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Canadians and Their Pasts: A New Research Project, April 17, 2007
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Chennai, India - Sustainability Conference, January 4-7, 2007

"Third International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. The inaugural Sustainability Conference was held at the East-West Centre, Hawai’i, in February 2005 and the second in two significant areas of Vietnam, Hanoi and HaLong Bay in January 2006. This third conference is being hosted by the University of Madras, Chennai, India."
Creator(s): Common Ground | Event Start Date: 2007-01-04


Imperial College_London University, UK - International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, January 4-7, 2007

"The Design Conference is a participants' conference, including numerous parallel sessions. The conference organising committee is inviting proposals to present 30 minute papers, or 60 minute workshops or 90 minute colloquium sessions."
Creator(s): Common Ground | Event Start Date: 2007-01-04


Montebello, Que. - Toward a Canadian Digital Information Strategy - December 5-6, 2006

"A national summit will be held at Fairmont Le Château Montebello in Montebello, Quebec on December 5th and 6th."
Creator(s): Library and Archives Canada | Event Start Date: 2006-12-05


Paris - Workshop on the International Measurement of Culture - December 4-5, 2006

"This new OECD project will provide an approach to measuring the economic and social importance of culture and will deliver initial quantitative estimates of these measures. The project will also explore the linkages between culture and well-being."
Creator(s): Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) | Event Start Date: 2006-12-04


Ottawa -6th Annual IIC Canadian Chapter Conference -December 4-5, 2006

Communications in 2010, 6th Annual ICC Conference
Creator(s): International Institute of Communications | Event Start Date: 2006-12-04


Cracow, Poland - 3rd Global Conference: Sex and Sexsuality - Exploring Critical Issues - Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2006

"This research conference seeks to examine issues of sexuality across a range of critical and cultural perspectives. Seeking to encourage innovative inter- and multidisciplinary dialogues, we warmly welcome papers from a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to anthropology, cultural studies, education, gender studies, history, law, literature, medicine, psychology, religion, sociology and social work. We also welcome contributions from queer activists and professionals in non-profit and non-government organizations."
Creator(s): University of Connecticut | Event Start Date: 2006-11-29


Brussels, (Belgium)-Towards a Multiage Society: The Cultural Dimension of Age Policies -November 29-30, 2006

Conference on Active Ageing and Culture
Creator(s): UNESCO | Event Start Date: 2006-11-29


Lisbon - 4th International "Language, Communication, Culture" Conference - November 28 - 30, 2006

"The world we live in has been characterised as a modernity of risk, deeply shaken by an 'unholy trinity' of uncertainty, insecurity and unsafety. It is marked by precariousness, individualisation, wasted lives and corrosion of character. The transnational configurations and relations of power, with their ever-growing inequalities between rich and poor human beings and countries, make the phrase 'the West and the Rest' sound quaintly old-fashioned. Democratic rights, institutions and practices are being curtailed and dismantled, human lives are being made over as flexible, discardable tools for unregulated profit-seeking. The politics of fear replaces the politics of hope, the new capitalism appears bent on fulfilling the wildest dreams of the old capitalism."
Creator(s): Language Communication Culture (LCC) | Event Start Date: 2006-11-28


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Ninth Annual Ministerial Meeting International Network on Cultural Policy - November 22-25, 2006

"Annual Ministerial Meetings."
Creator(s): Internation Network on Cultural Policy | Event Start Date: 2006-11-22


Alanya, Turkey - International Tourism Conference 2006 - November 20-26, 2006

"The aim of this conference is to provide an opportunity to exchange tourism research outcomes and ideas about "New Perspectives and Values in World Tourism & Tourism Management in the Future".
Creator(s): Akdeniz University Alanya Faculty of Business | Event Start Date: 2006-11-20


Amsterdam - Mycreativity: A Convention on International Creative Industries Researchers - November 17-18, 2006

"MyCreativity is a two-day conference that intends to bring the trends and tendencies around the Creative Industries into critical question."
Creator(s): Institute of Network Cultures | Event Start Date: 2006-11-17


Le Mans, France - Colloque « Les nouveaux territoires des festivals » - du 16 au 17 novembre 2006 (available in French only)

« Rarement étudiés, méconnus et souvent sous-évalués quant à leurs apports dans le champ culturel, les festivals vivent aujourd’hui d’importantes mutations à l’instar de l’ensemble des acteurs du spectacle vivant. »
Creator(s): France Festivals | Event Start Date: 2006-11-16


Bangkok, Thailand - Hyper Traditions: Tenth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments - December 15-18, 2006

"This conference will explore the complex ways in which the idea of tradition has been destabilized by globalization, particularly as manifested in 'hyper-traditions'."
Creator(s): International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) | Event Start Date: 2006-11-15


London, England - A Place for Creative Work: International Responses - November 15, 2006

"Finding the right space to work as an artist or creative practitioner is still a challenge for many. This conference brings together people from Europe and the Americas who are involved in delivering particularly innovative and successful responses to this challenge."
Creator(s): EUCLID UK | Event Start Date: 2006-11-15


