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February 2008
In Focus - Cultural Policy 101: European Perspective
Focus on Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Cultural Policy 101 Series
Arts and Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 1 & 2
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 3
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 4
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 5
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: On the Horizon
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Conclusions
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: All Resources
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Canadian Cultural Policy 101
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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All(69)Studies & Reports(44)
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General Reference(12) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.


Topic Accounting for Culture: Examining the Building Blocks of Cultural Citizenship (Audio Files)

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Culture and Local Gouvernance

"Published by Laurentian University’s Centre for Local Government, Culture and Local Governance/Culture et gouvernance locale is a peer-reviewed online journal. CLG offers a space for dialogue across disciplinary boundaries, between established and emerging scholars, and between academics and practitioners."
Creator(s): Laurentian University’s Centre for Local Government | Date Published: 2008


Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy

"Journal for the culural policy development in the Nordic countries and for stimulation of a vast range of international cultural policy issues"
Creator(s): Centre for Cultural Policy Research, University College of Boras | Date Published: 2005


The Handing Down of Culture, Smaller Societies and Globalization

"The Handing Down of Culture, Smaller Societies and Globalization is the English translation of a collection of papers presented at a colloquium of the same name at Laval University in 2001, in honour of Quebec scholar Fernand Dumont, founder of the Institut québecois de recherche sur culture, now called INRS-Urbanisation, Culture et Société."
Creator(s): Jean-Paul Baillargeon, Editor | Date Published: 2005


Culture Machine

"Culture Machine is a series of new experiments in culture and theory. Culture Machine is currently taking the form of an international electronic journal."
Creator(s): Dave Boothroyd and Gary Hall (Executive Editors) | Date Published: 2005


The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society

"How will technology change the arts world? Who owns what in the information age? How will museums survive in the future? The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society has supplied answers to these kinds of questions for over twenty-five years."
Creator(s): Heldref Publications | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour

"The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has released the report “From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour”. The document is a comprehensive examination of the concept of the creative economy and more particularly of how the current labour policy framework should adapt to the realities creative professionals."
Creator(s): Mirjam Gollmitzer & Dr. Catherine Murray | Date Published: 2008-03-14

Studies & Reports

The Spirit of Alberta: Alberta's Cultural Policy

"Culture connects us to our communities, our province, and to the world. Our culture reflects who we are: what we value and consider beautiful, how we spend our leisure time, how we think about and treat each other, where we come from, and where we are going."
Creator(s): Government of Alberta | Date Published: 2008-01-25

Studies & Reports

The Economics of Public Support for the Arts

"'The Economics of Public Support for the Arts', the 22nd publication in SIPP’s Briefing Note series, brings an analytical approach to the discussion about whether, and to what extent, there should be public support for artists and the art they produce."
Creator(s): Jim Marshall | Date Published: 2007-12

Studies & Reports

Arts and Artists in Europe: New Challenges

"This short paper provides a sketch of some of the main issues for arts policy makers in Europe. The intention was not to address each of them in detail but to present them as points for discussion during the IFACCA meeting."
Creator(s): Cliche, Danielle & Andreas Wiesand, ERICarts Institute | Date Published: 2007-11-22

Studies & Reports

World Publics Welcome Global Trade -- But Not Immigration

"The publics of the world broadly embrace key tenets of economic globalization but fear the disruptions and downsides of participating in the global economy."
Creator(s): Pew Research Center, Pew Global Attitudes Project | Date Published: 2007-10-04

Studies & Reports

SIPP Policy Dialogue Fall 2007

"Policy Dialogue, Fall 2007, includes articles on the Environment and Green House Gas Emissions, Reasonable Accommodation, the American View of Canadian Health Care, the Convention to Strengthen Diversity and more."
Creator(s): Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy | Date Published: 2007-10

Studies & Reports

Les chiens de faïence : politique culturelle, métropoles et diversité en Europe (available in French only)

« La comparaison de la réception nationale appelle une précision d’emploi quant au contenu de cette notion et à la pluralité des dimensions auxquelles elle renvoie. »
Creator(s): Emmanuel Négrier, chercheur CNRS au Centre d'études politiques de l'Europe latine (CEPEL) | Date Published: 2007-05

Studies & Reports

Global Trend in Think Tanks and Policy Advice

« The growth of public policy research organizations, or think tanks, over the last few decades has been nothing less than explosive. Not only have these organizations increased in number, but the scope and impact of their work has expanded dramatically. »
Creator(s): James G. McGann, Ph.D. Director Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (Philadelphia, PA) | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Capitalizing on Culture: How can public policy support art and culture for the public good?

