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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
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Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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All(87)Studies & Reports(47)
Statistics(19)Legislation & Regulations(2)
Project(s)(4)Guides & Case Studies(3)
Journal(s)(1)General Reference(11)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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Journal de la Francophonie (available in French only)

Journal de la Francophonie
Creator(s): Organisation internationale de la francophonie | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Laggards No More: The Changed Socioeconomic Status of Francophones in Quebec

"On the 30th anniversary of Bill 101, Quebec’s language law, the C.D. Howe Institute reports that the social and economic status of francophones in Quebec has increased substantially since the 1960s, whether measured by income, the economic benefits of language skills, or ownership of the Quebec economy."
Creator(s): C.D. Howe Institute, François Vaillancourt, Dominique Lemay and Luc Vaillancourt | Date Published: 2007-08-07

Studies & Reports

Connaissance des langues officielles par les nouveaux immigrants : à quel point est-ce important? (available in French only)

« La capacité pour les immigrants de pouvoir s’exprimer dans la ou les langues officielles de leur nouveau pays d’accueil peut avoir un impact notable sur le succès de leur intégration. En effet, la capacité à communiquer de façon verbale est une des composantes importantes du capital humain et représente sans contredit un atout économique et social majeur. »
Creator(s): Chantal Grondin (Statistique Canada) | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

A Sharper View: Evaluating the Vitality of Official Language Minority Communities - May 2006

"This study attempts to shed some light on how communities, researchers and governments conceive the "vitality" of Canada's official language minority communities."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

Final Plan for using and disseminating knowledge and raise public participation and awareness Report on inventories and multilingualism issues: Multilingualism and Thesaurus

"Language is one of the most significant barriers to access of websites and, because of this barrier, great parts of the European digital cultural heritage cannot be found on the Internet."
Creator(s): MINERVA Plus | Date Published: 2006-02-07

Studies & Reports

Measuring Linguistic Diversity on the Internet

"UNESCO is calling for new ways to monitor information societies which go beyond a techno-centric view to consider the social impact of the Internet"
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 200511

Studies & Reports

Rapport d’évaluation de la politique en faveur du français (available in French only)

« Alors bien entendre et parler, tout à son aise, "sa" langue, c’est pouvoir être soi-même, et donc être capable de s’intégrer dans une société. »
Creator(s): Hubert Astier, Inspecteur général de l’administration des affaires culturelles | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Activités de FUNREDES pour la promotion de la diversité linguistique dans l'internet et enseignement de l'expérience (available in French only)

«Le thème de la diversité linguistique ne peut être séparé de celui de la diversité culturelle. Une approche purement technique de ce thème comporte ce grand risque. Le thème de la diversité culturelle (et donc aussi linguistique) est un thème fondamental pour la Société de l'Information car il interfère avec tous les autres thèmes majeurs (droits humains, gouvernance, propriété intellectuelle, paix dans le monde...).»
Creator(s): Organisation internationale de la francophonie | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

La Francophonie dans le monde - Rapport du Haut Conseil de la francophonie 2004-2005 (available in French only)

« La Francophonie s’affirme de plus en plus comme un espace politique attractif qui occupe sa place sur la scène internationale et qui passe désormais de cinquante-six à soixante-trois Etats, sans pour autant abandonner cette coopération multiforme qui est la marque de la solidarité dont elle se fait le chantre. Le rapport du Haut Conseil se veut le reflet de cette évolution. »
Creator(s): Organisation internationale de la Francophonie - Haut Conseil de la francophonie | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Towards a New Beginning: A Foundational Report for a Strategy to Revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis Languages and Cultures

"On appointment, the Task Force received a mandate to propose a national strategy to preserve, revitalize and promote First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures."
Creator(s): Report to the Minister of Canadian Heritage by The Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Plan stratégique en matière de politique linguistique 2005-2008 (available in French only)

«Ce plan stratégique énonce les grandes orientations que privilégieront les organismes linguistiques au cours des prochaines années.»
Creator(s): Commission de toponymie, Conseil supérieur de la langue française, Office québécois de la langue française, Secrétariat à la politique linguistique | Date Published: 2005-04-04

Studies & Reports

UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Directory: Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

"Cultural and linguistic diversity, while stimulating respect for cultural identity, traditions and religions, is essential to the development of an Information Society based on the dialogue among cultures and regional and international cooperation. It is an important factor for sustainable development."
Creator(s): UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Walking the Talk - Language of work in the Federal Public Service - Special Study