Montréal - « L’histoire à l’épreuve de la diversité culturelle : nouvelles formes du cosmopolitisme ? », 15 novembre 2006 (available in French only)

« 7e symposium de la Chaire de recherche en études québécoises et canadiennes, en collaboration avec la Chaire Hector Fabre d’histoire du Québec et la Chaire UNESCO d’étude des fondements philosophiques de la justice et des sociétés démocratiques UQAM. »
Creator(s): Chaire de recherche en études québécoises et canadiennes | Event Start Date: 2006-11-15


Israel - Third Annual Jerusalem Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage - November 14-15, 2006

"Digital Heritage, Israel is a non-profit organisation that supports advanced technologies in Israel, which promote the development, implementation, dissemination and long-term preservation of cultural and scientific heritage. "
Creator(s): Digital Heritage Israel | Event Start Date: 2006-11-14


Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - Asia-Euro Tourism, Culture and Gastronomy Conference - November 9-10, 2006

"The rapid improvements in communications technology and the tendency towards more open economies has led to increasing globalisation, with the implication that the world is one big market, accessible to all regions and all communities. Globalisation has been heralded as a ?new age,? offering world markets to vast areas and thereby new opportunities for growth at every level."
Creator(s): Taylor's College, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Malaysia and teh University Toulouse-Le Mirail, France | Event Start Date: 2006-11-09


Montréal - Converging in Parallel: Linking Communication Research and Policy in Emerging Canadian Scholarship - November 9-10, 2006

"Canadian communication policy has shifted. New media are no longer new; convergence has come and gone and even come again; policymakers are chipping away at facet after facet of the emerging networked mediascape."
Creator(s): McGill University | Event Start Date: 2006-11-09


Shanghai, China - The 1st Biennial Conference of Fudan University International Urban Forum - Urban China: culture, idenitity and spatial transformation - November 3-5, 2006

"The first century of the new millennium has come to be known by many as “The China Century.” The first biennial conference of FUIUF will capture this spirit of excitement and experimentation, focusing on the theme “Urbanization China.” The conference will highlight critical questions faced by China as the country continues to nurture a historic and unprecedented pace and scale of urbanization, marketization, development, cultural and social change. "
Creator(s): Fudan University International Urban Forum | Event Start Date: 2006-11-03


Ashridge, U.K. - COS Round Table 2006: Creating Culturally Competent Firms Strategies for Gaining from Cultural Pluralism - November 3 - 5, 2006

"Globalization obliges us to accept cultural pluralism as a way of life. In our work life continuum we meet, interact and work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Is cultural pluralism a real phenomenon? Why do some organizations consciously promote cultural diversity whereas others like to preserve their "pure" mono culture? What are the gains of culturally diverse firms as against the losses of the culturally limited firms? What does it take to create a culturally competent firm? What does it take to sustain a culturally competent firm? These are some of the fundamental issues which we are going to address during our 12th COS Roundtable 2006. "
Creator(s): Centre for Organizational Studies (COS) | Event Start Date: 2006-11-03


China - Urbanization China: culture, identity and spatial transformation - November 3-5, 2006

"There has been a profound shift in the nature of worldwide urbanization processes since the last two decades with the drastic globalization of capital, power and immigrants."
Creator(s): Fudan University International Urban Forum (FUIUF) | Event Start Date: 2006-11-03


Shanghai, China - The Ist biennial conference of Fudan University International Urban Forum - Nov. 3-5, 2006

"The first century of the new millennium has come to be known by many as “The China Century.” The first biennial conference of FUIUF will capture this spirit of excitement and experimentation, focusing on the theme “Urbanization China.” The conference will highlight critical questions faced by China as the country continues to nurture a historic and unprecedented pace and scale of urbanization, marketization, development, cultural and social change. "
Creator(s): Fudan University International Urban Forum | Event Start Date: 2006-11-03


Canberra, Australia - Art and Authenticity - Nov. 2-3, 2006

"Roland Barthes maintained that a text “is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture” and that “the writer can only imitate a gesture that is always anterior, never original”. Is the artist – whether writer, visual artist, or composer – only an amanuensis for his or her cultural predecessors? Indeed, has the “culture” that guides the artist’s hand become, as Baudrillard suggests, merely a simulacrum – a “truth which hides the fact that there is none”?
Creator(s): The Australian National University | Event Start Date: 2006-11-02


Halifax, NS - 2006 UAAC Conference - November 2-4, 2006

"...a forum for an exchange of information and to explore the idea of an association of art/art history departments in Canadian universities."
Creator(s): Universities Art Association of Canada | Event Start Date: 2006-11-02


Victoria, B.C. - Victoria 2006 International Arts Symposium - October 27-30, 2006

"From October 27 - 30, 2006 the City of Victoria, B.C. in partnership with the Royal & McPherson Theatres Society will host the first VICTORIA INTERNATIONAL ARTS SYMPOSIUM."
Creator(s): International Arts Symposium | Event Start Date: 2006-10-27