"Remarks in this Briefing Note were presented as part of a public forum in Saskatoon, SK, on September 14, 2006."
Creator(s): by Jeremy Morgan, Greg Baeker, Peter Stoicheff, Peter MacKinnon, Randy Burton and Brenda Baker | Date Published: 2006-12-20

Studies & Reports

Creative Newfoundland and Labrador: The Blueprint for Development and Investment in Culture

"A strategic cultural plan is central to our Government’s vision of a more prosperous and self-sufficient Newfoundland and Labrador. Building upon our successes to date, we are dedicated to moving forward in a visible and powerful way, with far-reaching economic development initiatives and cultural policy strategies."
Creator(s): Government of Newfoundland and Labrador | Date Published: 2006-03-28

Studies & Reports

Cultural Value and the Crisis of Legitimacy

"Why culture needs a democratic mandate."
Creator(s): John Holden, Demos | Date Published: 2006-03

Studies & Reports

Enquête sur les pratiques culturelles des grenoblois : volet quantitatif (available in French only)

« La synthèse du volet quantitatif de l'étude sur les pratiques culturelles et artistiques des Grenoblois, pilotée par l'Observatoire des politiques culturelles à la demande de la Ville de Grenoble et réalisée sous la direction scientifique de Jean-Paul Bozonnet (maître de conférence en sociologie, Institut d'études politiques de Grenoble), vient de paraître. »
Creator(s): L'Observatoire des politiques culturelles | Date Published: 2006-03

Studies & Reports

2005 Arts & Cultural Policy Research Directory

"The Center for Arts and Culture at George Mason University, CPANDA, and the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Princeton are pleased to release the 2005 Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory."
Creator(s): Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

November 2005 Report of the Auditor General - Support to Cultural Industries

"Canadian Heritage needs to sharpen its approach to supporting cultural industries."
Creator(s): Office of the Auditor General of Canada | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Making Exact Change: How U.S. arts-based programs have made a signficant and sustained impact on their communities@

"In the fall of 2004, API approached the Center for the Study of Art & Community (CSA&C;) for assistance with the proposed research. This study was undertaken to help the growing but largely disconnected community arts field learn from its most venerable and successful colleagues. Its focus is exemplary arts-based programs that have had a significant and sustained positive impact on their communities. For the purposes of this inquiry “significant and sustained positive impact” is defined as change leading to the long-term advancement of human dignity, health and/or productivity. “Long-term” in this context is defined as a minimum of ten years."
Creator(s): Community Arts Network | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Losing Canadian Culture: The Danger of Foreign Ownership of Telecom

"This paper considers the danger posed to Candian culture by foreign ownership of the telecommunications industry. These two services, culture and telecom, are being handled very differently in the international negotiations taking place through the World Trade Organization (WTO)."
Creator(s): Julie White, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) | Date Published: 2005-10-31

Studies & Reports

Funding opportunities for international cultural cooperation in and with South East Europe

"With the aim of providing an overview of those stakeholders that support cultural cooperation in the region, the ECF commissioned the ECUMEST Association – an independent NGO based in Bucharest, specialising in cultural policy research, training and advocacy – to produce this survey."
Creator(s): European Cultural Foundation (ECF) | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

Budget 2006 du ministère de la culture et de la communication (available in French only)

« Budget 2006 - ministère de la culture et de la communication. »
Creator(s): Département de l’information et de la communication | Date Published: 2005-09-28

Studies & Reports

Review of Culture in Scotland - Final Report of the Cultural Commission June 2005

