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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
Sustaining Butterflies: Methodology and Approach
From Cocoon to Flight: Transformations and Challenges
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The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
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Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
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February 2006
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La Francophonie
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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Projects & Initiatives

A list of Culturescope Groups. Please contact a group leader if you are interested in contributing.
(CAREC) Conseil Canada pour le rapprochement entre l'économie et la culture

(CQA)Conseil Québécois des arts

Aboriginal Cultures and Tourism eForum

Aboriginal Working Group Online

Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Collection Committee (AFA)
Finance Committee (AFA)
Grants Committee (AFA)

ArtStarts in Schools

Canadian Conference of the Arts

Canadian Cultural Observatory Advisory Council

Canadian Forum on Arts and Health

Canadian Heritage Culture and Technology Roundtable

Controlled Vocabularies (Library and Archives Canada)

Cultural Affairs Sector Table on New Technologies (TNT)

Cultural Human Resources Council: Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee

Cultural Policy and Cultural Public Administration in Provincial and Territorial Governments in Canada Advisory Committee

Culture.mondo Editorial Working Group (Member Profiles)

DFAIT International Trade Regional Symposia 2007-08

Diversité - Francophonie

Edmonton Cultural Capital Project

FPT Arts Culture and Heritage eForum

FPT Working Group on Multiculturalism

FPT Culture/Heritage and Tourism eForum (FPTTI eForum)

Historic Places Initiative(HPI)
HPI (Test Site)
HPI Management Committee

Interdepartmental Working Group on Cultural Content on International Websites of the Government of Canada


Metropolis: Cities and Citzenship

OC Middle Managers (Orchestras Canada)

Schema Magazine

Sport Canada Research Initiative

The 411 Initiative For Change

Tourism Economic Impact Assessment Guidelines

Users as Creators: les internautes et la création culturelle au Canada

World Cultures Yearbook

Youth Engagement Through Culture (Youth ETC) Subcommittee of the Intergovernmental Roundtable of Arts Funders and Foundations (IRAFF)

(CAREC)Conseil Canada pour le rapprochement entre l'économie et la culture

Les résultats visés: [ Comité aviseur, consultation des membres, analyses et études , action culturelle et recommandations sur les politiques culturelles et impacts économiques, le financement des arts et du patrimoine artistique, et sur la diversité culturelle de la francophonie canadienne . ]

Contact: Nicole Duchemin

(CQA)Conseil Québécois des arts

Les résultats visés : [ Comité aviseur, consultation des membres , analyses et études , action culturelle et recommandations sur les politiques culturelles. ]

Contact: Nicole Duchemin

Aboriginal Cultures and Tourism eForum

A Federal working group involving Aboriginal Affairs Branch (Department of Canadian Heritage), Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) and Industry Canada (IC)

Contact: Ria Ferro

Aboriginal Working Group Online

The AWG was founded in Canadian Heritage with the mandate to provide Canadian Heritage and Parks Canada managers with advice, strategies and recommendations on how to increase the recruitment, promotion and retention of Aboriginal Peoples; provide a support group to meet and share work-related experiences and provide mentors as needed; and to increase awareness of Aboriginal culture.

Contact: Roberto Quesnel

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) is a crown agency of the Government of Alberta formed in 1991. Each year, $27.3M from lottery revenues is distributed by the AFA to individual artists and arts organizations in the arts, and cultural industries. The mission of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts is to assist all Albertans to fully participate in the cultural life of the province. The AFA is Alberta’s premier supporter and promoter of the arts; in addition to managing a provincial art collection, the AFA provides financial support and consultation services to Alberta’s arts community. A beneficiary of the Alberta Lottery Fund, the AFA reports to the Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture.

Contact: Jeffrey Anderson

ArtStarts in Schools

ArtStarts in Schools is a leader in developing sustainable partnerships between artists, schools and communities to promote arts and culture and enhance young people's education. We provide innovative programs for young people, practical resources for teachers and artists and leadership in advocacy for arts in education. In 2006, ArtStarts in Schools will open Canada's first art gallery for children's art and British Columbia's first arts-in-education resource centre, providing new opportunities throughout BC. Various committees will guide us through this transition and help us to establish policies and practices for the future. We intend to use Culturescope as a platform to share ideas and build community amongst our advisors.

