2003 by search with over 300 resources online"
Creator(s): Association of Arts Administration Educators | Date Published: 2005-01

General Reference

Atlas québécois de la culture et des communications (available in French only)

« L'Atlas offre des indicateurs de développement culturel pour chacune des régions du Québec permettant des comparaisons interrégionales. »
Creator(s): Atlas québécois de la culture et des communications | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

CIFDI Répertoires Édition (available in French only)

« Presse écrite, radios, télévisions, agences de presse du monde francophone offrent quotidiennement sur internet une information immédiate et diversifiée. »
Creator(s): CIFDI Repertoires Edition | Date Published: 2005

General Reference


"A resource centre for corporate sponsors, executives, fundraisers, media representatives, students and the wider community."
Creator(s): Admical | Date Published: 2004-06-16

General Reference


" is a web-based resource for artists and musicians. Artistopia is designed to help artists/musicians across the world in professionalizing their approach to the industry while increasing the chances of getting the deal they desire. Artistopia offers a complete range of tools that artists and musicians need."
Creator(s): iCubator Labs, LLC | Date Published: 2004-05-26

General Reference

Centre for Cultural Policy and Management, University of Northumbria

"The Centre is established in 1998 in response to the need for objective research to inform decision making in the cultural sector. It is currently managing a portfolio of projects with an impact on the North of England, the UK and overseas. It provides also a dynamic range of educational programmes and advisory projects that enhance management capacity in the sector, and engage with practitioners in culture led regeneration as adviser."
Creator(s): University of Northumbria | Date Published: 2004-03-19

General Reference

Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology

"The mission of the Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology (CAMT) is to investigate existing and emerging information and communication technology, and to stimulate thinking about the practical application of this technology for arts managers..."
Creator(s): Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology | Date Published: 2004-02-23

General Reference

MediaBase (available in French only)

« Portail de contacts des professionnels de l'audiovisuel en Communauté française de Belgique. »
Creator(s): La MediaBase | Date Published: 2004-02-19

General Reference

Arrimage : Corporation culturelle des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (available in French only)

« Fondée en décembre 1989, Arrimage a une mission de concertation, de soutien et de planification en matière de développement des arts et de la culture, de consultation et de représentation des intérêts des artistes et des organismes culturels et artistiques et de promotion des réalisations de ces milieux. »
Creator(s): Arrimage : Corporation culturelle des Îles-de-la-Madeleine | Date Published: 2004-01-05

General Reference

Knowledge Services for Arts Management

"A new consortium has been formed of organisations already providing knowledge services to the sector. It is called Knowledge Services for Arts Management, and comprises SAM's Books, Arts Professional magazine and Arts Research Digest, along with specialist national associations in the arts, and key Higher Education Institutes who specialise in arts management."
Creator(s): Knowledge Services for Arts Management | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

Resource Lists for Arts Managers

"Prepared as part of the project Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Sustaining and Renewing Professional Management for the 21st Century."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society

"Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society, focuses on the position and role of information (in all its forms) and communication within the dynamics of contemporary societies."
Creator(s): Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society | Date Published: 2003-11-10

General Reference

Support for Editorial Content -- 2002 - 2003 Funding Cycle

"The re-orientation of the Canada Magazine Fund addresses current needs and market conditions, and ensures the best and most responsible use of public funds."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-11-06

General Reference

Book Publishing Industry Development Program:

"The principal objective of the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) is to strengthen the capacity of the Canadian-owned and -controlled sector of the industry to publish and market Canadian books in both domestic and international markets."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-11-06

General Reference

Work in Culture

"To promote and facilitate cultural career access, entry, advancement and self-management in Ontario through programs and partnerships."
Creator(s): Cultural Careers Council Ontario

Guides & Case Studies

Guides & Case Studies

Mentorship Strategy for Managers and Administrators of Cultural Organizations

"A Mentorship Strategy for Managers and Administrators of Cultural Organizations has been developed to support and strengthen the skills of managers and administrators in cultural organizations."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2005-03

Guides & Case Studies

Marketing Culture and the Arts

"Tuned in to the unique reality of the arts and cultural scene, this work will be of practical use to everyone from managers to teachers, and from students to civil servants."
Creator(s): François Colbert | Date Published: 2001-01



Labour Force Information

"This publication provides the most current monthly labour market statistics. Each month, this publication contains a brief commentary highlighting recent developments in the Canadian labour market."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2006-01-06


