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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
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The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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All(31)Studies & Reports(24)
Guides & Case Studies(1) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Creative Economy Practitioner's Toolkit: Taking Advantage of Campus and Community Resources (Part 1)

"This toolkit is excerpted from a paper that reports on a research and technical assistance effort to examine creative-economy initiatives in upstate New York and how they can be translated into strategies for community and regional development in small and medium-size cities."
Creator(s): Susan Monagan, Susan Christopherson and Suzanne Loker | Date Published: 2007-08

Studies & Reports

Mapping the Arts and Health 2006: An Inventory of Initiatives and Resources

"Mapping the Arts & Health 2006 is an inventory of arts and health initiatives and resources in Alberta. This inventory is intended to provide information to enable effective networking among organizations, institutions and practitioners working in arts and health."
Creator(s): Alberta Foundation for the Arts | Date Published: 2007-07-24

Studies & Reports

URBACT : régénération urbaine et patrimoine culturel (available in French only)

« C.H.O.R.U.S., l’un des 20 réseaux thématiques du programme URBACT, a traité de la question de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel dans une perspective de développement urbain. »
Creator(s): Délégation interministérielle à la ville | Date Published: 2007-06

Studies & Reports

Comité Relève et pratiques émergentes - Rapport des travaux (available in French only)

« Le présent document rend compte des échanges d’artistes et de créateurs issus de différentes disciplines artistiques, disciplines qui laissent une place plus ou moins grande à la relève et aux pratiques émergentes. »
Creator(s): Culture Montréal | Date Published: 2007-06

Studies & Reports

The Availability of Local Cultural Content in Canadian Communities

"This Study is designed as an exploration of concepts such as ‘community’ and 'local cultural content'; the relationship of arts and culture to local communities; a review of previously completed research on the economic and social benefits of the arts and culture; and a review of quantitative and qualitative database on Canadian communities."
Creator(s): CONNECTUS Consulting Inc. | Date Published: 2007-05-31

Studies & Reports

Pour la diversité plutôt que le « mur à mur » (available in French only)

« Pour analyser certains projets, Culture Montréal s’est dotée d’un Comité sur les grands projets de développement et l’aménagement du territoire (GPAT). »
Creator(s): Culture Montréal | Date Published: 2007-03-26

Studies & Reports

La vision avant la structure (available in French only)

« Culture Montréal propose de doter Montréal d’une réelle “ capacité d’organisation stratégique de notre sphère d’influence dans le secteur culturel ”. »
Creator(s): Culture Montréal | Date Published: 2007-02

Studies & Reports

Chronic Low Income and Low-income Dynamics Among Recent Immigrants

Report using the Longitudinal Administrative Database (LAD) and the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) data to determine relationship between education and poverty levels of new immigrants within the past twenty years.
Creator(s): Garnett Picot, Feng Hou and Simon Coulombe | Date Published: 2007-01-30

Studies & Reports

Les partenariats public-privé (PPP) et les municipalités : au-delà des principes, un bref survol des pratiques (available in French only)

« L’objectif du présent essai est de passer au crible les arguments en faveur des PPP, sans autreconsidération morale ou politique que le respect de valeurs les plus consensuelles qui soient, comme la flexibilité (souhaitable au moins du point de vue des décideurs municipaux), l’imputabilité des élus, la transparence et ainsi de suite. Et à la fin de la démarche, il faudra tenter de voir si, l’un dans l’autre, le jeu en vaut la chandelle. »
Creator(s): Hamel, Pierre J. | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Vital Signs 2007

"Vital Signs is an annual check-up conducted by community foundations across Canada that measures the vitality of our communities, identifies significant trends, and assigns grades in at least ten areas critical to quality of life."
Creator(s): Community Foundations of Canada | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation and Indicators

"This report introduces a definition of cultural vitality that includes the range of cultural activity people around the country find significant. We use this definition as a lens to clarify our understanding of data necessary, as well as the more limited data currently available, to document arts and culture in communities in a consistent, recurrent and reliable manner."
Creator(s): Urban Institute | Date Published: 2006-12-15