Contact: Kim Lear

Canadian Conference of the Arts

The Canadian Conference of the Arts, or CCA, is a national non-profit arts service organization founded in 1945 and based in Ottawa. As an advocacy group, the CCA represents approximately 250,000 artists and cultural workers and among its organizational membership are some 350 arts organizations from every discipline and cultural industry. Since November 2003, CCA has invited its members to join our online working group to discuss issues of concern to the sector as a whole. These topics include, but are not limited to: maintaining foreign ownership restrictions in Canada's cultural industries; advocacy and government relations advice for arts service organizations; federal arts and culture funding; and issues related to Status of the Artist legislation.

Contact: Guillaume Sirois

Canadian Cultural Observatory Advisory Council

The mandate of the Advisory Council is to offer advice in order to guide the Canadian Cultural Observatory in achieving its strategic objectives.

Contact: Vladimir Skok

Canadian Forum on Arts & Health

The Canadian Forum on Arts & Health on-line is an outgrowth of the Canadian Forum on Arts and Health, held in Vancouver in March of 2005. This invitational national forum was hosted by the British Columbia Arts Council, with support from Health Canada (BC / Yukon Region) and the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Continuing Studies. Participants in the 2005 Forum asked for a regular way to stay in touch with each other and to reach out to others in the many diverse fields involved in arts in health. This web group is a response to that request and is intended as a multi-disciplinary vehicle to help people involved in any aspect of arts in health in Canada to connect with others; to explore and debate the most appropriate ways to advance arts in health in Canada; to share experience and research; to locate publications and resources relevant to their interests; and to find working partnerships.

Contact: Nancy Cooley

Canadian Heritage Culture & Technology Roundtable

This Round Table supports the first phase of the work of the Culture and Technology Task Force of Canadian Heritage: to gain a better understanding of the impact of digital technologies on Canadian society, a society that is facing considerable demographic change. The goal of this session is to gain a clear, evidence-based assessment of the "new normal" and other patterns or trends on the horizon that influence the way that Canada continues to achieve its cultural policy objectives.

Contact: Joe Rancourt

Controlled Vocabularies (Libraries and Archives Canada)

The Government of Canada Controlled Vocabularies Committee is a federal advisory committee on controlled vocabulary policies, standards, and practices and their implementation and use within the Government of Canada.

Contact: Jessica Ouvrard

Cultural Affairs Sector Table on New Technologies (TNT)

Setting up the TNT is a crucial step to enable the Cultural Affairs Sector to deal strategically and consistently with the new realities outlined above. This forum for discussion and sharing will serve as a means of transmitting strategic information among the Sector’s branches on issues related to new technologies that affect creation and Canadians’ cultural consumption. The end objective of the TNT is to promote a sectoral approach to the future creation and use of Canadian content in the digital era and to facilitate positive action on the development of our strategic directions, policies, programs and research agendas.

Contact: Jocelyn Girard

Cultural Human Resources Council: Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee

The goal of this advisory committee is for provincial and territorial representatives to discuss human resources in the cultural sector. They are looking to share information and work on documents so that each is aware of what is going on in other regions with respect to cultural HR.

Contact: Megan Guy

Cultural Policy and Cultural Public Administration in Provincial and Territorial Governments in Canada

Contact: David Letellier
Email: Advisory Committee

The Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) will act as a consultation group to, Canada’s Cultural Gateway. The purpose of the EAC is to provide with advice and/or make recommendations on various questions and issues related to content management, site design and navigation, editorial policies, and publication standards.

Contact: Guy-Marc Dumais


This area serves as the on-line workspace for an international steering committee, which has come together to develop a survey of international cultural portals to stimulate knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices. Following the survey report, a round table will be held to bring together a network of cultural portals around the world.