"The Cultural Commission's report outlines what we believe needs to be done to achieve this ambition. The challenge demands new structures, increased investment, better use of current resources and, fundamentally, new thinking. If we succeed, we will change the face of our nation."
Creator(s): Scottish Executive Publications | Date Published: 2005-09-14

Studies & Reports

Commercialisation of Research Activities in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Australia

"This report describes the commercial activities and examines the impediments and incentives facing humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS) researchers and educators at the tertiary level in Australia."
Creator(s): Toss Gascoigne & Jenni Metcalfe, Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

Pourvoir la culture ensemble (available in French only)

« Pour soutenir le développement des arts et de la culture au Québec au cours des prochaines années, il faudra diversifier ses sources de financement et y accroître les investissements. Le présent rapport présente des propositions en ce sens. »
Creator(s): Comité d’orientation sur l’investissement dans la culture | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

Ministry of Culture - Annual Report 2004-2005

"The mandate of the Ministry of is to preserve and promote all forms of art and culture. To this end, the Ministry of Culture undertakes activities that follow from the subjects allocated under the Government of India’s Allocation of Business Rules 1961."
Creator(s): Ministry of Culture, Government of India | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Capturing Cultural Value: How culture has become a tool of government policy

"In June 2003 Demos organised a conference called ‘Valuing Culture’. The event started a debate about the degree to which cultural organisations should be obliged to use instrumental arguments to justify their public funding."
Creator(s): John Holden - Demos | Date Published: 2004-12

Studies & Reports

Europe as a Cultural Project

"The publication presents the final report of the ECF's Reflection group on issues, related to cultural policy and European enlargement process."
Creator(s): European Cultural Foundation (Reflection Group) | Date Published: 2004-12

Studies & Reports

Speaking Points

"The Honourable Liza Frulla, P.C., M.P. Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister Responsible for Status of Women - Committee of the Whole."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-11-16

Studies & Reports

Regional Strategies. On Spatial Aspects of European Cultural Policy

"The process of globalization marks a change in the dynamics of political, economic and social correlations at all territorial levels. The change in the function of nation states and, in parallel with it, the increasing importance of regional levels is one of the most striking developments in this context."
Creator(s): Raimund Minichbauer, eipcp | Date Published: 2004-10-31

Studies & Reports

How the United States Fund the Arts

"Publication on the diverse system of US model of fundig the arts."
Creator(s): National Endowment of Arts | Date Published: 2004-10

Studies & Reports

Consultation Paper by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO: Canada Prepares for the World Summit

"To assist in preparing Canada’s position for the 2006 World Conference, the Commission is holding a series of regional consultations with specialists in the field of arts and learning."
Creator(s): Canadian Commission for UNESCO | Date Published: 2004-09

Studies & Reports

A Literature Review of the Evidence Base for Culture, the Arts and Sport Policy

"This review of the social and economic impacts of culture, the arts and sport provides an overview and compendium of robust research evidence, both national and internation, in these fields."
Creator(s): Janet Ruiz, Social Research, Research and Economic Unit, Scottish Executive Education Department | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Cultural Vitality conference papers and resources

"The papers from the Beyond Cultural Policy symposium have been published in two formats. A selection of papers has been published in the Cultural Vitality supplement to the Autumn 2004 edition of the journal Overland. Remaining papers are available on this site"
Creator(s): Donald Horne, Jon Hawkes, John Montgomery, Barbara Norman, Peter Browning, Dr. Chris Dew, Dr. Lisanne Gibson, Dr. Michael Kennedy, Jenny Macaffer, Dr. Chris AcAuliffe, June Moorhouse, et al. | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy and Trends in Ukraine

"The research focuses on the general directions of cultural policy in Ukraine, agents and instruments of cultural policy (administration, financing, legislation), cultural developments and international cultural cooperation issues."
Creator(s): Olexandr Butsenko | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

U.S Cultural Policy - Its Politics of Participation, Its Creative Potential

"In this paper I suggest a reframing of the discourse around American cultural policy. Embracing Evan Alderson’s definition of cultural policy as a “system of arrangements,” I aim to shed light on who is participating in the discourse."
Creator(s): Roberto Bedoya - National Performance Network | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