Vancouver - Agenda 21 for Culture Cultural Research Salon - October 27, 2006

"Presenter: Nancy Duxbury, 2:00 to 4:00 PM, Room 2065 Diamond Alumni Centre."
Creator(s): Creative City Network Centre of experise on culture and communities | Event Start Date: 2006-10-27


Vadstena, Sweden - Cities and Media: Cultural Perspectives on Urban Identities in a Mediatized World - October 25-29, 2006

"This conference joins themes from urban, media and cultural research to highlight the interplay of symbolic forms and mediated interaction with the development of urban environments, including questions of how cities as well as their inhabitants and visitors identify themselves and each other, in the context of the expanding transnational flows of people, money and media."
Creator(s): European Science Foundation (ESF) | Event Start Date: 2006-10-25


Charlotte, NC - Cultivating Creative Communities - October 24-27, 2006

"The Cultivating Creative Communities conference will bring civic and community leaders together to build a new framework to understand how we can make cities and regions more livable, equitable, and sustainable places."
Creator(s): Partners for Livable Communities | Event Start Date: 2006-10-24


Barcelona - 1st Meeting of the Working Group on United Cities and Local Governments - October 23-24, 2006

"The UCLG Working Group on Culture is the meeting point for cities, local governments and networks that place culture at the heart of their development processes."
Creator(s): United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) | Event Start Date: 2006-10-23


Toronto - Innoversity Summit 2006 - October 23-24, 2006

"Innovation, creativity and diversity annual conference."
Creator(s): Innoversity | Event Start Date: 2006-10-23


Jasper, AB - Canada's Tourism Leadership Summit 2006 - October 22-24, 2006

"Canada’s Tourism Leadership Summit is an opportunity for industry stakeholders to examine and address the top issues, and to help ensure that tourism is a priority on the public policy agenda."
Creator(s): Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) | Event Start Date: 2006-10-22


ARCfest 2006 - Art for Real Change

"ARCfest 2006 features over 100 artists in 25 events exploring local social justice issues. Taking place in Queen West, Parkdale, and other venues across Toronto, the festival includes a diverse program of seasoned and emerging artists, panel discussions, speakers, workshops, and artist-community collaborations."
Creator(s): ARCfest | Event Start Date: 2006-10-22


Vancouver - Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies - October 21-22, 2006

"Diasporas and Discovery."
Creator(s): Association for Canadian Studies | Event Start Date: 2006-10-21


Dubrovnik, Croatia - 2nd Culture.mondo International Roundtable - October 20-22, 2006

"The 2nd Culture.mondo International Roundtable offers a unique opportunity for cultural portal experts from all continents to enhance their working practices, to recognize emerging trends and to exchange experience."
Creator(s): Culture.mondo and Culturelink | Event Start Date: 2006-10-20


Tallinn, Estonia - TEL-ME-MOR Policy Conference: The Digital Future of Cultural and Scientific Heritage - October 19-20, 2006

"It was launched in February 2005, with the overall goal of raising awareness of the opportunities for New Member States (NMS) to participate in European projects, especially in the areas of Culture and Learning."
Creator(s): DG Information Society's IST Programme - Learning and Cultural Heritage Unit | Event Start Date: 2006-10-19


Tempe, Arisona - The Third Biennial Conference - Urban History Association - October 19-22, 2006

"The Urban History Association was founded in Cincinnati in 1988 for the purpose of stimulating interest and forwarding research and study in the history of the city in all periods and geographical areas. It is affiliated with the International Planning History Society. "
Creator(s): The Urban History Association | Event Start Date: 2006-10-19


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - 18th Annual Fall Conference: "Making Aboriginal Policy: A Conference Ten Years After the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples" - October 19-21, 2006

"This conference will examine the factors, processes, and institutions that determine how the state responds to the interests and rights of the Aboriginal peoples. A primary focus will be on the influence of public commissions on legal and policy development, particularly that of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, the final report of which was released by the federal government in November 1996."
Creator(s): Indigenous Bar Association | Event Start Date: 2006-10-19


Beijing - International Conference on Cultural/Creative Spaces - October 19-21, 2006

"The conference will draw attention to this wide range of cultural creative spaces and identify a conceptual framework for revealing the dynamics of their development. The conference also aims at establishing a policy framework for the design, planning and management of cultural creative spaces."
Creator(s): Cheung Kong Centre for Creative Industries (CKCCI) | Event Start Date: 2006-10-19


Toronto - Multiculturalism, Public Discourse and Security: Where is Canada Going? - October 19, 2006

"Speakers: Sunil Johal, Canadian Heritage; Dr. Tariq Amin-Khan, Assistant Professor, Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University."
Creator(s): CERIS (Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement) | Event Start Date: 2006-10-19


Toronto - Creative City Network Conference 2006: Transforming Communities Through Culture - October 18-21, 2006

"Transforming Communities Through Culture."
Creator(s): Creative City Network | Event Start Date: 2006-10-18

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