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In Focus
Religious Diversity in Canada: Research Forum
February 2008
Religion and Youth Radicalization
Secularism and Secularization
Constructive Integration of Canadian Muslims: Comparison with Bosnia and France
Religious Diversity and Social Capital
Religion in the Public Sphere
In Focus - Cultural Policy 101: European Perspective
Focus on Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Cultural Policy 101 Series
Arts and Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
Sustaining Butterflies: Methodology and Approach
From Cocoon to Flight: Transformations and Challenges
All Resources
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
A Crossroads in the History of the Record Industry
The Apple Revolution
Musical Cyber-Commerce
New Tools of the Trade
All Resources
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
Growing Support for the Arts in Healthcare
Artists on the Wards
All Resources
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Examples of Use of the Arts in Medical
and Health Education
Challenges and Opportunities
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 1 & 2
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 3
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 4
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 5
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: On the Horizon
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Conclusions
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: All Resources
Indigenous Knowledge
February 2006
Culture and Trade
April 2005
Three Big Questions
Culture in a Trade Environment (Culture and Trade In Focus)
Cultural Diversity (Culture and Trade In Focus)
Facts and Figures (Culture and Trade In Focus)
All Resources (Culture and Trade In Focus)
Culture and Tourism
August 2005
Rethinking Copyright
October 2004
La Francophonie
August 2004
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June 2004
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Satellite Radio Decision: A Selection of Background Information
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Giant Screen Cinema
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Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
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Organizations Directory



The regularly updated Organizations Directory consists of links to arts, culture and heritage organizations in Canada and abroad.

To suggest a link for the Directory, click here.

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Chouchiching Institute on Public Affairs

"For more than 70 years, the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs – Canada’s oldest and most influential non-partisan forum for public affairs – has met at the shores of Lake Couchiching for intensive discussions of the central policy challenges of the day."


CIMEC - The Institute for Cultural Memory

"CIMEC - Institutul de Memorie Culturala (Institute for Cultural Memory) is a public institution under the Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, founded in 1978, as a national organisation for the computerised cultural heritage record."



« Un été au ciné. »


CIRCLE (Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe)

"CIRCLE is an independent think-tank dedicated to developing cultural policy models for Europe. CIRCLE is a network of people concerned with cultural policy and includes researchers from many disciplines, scholars, cultural practitioners, and policy-makers."


Citizens for Open Access to Civic Information and Data

"Welcome to Citizens for Open Access to Civic Information and Data, a group of citizens which believes all levels of government should make civic information and data accessible at no cost in open formats to their citizens."


Citizenship and Immigration Canada

"Canada’s citizenship and immigration programs help build a community of citizens respected throughout the world. "


City Lore

"City Lore was founded in 1986 to produce programs and publications that convey the richness of New York City's cultural heritage. Increasingly our many efforts embrace national audiences as well."


Coalition for Cultural Diversity

"First establised in the Spring of 1998 by leading Quebec's professional associations of the cultural milieu in the midst of the growing opposition to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), the Coalition expanded its membership in the Fall of 1999 by inviting all leading Canadian cultural professional associations to join its rank."


Coalition for Cultural Diversity in Moving Images

"The Coalition for Cultural Diversity in Moving Images(CDMI) is a non-governmental organization based in Seoul, Korea, striving to protect global cultural diversity and local movie industries. Since it was launched in 1993 to effectively enforce the screen quota system, we've been acting as the watchdog for the Korean movie industry and we are currently working to protect the sovereignty of Korean media culture as well as cultural diversity."


Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights

"CIPR is a private-public partnership dedicated solely to advancing intellectual property rights protection, enforcement and reform in the CIS countries and the Baltic states."


Community Arts Network

"CAN was initiated in 1999 through a partnership between Art in the Public Interest, a national nonprofit organization, and The Virginia Tech Department of Theatre Arts' Consortium for the Study of Theatre and Community."


Community Arts Ontario Online

"Community Arts Ontario was formally established in 1991, and currently represent a network of over 145 arts agencies, institutions, and municipalities across Ontario and close to 100 individual artists and public supporters."


Community Foundations of Canada

"Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the membership organization for Canada's vibrant and growing network of 153 community foundations."


Community Heritage Ontario

"Community Heritage Ontario - Le Patrimoine Communautaire de I'Ontario (CHO) was incorporated in 1991 to provide a non-profit provincial umbrella organization in support of municipally-appointed heritage advisory committees. These local volunteer committees are known as Municipal Heritage Committees (formerly called LACACs - Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committees) and exist to advise local municipal councils on heritage matters."


Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island

"The Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island was formed in 1983 and grew out of a need felt within the provincial museum community for stronger support services for the community museums."


Concerned Children's Advertisers (CCA)

"CCA's mission is to be the credible, caring and authoritative voice of responsible children's advertising and communications."


Conference Board of Canada

"The Conference Board of Canada is the foremost independent, not-for-profit applied research organization in Canada. We help build leadership capacity for a better Canada by creating and sharing insights on economic trends, public policy issues, and organizational performance."


Conseil de la culture de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue

« Le Conseil de la culture de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CRCAT) est un organisme sans but lucratif. Son financement provient majoritairement de subventions du ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. »


Conseil de la culture des Laurentides

« Le Conseil de la culture des Laurentides (CCL) est le seul organisme à regrouper, à représenter et à offrir des services aux professionnels de l’ensemble des secteurs artistiques et culturels de la région. »


Conseil de la Culture du Bas-Saint-Laurent

« Sa mission fondamentale comporte deux aspects : la vie associative et la représentation politique, indissociables l'une comme l'autre du développement artistique et culturel du Bas-Saint-Laurent. »


Conseil des arts et des lettres - CALQ (Québec)

"The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec is a government corporation devoted to the development and dissemination of the arts."


