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Symposium of the Cultural Heritage of the Midwest and the Midwest Poetry Festival - May 11-13, 2006

"Scholars, writers, poets, filmmakers and interested members of the public are invited to participate in the symposium by presenting papers, reading creative writing (poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction), showing films, and by organizing panel discussions about the culture and literature of the Midwest."
Creator(s): The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature | Event Start Date: 2006-05-11


Global Queeries: Sexualities, Globalities, Postcolonialities - May 11-13, 2006

"Sexuality and globalization are currently pressing sites of scholarly and creative inquiry. The crisis of AIDS in Africa, the complicated relations between the local and the global, between decolonization and sexual liberation struggles — these represent some key areas of interconnectedness."
Creator(s): University of Western Ontario | Event Start Date: 2006-05-11


Paris - Second Meeting of the UNESCO / UNITWIN Network : "Culture - tourism - development" - May 10-13, 2006

"How to better associate cultural tourism to the sustainable development of the territories: from the field to teaching ?"
Creator(s): Chaire UNESCO | Event Start Date: 2006-05-10


Buckinghamshire, UK - Critical Issues in Leisure & Tourism Education - May 10-12, 2006

"This conference seeks to analyse critical issues in leisure and tourism education from the perspectives of theory and practice."
Creator(s): Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College | Event Start Date: 2006-05-10


Helsinki - Third International Course on the Conservation of Modern Architecture (MARC 2006) Suburban Developments of the Recent Past: Visions – Realities – Futures - May 6 - June 9, 2006

"Rather than focusing on individual architectural masterpieces as previous courses have done, the international MARC 2006 course will concentrate on the conservation problems of everyday suburbs built in the 1960s and 1970s, including technical, landscape, and social aspects."
Creator(s): ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property | Event Start Date: 2006-05-06


Germany - Inclusion and Exclusion in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’ - May 5-7 2006

"The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to examine the interactions between class, gender, nation, race and culture in European discourses of inclusion and exclusion in the so-called ‘long nineteenth century’"
Creator(s): Department of Economics and Politics, University of Hamburg, Germany | Event Start Date: 2006-05-05


Copenhagen - European Satellite Cultures Conference: Challenges to Media Policies and National Identities - May 4-5, 2006

"Europe is on the verge of converting to digital broadcasting. Digital broadcasting provides increased access to information - not just to editorial rooms of major broadcasters, but into the living rooms of households throughout Europe."
Creator(s): Copehagen Business School | Event Start Date: 2006-05-04


Regina, Saskatchewan - 5th Annual Conference of Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (R.A.C.E.): “The Race/Culture Divide in Education, Law and the Helping Professions” - May 4-6th, 2006

"The conference will begin the evening of Thursday, May 4, 2006 with a Keynote Presentation followed by a reception. The following morning, Friday May 5, 2006, we will gather for the second Keynote presentation. After this, concurrent sessions will run throughout Friday, and Saturday morning. The conference will wind up the afternoon of Saturday May 6, 2006 with a Panel and ensuing discussion. Running concurrently with paper sessions on both Friday and Saturday, we will be presenting a Film Festival where interesting films (for a change from interesting papers) will be the catalyst to discussion about race, culture, and social justice. "
Creator(s): The Centre for Social Justice and Anti-Oppressive Education | Event Start Date: 2006-05-04


Ottawa - Interface 2006: “Ruptures” - May 4th, 2006

"The Cultural Mediations program at Carleton University announces a call for papers for its annual graduate conference to be held on our campus in Ottawa on May 4th, 2006. "
Creator(s): Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Culture (ICSLAC) | Event Start Date: 2006-05-04


Córdoba, Argentina - Canadian Studies Conferences: 3rd International Cultural Heritage Conference - May 4-7, 2006

"The IIIrd International Cultural Heritage Conference, will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, from May 4 to May 7, 2006, organized by Centro Cultural Canada Córdoba, Argentina, Associação Brasileira de Estudos Canadenses, Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Canadienses and Museo Histórico de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba."
Creator(s): International Council for Canadian Studies | Event Start Date: 2006-05-04


United Kingdom - The Future in The Present: Occupying the Social Factory, University of Leicester Management Centre - May 2-4, 2006

"From everyday insurgencies to global antagonisms, recent decades have borne witness to multiple and overlapping cycles of social struggle, as well as attempts to incorporate these sources of social wealth and creativity. From transformations in the circuits of global capital to the morphing of state structures, border controls and forms of sovereignty, the development of neoliberal governmentality has constantly run to catch up with our multiplicitous desires to create new forms of self-determining community and sociality. Multidirectional lines of command attempt to recuperate innovations at the level of everyday life, while myriad microrevolutions branch out, weave together new possibilities, and sometimes directly attack the networks of control."
Creator(s): University of Leicester Management Centre | Event Start Date: 2006-05-02


Montréal - Forum sur les arts visuels au Québec - du 1er au 2 mai 2006 (available in French only)

« Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ), en partenariat avec le ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) et la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), organise un grand rassemblement du milieu des arts visuels au Québec. »
Creator(s): Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Event Start Date: 2006-05-01