Newfoundland & Labrador Labour Market Statistics

"Employment by Industry (NAICS), Newfoundland and Labrador, 1997-2004 Annual and Current Month, Thousands."
Creator(s): Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency | Date Published: 2005-05

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Also Related

Related Materials


International Arts Manager Magazine (IAM)

"International Arts Manager is essential reading for all those involved in the management of the performing arts to give to you the ideas, information and solutions which will help you in your work."
Creator(s): Alain Charles Arts Publishing Ltd | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

2005 Arts & Cultural Policy Research Directory

"The Center for Arts and Culture at George Mason University, CPANDA, and the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Princeton are pleased to release the 2005 Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory."
Creator(s): Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Deuxième conférence mondiale Culturelink 2005 Dynamiques de communication - Nouvelles avenues et nouveaux acteurs (available in French only)

«Partenariat entre l'État et la société civile, l'exemple (case study) de l'Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec.»
Creator(s): Serge Bernier, directeur Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ) | Date Published: 2005-09-21

Studies & Reports

Walking the Talk - Language of work in the Federal Public Service - Special Study

"French remains underused as a language of work within bilingual regions. These are the conclusions that emerge from recent studies from the Treasury Board Secretariat and from numerous complaints addressed to the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Human Resouces Management: Best Practices in the Cultural Sector

"Over the past decade a considerable amount of discussion, research and analysis has been focused on the current state of human resources management in the cultural sector. On the whole, most of the reports have painted an unhealthy picture of HR practices in the sector."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Canada Music Fund - Music for Everyone: Annual Report 2003 - 2004

"The CMF was established to promote the Canadian sound recording industry at every level–from creators to audience. Announced in June 2001, it is part of the Tomorrow Starts Today initiative. Building upon the Sound Recording Development Program (SRDP), an evaluation (April 2000) identified the need to modernize public support for the Canadian sound recording industry and to establish a clear policy with regard to the sector."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

National Compensation Survey for Management and Administration in Not-for-Profit Arts Organizations

"In February and March of 2003, two hundred and thirty-one (231) organizations within the not-for-profit arts sector participated in a comprehensive compensation survey."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) | Date Published: 2003-05

Projects & Programs

M.B.A. Program in Arts and Media Management

"Schulich offers Canada’s only MBA with a specialization in arts and media administration. "
Lead Managing Organization: York University, Schulich School of Business | Start Date: 2005

General Reference

Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund

"The Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund (OCAF) was established in 1999."
Creator(s): Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund | Date Published: 2005-01-10

General Reference

Canadian Independent Record Production Association

"The Canadian Independent Record Production Association is the trade organization representing the independent sector of the Canadian music and sound recording industry. For over 25 years CIRPA has been the collective voice of independent music in English-speaking Canada."
Creator(s): The Canadian Independent Record Production Association | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Système de classification des activités de la culture et des communications du Québec (available in French only)

« Le Système de classification des activités de la culture et des communications du Québec répertorie tous les types d'établissements axés sur la création, la production, la diffusion ou la formation, dans les différents domaines de la culture et des communications, au Québec : arts visuels, arts de la scène, patrimoine, livre, cinéma, télédiffusion, etc. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique du Québec | Date Published: 2004-06-22

General Reference


"Artspages is a global partnership of rights owners and technology providers – a nexus between the arts, media and R&D; community facilitating sustainable eCommerce in the culture and content industries."
Creator(s): ArtsPages | Date Published: 2004-02-20

General Reference

Portail culturel réalisé par le Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches (available in French only)

«Le Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches a pour mission de favoriser le développement des arts et de la culture sur son territoire. Il regroupe plus de 200 organismes culturels et représente quelque 2 500 artistes professionnels et travailleurs culturels.»
Creator(s): Portail culturel réalisé par le Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches | Date Published: 2004-01-05

General Reference

A to Z of Audiovisual and Media Policy - The European Commission

"Specific information on audiovisual policy."
Creator(s): European Commission | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

Culture Works

"CHRC’s mandate is to strengthen Canada’s cultural workforce through leadership, support, representation and involvement. CultureWorks represents our commitment to those of you working in Canada’s cultural community."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) | Date Published: 2003

General Reference

UK Intellectual Property

"This site is designed to signpost you to the correct resource for intellectual property that will best satisfy your needs."
Creator(s): UK Government | Date Published: 2000


Statistical report on arts and culture volunteers in 2000

"The report examines the demographic characteristics of arts and culture volunteers."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2003-11


National Film and Video Foundation, South Africa

"A quality South African film and video industry that mirrors and represents the nation, sustains commercial viability, encourages development and provides a medium through which the creative and technical talents of South Africans are able to reach the world."


