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Home Research Themes In Focus Rethinking Copyright
October 2004

The Digital Environment (Copyright In Focus)



All(130)Studies & Reports(89)
Journal(s)(1)General Reference(40)
Copyright Protection & User Rights in a Digital Environment
With the globalization of the information society and the rapid pace of innovation with respect to new digital production and distribution technologies, old paradigms are in question, new issues are coming to light, and the number of people involved in the debate is increasing.

Artists, creators, industry players, government officials, and academics around the world are concerned with finding the appropriate balance between copyright protection and the ability to clear copyright. In an information society, where should the line be drawn between fair dealing and infringement and why? This question is often raised in the context of user rights regarding copyrighted material for the purposes of education, for example.

This section of Copyright In Focus provides access to resources that pose fundamental questions about how digital rights can better address the needs of creators and users in light of new licensing models for the Internet, international technical standards, digital rights management, and the Electronic Copyright Fund.

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First Monday

"First Monday is one of the first peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet."
Creator(s): First Monday | Date Published: ?


Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity@

"Lessig, in FREE CULTURE, widens his focus to consider the diminishment of the larger public domain of ideas. In this powerful wake-up call he shows how short-sighted interests blind to the long-term damage they’re inflicting are poisoning the ecosystem that fosters innovation."
Creator(s): Lawrence Lessig | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Government Statement on Proposals for Copyright Reform - March 2005@

"On March 24, the ministers of Canadian Heritage and Industry released a Statement outlining the Government's proposals for amendments to the Copyright Act that would address the short-term group of reform issues."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Industry Canada | Date Published: 2005-03-24

Studies & Reports

Certain Legal Problems Related to the Making Available of Literary and Artistic Works and other Protected Subject Matter through Digtal Networks

"When comparing the evolution of P2P users in the OECD member countries from 2002 to 2003 as a share of global P2P users, the shares have grown fastest in France, Germany, Japan and Italy, while those in the U.S.A., and much less also of Belgium, the UK and others, have decreased; this strong growth in Europe versus the U.S.A. is explained by the fact that P2P uses became popular later in Europe than in the U.S.A."
Creator(s): Dr. Silke von Lewinski | Date Published: 2005-03

Studies & Reports

Imagining a World Without Copyrights

"The market and temporary protection a better alternative for artists and the public domain."
Creator(s): Marieke van Schijndel & Joost Smiers | Date Published: 2005-02

Studies & Reports

Digital Copyright: A Balanced Approach

"The purpose of this discussion paper is to outline the Forum’s perspective on major issues that have to be addressed in revising the Copyright Act in order to make it a more effective instrument for achieving public policy objectives in a digital environment."
Creator(s): The Copyright Forum | Date Published: 2004-12-14

Studies & Reports

A Charter for the Cultural Citizen Online: Canadian Culture Online@

"In November 2004, the National Advisory Board delivered its final report to the Minister of Canadian Heritage. This report outlines the Board's perspective and vision for Canadian culture on the Internet and offers a series of recommendations designed to maximize the government's investment in Canadian Culture Online for all Canadians."
Creator(s): Canadian Culture Online, National Advisory Board, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-11

Studies & Reports

Lost in Gallery Space: A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Usability Flaws of Museum Web sites@

"This article reports on a study which used results from 119 scenario–based evaluations of 36 museum Web sites to develop a conceptual framework for analyzing the usability flaws of museum Web sites."
Creator(s): Paul F. Marty and Michael B. Twidale | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment

""For centuries, governments have sought in various ways to counteract the danger that public goods will be underproduced. Looking back over the historical record, we can see that their efforts have taken five forms. First, they sometimes supply such goods themselves. Navigational aids and national defense are the clearest examples. Today, throughout the world, virtually all lighthouses and armies are supplied by governments, rather than by private parties."
Creator(s): William W. Fisher III | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

Public Interest Groups make Internet an Election Issue

"Three public interest groups have launched a campaign to focus the attention of political parties and candidates on issues involving the Internet and user rights. The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), Digital Copyright Canada, and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) have asked party leaders and candidates for their views on user rights under copyright law and other technology-related issues."
Creator(s): Public Interest Advocacy Centre | Date Published: 2004-06-21

Studies & Reports

PIAC's oral submission to the House of Commons Standing Comittee on Canadian Heritage concerning digital copyright issues (April 20, 2004)

"Think it is of critical importance that committee hears from range of voices with a stake in the issues raised by copyright reform in the digital era and the pressure to meet our international obligations with respect to copyright."
Creator(s): Public Interest Advocacy Centre | Date Published: 2004-04-20