More than the sum - Cultural Policy Letter 2004-2007

"The two main objectives of the 2004-2007 culture policy are to enhance the cultural factor in society and to assign the government in a less conspicuous role."
Creator(s): Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science | Date Published: 2003-11-03

Studies & Reports

Overview of SRA Research Activities 2002-2003

"Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate (SRA) has developed a number of research programs which explore the major policy issues that face the department over the next decade."
Creator(s): Bruce Jamieson | Date Published: 2003-05-30

Studies & Reports

Dutch Cultural System and Funding - Facts and Figures 2003

"Funding is governed by the Cultural Policy Special-Purpose Funding Act (WSC), the Cultural Projects Funding Decree (BBCU), the Cultural Projects Subsidies and Grants Regulations, the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act, the Archives Act, and the Media Act."
Creator(s): Dutch Ministry of Education Culture and Science | Date Published: 2003

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policy Executive Summary

"The importance of new technologies for all of Canadians’ activities in the fields of information, education, recreation, entertainment and work no longer needs to be demonstrated."
Creator(s): Pierre C. Bélanger, Ph.D. | Date Published: 2007-08

Studies & Reports

Response to the On-line Discussion on the Promotion of Canadian Culture and Knowledge Abroad, June 29, 2005

"Over the last few weeks policy planners at Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) have reviewed comments submitted by Canadians during the recent eDiscussion on Showcasing Canadian Culture and Know-how Abroad."
Creator(s): Foreign Affairs Canada | Date Published: 2005-06-29

Studies & Reports

Helsinki Agenda - Strategy document on international development of new media culture policy

"The Helsinki Agenda recognizes Finland’s pioneering role in media culture and arts, and in creating open access tools and accessible mobile communication technologies (software, technology and interfaces between information technology and culture)."
Creator(s): IFACCA and the Arts Council of Finland | Date Published: 2004-08-24

Studies & Reports

Performing Arts Venues Study - Managing Our Performance Spaces

"Out of concern to better serve the community and to adequately and harmoniously develop the performing arts sector in the country, the Canada Council for the Arts has wanted for some time to acquire the data needed to develop or revise its programs and policies."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2002-11

Projects & Programs

Visiting Arts: Cultural Profiles On-line

"Each Cultural Profile focuses on a particular country, providing a thorough analysis of its cultural policy, cultural infrastructure and cultural exchange practices, with an emphasis on developing future collaborations."
Lead Managing Organization: Visiting Arts Cultural Profiles Project | Start Date: 2003

General Reference

The Impact of New Technologies on Cultural Policies Annotated Bibliography

"At the Meeting of federal, provincial and territorial (FTP) Ministers responsible for Culture and Heritage held in Banff in September 2005, the Ministers agreed to create a task-force to study the impact of new technologies on cultural policies, such task-force to be spear-headed by the province of Québec."
Creator(s): Direction of media, audiovisual and multimedia affairs Ministry of Culture, Communications and Status of Women | Date Published: 2007-09

General Reference

The Canada Council for the Arts Links

"Hot links for those interested in arts policy, research, international trade and advocacy."
Creator(s): The Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2006-02-14

General Reference

Global Policy Forum

"Global Policy Forum monitors policy making at the United Nations, promotes accountability of global decisions, educates and mobilizes for global citizen participation, and advocates on vital issues of international peace and justice."
Creator(s): Global Policy Forum | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

European Cultural Foundation

"The European Cultural Foundation is an independent, non-governmental organization. It was founded to ‘promote cultural and educational activities and research of a multinational nature and European character."
Creator(s): European Cultural Foundation

General Reference


"Web site, focusing on politics, culture and related issues in a global world."
Creator(s): openDemocracy


Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)

"An association of grant-making foundations."



"ERICarts is a non-profit association which was founded in 1993 by a group of researchers, most of which were members of the CIRCLE network. Since its foundation, the ERICarts Secretariat has been located in Bonn, Germany."