Los Angeles - Blockbuster Results on an Indie Budget: Arts Marketing and Earned Income Strategies that Work! 2006 National Arts Marketing Project Conference - April 29–May 2, 2006

"This year’s National Arts Marketing Project Conference will focus on strategies for earned income and audience development that have gotten big bang for the buck. Sessions will highlight strategies and tactics in branding, high-tech e-marketing, guerilla tactics on a budget, researching diverse audiences, and collaborations of all kinds from organizations of all art forms and all sizes!"
Creator(s): Arts & Business Council of Americans for the Arts as part of its National Arts Marketing Project | Event Start Date: 2006-04-29


Longueil (Montréal) - Territorial Dynamics in Periurban Areas and Natural and Cultural Heritage Resources - April 26-28, 2006

"Sponsored by the Villes Régions Monde network (INRS-UCS), the Laboratory on Sustainable Development and Territorial Dynamics (directed by Christopher Bryant) of the Department of Geography at the University of Montreal, and by the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems."
Creator(s): l'Université de Montréal | Event Start Date: 2006-04-26


Delphi, Greece - The Impact of Internet on the Mass Media in Europe - April 26-28, 2006

"Media and the wider sector of communication are changing under the impact of the Internet. The changes affect all aspects of the communication process, audiences, media and information producers and, inevitably, the role of the media in society."
Creator(s): New Media Lab | Event Start Date: 2006-04-26


London, England - The Fifth Annual 'Putting Old Buildings to Productive New Uses' Conferences - April 25, 2006

"This year’s conference – the fifth in a very successful series chooses not to focus upon any one aspect of the ‘New Uses’ agenda, but responds directly to delegate feedback from previous years and to the broad sweep of issues surrounding re-use."
Creator(s): Landor Conferences | Event Start Date: 2006-04-25


Toronto - Foundations for Success: Excellent Students, Faculty and Programs - April 20-22, 2006

"...Conference Information Coming Soon!"
Creator(s): Association of Arts Administration Educators | Event Start Date: 2006-04-20


Montréal - Rencontres québécoises de l’industrie de la musique, April 19-20, 2006

Facing the issues of a changing industry.
Creator(s): Association québecoise de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo | Event Start Date: 2006-04-19


Washington. D.C. - Fourth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) - April 19-22, 2006

"The conference this year will feature plenaries on the culture of science and technology, cultural studies and the social sciences, and global cities and citizenship. Proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops are sought on all topics relevant to cultural studies. See the call for papers, below."
Creator(s): Cultural Studies Association (US) | Event Start Date: 2006-04-19


Fargo, North Dakota - CAA 2006 Conference - Digital Discovery: Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage - Apr. 18-23, 2006

"to learn more about new developments in computer applications and quantitative methods"
Creator(s): Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) | Event Start Date: 2006-04-18


ACSANZ Conference: “Canada and Australasia: globalization, nations, cultures and borders - April 11-13, 2006

"This multidisciplinary conference will include sessions on indigenous rights in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, on the impact of globalisation and the “war on terror” (including the Iraq war), and on Bills of Rights in these countries. The globalization of literature, popular culture and movies will also be featured. Additionally, a special session will be held on “mobility and migration”. "
Creator(s): Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand (ACSANZ) | Event Start Date: 2006-04-11


Hong Kong - 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2006 - April 6-8, 2006

"The Centre was established in 1980 to provide postgraduate programmes in urban planning and related fields, and to act as a focal point for urban research in the University."
Creator(s): The Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management | Event Start Date: 2006-04-06


Leeds, U.K. - Contents. Discontents. Malcontents - April 5-7, 2006

"The AAH stages an international conference each year in the United Kingdom."
Creator(s): Association of Art Historians (AAH) | Event Start Date: 2006-04-05


Ottawa - Sport Events Congress 2006 - April 5-7, 2006

"representatives from national/multi-sport and major games organizations, event rights holders, convention and visitors bureaus, economic development agencies, parks and recreation departments, industry suppliers and corporate sponsors... features an outstanding variety of business-to-business, networking and topical educational activities."
Creator(s): Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance | Event Start Date: 2006-04-05


Calgary - Safe Streets Safe Cities April 4-6, 2006

"This annual conference will tackle chronic social problems afflicting urban society and propose workable, compassionate solutions to make cities safe. "
Creator(s): Canada West Foundation | Event Start Date: 2006-04-04


Toronto - Voice on the Net Canada - April 3-5, 2006

"VON is the meeting place for the IP Communications Industry. We focus on the issues affecting the IP Communications revolution."
Creator(s): pulvermedia | Event Start Date: 2006-04-03


Sun City, South Africa - Africa and Diaspora Conference on Cultural Diversity for Social Cohesion - April 1-5, 2006

"The South African National Department of Arts and Culture, in conjunction with the South African National Commission for UNESCO is hosting an Africa and Diaspora Conference on Cultural Diversity for Social Cohesion and Sustainable Development in South Africa, Sun City from 1 - 5 April 2006."
Creator(s): South African National Department of Arts and Culture | Event Start Date: 2006-04-01