A & B, Arts & Business

"A&B; is the world's most successful & widespread creative network. We help business people support the arts & the arts inspire business people, because good business & great art together create a richer society." We are the world's leading not for profit organisation working in this field, with 18 regional offices around the UK and over 130 members of staff. Click on the regions button above to access the latest news from your region."


Association of Cultural Executives

"ACE is Canada's national network of professional individuals dedicated to improved management of the country's cultural resources. It places an emphasis on the professional development and well-being of its members."


Arts Hub Australia

"Arts Hub is the online home for Australian arts workers. Join today for the accepted industry standard for employment opportunities, and Australia's only arts industry news service. You get access to a wealth of critical information, all delivered both via the web site, and email bulletins through the week. The bulletins can personalised so you receive the information you need, when you want."


Arts Management Network

"Arts Management Network is a worldwide information service and network for the special field of arts management and cultural administration. The network started in 1996 as a German online magazine in order to show information about arts management issues to students, lecturers, and professionals."


British Columbia Film Commission

"BC Film Commission is your gateway to film production in British Columbia."


Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective

"CARCC (Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective Inc), established in 1990, is a copyright collective that licenses and administers copyright for visual and media artists in Canada."


Canadian Association of Arts Administration Educators

"Created in 1983, the CAAAE is a national service organization established to provide services to those involved in teaching and learning in the fields of Cultural Management in Canada."


Creative Clusters Ltd.

"Creative Clusters is a conference and network for people working in the development of creative industries. We are interested in regeneration and development projects that deliver outcomes in both cultural and economic terms."



"Innoversity is a not-for-profit organization committed to increasing diversity in media and cultural institutions and bridging the gap between these organizations and the diverse populations they serve."


Centre for Cultural Management (CCM)

"Located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, on the UW campus, the Centre for Cultural Management (CCM) undertakes a broad range of activities providing leadership in cultural management education and research."


Manitoba Film and Sound

"Manitoba Film and Sound's mission is to promote Manitoba's film and sound recording artists and industries at home and to the world."



"MediaINTELLIGENCE offers end-to-end recruitment and career management services for the Canadian media and culture employment markets, providing a tangible connection between talent, employers and cultural industry stakeholders. "


Directors Guild of Canada

"Members of the Directors Guild of Canada have staked their futures on the growth of film production in our country. As world-class professionals, they have committed themselves to artistic excellence through membership in the Directors Guild of Canada"


Music BC

"Music BC is a non-profit society that supports and promotes the spirit, development, and growth of the BC music community provincially, nationally, and internationally."


New Brunswick Film

"New Brunswick Film is the Province of New Brunswick agency responsible for promoting and supporting the development of an economically viable and vibrant film and television production industry."


European Audiovisual Observatory

"Set up in December 1992, the European Audiovisuel Observatory is the only centre of its kind to gather and circulate information on the audiovisual industry in Europe."


Alberta Cultural Action Network

"The Alberta Cultural Action Network is an inclusive organization working for the development of Alberta's cultural sector through advocacy, education and promotion."


American Composers Forum

"The American Composers Forum is committed to supporting composers and developing new markets for their music. Through granting, commissioning, and performance programs, the Forum provides composers at all stages of their careers with valuable resources for professional and artistic development."


Association of Arts Administration Educators

"The Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) is an international organization incorporated as a nonprofit institution within the United States. Its mission is to represent college and university graduate and undergraduate programs in arts administration, encompassing training in the management of visual, performing, literary, media, cultural and arts service organizations."


Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.

"The Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. (BCA), founded in 1967 by David Rockefeller, is a national not-for-profit organization that brings business and the arts together. It provides businesses of all sizes with the services and resources necessary to develop and advance partnerships with the arts that benefit business, the arts and the community."


Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal

"The Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal is a federal agency that administers the regime of professional relations contained in the Status of the Artist Act. The Tribunal was created in 1993 under the Status of the Artist Act and began functioning when the substantive provisions of the Act were brought into force in May 1995."