"French remains underused as a language of work within bilingual regions. These are the conclusions that emerge from recent studies from the Treasury Board Secretariat and from numerous complaints addressed to the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

French on the Internet: Promotion Through Innovation

"This paper reports, therefore, on the follow-up to the 19 recommendations in the Commissioner’s special study of March 2002."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Official Languages in Canada; Changing the Language Landscape

"The purpose of this book is to present an overview of the accomplishments of the Canadian model of official bilingualism, based upon the coexistence of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and upon a partnership between federal and provincial governments in serving citizens' needs and interests."
Creator(s): Stacy Churchill | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

New Canadian Perspectives - Language and Bilingualism

"What we may call the economic approach to language is not, as yet, constituted of many well-defined propositions. Scholars and others who choose to reflect on language problems by making use of concepts and methods borrowed from economics have no more than a few papers, their imagination, and their sense of reality to guide them."
Creator(s): Albert Breton | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

For Rent : In Search of Bilingual Services from Businesses in NCR Federal Buildings

"The Government of Canada is committed to fostering the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society, as well as enhancing the bilingual character of the National Capital Region (NCR)."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

CRTC - 2004-2005 Action Plan - Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Language Act

"Under section 41, the federal government is committed to enhancing the vitality of English and French linguistic minority communities in Canada and to supporting and assisting their development, thus fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society."
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

L'intégration linguistique au Québec (available in French only)

« Nous élaborerons donc, aux fins de cette revue, une définition à partir de principes généraux : sont intégrés les immigrants qui ont la capacité d’utiliser l’une ou l’autre des langues en présence dans la société d’accueil dans leurs communications à caractère public. »
Creator(s): Nicole Lapierre Vincent | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Étude de facteurs associés à un usage prédominant du français ou de l'anglais chez les immigrants allophones arrivés au Québec adulte (available in French only)

« Le Québec admet en moyenne 30 000 immigrants par année depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale. De ce nombre, une part importante de personnes sont d’une langue maternelle autre que française ou anglaise et plusieurs ne connaissent pas ou peu ces langues à leur arrivée. Ces gens, et leurs descendants, sont bien souvent, et bien malgré eux, les acteurs du débat sur la situation et l’avenir du français au Québec. »
Creator(s): Alain Carpentier | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Linguistic Duality in Commercial Advertising and Sponsorships

"This study examines the place of Canada’s linguistic duality in commercial advertisements and sponsorship messages in publications of organizations subject to the Official Languages Act."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2003-09

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) Evaluation

"In April 2002 the Department of Canadian Heritage contracted Consilium to conduct an evaluation of the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI)."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-05-13

Studies & Reports

Summative Evaluation of the Court Challenges Program

"The Court Challenges Program (CCP) is a funding program created by the Department of Canadian Heritage."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-05-01

Studies & Reports

Action Plans - Implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act

"Action plans and status reports: 2002-2005, 1999-2002, 1998-1999, 1997-1999, 1996-1999"
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Education in a Multilingual World

"The purpose of this position paper, therefore, is to consider some of the central issues concerning languages and education and to provide related guidelines and principles."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Official languages and immigration: obstacles and opportunities for immigrants and communities

"The specific focus of this study are communities where an official language is spoken in a minority context and where there are currently too few immigrants compared with the national average."
Creator(s): Carsten Quell | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Qualitative Study of Official Language Minority Communities

"Industry Canada retained the services of COMPAS to conduct a qualitative study of public opinion for the purpose of assisting in the implementation of its action plan for section 41 (Part VII) of the Official Languages Act One of the study’s goals was to help the Department to better understand the needs of the official language minority communities (OLMCs). "
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-02

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: A ssimilation and Community Vitality (2nd Edition)

"This publication will attempt to explore the concepts of assimilation and community vitality, as well as the statistical evidence regarding the vitality of the Francophone communities outside Quebec. It will also seek to highlight trends and attempt to clarify certain issues related to the current demographic reality of Francophone communities outside Quebec."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Contribution à la 3e Conférence ministérielle sur la culture (available in French only)

« La troisième Conférence ministérielle de la Francophonie sur la Culture a constitué, les 14 et 15 juin 2001, un événement majeur parce que pour la première fois depuis dix ans, les 55 Etats et gouvernements membres ou observateurs de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie se sont réunis pour rénover leur coopération dans un secteur aussi crucial que la Culture, mais aussi pour se concentrer sur les meilleures réponses à apporter pour organiser la défense de la diversité culturelle. »
Creator(s): Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