Amherst, Massachusetts - Communication in Crisis - March 31- April 4, 2006

"In times of crisis, we must ask: How are barriers imposed on the practices and outlets of human communication, and does crisis itself contain the potential for expanding, rather than limiting, the free flow of expression? How can lessons learned through the study of communication be applicable to moments of crisis, past and present, in political, economic, racial, ethnic, and sexual contexts?"
Creator(s): Graduate Program in Communication, University of Massachusetts at Amherst | Event Start Date: 2006-03-31


Amsterdam - Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity: Knowledge, Politics, Cultural Production - March 29-31, 2006

"This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural production."
Creator(s): Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) | Event Start Date: 2006-03-29


Swansea - 2006 American Indian Workshop: Place in Native American History, Literature and Culture - March 29-31, 2006

"Place has been described as space invested with meaning through lived experience and also as something defined by its construction rather than its borders. Native American Studies has been at the forefront of increasing our awareness that, as Robert M. Nelson puts it, "the life of the land and human life at their best are inseparable"."
Creator(s): Swansea University | Event Start Date: 2006-03-29


London - 16th Annual Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) Conference - March 28-30, 2006

"The conference theme is "Nations and their Pasts: Representing the Past, Building the Future."
Creator(s): London School of Economics | Event Start Date: 2006-03-28


South Carolina - In the City and on the Road: Stasis and Mobility in the 20th Century - An Interdisciplinary Conference March 25th-26th, 2006

"The twentieth century witnessed enormous shifts in patterns of mobility and the meanings bound up with “moving”–shifts that went hand in hand with new definitions and associations for “stasis.” These changes were bound up with a range of social factors: the massive expansion of industrial capitalism, the growth of the modern city, new communication systems, etc. The changes gave rise to intense artistic debates about the value of a new, highly mechanized, and often urban, mobility on one hand, and an older, rural conception of organic communities and stasis on the other. "
Creator(s): Department of English, University of South Carolina (USA) | Event Start Date: 2006-03-25


Toronto - Emerging Spaces, Transforming Scapes: Intersections 2006: A Graduate Student Creative Conference - March 24-26, 2006

"We invite all interested graduate students to join us for our 5th annual Intersections weekend Creative Conference. This year we are especially interested in discussing the significance of both new and established scapes, and their relationships with and connections to imagined and physical spaces. Edges, nodes, networks, overflows, streams: the way we imagine our world is changing."
Creator(s): Communication and Culture - York University and Ryerson University | Event Start Date: 2006-03-24


Bilbao, Spain - ENCATC WORKSHOP: Analysis of methodologies used by cultural observatories and statistical centres. Guidelines from trainers and researchers - March 23-24, 2006

"Nowadays there is an emerging interest about watching reality in order to improve cultural and tourism policies that will also improve the quality of life of European citizenship. The number of Cultural Observatories and Statistics Centres that are drawing their attention to finding out cultural indicators and creating cultural Information Systems is growing up."
Creator(s): ENCATC | Event Start Date: 2006-03-23


New York - ASN 11th Annual World Convention: Nationalism in an Age of Globalization - March 23-25, 2006

"Islamic Movements, Genocide and Ethnic Violence, Anthropology of Identity, Citizenship and Nationality, Conflict Resolution, Gender, and EU Expansion"
Creator(s): Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University | Event Start Date: 2006-03-23


Ohio - Trajectories of Memory: Intergenerational Representations of the Holocaust in History and the Arts - March 23-26, 2006

"We invite scholars across academic disciplines (history, literature, visual arts, political science, religious studies, philosophy, psychology and sociology) to present new research on explorations of the effect of the Holocaust on the present and on the way in which the present understands, defines and/or represents that past."
Creator(s): Bowling Green State University, Ohio | Event Start Date: 2006-03-23


Cape Town - Planning Africa Conference 2006 - March 22-24, 2006

"'Making the Connections' has been chosen as the theme for Planning Africa 2006."
Creator(s): South African Planning Institute | Event Start Date: 2006-03-22


Albuquerque, New Mexico - Museums and the Web 2006: International Conference for Culture and Heritage On-line, March 22-25, 2006

"Museums and the Web addresses the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture and heritage on-line."
Creator(s): Archives and Museums Informatics | Event Start Date: 2006-03-22


New Delhi - 14th Convergence India 2006 - March 21-23, 2006

"Ushering the Infocomm revolution...South Asia's largest communications event."
Creator(s): Convergence India | Event Start Date: 2006-03-21


Ottawa - Aboriginal Policy Research Conference - March 20 - 23, 2006

"In March 2006, INAC and UWO, having joined hands with the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC), will once again bring influential researchers, policy makers, leaders, and academics together for the 2006 Aboriginal Policy Research Conference. The coming Aboriginal Policy Research Conference will engage Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers and policy makers in the pursuit of better, more appropriate research, evidence-based policy and policy outcome assessment."
Creator(s): University of Western Ontario | Event Start Date: 2006-03-20

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