Contact: Vladimir Skok
Email: Editorial Working Group

Member Profiles

The Editorial Working Group (EWG) provides editorial advice related to the publication of The EWG, consisting of diverse representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors in the arts and culture sector is the primary mechanism in accomplishing this task.

Contact: Joelle Mader

Diversité - Francophonie

The purpose of this group is to discuss “otherness” in Canadian Francophonie, and more specifically, the future of cultures within Canada’s French-speaking communities. This future is related to the presence of aboriginal cultures on the Canadian landscape, the contribution made by French-speaking immigrant cultures, and the diversity of the original communities.

This forum will focus on three themes. Dialogue will take over where discussions left off at the Diversité et Francophonie conference held in Vancouver on November 25, 26 and 27, 2005. Discussions are available and a conference report will be published shortly. Ideas will continue to be exchanged within this discussion forum, and you are invited to take part.

Contact: France Trepanier

DFAIT International Trade Regional Symposia 2007-08

The Trade Commissioner Service Renewal Division, within the international commerce component of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, focuses on renewal and continuous improvement.

Contact: Charlene Sullivan

Edmonton Cultural Capital Project

Edmonton wants to deliver the best ever Cultural Capitals of Canada Program by engaging people in every corner of our city. We want everyone to know, everywhere, that Edmonton is the Cultural Capital of Canada. As a result of a successful Cultural Capital year we also want to leave an enduring and positive legacy for the people of Edmonton.

In Edmonton arts, culture and heritage play a vital and ever expanding role in supporting and sustaining our community — a community shaped by bold determination, a make up your mind and go for it mentality, and a love for people, arts, culture, heritage and community.

Contact: Leon Boychuk-Hunter

FPT Arts Culture and Heritage eForum

An online working group for Federal, Provincial and Territorial Directors responsible for Culture and Heritage

Contact: Corrado Puddu

FPT Working Group on Multiculturalism

An online working group for Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Directors responsible for Multiculturalism.

Contact: Corrado Puddu

FPT Culture/Heritage and Tourism eForum (FPTTI eForum)

The purpose of this online working group will be for the FPTTI Coordination Office, the FPTTI Management Committee, the newly appointed jurisdictional champions and other partners such as Industry Canada, Parks Canada and Canadian Tourism Commission:

- to build a collaborative relationship between culture/heritage and tourism in all parts of Canada
- to share information on their respective roles and responsibilities, policy frameworks, and recent achievements
-to provide tools to help them play their role in creating the engagement of the two sectors ie. culture/heritage and tourism within their respective jurisdiction

Contact: Ria Ferro

Historic Places Initiative (HPI)

The Historic Places Initiative (HPI) Culturescope Group is a forum for the HPI community, composed of federal-provincial-territorial governments, to share, find and access relevant information in a timely manner and also through discussion forums encourage the exchange on issues or topics of importance to the greater HPI community.

The Culturescope extranet promotes exchanges amongst the HPI community members by providing easy access to HPI reports, meetings, events, news and discussion forums. HPI members can now access information on the Initiative anywhere at anytime.

Contact: Stephanie Phanuef

Interdepartmental Working Group on Cultural Content on International Websites of the Government of Canada

Contact: Boris Stipernitz


ISSEC is a partnership of Canadian Heritage, the University of Ottawa, and the Canadian Cultural Research Network. Its purpose is to begin to build a solid conceptual framework around the social effects of culture to undergird a long term research program leading eventually to the collection of indicators for measuring the social effects of culture.