A Profile of the Providers of Training in English or French as a Second Language

"This report presents findings of the 1998 survey of Providers of Training in English or French as a Second or Foreign Language in Canada. The purpose of the survey was to gather information at the Canada level and, where possible, at the regional level on the size of the industry, its characteristics and the role played by foreign students."
Creator(s): Training and Continuing Education Section, Centre for Education Statistics, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Special Study: The Government of Canada and French on the Internet

"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes the equality of status of the two official languages and Part VII of the Official Languages Act confirms the responsibility of all federal departments and agencies to enhance the vitality of the official language communities."
Creator(s): The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 1999-08

Studies & Reports

Documenting and Maintaining Native American Languages for the 21st Century: The Indiana University Model

"The five papers collected here describe the history of the Arikara Language Project and its implementation in the White Shield School in North Dakota, the Nakoda Language Program at Fort Belknap College in Montana, and the development of tools at the American Indian Studies Research Institute at Indiana University for computer language documentation and the creation of curriculum materials for these and other projects."
Creator(s): Douglas R. Parks, Julia Kushner, Wallace Hooper, Francis Flavin, Delilah Yellow Bird, Selena Ditmar | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Exploring the Economics of Language

"The present volume offers new and important empirical results on the economic worth of languages as well as new insights in theoretically vexing problems."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Status report : minority-language educational rights : the implementation of Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

"This study deals with the current situation in Canada with respect to minority-language instruction and the management of educational facilities by official-language minority groups."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Languages of the Land

"The NWT Literacy Council is a territorial-wide organization that supports and promotes literacy in all official languages of the NWT. Aboriginal language development and literacy has been an important part of the programs and services we deliver. Since 1994, we have worked in partnership with individuals and organizations involved in Aboriginal language development and revitalization."
Creator(s): NWT Literacy Council | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Language Codification: Cultural Effects

"As many indigenous communities in North America and elsewhere begin to develop language revitalization programs, they inevitably must face the decision of whether or not to incorporate written forms of their historically oral languages into their efforts."
Creator(s): Brian Bielenberg | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: Assimilation and Community Vitality (1st Edition)

"Linguistic assimilation is a phenomenon that is still poorly understood by the general public but one that generates a good deal of discussion, frequent emotion and occasional alarmist remarks. [T]his publication [...] tries to bring a certain ‘objectivization’ to the phenomenon of the linguistic assimilation of the Francophone minorities in Canada."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Economic Approaches to Language and Bilingualism

"In May 1995, the Department of Canadian Heritage invited a group of people from academia, business, and other backgrounds to informally discuss the different relationships that could be presumed to exist between Canada's official languages and the economy."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Official Languages in Canada: Changing the Language Landscape

"The purpose of this book is to present an overview of the accomplishments of the Canadian model of official bilingualism, based upon the coexistence of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and upon a partnership between federal and provincial governments in serving citizens' needs and interests."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Official Languages: Myths and Realities

"Language issues are a recurrent theme in Canadian federalism. The public debate about language issues is, however, often based on different understandings of what is meant by "bilingualism," "official languages", or "bilingual country". Comments, therefore, often reflect misconceptions about federal official languages policy."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Languages in Canada: Emerging Trends and Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition

"Aboriginal people are confronted with the fact that many of their languages are disappearing. Over the past 100 years or more, at least 10 once-flourishing languages have become extinct."
Creator(s): Mary Jane Norris, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-05-15

Studies & Reports

Immigration and the Vitality of Canada's Official Language Communities: Policy, Demography and Identity

"Historically, immigrants helped strengthen the position of the English-speaking population while the Francophone population relied primarily on natural increase for population growth. However, when the Francophone birth rate declined around the 1960s, immigration became important to Francophone population growth as well."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2002

General Reference

Zone francophone (available in French only)

« Le site est le portail des arts et de la culture de la francophonie canadienne. »
Creator(s): Zone francophone | Date Published: 2005

Guides & Case Studies

Consult the thesaurus

"A thesaurus is the vocabulary of a controlled indexing language formally organized so that the a priori relationships between concepts are made explicit. This tool is intended to help the user of the website when surfing through the various on-line national reports."
Creator(s): The European Heritage Network (HEREIN) | Date Published: 2005