Canadian Arts Presenting Association

"The Canadian Arts Presenting Association/L'Association canadienne des organismes artistiques (CAPACOA) is a federally incorporated non-profit association serving the live touring industry in Canada."


Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency

"The Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency Ltd. (CMRRA) is a non-profit music licensing agency, which represents the vast majority of music copyright owners (usually called music publishers) doing business in Canada."


Canadian Private Copyright Collective (CPCC)

"The Canadian Private Copying Collective is the non-profit agency charged with collecting and distributing private copying royalties. Established in 1999, CPCC is an umbrella organization that represents songwriters, recording artists, music publishers and record companies. These are the groups on whose behalf the royalties are collected."


CRIA (Canadian Recording Industry Association)

"The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) is a non-profit trade organization that was founded in 1964 to represent the interests of Canadian companies that create, manufacture and market sound recordings."


Copyright Licensing Agency

"The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. (CLA) is the UK's Reproduction Rights Organisation and a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO). Formed in 1982, it is a non-profit making company owned by its members, the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the Publishers Licensing Society(PLS), to encourage and promote respect for copyright."


Cultural Human Resources Council

"The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) strives to be at the centre of vision and forward thinking in the area of cultural human resources development."


National Film Centre of Latvia

"The National Film Centre of Latvia was established on December 23, 1991, as a state institution under the Ministry of Culture."


Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation

"The Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation's funding programs are designed to assist and promote the development of the indigenous film and video industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. The eligibility criteria aredesigned to ensure maximum employment and growth in the Newfoundland and Labrador film and video industry."


Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation

"The primary mandate of the Corporation is to grow Nova Scotia's film, television, and new media industries with our partners by stimulating investment and employment and by promoting Nova Scotia's producers, productions, locations, skills and creativity in global markets."


a-n The Artist Information Company

"Through advocacy and information and from the perspective of artists, our mission is stimulate and support contemporary visual arts practice and affirm the value of artists in society."


Artist Help Network

"Welcome to the Artist Help Network, a free information service designed to help artists take control of their careers."


Creative & Cultural Industries Sector Skills Council

"Welcome to the website for the proposed Creative & Cultural Industries Sector Skills Council, the employer-led organisation that will work with all in the UK to ensure that those employed in those industries have the skills to ensure a flourishing and vibrant sector."


FACTOR, The Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records

FACTOR, The Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records."


Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ)

« Le RCAAQ a été créé en 1986 afin de donner une voix aux centres d'artistes autogérés auprès du public et des instances gouvernementales. »


Syndicat des techniciennes et techniciens du cinéma et de la vidéo du Québec

« Le Syndicat des techniciennes et techniciens du cinéma et de la vidéo du Québec représente 2650 techniciens et artisans travaillant dans 80 domaines de l'industrie cinématographique québécoise. »


Union des artistes (disponible en anglais seulement)

« L’Union des artistes est un syndicat professionnel qui représente les artistes interprètes œuvrant en français au Québec et ailleurs au Canada, reconnu en vertu de la Loi sur le statut professionnel et les conditions d'engagement des artistes de la scène, du disque et du cinéma (Québec, décembre 1987) et de la Loi concernant le statut de l'artiste et régissant les relations professionnelles entre artistes et producteurs au Canada (Ottawa, juin 1992). »


Conseil de la Culture du Bas-Saint-Laurent

« Sa mission fondamentale comporte deux aspects : la vie associative et la représentation politique, indissociables l'une comme l'autre du développement artistique et culturel du Bas-Saint-Laurent. »


Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick

« Un des objectifs du projet est de recenser et offrir aux internautes le catalogue le plus complet de ressources Internet des entreprises et organismes francophones de l'Atlantique. »


Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en culture (CQRHC)

«Depuis 1994, plusieurs représentants d'associations' se concertent au sujet des enjeux du développement des ressources humaines dans le secteur culturel : l'intégration professionnelle de ceux qui ont choisi la voie des arts et de la culture, le soutien à l'emploi et le perfectionnement des gens qui en font une carrière, et même la réorientation de ceux qui décident d'y renoncer.»

Legislation & Regulations

Status of the Artist Act

"An Act respecting the status of the artist and professional relations between artists and producers in Canada."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

Evaluation of the Provisions and Operations of the Status of the Artist Act

"The Status of the Artist Act (hereinafter known as the Act) received Royal Assent in June 1992 and was brought fully into force in May 1995."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-04-03




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