Contact: Donna Cardinal

OC Middle Managers (Orchestras Canada)

Contact: Katherine Carleton

Metropolis: Cities and Citzenship

Immigration creates opportunities and challenges at both national and municipal levels as new citizens seek to strengthen their connections within and among their communities through cultural and civic participation. This workshop examines the current international and domestic research environment for the social impacts of culture. It considers the potential value and application of social and cultural indicators as tools for developing policy responses to emerging issues and priorities of cultural and shared citizenship in urban communities. Cultural citizenship is an emerging concept that examines the formative role of culture in constructing and understanding citizenship practices such as identity formation and the altruistic behaviours that contribute to a collective’s ability to “live together”. Canada’s model of shared citizenship brings Canadians together through shared ideals and reciprocal rights and responsibilities regardless of ethnicity, cultural traditions or historical experiences while encouraging integration and participation in Canadian society. Highlighted in the workshop are two case studies from domestic and international fora that offer examples of ‘best practices’ of marginalized ethnocultural communities in addressing issues of arts and cultural participation and inclusion.

The workshop is also facilitated by the participation of the Canadian Cultural Observatory. The Observatory aims to inform and advance cultural development in Canada by encouraging and facilitating collaborative exchanges among cultural policy researchers, planners, managers and decision makers. To this end, the Observatory is making its on-line tool, available to encourage pre- and post-conference dialogue among policy makers, cultural practitioners and researchers on the issues to be discussed at the workshop. To access the on-line group, click on either of the following links. It will take you to the website. Enter the appropriate username and password noted below (note that the login information is case-sensitive).

Username: cities
Password: indicators

Contact: Marilyn Smith

Schema Magazine

Contact: Ivy So

Sport Canada Research Initiative

In 2005, as part of the Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI), Sport Canada launched joint initiatives with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR). Sport Canada is funding these initiatives to better evidence the benefits of, and barriers to, quality sport participation with the aim of improving Canadian sport policy outcomes.

An important component of the SCRI council-based research program is the annual research conference, where policy makers can gather together with all the current SSHRC and CIHR funded sport researchers to share their knowledge and expertise in view of maximizing the practical applications of sport participation research. Some specific objectives of the conference include: strengthening the link between sport research and the development of sport
participation policy in Canada; initiating an effective dialogue between Canadian sport researchers and sport policy makers; encouraging graduate students to contribute to and remain in the field of sport policy; and improving the SCRI council-based research program.

Contact: Sylvain Poitras

Tourism Economic Impact Assessment Guidelines

These guidelines are designed to enable organizers of small and medium sized fairs, festivals and events across North America to produce more credible and consistent inputs for estimating their tourism economic impact . A new level of consistency and professionalism will be brought to this important measurement task as event organizers adopt the guidelines as minimum standards.

Contact: Susan Grainger

Users as Creators : les internautes et la création culturelle au Canada

This study explores social networks as drivers behind Web 2.0 and their impact on the growth of user-generated content. Canadians are creating and distributing content over the Internet as podcasts, videos and blogs. Such grassroots-based content creation suggests new opportunities for stimulating cultural expression but also raises questions about equitable participation by diverse communities (Francophones, Aboriginal people and ethno-cultural groups). The study will analyze the impact of social networks and UGC for CCO’s strategies and identify possibilities for leveraging this new phenomenon.

Contact: Carsten Quell

World Cultures Yearbook

Contact: Sharon Jeannotte

Youth Engagement Through Culture (Youth ETC) Subcommittee of the Intergovernmental Roundtable of Arts Funders and Foundations (IRAFF)

The purpose of this subcommittee is to provide a forum for Toronto area arts funders to seek advice and collaboration on projects which use arts initiatives to foster social change. This website has been created to support the work of the subcommittee and to provide an interactive, virtual forum for members to share information such as research reports, projects funded and currently in development and programming opportunities of the various members.

Contact: Laura Metcalfe

The 411 Initiative For Change

The 411 Initiative For Change works on development projects aiming for long-term social impacts through bridging the arts, culture and heritage to social development. Using music and musicians in the mass media, The 411 Initiative For Change provides civic education and raises awareness on contemporary social issues – sensitizing the public, generating interest and encouraging action to improve social cohesion. The majority of projects are geared towards engaging children and youth audiences and address issues including: citizenship and identity, self-esteem, entrepreneurship, anti-violence, diversity appreciation, multiculturalism, human rights and other thematic critical issues.

Contact: Anita Wong
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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
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