Studies & Reports

The Challenges and Opportunities of Online Music: Technology Measures, Business Models, Stakeholder Impact and Emerging Trends

"The debate over downloading and sharing music over the Internet, and the copying of music using hardware devices, has certainly created a thriving business for copyright and IP (Intellectual Property) lawyers, an active roster of artists' collectives, and a heap of academic proposals, counter-proposals and impassioned presentations and seminar topics that fill many a conference hall."
Creator(s): Cathy Allison | Date Published: 2004-03-31

Studies & Reports

BMG Canada Inc. v. John Doe

"Case from the Federal Court of Canada."
Creator(s): Federal Court of Canada | Date Published: 2004-03-31

Studies & Reports

Copyright, Money & the Internet

"How can copyright owners make money on the Internet? And what is the role of enforcement in the strategy of a copyright owner to make money on the Internet? Those are the two questions I want to address briefly over dessert today."
Creator(s): Dr. Daniel J. Gervais | Date Published: 2004-03-03

Studies & Reports

The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales An Empirical Analysis

"A longstanding economic question is the appropriate level of protection for intellectual property. The Internet has drastically lowered the cost of copying information goods and provides a natural crucible to assess the implications of reduced protection."
Creator(s): Felix Oberholzer, Koleman Strumpf | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

A Better Way Forward: Voluntary Collective Licensing of Music File Sharing

"The current battles surrounding peer-to-peer file sharing are a losing proposition for everyone. The record labels continue to face lackluster sales, while the tens of millions of American file sharers—American music fans—are made to feel like criminals."
Creator(s): Electronic Frontier Foundation | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian Association of Internet Providers

"On Appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal."
Creator(s): University of Montreal | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

The Long March to Interoperable Digital Rights Management

"This paper discusses interoperability of digital rights management (DRM) systems."
Creator(s): R. Koenen, J. Lacy, M. MacKay, and S. Mitchell | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Les droits intellectuelles dans la société de l'information

«Ce recueil présente neuf exposés prononcés à l’occasion de la huitième édition de la chaire de propriété intellectuelle consacrée à l’avènement de la société de l’information.»
Creator(s): Séverine Biderman | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Assessing the Economic Impact of Copyright Reform on Performers and Producers of Sound Recordings in Canada

"The terms of reference for this project state that the criterion for assessing the expected effects of the changes to the Copyright Act that may be called for to implement the WIPO Internet Treaties should be net economic benefit to Canadians."
Creator(s): Dr. Ruth Towse | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

More updates on copyright in cyberspace: federal court marks a blow to the music industry

"In a decision qualified as “stunning” rendered March 31, 2004, Justice Konrad von Finckenstein of the Federal Court of Canada has ruled against a motion by some of Canada’s largest music producers— all members of the Canadian Recording Industry Association— and has thus allowed music fans and file-sharers alike to claim victory in the ever-growing battle over copyright on the Internet."
Creator(s): Brigitte Vézina | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Intellectual Property & New Info Technology

"This page discusses issues revolving around intellectual property and new information technology."
Creator(s): Howard Besser | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Consumer’s View of Copyright

"This report examines the relationship between copyright and consumers in light of current federal government initiatives to amend the Copyright Act. Specifically, the report looks at the submissions made by individual members of the public to the federal government under the copyright reform consultation, which began in 2001."
Creator(s): Sue Lott | Date Published: 2003-11

Studies & Reports

Freedom to teach and learn - Educating the Creators and Users of Tomorrow

"Copyright, access and the instructional capacities of the Internet and new digital technologies are therefore of keen importance to the educational community. A fair balance between the right to create and own and the right to use and reproduce must be achieved."
Creator(s): Association of Canadian Community Colleges | Date Published: 2003-09-15

Studies & Reports

Alternative Copyright Systems: The Problems with a Compulsory License

"The advent of massive unauthorized copying by individuals using peer-to-peer systems and MP3 files, besides generating an enormous amount of press (think Napster), has brought the affected copyright industries to the brink of declaring war against many of their customers."
Creator(s): Professor S. J. Liebowitz School Of Management University of Texas at Dallas | Date Published: 2003-08-31

Studies & Reports

The Potential Demise of another Natural Monopoly: Digital Right Management and the Future of Music Collective Licensing

"Almost a quarter century ago, the US Supreme Court gave one of its seminal decisions for the modern analysis of antitrust, intellectual property and the relationships between the two areas of law. The decision in Broadcast Music, Inc. v. Columbia Broadcasting Systems, Inc. has since been an example of good economics and good law, for a triumph of rulemaking based on economic realities rather than on wooden judicial doctrine."
Creator(s): Ariel Katz - University of Toronto | Date Published: 2003-08