National Commission for Culture and the Arts

"In 1987, then President Corazon C. Aquino penned Executive Order No. 118 creating the Presidential Commission on Culture and Arts. Five years later, in 1992, this presidential directive was enacted into law-- Republic Act 7356."


Arts & Culture Observatory

"Institute for the Management of Creative Enterprises."


Institute for Public Policy Research

"IPPR is the UK's leading progressive think tank."


Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa

"OCPA is an independent pan-African professional organization with a view to enhancing the development of national cultural policies through advocacy and the promotion of information exchange, research, capacity building and cooperation at the regional and international level. The Web site offers policy oriented information services for the development of cultural policies in Africa."


Policy Library

"Policy Library is a social, economic and foreign policy resource - updated daily with the latest jobs, research, and events. Policy Library members reach an audience of hundreds of thousands of policy makers, politicians, academics and students."


Policy Studies Institute

"PSI undertakes and publishes research studies relevant to social, economic and industrial policy."


Resources for Cultural Policy in Europe (RECAP)

"RECAP is an international and informal network of documentation centres in the field of cultural policy. The network aims to improve the quality of access to, and delivery of, cultural policy information. RECAP's activities are free of charge for anyone interested through study, work or personal interest."


Center for Arts & Culture

"The Center for Arts & Culture is an independent cultural policy think tank affiliated with George Mason University. Its mission is to inform and improve policy decisions that affect cultural life."


Cultural Policy Education Group

"The Cultural Policy Education Group (CPEG) is an initiative of the European Cultural Foundation which addresses universities, lecturers, students, scholars, and cultural operators dealing with cultural policy issues and professional education."


The Cultural Policy Institute

"The Cultural Policy Institute is an independent analytic, consulting, and project development agency that aims at modernising the cultural field in Russia."


The Curb Center For Art, Enterprise and Public Policy at Vanderbilt

"The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt is a university-based research center dedicated to designing a new road map for cultural policy in America."


Institute On Governance (IOG)

"The Institute On Governance (IOG) is a non-profit organization with charitable status founded in 1990 to promote effective governance."


New Brunswick Culture and Sport Secretariat

"The Mandate of the Arts Development Branch is to assist in the development of the Arts and Culture in New Brunswick."


Belize Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Information & Broadcasting

"The Ministry of Tourism, Information and Broadcasting is responsible for the management of the cultural resources of Belize."


Arts Board (New Brunswick)

"The New Brunswick Arts Board is an arm's length arts funding agency with a legislated mandate to facilitate and promote the creation of art, to facilitate the enjoyment, awareness, and understanding of the arts, to advise the government on arts policy, to unify and speak for the arts community, and to administer funding programs for professional artists."


Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Italy

"The new Ministry of Cultural Heritage, which took office in October 1998, joins different competences in the field of culture, entertainments, environmental protection and sport vigilance."


The Pew Charitable Trusts

"The Pew Charitable Trusts serves the public interest by providing information, policy solutions and support for civic life."


International Intelligence on Culture

"We aim to produce work which is thorough, impartial and precisely tailored to each client's particular needs; with an approach which is flexible, ethical, and culturally sensitive."


Observatoire des politiques culturelles (France)

« Outil d’observation permanente et de mise en débat des politiques culturelles, notamment territoriales, l’Observatoire des politiques culturelles (OPC) a été parrainé à sa création, en mars 1989 par le ministère de la Culture, l’Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble, l’IEP de Grenoble et le CERAT, centre de recherche local du CNRS. »


Secrétariat à la politique linguistique

« Sous l'autorité de la ministre responsable de la Charte de la langue française, le Secrétariat à la politique linguistique a un mandat de coordination, de concertation et de promotion à l'égard de la politique linguistique québécoise. »


Transitions Online: Culture

"Unique coverage of all of the region's 28 post-communist countries"
Creator(s): Transitions Online | Date Published: 2006

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Cultural Policy Listserv

Cultural Policy Listserv
Creator(s): Centre for Arts and Culture, and Americans for the Arts


Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006

Featured from September 2006 to December 2006. Canadian Cultural Policy 101: An Overview of the Federal Role in the Cultural Ecosystem


Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006

Featured from December 2006-January 2007




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