Studies & Reports

Pour que le cœur culturel de Montréal continue de battre (available in French only)

« La construction du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) dans l’arrondissement de Ville-Marie et le développement urbain qui en résultera interpellent au plus haut point Culture Montréal. »
Creator(s): Culture Montréal | Date Published: 2006-12-11

Studies & Reports

Honourable Mike Harcourt: From Restless Communities to Resilient Places Results – October 26, 2006

"Key Messages / What We Heard."
Creator(s): Collaborative Community Speaker Series | Date Published: 2006-10-26

Studies & Reports

Report: First Meeting of the Working Group on Culture, Barcelona, October 23-24, 2006

"Agenda 21 for Culture is the first document with a worldwide mission to establish the groundwork for cities and local governments to undertake cultural development. United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) is the largest association of local governments in the world."
Creator(s): United Cities Local Governments | Date Published: 2006-10

Studies & Reports

Arts and Culture in Regeneration

"This report summarises the outcome of IFACCA’s 25th D’Art question, which was a collaboration between IFACCA and Arts Research Digest (www.arts-researchdigest.) to produce an international literature review on arts and culture in regeneration to serve as background to the third World Summit on Arts asnd Culture, held in NewcatleGateshead, England, in June 2006 ("
Creator(s): The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) | Date Published: 2006-08

Studies & Reports

The External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities (EACCC)

"The External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities (EACCC) was created in February 2004 to help rethink the way Canada and its communities are shaped to ensure Canada will be a world leader in developing vibrant, creative, inclusive, prosperous and sustainable communities."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2006-06-15

Studies & Reports

Large Cities Under Stress: Challenges and Opportunities

A report prepared for the External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities.
Creator(s): Enid Slack, University of Toronto, Larry S. Bourne, University of Toronto, and Heath Priston | Date Published: 2006-03-03

Studies & Reports

Proposition de politique de developpement culturel pour la Ville de Montréal (available in French only)

«La culture est déjà au cœur de l’identité, de l’histoire et de la cohésion sociale de Montréal. Par cette politique, Montréal affirme aussi que la culture est un moteur essentiel de son développement, de son dynamisme économique et de sa prospérité future.»
Creator(s): Ville de Montréal | Date Published: 2005-08-30

Studies & Reports

Struggling with the Creative Class

Forthcoming International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Creator(s): Jamie Peck, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin - Madison | Date Published: 2005-06-19

Studies & Reports

The Partnership Problem

"The Wallace Foundation's Community Partnerships for Cultural Participation (CPCP) initiative was intended to encourage community foundations to expand audience-building programs and provide direct support for local cultural organizations and artists."
Creator(s): Francie Ostrower | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Creative Cities: What Are They For, How Do They Work, and How Do We Build Them?

"With the flurry of recent attention and excitement around creativity and cities, it is worth reflecting on a simple question at the outset: what are creative cities for? In other words, why should we be interested in promoting the development of creative cities, and what societal benefits or objectives should we strive for when doing so?"
Creator(s): Meric S. Gertler, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2004-08-13

Studies & Reports

State of the World's Cities 2004/5: Globalization and Urban Culture

"This issue of The State of the World’s Cities report examines the cultural impact of globalization on cities – on how they are governed and planned, on the make-up and density of their population, and on their cultures and economies."
Creator(s): UN-HABITAT | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Arts and Cultural Projects in Rural and Remote Canada: A Review of Canada Council Support

"Since 1995, the Council has adopted a series of new priorities, with a greater emphasis on assisting artists and creators in under-served communities, Aboriginal communities and youth. These efforts will continue, and the Council looks forward to providing even more resources and assistance to artists and creators in rural and remote communities in the future."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2001-12

Studies & Reports

Strengthening Communities Through Culture

"This report discusses crucial ways in which America’s communities can be identified with, and supported and enhanced by, their art and culture.2 Art and culture are intrinsic to nations and to communities within nations."
Creator(s): Elizabeth Strom | Date Published: 2001-09