Studies & Reports

DRM and, or, vs. The Law

"Copyright industries are hoping that digital rights management (DRM) technologies will prevent infringement of commercially valuable digital content, including music and movies."
Creator(s): Pamela Samuelson | Date Published: 2003-04

Studies & Reports

New Media Copyright Extensions Would Harm Canada

"The most important point made in this submission is that digital rights management (DRM) technology should not and cannot be protected by Canadian law."
Creator(s): Matthew Skala | Date Published: 2003-01-31

Studies & Reports

The Current Status of Legal Protection for Technology Protection Measures in Canada

"The Study is a survey of the current status of legal protection relating to technical protection measures (TPMs) in Canada."
Creator(s): Christian S. Tacit, and Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Technical Protection Measures: Part 2 -- The Legal Protection of TPMs

"This is the second of two companion Studies prepared for the Copyright Policy Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage by the law firm of Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP."
Creator(s): Dr. Ian Kerr, Alana Maurushat and Christian S. Tacit | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Assessing the Economic Impacts of Copyright Reform on Internet Service Providers

"This report examines the economic impact of four alternative approaches to dealing with the Copyright Act as it relates to the issue of copyright liability for Internet service providers (ISPs)."
Creator(s): Paul Chwelos | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Copyright and the Education use of the Internet Content

"As the Internet becomes an increasingly important resource for students to explore and utilize for education-related activities, material is often downloaded, reproduced and communicated to the public within the school environment for the purposes of assignments, lessons, research and intellectual curiosity."
Creator(s): Industry Canada | Date Published: 2002-12-11

Studies & Reports

Before the Copyright Board Canada File: Private Copying 2003-2004

"In accordance with the Copyright Board’s Directive on Procedure, this Statement of Case provides a summary of the anticipated position of the Canadian Storage Media Alliance and its individual member companies."
Creator(s): Canadian Coalition for Fair Digital Access | Date Published: 2002-11-22

Studies & Reports

L'accessibilité aux informations juridiques et le droit d'auteur

«L'accessibilité aux informations juridiques a considérablement évolué au cours des dernières années. Le « droit d'auteur de la Couronne » , il n'y a pas si longtemps, était considéré comme l'un des obstacles à la libre diffusion du droit sur l'Internet (lois et jugements). Les États ont cependant assoupli l'application de cette prérogative, dans une volonté de rendre ces « règles de droit » le plus largement accessibles et ce, gratuitement.»
Creator(s): Sophie Hein | Date Published: 2002-10

Studies & Reports

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada, 2001-2002

«Cette étude, fondée sur les réponses de 12 197 Canadiens âgés de douze ans ou plus lors d'une enquête téléphonique menée de juillet 2001 à juin 2002, permet de tirer les conclusions suivantes.»
Creator(s): Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée A/S, Claude Brunet et David Collier | Date Published: 2002-10

Studies & Reports

Economic Impact of WIPO Ratification on Private Copying Regime

"The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT) and Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) have recently come into force. It is anticipated that there will be changes in the national laws of Canada’s major trading partners in response to the WIPO treaties."
Creator(s): Michael Rushton | Date Published: 2002-06

Studies & Reports

Judicial Review of Tariff 22

"In a remarkably short time, the Internet has become a global mass medium of communication that operates sans frontieres. As technical difficulties have been overcome, the transmission of music, generally recorded, but sometimes live or broadcast, has recently become an increasingly popular use of the Internet."
Creator(s): Federal Court Appeal | Date Published: 2002-05-01

Studies & Reports

Authorizing Digital Music

"New information and communication technologies blur the public/private and commercial/home dichotomies further – qualitatively and quantitatively – by making copyrighted works available to everyone, perfectly, privately and simultaneously."
Creator(s): Jason Young - Queen's University | Date Published: 2002-04-26

Studies & Reports

Database Protection and Canadian Laws

"Study considers the legal protection of databases in Canada and comparatively with protections available or proposed in the European Union and the United States. It represents the initial stage of the development of a database protection policy for Canada."
Creator(s): Robert G. Howell | Date Published: 2002-03

Studies & Reports

Propriété intellectuelle, concurrence, multimédia : voyage au coeur d'un kaléidoscope virtuel

«Nous tentons d’entrevoir les traits probables de la cohabitation du droit de la propriété intellectuelle et du droit de la concurrence dans le secteur naissant du multimédia, et de familiariser le lecteur avec les principes présidant à l’analyse de cette relation en apparence conflictuelle.»
Creator(s): Johanne Daniel | Date Published: 2002

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