Profile of book publishing and exclusive agency, for French language firms

"These tables contain statistical information related to the Profile of Book Publishing and Exclusive Agency, for French language firms."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2003-06-26


Statistiques - Taux de participation de la population de 15 ans et plus à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage, Québec, 1986, 1992 et 1998 (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives au taux de participation de la population de 15 ans et plus à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2003-04-28


Statistiques - Durée moyenne par participant du temps consacré à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage, population de 15 ans et plus, Québec, 1986, 1992 et 1998 (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à la durée moyenne par participant du temps consacré à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2003-04-28


Literacy in Canada: disparity between francophones and anglophones

"The international Adult Literacy Survey of 1994 is an important source of information about the literacy levels of Canadians as well as the factors that can explain the disparities between certain sub-populations. The current study shows and tries to explain some of the disparities between Francophones and Anglophones in Canada."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2000-12-22


Statistiques - Immigration, langue et origine ethnique (thème 3) - Québec (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à l'immigration, langue et origine ethnique. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2000-02-07


Statistiques - Immigration, langue et origine ethnique - Régions administratives du Québec (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à l'immigration, langue et origine ethnique par régions administratives du Québec. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2000-01-28


Percentage of Aboriginal Population 15 Years of Age or Older, by Ability to Speak an Aboriginal Language, Northwest Territories

"Percentage of Aboriginal Population 15 Years of Age or Older, by Ability to Speak an Aboriginal Language, Northwest Territories 1984-1999."
Creator(s): Northwest Territories Bureau of Statistics | Date Published: 1999


Foundation for Endangered Languages

"At this point in human history, most human languages are spoken by exceedingly few people. And that majority, the majority of languages, is about to vanish."


Office of Francophone Affairs

"Created under the French Language Services Act, the Office is the Ontario Government's main source of expertise on francophone affairs and French-language services."


European Centre for Modern Languages

"The area of modern languages is one of primary concern for the Council of Europe; indeed, to achieve better European integration, important prerequisites are the improvement of communication - both at a quantitative and qualitative level - between the Member States and furthering mutual understanding between citizens, whose diverse linguistic and cultural traditions are a source of mutual enrichment."


French Coalition for Cultural Diversity

"The French Coalition for Cultural Diversity defends cultural Diversity endangered by international commercial negotiations."



Musique Francophone


Office Québecois de la langue française

« L'Office québécois de la langue française est un organisme gouvernemental qui a pour mission de définir et de conduire la politique québécoise en matière d’officialisation linguistique et de terminologie ainsi que de francisation de l’Administration et des entreprises. »


Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

« L'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie regroupe 56 Etats et gouvernements ayant le français en partage. Son siège se trouve à Paris et son Secrétariat général est dirigé par Abdou Diouf. »


Agence universitaire de la francophonie

« La présence des implantations de l'Agence sur le terrain permet de mieux connaître les besoins réels des universités, d'adapter ses programmes en conséquence et de développer avec les universitaires de la région des partenariats au quotidien, qui trouvent leur forme juridique dans des conventions universitaires conduisant le plus souvent possible à la double diplômation. »


Centre international francophone de documentation et d'information

« Le Centre international francophone de documentation et d'information de l'Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie est rattaché à l'Institut francophone des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la formation (INTIF). »

Legislation & Regulations

The Charter of the French Language

"The Quebec Official Language Law"
Creator(s): Governement of Quebec | Date Published: 2004-11-09

Legislation & Regulations

The French Language Services Act - Canada

"The French Language Services Act (complete text of the act) guarantees each individual the right to receive provincial government services in French in 23 designated areas of the province."
Creator(s): Office of Francophone Affairs | Date Published: 2004-04-16

Legislation & Regulations

Official Languages Act: In Brief

"This document was prepared to explain the purpose and provisions of the 1988 Official Languages Act, which reflects and implements the language rights recognized by the Constitution and, in particular, by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1993

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Fédération culturelle canadienne-française (FCCF) - Info

Fédération culturelle canadienne-française (FCCF) - Info
Creator(s): Fédération culturelle canadienne-française

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Bulletin 41-42: Department of Canadian Heritage Official Languages

Bulletin 41-42: Department of Canadian Heritage Official Languages
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage


La Francophonie
August 2004

Featured from August to September 2004




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Some of the material available in the resource collection originates with an organization not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available on this site in the language in which it was written.
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9758 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-12-11 Important Notices