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"A resource centre for corporate sponsors, executives, fundraisers, media representatives, students and the wider community."
ID: 4562
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"Admical was founded in 1979 to promote sponsorship of the arts, social and humanitarian causes, and the environment by members of the corporate and business community. Admical was officially recognized by the French authorities as an association reconnue d'utilité publique on March 23, 1992, thereby acknowledging its role as an organization serving the public interest.
As a not-for-profit organization, Admical's essential mission is to serve the interests of society."

URL http://www.admical.org
Creator(s) Admical
Source Location International
Publisher Admical
Date Published 2004-06-16
Language Bilingual
Copyright Holder Admical

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Topic International & Multilateral Relations
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Evan Medley Editor 2006-02-06
(Viewed 11571 times)

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Date Added: 2004-06-16
Date Modified: 2006-03-09