Conseil des Métiers d'art du Québec

« Aujourd’hui, le Conseil des métiers d’art regroupe plus de 700 artisans professionnels et 200 membres associés sur une base volontaire. »


Conseil des monuments et sites du Québec

« Organisme privé à but non lucratif créé en 1975, le Conseil des monuments et sites du Québec (CMSQ) œuvre à la sauvegarde et à la mise en valeur des monuments et sites du Québec. Madame France Gagnon Pratte, historienne de l’architecture, assume actuellement la présidence de l'organisme. »


Conseil des relations interculturelles

« Le Conseil est un organisme permanent et autonome de consultation et de recherche qui a comme fonction principale de conseiller le ministre des Relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration dans la planification, la coordination et la mise en œuvre des politiques gouvernementales relatives aux relations interculturelles et à l’intégration des immigrés, notamment quant au rapprochement interculturel et l’ouverture à la diversité. »


Conseil du statut de la femme (Québec)

"The Conseil du statut de la femme is a government consultation and study council that, since 1973, has devoted itself to promoting and defending the rights and interests of women in Québec. It advises the Québec government on all issues regarding the status of women, and seeks to keep women and the general public informed on matters within its purview."


Conseil montérégien de la culture et des communications

« Le Conseil montérégien de la culture et des communications est un regroupement de professionnels du milieu culturel et de partenaires du développement culturel. Les professionnels sont des créateurs ou des diffuseurs qui œuvrent en arts de la scène, en arts visuels, en métiers d'art, en lettres, en communications, en patrimoine et en muséologie. »


Conseil permanent de la jeunesse

« À l’été 1983, lors du Sommet québécois de la jeunesse et des sommets régionaux,des jeunes de tout le Québec prennent la parole et s’expriment sur l’emploi, l’éducation et les problèmes sociaux. Pour faire cheminer leurs nombreuses revendications, les jeunes demandent à l’État de leur fournir un interlocuteur indépendant et permanent. L’idée d’un conseil de la jeunesse germe. »


Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en culture (CQRHC)

«Depuis 1994, plusieurs représentants d'associations' se concertent au sujet des enjeux du développement des ressources humaines dans le secteur culturel : l'intégration professionnelle de ceux qui ont choisi la voie des arts et de la culture, le soutien à l'emploi et le perfectionnement des gens qui en font une carrière, et même la réorientation de ceux qui décident d'y renoncer.»


Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant

« Ce conseil a pour mandat de sauvegarder, promouvoir et transmettre le patrimoine vivant. »


Conseil régional de la culture de l'Outaouais

« Conseiller, concerter, consulter et représenter le milieu culturel et artistique de la région de l’Outaouais, en ayant comme premier objectif le développement du secteur. »


Conseil régional de la culture du Saguenay

« Bienvenue sur le portail culturel, Carrefour culturel régional, un site qui contient des informations sur la vie culturelle et artistique de la région du Saguenay Lac-Saint- Jean. Découvrez des artistes, des événements, des lieux culturels qui font la richesse de la région. Explorez notre calendrier, le bottin des artistes professionnels, partez à notre découverte. Voyagez avec nous via Carrefour culturel régional... »


Conseil régional de la culture et des communications de la Côte-Nord (available in French only)

« Le Conseil régional de la culture et des communications de la Côte-Nord est un organisme sans but lucratif dont la mission est axée sur le développement des arts, des lettres, de la culture et des communications. »


Contemporary Art Gallery - CAG (Vancouver)

"The most important features of the new Contemporary Art Gallery are its two main galleries, the B.C. Binning Gallery and the Alvin Balkind Gallery, named for key figures in the development of the visual arts in Vancouver."



"The Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction, commonly referred to as COPIBEC, is a not-for-profit collective which was founded in 1997 by the Union des écrivaines et écrivains québécois (UNEQ) and the Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL). Various other organizations representing newspaper and periodical authors and publishers and visual artists are also members of COPIBEC."


Copyright Licensing Agency

"The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. (CLA) is the UK's Reproduction Rights Organisation and a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO). Formed in 1982, it is a non-profit making company owned by its members, the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the Publishers Licensing Society(PLS), to encourage and promote respect for copyright."


Côte d'Ivoire - Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie

« Pour la promotion de la culture en Côte d’Ivoire indépendante, a d’abord été crée une direction des beaux arts et de la recherche puis une direction des Affaires Culturelles sous le couvert de l’éducation nationale . »


Council for Dance Education and Training

"The Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET) promotes excellence in dance education and training."


Council for the Arts in Ottawa

"Community Arts Ontario was formally established in 1991, and currently represent a network of over 145 arts agencies, institutions, and municipalities across Ontario and close to 100 individual artists and public supporters."


Council of Archives New Brunswick (CANB)

"Our Mandate is to serve the archival community of the province by providing assistance, training and services such as the Archives Advisor programme, an archival supplies co-op, the Conservation Library, and the distribution of information received from the national institutions."


Council of Europe Portal

"Any European state can become a member of the Council of Europe provided it accepts the principle of the rule of law and guarantees human rights and fundamental freedoms to everyone under its jurisdiction."

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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 1158 | Date Added: 2003-10-30 | Date Modified: 2008-04-22 Important Notices