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Mapping Quality of Life and the Culture of Small Cities

"The Thompson Rivers University-based research program focuses on mapping quality of life and the culture of Canada's small cities, with a specific emphasis on Kamloops, Nanaimo, Prince George, Port Moody, and the cities of the Comox Valley."
Lead Managing Organization: Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) | Start Date: 2006

Projects & Programs

The Metropolis Project

"An international forum for research and policy on migration, diversity and changing cities"
Lead Managing Organization: Metropolis Project Team at Citizenship and Immigration Canada | Start Date: 1996

Guides & Case Studies

Guides & Case Studies

Cultural Mapping Toolkit

"The Cultural Mapping Toolkit has been designed to take you through the entire mapping process, from creating an inventory to drawing up and presenting your map."
Creator(s): Creative City Network | Date Published: 2007-02-23



Portrait of the Canadian Population in 2006, 2006 Census

"This Internet report presents the highlights of the population and dwelling counts release from the 2006 Census of Population. Numerous coloured maps, figures and tables illustrate the latest trends and geographic patterns observed in the population data."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-03-13


Ten things to know about Canadian metropolitan areas: A synthesis of Statistics Canada's "Trends and conditions in census metropolitan areas" series

"The "Trends and Conditions in Census Metropolitan Areas" series of reports provides key background information on Canadian census metropolitan areas (CMAs) for the period 1981 to 2001."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-09-21


Why Invest in Culture? Culture Builds Community, Statistics at a Glance

"Statistics at a glance."
Creator(s): SaskCulture | Date Published: 2003-09


2001 Community Profiles

"These profiles contain free information for all Canadian communities (cities, towns, villages, Indian reserves and Indian settlements, etc.), for counties or their equivalents and for metropolitan areas, as well as data for 2003 health regions."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2001


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Another Fine Balance: Managing Diversity in Canadian Cities

"The Institute for Research on Public Policy has just pre-released a chapter from a forthcoming book entitled Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada."
Creator(s): Katherine A.H. Graham and Susan D. Phillips | Date Published: 2006-11-30

Studies & Reports

City Indicators: Now to Nanjing

"The last 200 years of civilization are largely defined by our disparate visions of cities."
Creator(s): World Bank | Date Published: 2006-06

Studies & Reports

Intermunicipal Comparative Framework: Phase One Pilot Report

"The long-term goal of the Framework Project is to have an accessible source of baseline information about municipal planning, policy, programming, and support in municipalities across Canada. Phase One is about designing the structure – the framework – for storing and retrieving this multifaceted body of information. This report summarizes, in tables and commentary, what we learned about municipal involvement in arts, heritage, and culture in 30 municipalities across Canada through a survey initially distributed in 2003."
Creator(s): Creative City Network | Date Published: 2006-03-22

General Reference

Growing Up in Cities

"Most Canadians live in cities, and many of these citizens are children and young people, but few of our cities are child-youth friendly. Growing Up in Cities Canada (GUICC) is a program about increasing child and youth involvement in cities."
Creator(s): Growing Up in Cities | Date Published: 2005-12-14


Artists in Canada’s Provinces, Territories and Metropolitan Areas

"An examination of artists in Canada's provinces, territories and metropolitan areas, based on the 2001 census. This follows the September release of our national study of artists."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2004-10


Curriculum Services Canada

"CSC is a not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to consistently high standards for learning resources."


Centre for Creative Communities

"Established in 1978, the Centre for Creative Communities is an independent charity with extensive national and international experience."


International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)

"The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) is a major international association promoting research and education in the fields of philanthropy, civil society and the nonprofit sector."


The Ontario Trillium Foundation

"The Ontario Trillium Foundation is a catalyst that enables Ontarians to work together to enhance the quality of life in their communities. We believe that communities across Ontario are rich in talent, creativity and drive, and our grants stimulate communities to build on these assets."

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Creative City News

Creative City News
Creator(s): Creative City Network


Creative Cities
June 2004

Featured from June to August 2004




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